Title: ECE%20352%20Systems%20II
1ECE 352 Systems II
- Manish K. Gupta, PhD
- Office Caldwell Lab 278
- Email guptam _at_ ece. osu. edu
- Home Page http//www.ece.osu.edu/guptam
- TA Zengshi Chen Email chen.905 _at_ osu. edu
- Office Hours for TA in CL 391 Tu Th
100-230 pm - Home Page http//www.ece.osu.edu/chenz/
- Various graphics used here has been taken from
public resources instead of redrawing it. Thanks
to those who have created it. - Thanks to Brian L. Evans and Mr. Dogu Arifler
- Thanks to Randy Moses and Bradley Clymer
- Slides edited from
- Prof. Brian L. Evans and Mr. Dogu Arifler Dept.
of Electrical and Computer Engineering The
University of Texas at Austin course - EE 313 Linear Systems and Signals Fall
4Continuous-Time Domain Analysis
- Example Differential systems
- There are n derivatives of y(t) and m derivatives
of f(t) - Constants a0, a1, , an-1 and b0, b1, , bm
- Linear constant-coefficient differential equation
- Using short-hand notation,above equation becomes
5Continuous-Time Domain Analysis
- PolynomialsQ(D) and P(D)where an 1
- Recall n derivatives of y(t) and m derivatives of
f(t) - We will see that this differential system behaves
as an (m-n)th-order differentiator of high
frequency signals if m gt n - Noise occupies both low and high frequencies
- We will see that a differentiator amplifies high
frequencies. To avoid amplification of noise in
high frequencies, we assume that m ? n
6Continuous-Time Domain Analysis
- Linearity for any complex constants c1 and c2,
7Continuous-Time Domain Analysis
- For a linear system,
- The two components are independent of each other
- Each component can be computed independently of
the other
8Continuous-Time Domain Analysis
- Zero-input response
- Response when f(t)0
- Results from internal system conditions only
- Independent of f(t)
- For most filtering applications (e.g. your stereo
system), we want no zero-input response.
- Zero-state response
- Response to non-zero f(t) when system is relaxed
- A system in zero state cannot generate any
response for zero input. - Zero state corresponds to initial conditions
being zero.
9Zero-Input Response
- Simplest case
- Solution
- For arbitrary constant C
- Could C be complex?
- How is C determined?
10Zero-Input Response
- General case
- The linear combination of y0(t) and its n
successive derivatives are zero. - Assume that y0(t) C e l t
11Zero-Input Response
- Substituting into the differential equation
- y0(t) C el t is a solution provided that Q(l)
0. - Factor Q(l) to obtain n solutionsAssuming
that no two li terms are equal
12Zero-Input Response
- Could li be complex? If complex,
- For conjugate symmetric roots, and conjugate
symmetric constants,
13Zero-Input Response
- For repeated roots, the solution changes.
- Simplest case of a root l repeated twice
- With r repeated roots
14System Response
- Characteristic equation
- Q(D)y(t) 0
- The polynomial Q(l)
- Characteristic of system
- Independent of the input
- Q(l) roots l1, l2, , ln
- Characteristic roots a.k.a. characteristic
values, eigenvalues, natural frequencies
- Characteristic modes (or natural modes) are the
time-domain responses corresponding to the
characteristic roots - Determine zero-input response
- Influence zero-state response
15RLC Circuit
- Component values
- L 1 H, R 4 W, C 1/40 F
- Realistic breadboard components?
