Title: The Financial Intelligence Unit
1The Financial Intelligence Unit
- What should it do?
- And who should do it?
- Martin Comley
2Overview of the 40 ( 9) Recommendations
- A. LEGAL SYSTEMS Recommendation
- Scope of the Criminal Offence of Money
Laundering 1 - 2 - Provisional Measures and Confiscation 3
- Customer Due Diligence and Record-keeping 5 -
12 - Reporting of Suspicious Transactions and
Compliance 13 - 16 - Other Measures to Deter Money Laundering and
TERRORIST FINANCING - Competent Authorities, their Powers and
- International Co-operation 35 40
Special Recs - Ratification and implementation of UN
instruments I - Criminalising the financing of terrorism
associated money laundering II
3Methodology for assessing compliance with FATF 40
( 8) Essential and Additional Criteria are
Criteria Criteria Criteria Criteria Criteria Criteria Criteria Criteria Criteria Criteria
Rec Essential Additional Rec E A Rec E A Rec E A Rec E A
1 7 1 11 3 0 21 3 0 31 1 1 I 2 0
2 5 0 12 3 0 22 2 1 32 2 1 II 4 0
3 6 1 13 4 1 23 7 0 33 4 1 III 13 2
4 1 0 14 2 1 24 2 0 34 3 0 IV 2 0
5 18 0 15 4 1 25 2 0 35 1 1 V 5 4
6 4 2 16 4 2 26 10 0 36 7 1 VI 5 1
7 5 0 17 4 0 27 2 4 37 2 0 VII 9 0
8 2 0 18 3 0 28 2 0 38 5 1 VIII 3 1
9 5 0 19 3 2 29 4 0 39 4 1 Essential Additional
10 3 0 20 2 0 30 3 1 40 9 2 Total 206 34
4Methodology for assessing compliance with FATF 40
( 8), paragraphs where FIU / STR are directly
- 27.6
- 30.1
- Footnote 28
- 31.1, 31.1 a
- 32.2 a spot 1, 32.2 c spot 2, 32.2 c spot 3
- 40.2
- 40.4.1
- 40.11
- IV.1
- VII.7
- IIIV.3
- 3.4
- 13.1, 13.2, 13.5
- 14.1, 14.2, 14.3
- Footnote 22
- 16.2, 16.6
- 17.2
- 21.2
- 25.2
- 26.1, 26.2, 26.3, 26.4, 26.5, 26.6, 26.7, 26.8,
26.9, 26.10
Whilst FIU/STR are directly referenced in the
above paragraphs these paragraphs should be read
in context of the whole section/document and not
read in isolation!
5Rule 1 The FIU does not stand alone! It should
be one component of the National AML/CFT strategy.
Government Policy / Strategy
Always remember that M/L is the result of other
6What should the FIU do?
- Countries should establish an FIU that serves as
a national centre for receiving (and if
permitted, requesting), analysing, and
disseminating disclosures of STR and other
relevant information concerning suspected ML or
FT activities. The FIU can be established either
as an independent governmental authority or
within an existing authority or authorities. - Receive What and from whom?
- What is it we are trying to collect?
- Who and what is the collection dependent upon?
- Analyse What is it we are going to do with the
received data once weve got it? - What are you going to compare at it / analyse
the data against? - Who and what is the analysis dependent upon?
- Dissemination What and to whom?
- Is this decision separate from the two above or
an integral part of the whole decision making
process? - Do you potentially have more than one customer
for the output from the analysis?
7Remember, the FIU is often the bridge across the
differing aspects of the AML/CFT regime
Criminal and or Administrative
Regulations And or Guidance
Financial Sector
Law Enforcement
Financial Sector Regulators
8When you have looked at Receipt, Analysis and
Dissemination the consider
- What skills are necessary to undertake the above
functions. - What agency has most of these skills? Ignoring
whether funds or human resources are available at
this stage - What skills are NOT covered within the agency
identified in 2? - Can they be obtained from another agency?
- Are there still skills gaps?
9Having looked at function and skills where to
place the FIU may now follow...
The FIU should also be independent (Rec. 26.6 and
30.1)! The FIU should have sufficient operational
independence and autonomy to ensure that it is
free from undue influence or interference.
10Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)FIU Structure
- Is the body (FIU) being inspected the single
national unit - How is it organised Structure
- Funding
- Staffing
- Technical resources to undertake its function
- Is it an independent governmental authority or
within an existing authority or authorities. - Does it have independence to perform its function
- Does it
- Receive (and if permitted, requesting)
- Analysis
- and disseminating
- STR and other related information concerning
suspected ML or FT activities - How are these process undertaken
11Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) FIU Integrity
/ Accountability
- What arrangements are there for dealing with
Professional standards - Confidentiality
- Staff Integrity
- What arrangements are there for security /
protection of information - Security of STR and other information
- Access to the STR or information
- Dissemination of the information
- Does it publish
- Periodic Reports
- Statistics
- Typologies / trends
- How often is such information published
- Who is the target audience
12Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) FIU Staff
- Staff should be provided with adequate and
relevant training for combating ML and FT - Scope of predicate offences, ML and FT
- Typologies, techniques to investigate and
prosecute these offences, - Techniques for tracing property that is the
proceeds of crime or is to be used to finance
terrorism, - ensuring that such property is seized, frozen and
confiscated, - the techniques to be used by supervisors to
ensure that financial institutions are complying
with their obligations - the use of information technology and other
resources relevant to the execution of their
functions. - Special training and/or certification for
financial investigators for, inter alia,
investigations of ML, FT, and the predicate
13Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)FIU Function
- How many suspicious / currency transaction
reports etc. - Received From whom
- Disseminated To whom
- How many reports received from other bodies
- Law enforcement
- Foreign authorities
- Re Mutual legal Assist/Extradition (include
freeze seize confiscation and investigation of
predicate offences. - How many resulted in
- Investigation
- Prosecution
- Conviction
- Property frozen (No cases Value)
- Seized (No cases Value)
- confiscated (No cases Value)
14Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)FIU Function
- How many Foreign requests have been dealt with
- No. Sent To whom
- No. Received From Whom
- Were these requests proactive or reactive
- How long did it take to deal with the requests
- Does it regularly undertake trends analysis
- Who does it consult
- Who does it share the results of the analysis
with - Does it (or another official body) issue
guidelines re reporting - Who what
15Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)FIU Function
- Are reports analysed to ensure information
provided is sufficient for the FIU to undertake
its function - Can it obtain further information from reporting
parties (directly/indirectly) - What and how
- Is analysis undertaken to ensure reports are made
in good faith - How and what is done with the information.
