Handoff%20Management - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The new time slot could be a subrated channel of the currently used full-rate traffic channel. ... the same information from/to several BSs using multiple radio ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Handoff%20Management

Chapter 4
  • Handoff Management
  • Radio Link Transfer

  • There are several alternatives for classifying
    link transfer procedures.
  • hard handoff-oriented or
  • soft handoff-oriented.

Hard Handoff
  • For hard handoff, the mobile station (MS)
    connects with only one base station (BS) at a
    time, and there is usually some interruption in
    the conversation during the link transition.
  • Hard handoff is typically used in TDMA and FDMA

Soft Handoff
  • The MS receives /transmits the same signals
    from/to multiple BSs simultaneously.
  • The network must combine the signals from the
    multiple BSs in some way.
  • Thus soft handoff is more complicated than hard

  • Hard handoff for mobile-controlled handoff
    (MCHO), network-controlled handoff (NCHO),
    mobile-assisted handoff (MAHO), subrating under
    TDMA systems,
  • Soft handoff for MAHO under CDMA systems or some
    TDMA systems with macro diversity.

4.1 Link Transfer Types
  • Two operations must take place for a successful
    link transfer
  • The radio link must be transferred from the old
    BS to the new BS.
  • The network must bridge the link to the new BS
    into the existing call and drop the link to the
    old BS.

Link transfer
  • Link transfer can be made from one channel to
    another channel on the same BS or from one BS to
    another BS, which subtends the same controller or
  • In these two cases, the network operation is
    relatively simple.
  • Alternatively, the handoff can take place
    between BSs whose common point is much higher in
    the switching hierarchy of the network, in which
    case, the network operation can be expensive,
    time-consuming, and difficult.

Link Transfer cases
  • Intracell handoff.
  • Intercell handoff or inter-BS handoff.
  • Inter-BSC handoff.
  • Intersystem handoff or inter-MSC handoff.
  • Intersystem handoff between two PCS networks.

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Intracell handoff.
  • The link transfer is performed between two time
    slots or channels in the same BS. For a TDMA
    system, intracell handoff is also referred to as
    time slot transfer (TST).

Intercell handoff or inter-BS handoff.
  • The link transfer is performed between two BSs
    attached to the same base station controller
    (BSC) see Figure 4.1(a).

Inter-BSC handoff.
  • The link is transferred between two BSs connected
    to different BSCs on the same mobile switching
    center (MSC) see Figure 4.1(b).

Intersystem handoff or inter-MSC handoff.
  • The link transfer takes place at two BSs
    connected to different BSCs on different MSCs
    see Figure 4.1(c).

Intersystem handoff between two PCS networks.
  • The link transfer is between two BSs connected to
    different MSCs homing to different PCS networks.

Handoff effect
  • holding time 60 seconds.
  • 0.5 inter-BS handoffs,
  • 0.1 inter-BSC handoffs, and
  • 0.05 inter-MSC handoffs.

4.2 Hard Handoff
MCHO Link Transfer
  • In MCHO, when a handoff is needed, a new radio
    channel is selected by the MS, and a handoff
    request message is transmitted by the MS to the
    new BS.
  • The handoff can also be initiated by the network.
    It is, however, still the responsibility of the
    MS to choose the best BS.

Failure case
  • In the case of a handoff failure, the MS
    link-quality maintenance process must decide what
    to do next.
  • There are several possibilities. The MS may
    choose to
  • Initiate another handoff to the "next best"
  • Simply stay on the old channel.
  • Try again later.
  • Perform some other action appropriate for the

MCHO message flow for inter-BS handoff
  • Step 1. To initiate handoff, the MS temporarily
    suspends the voice conversation by sending a link
    suspend message to the old BS.
  • Step 2. The MS sends a handoff request message
    through an idle time slot of the new BS to the
  • Step 3. The new BS sends a handoff acknowledgment
    message and marks the slot busy. The network may
    check other parameters to ensure that it wishes
    to complete the handoff.

