Automated Iris Recognition Technology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Automated Iris Recognition Technology


Iris recognition technology combines computer vision, pattern recognition, ... the image derived from inside the limbus (the border between the sclera and the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Automated Iris Recognition Technology

Automated Iris Recognition Technology Iris
Biometric System
CS 790Q Biometrics
  • Instructor Dr G. Bebis
  • Presented by Chang Jia
  • Dec 9th, 2005

  • The Iris as a Biometrics The iris is an overt
    body that is available for remote assessment with
    the aid of a machine vision system to do
    automated iris recognition.
  • Iris recognition technology combines computer
    vision, pattern recognition, statistical
    inference, and optics.
  • The spatial patterns that are apparent in the
    human iris are highly distinctive to an
  • Clinical observations
  • Developmental biology

The structure of the human eye
The structure of the iris seen in a transverse
The structure of the iris seen in a frontal
  • Its suitability as an exceptionally accurate
    biometric derives from its
  • extremely data-rich physical structure
  • genetic independence no two eyes are the same
  • patterns apparently stable throughout life
  • physical protection by a transparent window (the
    cornea), highly protected by internal organ of
    the eye
  • externally visible, so noninvasive patterns
    imaged from a distance

  • The disadvantages to use iris as a biometric
    measurement are
  • Small target (1 cm) to acquire from a distance
    (about 1 m)
  • Moving target
  • Located behind a curved, wet, reflecting surface
  • Obscured by eyelashes, lenses, reflections
  • Partially occluded by eyelids, often drooping
  • Deforms non-elastically as pupil changes size
  • Illumination should not be visible or bright

PART IIris Recognition An Emerging Biometric
CS 790Q Biometrics
  • R. Wildes, "Iris Recognition An Emerging
    Biometric Technology", Proceedings of the IEEE,
    vol 85, no. 9, pp. 1348-1363, 1997.

  • Technical Issues
  • Image Acquisition
  • Iris Localization
  • Pattern Matching
  • Systems and Performance
  • (Throughout the discussion in this paper, the
    iris-recognition systems of Daugman and Wildes et
    al. will be used to provide illustrations.)

Technical Issues
Schematic diagram of iris recognition
I. Image Acquisition
  • Why important?
  • One of the major challenges of automated iris
    recognition is to capture a high-quality image of
    the iris while remaining noninvasive to the human
  • Concerns on the image acquisition rigs
  • Obtained images with sufficient resolution and
  • Good contrast in the interior iris pattern with
    proper illumination
  • Well centered without unduly constraining the
  • Artifacts eliminated as much as possible

I. Image Acquisition - Rigs
  • The Daugman image-acquisition rig

I. Image Acquisition - Rigs
  • The Wildes et al. image-acquisition rig

I. Image Acquisition - Results
Result Image from Wildes et al. rig -- capture
the iris as part of a larger image that also
contains data derived from the immediately
surrounding eye region
  • In common
  • Easy for a human operator to master
  • Use video rate capture
  • Difference
  • Illumination
  • The Daugmans system makes use of an LED-based
    point light source in conjunction with a standard
    video camera.
  • The Wildes et al. system makes use of a diffuse
    source and polarization in conjunction with a
    low-light level camera.
  • Operator self-position
  • The Daugmans system provides the operator with
    live video feedback
  • The Wildes et al. system provides a reticle to
    aid the operator in positioning

II. Iris Localization
  • Purpose to localize that portion of the acquired
    image that corresponds to an iris
  • In particular, it is necessary to localize that
    portion of the image derived from inside the
    limbus (the border between the sclera and the
    iris) and outside the pupil.
  • Desired characteristics of iris localization
  • Sensitive to a wide range of edge contrast
  • Robust to irregular borders
  • Capable of dealing with variable occlusions

II. Iris Localization
  • The Daugman system fits the circular contours via
    gradient ascent on the parameters so as to

is a radial Gaussian, and circular contours
(for the limbic and pupillary boundaries) be
parameterized by center location (xc,yc), and
radius r (active contour fitting method)
II. Iris Localization
  • The Wildes et al. system performs its contour
    fitting in two steps. (histogram-based approach)
  • First, the image intensity information is
    converted into a binary edge-map
  • where
  • and
  • Second, the edge points vote to instantiate
    particular contour parameter values.

II. Iris Localization
  • The voting procedure of the Wildes et al. system
    is realized via Hough transforms on parametric
    definitions of the iris boundary contours.

Illustrative Results of Iris Localization
only that portion of the image below the upper
eyelid and above the lower eyelid should be
Obtained by using the Wildes et al. system
  • Both approaches are likely to encounter
    difficulties if required to deal with images that
    contain broader regions of the surrounding face
    than the immediate eye region
  • Difference
  • the active contour approach avoids the inevitable
    thresholding involved in generating a binary
  • the histogram-based approach to model fitting
    should avoid problems with local minima that the
    active contour models gradient descent procedure
    might experience

III. Pattern Matching
  • Four steps
  • 1) bringing the newly acquired iris pattern into
    spatial alignment with a candidate data base
  • 2) choosing a representation of the aligned iris
    patterns that makes their distinctive patterns
  • 3) evaluating the goodness of match between the
    newly acquired and data base representations
  • 4) deciding if the newly acquired data and the
    data base entry were derived from the same iris
    based on the goodness of match.

