Universal Hash Families - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Universal Hash Families


If a message is hashed to a short authentication tag, weaker properties are ... a relation between authentication codes and codes correcting independent errors ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Universal Hash Families

Universal Hash Families
Universal hash families
  • Family of hash functions
  • Finite multiset H of string-valued functions,
    each h ? H having the same nonempty domain A
    ?0,1 and range B ?0,1, for some constant b
  • Definition ?-almost universal2 (?-AU2)
    ?-almost XOR universal2 (?-AXU2)
  • A family of hash functions H h A ?0,1b is
    ?-almost universal2 , written ?-AU2, if, for all
    distinct x, x?A, Prh? H h(x)h(x)? ?.
  • The family of hash functions H is ?-almost XOR
    universal2 , written ?-AXU2, if, for all distinct
    x, x?A, and for all c?0,1b, Prh? H
    h(x)?h(x)c? ?.
  • ? maxx?xPrh h(x)h(x) collision
  • Principle measure of an AU2 How small its
    collision probability is and how fast one can
    compute its functions

Composition of universal hash families
  • Make the domain of a hash family bigger
  • H h 0,1a?0,1b
  • Hm h 0,1am?0,1bm
  • its elements are the same as in H where h(x1 x2
    xm), for xi a, is defined by h(x1)
    h(x2) h(xm)
  • Proposition If H is ?-AU2, then Hm is ?-AU2
  • Make the collision probability smaller
  • H1 h A ?0,1b1, H2 h A ?0,1b2
  • H1 H2 h A ?0,1b1 b2
  • its elements are pairs of functions (h1,
    h2)?H1?H2 and where (h1, h2)(x) is defined as
  • Proposition If H1 is ?1-AU2 and H2 is ?2-AU2,
    then H1 H2 is ?1?2-AU2

Composition of universal hash families(cont.)
  • Make the image of a hash function shorter
  • H1 h 0,1a?0,1b, H2 h 0,1b?0,1c
  • H2 ? H1 h 0,1a?0,1c
  • its elements are pairs of functions (h1,
    h2)?H1?H2 and where (h1, h2)(x) is defined as
  • Proposition If H1 is ?1-AU2 and H2 is ?2-AU2,
    then H2 ? H1 is (?1?2)-AU2
  • Turn an AU2 family H1 and AXU2 family H2 into an
    AXU2 family H2 ? H1
  • Proposition Suppose H1 h A?B is ?1-AU2 and
    H2 h B?C is ?2-AXU2. Then H2 ? H1 h A?C
    is (?1?2)-AXU2

Related researches
  • Carter-Wegman(1979, 1981)
  • Efficient authentication code under strongly
    universal hash functions
  • Key observations
  • Long messages can be authenticated efficiently
    using short keys if the number of bits in the
    authentication tag is increased slightly compared
    to perfect schemes
  • If a message is hashed to a short authentication
    tag, weaker properties are sufficient for the
    first stage of the compression
  • Under certain conditions, the hash function can
    remain the same for many plaintexts, provided
    that hash results is encrypted using a one-time
  • Stinson(1994)
  • Improves the works by Wegman-Carter and
    establishes an explicit link between
    authentication codes and strongly universal hash
  • Johansson-Kabatianskii-Smeets(1996)
  • Establish a relation between authentication codes
    and codes correcting independent errors

Related researches(cont.)
  • Krawczyk(1994, 1995)
  • Propose universal hash functions that are linear
    with respect to bitwise XOR
  • Makes it easier to reuse the authentication code
  • Encrypt the m-bit hash result for each new
    message using a one-time pad
  • Simple and efficient constructions based on
    polynomials and LFSR
  • Shoup(1996)
  • Propose and analyze the constructions based on
    polynomials over finite fields
  • Rogaway Bucket hashing (1995)
  • Halevi-Krawczyk MMH (1997)
  • Make optimal used of the multiply and accumulate
    instruction of the Pentium MMX processor
  • Black-Halevi-Krawczyk-Krovertz-Rogaway UMAC
  • Further improved the performance on high end