  • Step 4. Upon receipt of the handoff
    acknowledgment message from the network, the MS
    returns to the old assigned channel by sending a
    link resume message to the old BS.
  • Step 5. The MS continues voice communication
    while the network prepares for the handoff.
  • Step 6. Upon receipt of a handoff request
    message, the new BS checks if it already controls
    this call. If so, it is an intra-BS handoff. The
    BS sends a handoff acknowledgment message and
    reconfigures itself to effect the handoff. If it
    is an inter-BS handoff, the new BS acquires the
    cipher key from the old BS through the MSC. This
    session privacy key is transferred to the privacy
    coder associated with the new channel.

  • Step 7. The MSC inserts a bridge into the
    conversation path and bridges in the new BS.
  • Steps 8 and 10. Finally, the network informs the
    MS to execute the handoff via both the old and
    new BSs by sending the handoff execution
    messages, 8 and 10, respectively.
  • Step 9. The MS releases the old channel by
    sending an access release message to the old BS.
    Note that messages 8 and 9 are not exchanged if
    the old channel fails before the new channel is

  • Step 11. Once the MS has made the transfer to the
    new BS, it sends the network a handoff complete
    message through the new channel, and resumes
    voice communication. The network can then remove
    the bridge from the path and free up resources
    associated with the old channel.

  • Bridges used for handoff should be inserted as
    quickly as possible. Bridges used in existing
    switching systems (such as "loudest talker" and
    "additive" bridges) may be adequate. However, it
    is possible that specific characteristics will be
    required in the future, possibly necessitating
    specialized bridges.
  • DECT follows a similar MCHO procedure except that
    the selected new channel and the old channel may
    use the same carrier frequency. In this case, the
    MS does not need to switch frequency this DECT
    handoff is referred to as seamless handoff.

4.2.2 MAHO/NCHO Link Transfer
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MAHO/NCHO Link Transfer
  • Step 1. The MS transmits the radio link
    measurement report to the old BS. In GSM, this
    information is updated every 0.5 seconds.
  • Step 2. When the old BS determines that a handoff
    is required, it sends a handoff required message
    to the MSC. In terms of actions on the network
    side, the handoff is originated by the old BS in
    MAHO/NCHO, whereas in MCHO, the handoff is
    initiated by the new BS.
  • Step 3. When the MSC receives the handoff
    required message, it examines the list of the
    candidate BSs supplied by the old BS and selects
    the highest-ranked BS with an available channel.
    Then it sends a handoff request message to the
    new BS-the target BS for handoff.

  • Steps 4 and 5. When the new BS acknowledges the
    request, the MSC sends the handoff command
    message with the information regarding the new BS
    and the ItF channel to the old BS.
  • Step 6. The old BS commands the MS to transfer
    the link to the new BS.
  • Step 7. The MS tunes to the new RF channel,
    establishes the channel to the new BS, and sends
    the handoff complete message to the new BS.

  • Steps 8 and 9. The new BS informs the MSC of the
    handoff completion by the handoff complete
    message. The MSC then clears the link to the old
    BS by the clear command message.
  • Step 10. The handoff procedure is complete when
    the old BS acknowledges the clear command message.

  • In MAHO or NCHO, the handoff command to the
    MS-message 6 in Figure 4.3-is sent over the
    failing link. The handoff procedure fails if the
    MS does not receive this message. In MCHO, the
    handoff request message-message 2 in Figure
    4.2-is sent by the MS to the new BS on the new,
    more reliable, link. As a result, the success of
    the handoff does not depend on any signaling
    message over the failing link. Another advantage
    of MCHO is that it is not necessary to transmit
    measurement information via the air interface,
    thus reducing the signaling overhead required to
    maintain the call.