- Loop equations
- (D2 4 D 40) y0(t) 0
- Characteristic polynomial
- l2 4 l 40 (l 2 - j 6)(l 2 j 6)
- Initial conditions
- y(0) 2 A
- ý(0) 16.78 A/s
y0(t) 4 e-2t cos(6t - p/3) A
16Linear Time-Invariant System
- Any linear time-invariant system (LTI) system,
continuous-time or discrete-time, can be uniquely
characterized by its - Impulse response response of system to an
impulse - Frequency response response of system to a
complex exponential e j 2 p f for all possible
frequencies f - Transfer function Laplace transform of impulse
response - Given one of the three, we can find other two
provided that they exist
May or may not exist
May or may not exist
17Impulse response
- Impulse response of a system is response of the
system to an input that is a unit impulse (i.e.,
a Dirac delta functional in continuous time)
18Example Frequency Response
- System response to complex exponential e j w for
all possible frequencies w where w 2 p f - Passes low frequencies, a.k.a. lowpass filter
? H(w)
Phase Response
Magnitude Response
19Kronecker Impulse
- Let dk be a discrete-time impulse function,
a.k.a. the Kronecker delta function - Impulse response hk response of a
discrete-time LTI system to a discrete impulse
20Transfer Functions
21Zero-State Response
- Q(D) y(t) P(D) f(t)
- All initial conditions are 0 in zero-state
response - Laplace transform of differential equation,
zero-state component
22Transfer Function
- H(s) is called the transfer function because it
describes how input is transferred to the output
in a transform domain (s-domain in this case) - Y(s) H(s) F(s)
- y(t) L-1H(s) F(s) h(t) f(t) ? H(s)
Lh(t) - The transfer function is the Laplace transform of
the impulse response
23Transfer Function
- Stability conditions for an LTIC system
- Asymptotically stable if and only if all the
poles of H(s) are in left-hand plane (LHP). The
poles may be repeated or non-repeated. - Unstable if and only if either one or both of
these conditions hold (i) at least one pole of
H(s) is in right-hand plane (RHP) (ii) repeated
poles of H(s) are on the imaginary axis. - Marginally stable if and only if there are no
poles of H(s) in RHP, and some non-repeated poles
are on the imaginary axis.
- Laplace transform
- Assume input f(t) output y(t) are causal
- Ideal delay of T seconds
- Ideal integrator with
- y(0-) 0
- Ideal differentiator with f(0-) 0
26Cascaded Systems
- Assume input f(t) and output y(t) are causal
- Integrator first,then differentiator
- Differentiator first,then integrator
- Common transfer functions
- A constant (finite impulse response)
- A polynomial (finite impulse response)
- Ratio of two polynomials (infinite impulse
27Frequency-Domain Interpretation
- y(t) H(s) e s tfor a particular value of s
- Recall definition offrequency response
ej 2p f t
28Frequency-Domain Interpretation
- s is generalized frequency s s j 2 p f
- We may convert transfer function into frequency
response by if and only if region of convergence
of H(s) includes the imaginary axis - What about h(t) u(t)?
- We cannot convert this to a frequency response
- However, this system has a frequency response
- What about h(t) d(t)?
29Unilateral Laplace Transform
- Differentiation in time property
- f(t) u(t)
- What is f (0)? f(t) d(t).f (0) is
undefined. - By definition of differentiation
- Right-hand limit, h ? ? h 0, f (0) 0
- Left-hand limit, h -? ? h 0, f (0-) does not
30Block Diagrams
- Cascade
- W(s) H1(s)F(s) Y(s)
H2(s)W(s) - Y(s) H1(s)H2(s)F(s) ? Y(s)/F(s) H1(s)H2(s)
- One can switch the order of the cascade of two
LTI systems if both LTI systems compute to exact
precision - Parallel Combination
- Y(s) H1(s)F(s) H2(s)F(s)
- Y(s)/F(s) H1(s) H2(s)
- Feedback System
- Combining these two equations
- What happens if H(s) is a constant K?
- Choice of K controls all poles in the transfer
function - This will be a common LTI system in Intro. to
Automatic Control Class (required for EE majors)
- Many possible definitions
- Two key issues for practical systems
- System response to zero input
- System response to non-zero but finite amplitude
(bounded) input
- For zero-input response
- If a system remains in a particular state (or
condition) indefinitely, then state is an
equilibrium state of system - Systems output due to nonzero initial conditions
should approach 0 as t?? - Systems output generated by initial conditions
is made up of characteristic modes
- Three cases for zero-input response
- A system is stable if and only if all
characteristic modes ? 0 as t ? ? - A system is unstable if and only if at least one
of the characteristic modes grows without bound
as t ? ? - A system is marginally stable if and only if the
zero-input response remains bounded (e.g.
oscillates between lower and upper bounds) as t ?