  • Bucket hashing
  • is an ?-AU introduced by Rogaway
  • Defining the Bucket Hash Family B
  • word size w(?1), parameters n(?1), N(?3)
  • domain D0,1wn, range R0,1wN
  • Let h? B and let XX1 ? Xn be the string we want
    to hash, where each Xiw. Then h(X) is defined
    by the following algorithm. First, for each
    j?1,?, N, initialize Yj to 0w. Then, for each
    i?1,?, n and k ? hi, replace Yk by Yk ? Xi.
    When done, set h(X) Y1Y2?YN.
  • Pseudocode
  • for j ?1 to N do Yj ?0w
  • for i ? 1 to n do
  • Yhi1 ? Yhi1 ? Xi
  • Yhi2 ? Yhi2 ? Xi
  • Yhi3 ? Yhi3 ? Xi
  • return Y1Y2?YN

  • Bucket Hashing with Small Key Size
  • N2s/L
  • Each hash function h?Bw,M,N is specified by a
    list of length M
  • each entry contains L integers in the interval
    0, N-1
  • L arrays are introduced, each containing N
  • Next, each array is compressed to s/L words,
    using a fixed primitive element ??GF(2s/L)
  • The hash result is equal to the concatenation of
    the L compressed arrays, each containing s/L words

  • Hash Family Based on Fast Polynomial Evaluation
  • is based on polynomial evaluation over a finite
  • q 2r, Q 2m 2rs, n 12s, ? a linear
    mapping from GF(Q) onto GF(q)
  • Q q0m, q q0r , q0 a prime power
  • fa(x) a0 a1x ? an-1xn-1
  • x, y, a0, a1, ?, an-1 ? GF(Q), z ? GF(q)
  • H hx,y,z hx,y,z(a) hx,y,z(a0, a1, ?, an-1)
    ? (y? fa(x)) z

  • Hash Family Using Toeplitz Matrices
  • Toeplitz matrices are matrices with constant
    values on the left-to-right diagonals
  • A Toeplitz matrix of dimension n ? m can be used
    to hash messages of length m to hash results of
    length n by vector-matrix multiplication
  • The Toeplitz construction uses matrices generated
    by sequences of length n m - 1 drawn from
    ?-biased distributions
  • ?-biased distributions are a tool for replacing
    truly random sequences by more compact and easier
    to generate sequences
  • The lower ?, the more random the sequence is
  • Krawczyk proves that the family of hash functions
    associated with a family of Toeplitz-matrices
    corresponding to sequences selected from a
    ?-biased distribution is ? -AXU with ? 2-n ?

  • Evaluation Hash Function
  • is one of the variants analyzed by Shoup
  • The input (of length ? tn) viewed as a
    polynomial M(x) of degree lt t over GF(2n)
  • The key a random element ? ? GF(2n)
  • the hash result equal to M(?)?? ? GF(2n)
  • This family of hash functions is ?-AXU with ?

  • Division Hash Function
  • represents the input as a polynomial M(x) of
    degree less than tn over GF(2)
  • The hash key a random irreducible polynomial
    p(x) of degree n over GF(2)
  • The hash result m(x)? xn mod p(x)
  • This family of hash functions is ?-AXU with ?
  • The total number of irreducible polynomials of
    degree n is roughly equal to 2n/n

  • MMH(Multilinear Modular Hashing) hashing
  • consists of a (modified) inner product between
    message and key modulo a prime p (close to 2w,
    with w the word length below w 32)
  • is an ?-AXU2, but with xor replaced by
    subtraction modulo p
  • The core hash function maps 32 32-bit message
    words and 32 32-bit key words to a 32-bit result
  • The key size is 1024 bits and ? 1.5/ 230
  • For larger messages, a tree construction can be
  • the value of ? and the key length have to be
    multiplied by the height of the tree
  • This algorithm is very fast on the Pentium Pro,
    which has a multiply and accumulate instruction
  • On a 32-bit machine, MMH requires only 2
    instructions per byte for a 32-bit result

Comparing the Hash Functions
Comparing the Hash Functions(cont.)
  • Scheme A
  • the input divided into 32 blocks of 8 Kbyte
  • each block is hashed using the same bucket hash
    function with N 160
  • results in an intermediate string of 20480 bytes
  • Scheme B
  • the input divided into 64 blocks of 4 Kbyte
  • each block is hashed using the same bucket hash
    function with short key(s42, L6, N128)
  • results in an intermediate string of 10752 bytes
  • Scheme C
  • the input is divided into 64 blocks of 4 Kbyte
  • each block is hashed using a 33?1024 Toeplitz
    matrix, based on a ?-biased sequence of length
    1056 generated using an 88-bit LFSR
  • The length of the intermediate string is 8448