- Does it have access to the following information
- Financial
- Administrative
- Law enforcement
- How is it Able to deal with Politically Exposed
Persons (PEP)
16Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)FIU Feedback
- Does it provide Feedback
- statistics on the number of disclosures, with
appropriate breakdowns, and on the results of the
disclosures - information on current techniques, methods and
trends (typologies) - sanitised examples of actual money laundering
cases. - acknowledgement of the receipt of the report
- subject to domestic legal principles, if a case
is closed or completed, whether because of a
concluded prosecution, because the report was
found to relate to a legitimate transaction or
for other reasons, and if the information is
available, then the institution should receive
information on that decision or result.
17Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)FIU
Coordination / Co-operation
- Are there effective domestic mechanisms to enable
effective co-ordination / co-operation between - Policy makers
- law enforcement
- Supervisors
- other competent authorities
- Are all the above effective at operational level
- Are all the above effective at policy level
- What mechanisms are in place to deal with UN
Security Council Resolutions - What liaison does it have with SROs and DNFBP
- Does it have regard to
- the Egmont Statement of Purpose
- The Egmont principals
18Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)International
- Does the FIU provide international co-operation
- Is such assistance rapid, constructive and
effective manner - Are there clear gateways for such exchanges
- Are such exchanges both spontaneously and upon
request and deal with both M/l and underlying
predicate offences - Does it search its own STR databases,
- Other databases (direct or indirect access),
including - law enforcement databases,
- public databases,
- administrative databases
- and commercially available databases.
- Are there disproportionate or unduly restrictions
on exchanges - Are requests refused solely on ground that the
request fiscal matters - Are requests refused on the grounds secrecy or
confidentiality (except where legal professional
privilege or legal professional secrecy applies)
19FIU Interaction Timing with others
ii) y working days
Update Files
Update Files
20Evaluation Criteria, whats expected of an FIU?
- Essential criteria
- 30.1 FIUs, law enforcement and prosecution
agencies, supervisors and other competent
authorities involved in combating money
laundering and terrorist financing should be - adequately structured,
- funded,
- Staffed,
- and provided with sufficient technical and other
resources to fully and effectively perform their
functions. - Adequate structuring includes the need for
sufficient operational independence and autonomy
to ensure freedom from undue influence or
interference28. - 28 If a countrys FIU does not comply with the
requirement to have sufficient operational
independence and autonomy (Criterion 26.6), the
country should only be rated down in
Recommendation 26.
21Evaluation Criteria, whats expected of an FIU?
- Essential criteria
- 26.1 Countries should establish an FIU that
serves as a national centre for receiving (and if
permitted, requesting), analysing, and
disseminating disclosures of STR and other
relevant information concerning suspected ML or
FT activities. The FIU can be established either
as an independent governmental authority or
within an existing authority or authorities. - 26.2 The FIU or another competent authority
should provide financial institutions and other
reporting parties with guidance regarding the
manner of reporting, including the specification
of reporting forms, and the procedures that
should be followed when reporting. - 26.3 The FIU should have access, directly or
indirectly, on a timely basis to the financial,
administrative and law enforcement information
that it requires to properly undertake its
functions, including the analysis of STR. - 26.4 The FIU, either directly or through another
competent authority, should be authorised to
obtain from reporting parties additional
information needed to properly undertake its
functions. - 26.5 The FIU should be authorised to disseminate
financial information to domestic authorities for
investigation or action when there are grounds to
suspect ML or FT
22Evaluation Criteria, whats expected of an FIU?
- Essential criteria
- 26.6 The FIU should have sufficient operational
independence and autonomy to ensure that it is
free from undue influence or interference. - 26.7 Information held by the FIU should be
securely protected and disseminated only in
accordance with the law. - 26.8 The FIU should publicly release periodic
reports, and such reports should include
statistics, typologies and trends as well as
information regarding its activities. - 26.9 Where a country has created an FIU, it
should consider applying for membership in the
Egmont Group. - 26.10 Countries should have regard to the Egmont
Group Statement of Purpose and its Principles for
Information Exchange Between Financial
Intelligence Units for Money Laundering Cases
(these documents set out important guidance
concerning the role and functions of FIUs, and
the mechanisms for exchanging information between
FIU). - Additional elements
- 27.6 Are ML and FT methods, techniques and trends
reviewed by law enforcement authorities, the FIU
and other competent authorities (as appropriate)
on a regular, interagency basis? Are the
resulting information, analyses or studies
disseminated to law enforcement and FIU staff, as
well as staff of other competent authorities?