One%20Blood - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: One%20Blood

Review Note how Hams Descendants intermingled
in Arabia and Middle East as well as Africa (note
also how Canaans remained very localized)
Hams children in Genesis 106-7
Note again the geographic boundaries of Canaan
For Further Study
The modern concept or races has a sad history
of evolutionary racist connection
The Australian Aborigines, for instance, were
considered the missing links between the apelike
ancestor and the rest of mankind. 1 This
resulted in terrible prejudices and injustices
towards the Australian Aborigines. 2 1
Missing links with mankind in early dawn of
history, New York Tribune, p. 11, February 10,
1924. 2 D. Monaghan, The body-snatchers, The
Bulletin, November 12, 1991, pp. 3038 Blacks
slain for sciences white superiority theory, The
Daily Telegraph Mirror, April 26, 1994.
The modern concept or races has a sad history
of evolutionary racist connection
One famous and influential early evolutionist
wrote At the lowest stage of human mental
development are the Australians, some tribes of
the Polynesians, and the Bushmen, Hottentots, and
some of the Negro tribes. Nothing, however, is
perhaps more remarkable in this respect, than
that some of the wildest tribes in southern Asia
and eastern Africa have no trace whatever of the
first foundations of all human civilization, of
family life, and marriage. They live together in
herds, like apes. -- E. Haeckel, The History of
Creation, 1876, p. 363363
The evolutionary concept of races is not only
bad theology, its bad science!
Scientists today admit that, biologically, there
really is only one race of humans. For instance,
a scientist at the Advancement of Science
Convention in Atlanta stated, Race is a social
construct derived mainly from perceptions
conditioned by events of recorded history, and it
has no basic biological reality. This person
went on to say, Curiously enough, the idea comes
very close to being of American manufacture.
R.L. Hotz, Race has no basis in biology,
researchers say, Cincinnati Enquirer, p. A3,
February 20, 1997
The evolutionary concept of races is not only
bad theology, its bad science!
Reporting on research conducted on the concept of
race, ABC News stated, More and more scientists
find that the differences that set us apart are
cultural, not racial. Some even say that the word
race should be abandoned because its
meaningless. The article went on to say that we
accept the idea of race because its a convenient
way of putting people into broad categories,
frequently to suppress themthe most hideous
example was provided by Hitlers Germany. And
racial prejudice remains common throughout the
world. -- Were all the same, ABC News,
September 10, 1998,
ce/ DyeHard/dye72.html
The evolutionary concept of races is not only
bad theology, its bad science!
In an article in the Journal of Counseling and
Development 1998, Vol. 76, p. 277285,
researchers argued that the term race is
basically so meaningless that it should be
discarded. More recently, those working on
mapping the human genome announced that they had
put together a draft of the entire sequence of
the human genome, and the researchers had
unanimously declared, there is only one racethe
human race. N. Angier, Do races differ? Not
really, DNA shows, New York Times web, Aug. 22,
The evolutionary concept of races is not only
bad theology, its bad science!
The truth, though, is that these so-called
racial characteristics skin color and eye
shape are only minor variations among people
groups. If one were to take any two people
anywhere in the world, scientists have found that
the basic genetic differences between these two
people would typically be around 0.2 percenteven
if they came from the same people group. But
these so-called racial characteristics that
people think are major differences (skin color,
eye shape, etc.) account for only 0.012 percent
of human biological variation. http//www.answers
The evolutionary concept of races is not only
bad theology, its bad science!
Dr. Harold Page Freeman, chief executive,
president, and director of surgery at North
General Hospital in Manhattan, reiterates, If
you ask what percentage of your genes is
reflected in your external appearance, the basis
by which we talk about race, the answer seems to
be in the range of 0.01 percent.
The evolutionary concept of races is not only
bad theology, its bad science!
Dr. Harold Page Freeman, chief executive,
president, and director of surgery at North
General Hospital in Manhattan, reiterates, If
you ask what percentage of your genes is
reflected in your external appearance, the basis
by which we talk about race, the answer seems to
be in the range of 0.01 percent.
The evolutionary concept of races is not only
bad theology, its bad science!
In other words, the so-called racial
differences are absolutely trivial overall,
there is more variation within any group than
there is between one group and another. If a
white person is looking for a tissue match for an
organ transplant, for instance, the best match
may come from a black person, and vice versa. ABC
News claims, What the facts show is that there
are differences among us, but they stem from
culture, not race. http//www.answersingenesis.o
Race as defined by the authoritative Oxford
English Dictionary
  • A group of persons, animals, or plants, connected
    by common descent or origin
  • 5. One of the great divisions of living
  • a. In early use always the human race, the
    race of men or mankind, etc.
  • b. A class or kind of beings other than men or
  • c. One of the chief classes of animals (as
    beasts, birds, fishes, insects, etc.)
  • The Compact Edition of the Oxford English
    Dictionary, Vol. 2, p. 2400.

Race as defined by the updated Concise Oxford
English Dictionary (11th ed., 2004)
usage In recent years, the associations of race
with the ideologies and theories that grew out of
the work of 19th-century anthropologists and
physiologists has led to the use of the word race
itself becoming problematic. Although still used
in general contexts, it is now often replaced by
other words which are less emotionally charged,
such as people(s) or community.
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The Following Slides are Available Online and
Come from Online Powerpoint Presentations
Generously Provided by Dr Thomas J Kindell and
Mike Riddle at
God that made the worldhath made of one blood
all nations of men for to dwell on all the face
of the earth Acts 1724,26 KJV
We all have the same skin color
AABBCC AABBcc AaBbCc Aabbcc aabbcc
Just different amounts of it!
Shades skin color
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Tower of Babel
The Biblical Worldview or our Origin
Tower of Babel
The evolutionary worldview of our origin
Your Worldview Matters
An Australian Aborigine Most Ancient or
Primitive of Living Men
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At some future period, not very distant as
measured by centuries, the civilized races of man
will almost certainly exterminate and replace the
savage races throughout the world. (Charles
Darwin, The Descent of Man)
It is generally admitted that with women the
powers of intuition, of rapid perception, and
perhaps of imitation, are more strongly marked
than in man but some, at least, of these
faculties are characteristic of the lower races,
and therefore of a past and lower state of
Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man
Hitlers book was full of his racist
philosophy. 1924
The German Fuhrerhas consistently sought to
make the practice of Germany conform to the
theory of evolution.
Evolution and Ethics 1947, Sir Arthur Keith, pg.
Was this just limited to German white
supremacists in the 19th-20th century?
New York Tribunal newspaper, 1924 (About the
Tasmanian Aboriginals)
Missing Links With Mankind in Early dawn of
These people are from a lower order of the human
1904 St Louis World's Fair
In New York (not the South) only a century ago,
an African was on display in the monkey house of
Bronx Zoo
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