Comparing the Hash Functions(cont.)
  • Scheme D
  • the input hashed twice using the polynomial
    evaluation hash function with ? 2-15 resulting
    in a combined value of 2-30
  • W 5
  • The performance is slightly key dependent.
    Therefore an average over a number of keys has
    been computed.
  • Scheme E
  • this is simply the evaluation hash function with
    t 32768
  • the resulting value of ? is too small
  • However, choosing a smaller value of n that is
    not a multiple of 32 induces a performance
  • Scheme F
  • the input divided into 2048 blocks of 128 bytes
  • each block is hashed twice using MMH
  • the length of the intermediate string is 16384
  • It is not possible to obtain a value of closer
    to 2-32 in an efficient way

Universal Hashing MAC
Message authentication based on Universal hashing
  • Message authentication based on Universal hashing
  • Wegman-Carter approach
  • The parties share a secret key k(h,P)
  • P infinite random string
  • h function drawn randomly from a strongly
    universal2 family of hash functions H
  • H is strongly universal2 if, for all x?x, the
    random variable h1(x)h2(x), for h ? H , is
    uniformly distributed
  • To authenticate a message x, the sender transmits
    h(x) xored with the next piece of the pad P
  • Standard cryptographic technique
  • use of a pseudorandom function family, F
  • Theorem Assume H is ?-AXU2, and that F is
    replaced by the truly random function family R of
    functions. In this case, if an adversary makes q1
    queries to the authentication algorithm S and q2
    queries to the verification algorithm V, the
    probability of forging a MAC is at most q2?

Universal hashing MAC
  • Why Universal hashing MAC?
  • The speed of a universal hashing MAC depends on
    the speed of the hashing step and encrypting step
  • The encryption does not take long
  • hash function compresses messages gt the
    encrypting message is short
  • The combinatorial properties of the universal
    hash function family is mathematically proven
  • needs no over-design or safe margin the way a
    cryptographic primitive would
  • Universal hashing MAC makes for desirable
    security properties
  • can select a cryptographically conservative
    design for the encrypting step
  • can pay with only a minor impact on speed
  • the cryptographic primitive is applied only to
    the much shorter hashed image of the message
  • security and efficiency are not conflicting

  • The UMAC algorithm
  • species how the message, key, and nonce determine
    an authentication tag
  • The sender
  • will need to provide the receiver with the
    message, nonce, and tag
  • The receiver
  • can then compute what should be the tag for
    this particular message and nonce, and see if it
    matches the received tag
  • employs a subkey generation process in which the
    shared (convenient-length) key is mapped into
    UMAC's internal keys
  • subkey generation is done just once, at the
    beginning of a communication session during which
    the key does not change, and so subkey-generation
    is usually not performance-critical
  • UMAC depends on a few different parameters

  • An illustrative special case of UMAC
  • Subkey generation
  • Using a PRG, map Key to K K1K2 ? K1024 and to A
  • each Ki a 32-bit word, A 512
  • Hashing the message Msg to HM NHXKey(Msg)
  • Let Len be Msg mod 4096, encoded as a 2-byte
  • Append to Msg the minimum number of 0 bits to
    make Msg divisible by 8
  • Let Msg Msg1 Msg2 ? Msgt where each
    Msgi is 1024 words except for Msgt, which has
    between 2 and 1024 words
  • Let HM NHK(Msg1) NHK(Msg2) ? NHK(Msgt)
  • Computing the authentication tag
  • The tag is Tag HMAC-SHA1A(HM Nonce)

  • Definition of NH
  • blocksize n ? 2, wordsize w ? 1
  • domain A 0, 12w? 0, 12w? ? ? 0, 1nw
  • range B 0, 12w
  • a random function in NHn,w is given by a random
    nw-bit string K
  • Uw 0, ? , 2w-1, U2w 0, ? , 22w -1
  • for integers x, y let (x w y) denote (x y) mod
  • M ? A and M M1 ? Ml , M1 ? Ml w
  • K 0, 1nw and K K1 ? Kn , K1 ? Kn w

  • where mi? Uw is the number that Mi represents (as
    an unsigned integer)
  • where ki? Uw is the number that Ki represents (as
    an unsigned integer)
  • the right-hand side of the above equation is
    understood to name the (unique) 2w-bit string
    which represents (as an unsigned integer) the
    U2w-valued integer result

Compression Function of MD4
Compression Function of MD5
Compression Function of RIPEMD-160
Compression Function of SHA-1
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