4.2.3 Subrating MCHO Link Transfer
  • The procedure of subrating a full-rate channel
    into subrated channels for a handoff request
    consists of three parts
  • 1.Requesting the handoff.
  • 2.Subrating an existing call.
  • 3.Assigning the newly created subrated channel to
    the MS requesting the handoff.

Subrating procedure
Subrating procedure
  • Step 1. When Nlshandoff detects the need for a
    handoff, it attempts to seize an available
    traffic channel. If an idle channel is found, the
    link transfer follows the MCHO procedure
    described in Section 4.2.1. If no traffic
    channels are available, the MS synchronizes to a
    common signaling channel (CSC) and transmits a
    priority access request message.
  • Step 2. The new BS responds with either a
    priority channel assignment message or a priority
    access acknowledgment message. In the former
    case, the BS has a nonbusy channel, which it can
    immediately make available to the MS. In the
    latter case, the BS does not have an available
    channel and is simply acknowledging the receipt
    of the request message. The MS must continue to
    monitor the CSC for a priority channel assignment
    message. If no channel is available within a
    timeout period, the handoff call is forced to

  • Steps 3 and 4. An existing caller, MSeXsting,
    receives a time slot transfer message commanding
    it to perform a time slot transfer to a subrated
    channel. This action frees up a subrated channel
    for MShandoff, the MS requesting the handoff.
    This message is acknowledged by the transmission
    of the transfer complete message. The time slot
    transfer message is used by the MS to command an
    MSC to transfer the time slot in the same BS. The
    new time slot could be a subrated channel of the
    currently used full-rate traffic channel. This
    same message is sent to return both calls to
    full-rate time slots once a traffic channel
    becomes available.

  • Step 5. MShanaoff is informed of the newly
    available subrated traffic channel via the
    priority channel assignment message.
  • Steps 6 and 7. After receiving it, the MS
    synchronizes to the available channel and
    transmits a handoff request message, which will
    be answered by the handoff complete message. The
    subrated channels are switched back to full-rate
    channels immediately after some occupied channels
    are released, as shown in steps 812 in Figure 4.4.

  • Step 8. When a user, Weaving/ terminates an
    existing call or performs its own handoff away
    from the BS, it transmits an access release
    message and releases its channel. The released
    channel may be either a full-rate channel or a
    subrated channel. Assuming that the channel is
    full-rate, the channel is not made available for
    access this time. Instead, two subrated channels
    are switched back to full-rate channels, as
    described in the next steps.
  • Steps 9-12. The released full-rate channel is
    assigned to either MSeXisting or Nlshandoff
    through the timeslot transfer and transfer
    complete message exchange both of these users
    now enjoy full-rate transmission.

Emergency access
  • It follows that this access protocol should be
    generalized to also include a means for emergency
    access. To accomplish this, the message elements
    of the priority access request and the priority
    access acknowledgment messages should include an
    access random number to resolve collisions and to
    temporarily identify the MS requesting priority
    access, the type

4.3 Soft Handoff
  • Before we discuss soft handoff, we first
    introduce the code division multiple access
    (CDMA) direct sequence spread spectrum
    technology. In this approach, the
    information-bearing signal is multiplied with
    another fasterrate, wider-bandwidth digital
    signal that may carry a unique orthogonal code.
    This second signal is referred to as a
    pseudo-noise sequence (PN sequence). The mixed
    signal looks very similar to a noise signal, but
    contains the information signal embedded in its
    code. The mixing operation is called "spreading."
    To recover the information-bearing signal, the
    receiving end must use the same PN sequence to
    "despread" the mixed signal. Thus, CDMA allows
    many users to share a common frequency/ time
    channel for transmission, and the user signals
    are distinguished by spreading them with
    different PN sequences. Also, an MS can transmit/
    receive the same information to/from several BSs
    if they have the same PN sequence. In other
    words, in a CDMA-based mobile system, an MS may
    simultaneously receive/send the same information
    from/to several BSs using multiple radio links.
    The signaling and voice information from multiple
    BSs are typically combined (or bridged) at the
    MSC, and the MSC selects the highest-quality
    signals from the BSs. Similarly, voice and
    signaling information must be sent from the MSC
    to multiple BSs, and the MS must combine the
    results. Thus, within the overlap area of two
    cells, an MS can simultaneously connect to both
    the old and the new BSs, and the link transfer
    procedure is no longer time-critical.
  • The following subsections describe the
    procedures for adding and removing BSs with MAHO
    soft handoff.

