2Bioluminescence !!!
- Bioluminescence, (living light) is ability of
living organisms to produce light through a
chemical reaction. - There are two ways an organism can
3What is fluorescence ?
In fluorescence, energy from a source of light is
absorbed and reemitted as another photon. In
bioluminescence the excitation energy is supplied
by a chemical reaction rather than from a source
of light.
Fluorescence mechanism
4Why do they produce light ?
To find mates
For Defense against predators
5What produces light?
Two chemicals are required. Luciferin which
produces the light generically Luciferase that
drives or catalyzes the reaction
6Types of Luciferin
7Types of Luciferase
Bacterial luciferase showing alpha and beta
Firefly luciferase with ATP (shown magenta)
8Types of Luciferases
Coelenterate luciferase Also called as Aequorin
The balls (yellow) shows the bound Ca in the
enzyme The light is the reaction of the Ca with
the aequorin
10Bacterial Luciferase gene (Vibrio fischeri)
- lux I- autoinducer synthesis,
- lux R- receptor molecule that binds to the
autoinducer, controls the transcription of the
right operon - lux C, D and E for aldehyde production.
- lux A and B for a and ß peptides.
Meighen, 1991
V.fischeri cells exhibit autoinduction in the
organs of their host
12Bacterial Luciferase action
Relationship between the bacterial
bioluminescence reaction and the genes and
enzymes linked to the lux operon
13Dinoflagellate luciferase gene
- Gonyaulax polyedra luciferase gene.
- This system has two types of proteins luciferin
binding protein and luciferase - The gene has three tandem repeats
- The gene is transcribed only once a day in a
circadian rhythm fashion
Lee et al., and Bae and Hastings, 1993 and 1994
14Firefly luciferase gene
- Luciferase gene was cloned in E.coli by Wet et
al., in 1985 - It was then successfully cloned in tobacco
Hotaria grp luciferase gene (Choi et al., 2003)
- Animal Sciences
- Environmental sciences
- Plant sciences
- Entomology
17Animal sciences
- Imaging cells In vivo
- Two different luciferases along with different
substrates for each and their kinetics can be
studied in vivo in the tissue
Bioluminescence from C6-Fluc cells (A) shows a
relatively strong signal beyond 10 min (Ghambir
18Animal sciences
- In Gene therapies
- Luminescent markers play a critical role in gene
therapy to achieve controlled and effective
delivery of genes to target cells avoiding
ectopic expression
In vivo transcriptional assay in lung after
transfection of pBI-L/heme oxygenase (HO)-1. Weng
et al., 2000
19Animal science
- Transgenic animal research
Mouse model for retinoblastoma suppressor
gene-dependent pituitary cancer development with
co-expression of fluc genes enabling long term
bioluminescence imaging, quantification of tumour
and assessment of chemotherapeutic response
Transgenic mice that express the fluc gene under
the control of the nuclear factor ?B (NF-?B)
promoter. real-time imaging of the NF-?B promoter
20Environmental Science
- Luminous systems are used as biosensors to
monitor environmental toxicity. - Fishes are transformed with luciferases to
monitor the level of tetracycline in their
environment - Some bacteria are transformed with luciferases to
monitor the toxic gases in mines
21Plant Science
- Tobacco plants are cloned with luciferase gene to
express the enzyme and glow when dipped in
luciferin. (Ow et al., 1986)
Luciferases are used to monitor the circadian
rhythms in plants
Transformed Arabidopsis plants with Phytochrome A
(phy A) gene promoter fused with luciferase
reporter to study the rhythms in plants
associated with the gene.
22Plant Science
- To study the stress response in plants
Luciferin when sprayed into an adult plant
responds very late than a plant that is wounded.
This demonstrates that there are some barriers
that restrict the luciferin entry in adult
plants, which may cause unavailability of
luciferin and a limiting factor for non-invasive
luciferase assays
23Plant Science
Finding genes faster
- chimeric agrobacterium-luciferase genes are
transformed into the plant to induce mutations in
the genes and make them nonfunctional. the
consequences of that plants response to the
environment is observed. screening the plants
that are react abnormally, are chosen and
separated from normal plants.
- To develop ways to combat diseases spread by
vectors - To develop strategies to tackle insect problems
in crops - Silk worms that produce fluorescent green fibres
have been created by Japanese genetic engineers,
opening up new opportunities for the fabric
- The luciferase systems clearly reflect the
powerful and possibly transformative
technologies. - The potential power of this research helps to see
the fundamental biological processes in a new
light - It will not only help to enhance our knowledge
and understanding, but also accelerate the rate
of discovery in the field of biological sciences
YEAR 2004
A genetically engineered Christmas tree
containing jellyfish luciferase that glows at
night developed in UK.