36Characteristic Modes
- Distinct characteristic roots l1, l2, , ln
- Where l s j win Cartesian form
- Units of w are in radians/second
37Characteristic Modes
- Repeated roots
- For r repeated roots of value l.
- For positive k
- Decaying exponential decays faster thantk
increases for any value of k - One can see this by using the Taylor Series
approximation for elt about t 0
38Stability Conditions
- An LTIC system is asymptotically stable if and
only if all characteristic roots are in LHP. The
roots may be simple (not repeated) or repeated. - An LTIC system is unstable if and only if either
one or both of the following conditions exist - (i) at least one root is in the right-hand plane
(RHP) - (ii) there are repeated roots on the imaginary
axis. - An LTIC system is marginally stable if and only
if there are no roots in the RHP, and there are
no repeated roots on imaginary axis.
39Response to Bounded Inputs
- Stable system a bounded input (in amplitude)
should give a bounded response (in amplitude) - Linear-time-invariant (LTI) system
- Bounded-Input Bounded-Output (BIBO) stable
40Impact of Characteristic Modes
- Zero-input response consists of the systems
characteristic modes - Stable system ? characteristic modes decay
exponentially and eventually vanish - If input has the form of a characteristic mode,
then the system will respond strongly - If input is very different from the
characteristic modes, then the response will be
41Impact of Characteristic Modes
- Example First-order system with characteristic
mode e l t - Three cases
42System Time Constant
- When an input is applied to a system, a certain
amount of time elapses before the system fully
responds to that input - Time lag or response time is the system time
constant - No single mathematical definition for all cases
- Special case RC filter
- Time constant is t RC
- Instant of time at whichh(t) decays to e-1 ?
0.367 of its maximum value
43System Time Constant
- General case
- Effective duration is th seconds where area under
h(t) - C is an arbitrary constant between 0 and 1
- Choose th to satisfy this inequality
- General case appliedto RC time constant
44Step Response
- y(t) h(t) u(t)
- Here, tr is the rise time of the system
- How does the rise time tr relate to the system
time constant of the impulse response? - A system generally does not respond to an input
A th
- A system cannot effectively respond to periodic
signals with periods shorter than th - This is equivalent to a filter that passes
frequencies from 0 to 1/th Hz and attenuates
frequencies greater than 1/th Hz (lowpass filter) - 1/th is called the cutoff frequency
- 1/tr is called the systems bandwidth (tr th)
- Bandwidth is the width of the band of positive
frequencies that are passed unchanged from
input to output
46Transmission of Pulses
- Transmission of pulses through a system (e.g.
communication channel) increases the pulse
duration (a.k.a. spreading or dispersion) - If the impulse response of the system has
duration th and pulse had duration tp seconds,
then the output will have duration th tp
47System Realization
48Passive Circuit Elements
- Laplace transforms with zero-valued initial
conditions - Capacitor
Transfer Function
49First-Order RC Lowpass Filter
Time domain
Laplace domain
50Passive Circuit Elements
- Laplace transforms with non-zero initial
conditions - Capacitor
51Operational Amplifier
- Ideal case model this nonlinear circuit as
linear and time-invariant - Input impedance is extremely high (considered
infinite) - vx(t) is very small (considered zero)
52Operational Amplifier Circuit
- Assuming that Vx(s) 0,
- How to realize gain of 1?
- How to realize gain of 10?
- A differentiator amplifies high frequencies, e.g.
high-frequency components of noise - H(s) s where s s j 2p f
- Frequency response is H(f) j 2 p f ? H( f )
2 p f - Noise has equal amounts of low and high
frequencies up to a physical limit - A differentiator may amplify noise to drown out a
signal of interest - In analog circuit design, one would use
integrators instead of differentiators
54Initial and Final Values
- Values of f(t) as t ? 0 and t ? ? may be computed
from its Laplace transform F(s) - Initial value theorem
- If f(t) and its derivative df/dt have Laplace
transforms, then provided
that the limit on the right-hand side of the
equation exists. - Final value theorem
- If both f(t) and df/dt have Laplace transforms,
then provided that s
F(s) has no poles in the RHP or on the imaginary
55Final and Initial Values Example
- Transfer function
- Poles at s 0, s -1 ? j2
- Zero at s -3/2
Initial Value
Final Value