4.3.1 Adding a New BS
  • CDMA BSs transmit pilot signals that assist MSs
    to track/ synchronize the BS downlink signals.
    The MSs measure the strength of the pilot signals
    of the serving BSs, that is, the old BS and the
    surrounding BSs. If the pilot signal strength of
    a surrounding BS-the new BS-exceeds a threshold,
    then the link between the MS and the new BS is
    established. The MAHO procedure of adding a new
    link to an MS is described in the following
    steps. The message flow is illustrated in Figure

(No Transcript)
Adding a New BS
  • Step 1. The MS sends a pilot strength measurement
    message to the old BS, indicating the new BS to
    be added.
  • Steps 2 and 3. The old BS sends a handoff request
    message to the MSC. If the MSC accepts the
    handoff request, it sends a handoff request
    message to the new BS.
  • Step 4.The new BS sends a null traffic message to
    the MS to prepare the establishment of the
    communication link.

  • Steps 5 and 6. The new BS sends a join request
    message to the MSC. The MSC bridges the
    connection for the two BSs, as described in
    Chapter 4, Section 4.2.2, so that the handoff can
    be processed without breaking the connection.
  • Steps 7-10. The new BS sends a handoff
    acknowledgment message to the old BS via the MSC.
    The old BS instructs the MS to add a link to the
    new BS by exchanging handoff command and handoff
    complete messages.

  • Steps 11-14. The old BS and the MSC conclude this
    procedure by exchanging the required handoff
    information. The quality of the new link is
    guaranteed by the exchange of the pilot
    measurement request and the pilot strength
    measurement message pair between the MS and the
    new BS.

  • In soft handoff MAHO, the link between the MS and
    the old BS may be of good quality. On the other
    hand, in hard handoff MAHO, the MS and the old BS
    typically communicate through a failing link.

4.3.2 Dropping a BS
  • If the signal strength on the link between a BS
    and the MS falls below a predetermined threshold,
    the MS requests to remove the BS. Assume that the
    old BS is to be dropped. The MAHO procedure of
    dropping an old link from an MS is described in
    the following steps.

Dropping a BS
Drooping a BS
  • Steps 1-3. The MS sends a pilot strength message
    to the old BS to remove the BS with the failing
    link. The old BS and the MS exchange the handoff
    command message pair to remove the link.
  • Steps 4 and 5. The old BS sends the relevant call
    record information to the new BS by exchanging
    the interface primary transfer message pair.

  • Steps 6-9. The new BS and the MSC exchange the
    handoff information message pair to indicate the
    failing link to be dropped. Then the new BS and
    the MS exchange the pilot measurement message
    pair to ensure that the communication between the
    MS and the network can be continued after
    dropping the failing link to the old BS.
  • Steps 10 and 11. The MSC and the old BS exchange
    the remove link message pair to remove the bridge
    between the new and the old BSs and other

  • In addition to soft handoff, two other types of
    link transfer are defined for IS-95 CDMA softer
    handoff and hard handoff.
  • In many existing IS-95 cellular systems, a BS
    is designed with threesector directional antenna.
    Softer handoff occurs when the MS is in handoff
    between two different sectors at the same BS.
  • Cal

Handoff Management Radio Link Transfer
  • Hard handoff occurs in IS-95 systems when the two
    BSs connected tc an MS are not synchronized or
    are not on the same frequency band.
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