III. Pattern Matching -Alignment
  • Purpose to establish a precise correspondence
    between characteristic structures across the two
  • Both of the systems under discussion compensate
    for image shift, scaling, and rotation.
  • For both systems, iris localization is charged
    with isolating an iris in a larger acquired image
    and thereby accomplishes alignment for image

III. Pattern Matching -Alignment
  • The Daugmans system uses radial scaling to
    compensate for overall size as well as a simple
    model of pupil variation based on linear

Map Cartesian image coordinates (x, y) to
dimensionless polar (r, ?) image coordinates
according to
  • The Wildes et al. system uses an
    image-registration technique to compensate for
    both scaling and rotation. The mapping function
    (u,v) is to minimize

while being constrained to capture a similarity
transformation of image coordinates (x, y) to
(x, y)
III. Pattern Matching -Alignment
  • The two methods for establishing correspondences
    between acquired and data base iris images seem
    to be adequate for controlled assessment
  • Improvements
  • more sophisticated methods may prove to be
    necessary in more relaxed scenarios
  • more complicated global geometric compensations
    will be necessary if full perspective distortions
    (e.g., foreshortening) become significant

III. Pattern Matching - Representation
  • The Daugmans system uses demodulation with
    complex-valued 2D Gabor wavelets to encode the
    phase sequence of the iris pattern to an

III. Pattern Matching - Representation
  • In implementation, the Gabor filtering is
    performed via a relaxation algorithm, with
    quantization of the recovered phase information
    yielding the final representation.

Pictorial Examples of one IrisCode
III. Pattern Matching - Representation
  • The Wildes et al. system makes us of an isotropic
    bandpass decomposition derived from application
    of Laplacian of Gaussian filters to the image
  • In practice, the filtered image is realized as a
    Laplacian pyramid. This representation is defined
    procedurally in terms of a cascade of small
    Gaussian-like filters.

with s the standard deviation of the Gaussian and
? the radial distance of a point from the
filters center
III. Pattern Matching - Representation
  • Result Multiscale representation for iris
    pattern matching. Distinctive features of the
    iris are manifest across a range of spatial

Obtained by using the Wildes et al. system
IV. Pattern Matching Goodness of Match
  • The Daugman system computes the normalized
    Hamming distance as
  • The result of this computation is then used as
    the goodness of match, with smaller values
    indicating better matches.

IV. Pattern Matching - Decision
  • The Wildes et al. system employs normalized
    correlation between the acquired and data base

IV. Pattern Matching - Decision
  • For the Daugman system, this amounts to choosing
    a separation point in the space of (normalized)
    Hamming distances between iris representations.
  • In order to calculate the cross-over point,
    sample populations of imposters and authentics
    were each fit with parametrically defined

IV. Pattern Matching - Decision
  • For the Wildes et al. system, the decision-making
    process must combine the four goodness-of-match
    measurements that are calculated by the previous
    stage of processing (i.e., one for each pass band
    in the Laplacian pyramid representation) into a
    single accept/reject judgment.

Systems and Performance - The Daugman
iris-recognition system
  • Both the enrollment and verification modes take
    under 1s to complete.
  • Empirical test 1 592 irises from 323 persons ?
    the system exhibited no false accepts and no
    false rejects
  • Empirical test 2
  • Phase1 199 irises from 122 persons, 878 attempts
    in identification mode over 8 days ? no false
    accepts and 89 false rejects (47 retry with still
    16 rejected)
  • Phase2 96 irises (among 199) with 403 entries
    for identification ? no false accepts and no
    false rejects

Systems and Performance - The Wildes et al.
iris-recognition system
  • Both the enrollment and verification modes
    require approximately 10s to complete.
  • Only one empirical test 60 different irises with
    10 images each (5 at the beginning and 5 about
    one month later) from 40 persons ? no false
    accepts and no false rejects.

PART IIAn Iris Biometric System for Public and
Personal Use
CS 790Q Biometrics
  • M. Negin et al., "An Iris Biometric System for
    Public and Personal Use", IEEE Computer, pp.
    70-75, February 2000.

Iris identification process
  • The system captures a digital image of one eye,
    encodes its iris pattern, then matches that file
    against the file stored in the database for that

The public-use system
  • The public-use multiple-camera system for
    correctly positioning and imaging a subjects

Note wide-field-of-view (WFOV)
narrow-field-of-view (NFOV) camera
The public-use optical platform
  • left and right illuminator pods, gaze director,
    and optical filter

(b) a solid model of the platforms internal
The personal-use system
  • The user manually positions the camera three to
    four inches in front of the eye.
  • Make sure that the devices LED centers within
    the aperture that superimposes the users line of
    sight and the cameras optical axis.

Identification Performance
  • Verification distributions of authentic results
    (in brown) and imposter results (in green).

Field Trial Experience
  • The first pilot programwith the Nationwide
    Building Society in Swindon, Englandran for six
    months and included more than 1,000 participants,
    before going into regular service during the
    fourth quarter of 1998.
  • The field trial experience has been very
  • 91 percent prefer iris identification to a PIN
    (personal identification number) or signature,
  • 94 percent would recommend iris identification to
    friends and family,
  • 94 percent were comfortable or very comfortable
    using the system.
  • The survey also found nearly 100 percent approval
    on three areas of crucial importance to
    consumers reliability, security, and

Thank You.
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