Title: ASTM E28.04 Workshop
1ASTM E28.04 Workshop
- Len Manning, Dofasco
- Affect of Proposed Changes on
- the Mechanical Properties of
- Low Carbon and HSLA Steels
2Dofasco - Study Set Up
- Materials Used
- - Low C steel - 0.02 C, 0.30 Mn, 30ksi Yield
- - HSLA steel 0.06 C, 0.65 Mn, 0.02 Cb, 50 ksi
Yield - Sample Prep
- all tensile coupons of each material cut from one
sample sheet. - E8 Sheet type specimens prepared
- all pieces milled by the same operator, on the
same milling center, at the same time.
3Dofasco - Study Set Up
- Sample Testing
- Verification standards run before and after
study pieces - All specimen measurements conducted by one
operator - All tests conducted by one operator on the same
day, using one test frame. - Testing using the various speeds was conducted
in random order.
4Dofasco - Study Set Up
- Testing Speeds
- Three test speed set ups were used
- 0.16/min. until 5 strain, 1.00/min. until
fracture - Current lab practice
- 0.03/min. until 5 strain, 0.9/min. until
fracture - New E8 based on minimum parallel length
specimen (2.25) - 0.045/min. until 5 strain, 1.35/min until
fracture - New E8 based on 3 parallel length specimen
5Dofasco - Low Carbon Steel
N 15 Current New E8-3 New E8-2 Diff.
Yield Average 29.34 28.84 28.72 0.62
(ksi) Stdev 0.447 0.477 0.636
Tensile Average 42.35 42.63 42.40 0.28
(ksi) Stdev 0.159 0.146 0.149
Elongation Average 45.31 44.77 45.56 0.79
() Stdev 1.120 0.691 1.077
6Dofasco - HSLA Steel
N 15 Current New E8-3 New E8-2 Diff.
Yield Average 52.17 51.32 51.45 0.85
(ksi) Stdev 0.659 1.040 1.251
Tensile Average 68.87 68.98 68.63 0.35
(ksi) Stdev 0.395 0.430 0.635
Elongation Average 27.65 28.00 28.04 0.39
() Stdev 0.370 0.366 0.480
7Dofasco - Low Carbon - Yield Strength - One-way
- Source DF SS MS F P
- Factor 2 3.213 1.606 5.79 0.006
- Error 42 11.658 0.278
- Total 44 14.871
- S 0.5269 R-Sq 21.60 R-Sq (adj.) 17.87
- Individual 95 CIs For
Mean Based on - Pooled StDev
- Level N Mean StDev --------------------
---------------- - YS-CU 15 29.339 0.447
(----------------) - YS-E3 15 28.839 0.477
(----------------) - YS-E2 15 28.724 0.636 (-----------------)
------------------------------------ - 28.50
28.80 29.10 29.40 - Pooled StDev 0.527
8Dofasco - Low Carbon - Tensile Strength -
One-way ANOVA
- Source DF SS MS F P
- Factor 2 0.6534 0.3267 14.14 0.000
- Error 42 0.9702 0.0231
- Total 44 1.6236
- S 0.1520 R-Sq 40.25 R-Sq (adj.) 37.40
- Individual 95 CIs For
Mean Based on - Pooled StDev
- Level N Mean StDev --------------------
---------------- - TS-CU 15 42.353 0.160 (-----------)
- TS-E3 15 42.629 0.146
(-----------) - TS-E2 15 42.399 0.149 (-----------)
------------------------------------ -
42.36 42.48 42.60 42.72 - Pooled StDev 0.152
9Dofasco - Low Carbon - Elongation - One-way ANOVA
- Source DF SS MS F P
- Factor 2 4.925 2.462 2.55 0.090
- Error 42 40.499 0.964
- Total 44 45.424
- S 0.9820 R-Sq 10.84 R-Sq (adj.) 6.60
- Individual 95 CIs For
Mean Based on - Pooled StDev
- Level N Mean StDev -------------------
----------------- - EL-CU 15 45.317 1.120
(-------------------) - EL-E3 15 44.767 0.691 (------------------
-) - EL-E2 15 45.557 1.077
(------------------) -
------------------------------------ -
44.50 45.00 45.50 46.00 - Pooled StDev 0.982
10Dofasco - HSLA - Yield Strength - One-way ANOVA
- Source DF SS MS F P
- Factor 2 5.94 2.97 2.89 0.068
- Error 39 40.07 1.03
- Total 41 46.00
- S 1.014 R-Sq 12.91 R-Sq (adj.) 8.44
- Individual 95 CIs For
Mean Based on - Pooled StDev
- Level N Mean StDev ------------------
------------------ - YS-CU 14 52.174 0.659
(-------------------) - YS-E3 14 51.321 1.041 (-----------------
---) - YS-E2 14 51.446 1.251
(--------------------) -
------------------------------------ -
51.00 51.50 52.00 52.50 - Pooled StDev 1.014
11Dofasco - HSLA - Tensile Strength - One-way ANOVA
- Source DF SS MS F P
- Factor 2 0.903 0.451 1.82 0.175
- Error 39 9.670 0.248
- Total 41 10.573
- S 0.4980 R-Sq 8.54 R-Sq (adj.) 3.85
- Individual 95 CIs For
Mean Based on - Pooled StDev
- Level N Mean StDev ------------------
------------------ - TS-CU 14 68.868 0.395
(-------------------) - TS-E3 14 68.982 0.430
(-------------------) - TS-E2 14 68.630 0.635 (-----------------
---) -
------------------------------------ -
68.50 68.75 69.00 69.25 - Pooled StDev 0.498
12Dofasco - HSLA - Elongation - One-way ANOVA
- Source DF SS MS F P
- Factor 2 1.268 0.634 3.80 0.031
- Error 39 6.505 0.167
- Total 41 7.772
- S 0.4084 R-Sq 16.31 R-Sq (adj.) 12.02
- Individual 95 CIs
For Mean Based on - Pooled StDev
- Level N Mean StDev
------------------------------------ - Elong-CU 14 27.653 0.370 (----------------)
- Elong-E3 14 27.996 0.366
(----------------) - Elong-E2 14 28.042 0.480
(----------------) -
------------------------------------ -
27.50 27.75 28.00 28.25 - Pooled StDev 0.408
13Dofasco - Practical Implications for Production
Test Labs
- Lab Throughput, turn around time, equipment needs
- Product Specification Conformance checking
- Manufacturing Design capability
14Dofasco - Average Values Against Initial Testing
15Dofasco - Average Values Against Final Testing
16Dofasco - Average Values Against Initial Testing
17Dofasco - Average Values Against Final Testing
18Dofasco - Summary
- Some statistical differences
- Little practical difference for production type
labs - May be a significant difference based on specific
situations i.e. Research - Significant affect on test time