Running Water and Groundwater - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Running Water and Groundwater


Running Water and Groundwater – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Running Water and Groundwater

Chapter 6
  • Running Water and Groundwater

Running water
  • About 75 percent of the Earth's surface is
  • 97.2 of the water on Earth is salt water
    (oceans) and only 2.8 is fresh water (lakes,
    rivers, streams, groundwater, glaciers, ice
    sheets, and the atmosphere).
  • Most human uses, such as agriculture and
    drinking, require fresh water.
  • Most of the fresh water, about 77 is frozen
    solid in the icecaps and glaciers.
  • Only a tiny fraction of the Earths water supply
    is available for our use.
  • 22 of the remaining fresh water is groundwater
    and the other 1 of fresh water is surface water
    in the form of lakes, rivers, soil moisture, and

Running water
Running water
  • Water constantly moves among the oceans, the
    atmosphere, the solid Earth, and the biosphere.
  • This unending circulation of Earths water supply
    is the water cycle.
  • This cycle is possible because water readily
    changes from one state (liquid, solid, gas) to
    another at temperatures and pressures common on
    Earths surface.
  • Solid A definite volume and shape.
  • Exists in oceans, streams, lakes, and aquifers.
  • Liquid A definite volume but an indefinite
  • It takes the shape of its container.
  • Exists in glaciers, frozen surface waters, and
    the polar ice caps.
  • Gas Neither a definite volume nor a definite
  • Gases take the shape of their container, but
    their volume changes with changes in pressure and
  • Exists in the atmosphere.

Running water
Running water
  • In the water cycle, the sun heats the Earth's
    surface water, causing that surface water to
    evaporate (gas).
  • Evaporation To convert into vapor.
  • This water vapor then rises into the earth's
    atmosphere where it cools and condenses into
    liquid droplets.
  • Condensation to change from gaseous state to
    liquid state.

Running water
  • These droplets combine and grow until they become
    too heavy and fall to the earth as precipitation
    (liquid if rain, solid if snow).
  • Precipitation Any liquid or solid form of water
    particles that fall from the atmosphere to the
  • Water is temporarily stored in lakes, glaciers,
    underground, or living organisms.
  • The water can move from these places by streams
    and rivers, returns to the oceans, is used by
    plants (transpiration) or animals or is
    evaporated directly back into the atmosphere.
  • Transpiration the evaporation of water from
    plant tissues into the surrounding atmosphere.

Running water
  • Some of the water on land slowly soaks into the
    ground through infiltration.
  • Infiltration The movement of surface water into
    rock or soil through cracks and pore spaces.
  • The water gradually moves through the land and
    actually seeps into lakes, streams, or the ocean.
  • When the rate of rainfall exceeds Earths ability
    to absorb it, the excess water flows over the
    surface into lakes and streams in a process
    called runoff.
  • Runoff Water that flows over the land surface
    rather than seeping into the ground.

The water cycle is the
  • Distribution of drinking water on Earth.
  • Unending circulation of Earths water supply.
  • The recycling of water after industrial use.
  • The evaporation of water from Earths surface.

Plants release water into the atmosphere through
a process called
  • Evaporation.
  • Transpiration.
  • Infiltration.
  • Precipitation.

Running water
  • Balance in the water cycle means the average
    annual precipitation over Earth equals the amount
    of water that evaporates.
  • Examples
  • Precipitation exceeds evaporation over
  • Over oceans, evaporation exceeds precipitation.
  • The fact is that the level of world oceans in not
    changing very much indicates the system is

Running water
Balance in the water cycle means that
  • The average annual precipitation over Earth
    equals the amount of water that evaporates.
  • Water that falls to Earth only enters oceans.
  • The amount of water that falls to Earth weighs
    the same as the amount of water that condenses in
  • Water that evaporates from Earths surface
    remains forever in the atmosphere.

The average annual precipitation worldwide must
equal the quantity of water
  • Evaporated.
  • Transpired.
  • Infiltrated.
  • Locked in glaciers.

Running water
  • Gravity influences the way water makes its way to
    the oceans.
  • The time this journey takes depends on the
    velocity of the stream.
  • Velocity The distance that water travels in a
    period of time.
  • Along straight stretches, the highest velocities
    are neat the center of the channel just below the
  • The center of the channel is where friction is
  • A streams zone of maximum, speed shifts toward
    its outer bank when a stream curves.
  • The ability of a stream to erode and transport
    materials depends largely on its velocity.
  • Several factors influence the velocity of a
  • Gradient, shape, size, roughness of its channel,
    and its discharge.

Running water
  • Gradient
  • The slope or steepness of a stream channel.
  • Usually expressed as the vertical drop of a
    stream over a certain distance.
  • Gradient varies over a streams length and
    between streams.
  • The steeper the gradient, the more energy the
    stream has as it flows downhill.

Running water
Running water
  • 2. Channel Characteristics
  • A stream channel is the course the water in a
    stream follows.
  • As water flows, it encounters friction from the
    sides and bottom of its channel.
  • The shape, size, and roughness of the channel
    affect the amount of friction.
  • Water in a smooth channel flows more easily.
  • Larger channels also have more efficient water
    flow because a smaller proportion of water is in
    contact with the channel surfaces.

Running water
  • 3. Discharge
  • The volume of water flowing past a certain point
    in a given unit of time.
  • Usually measured in cubic meters per second
  • Discharges of most rivers change with rainfall
    and snowmelt.
  • The size and velocity of the stream also changes
    when discharge changes.
  • Building urban centers (urbanization) around a
    stream channel can also affect discharge.
  • Ex The magnitude and frequency of floods can

Running water
The ability of a stream to erode and transport
material depends largely on its
  • Width.
  • Length.
  • Velocity.
  • Density.

Which of the following factors does not influence
stream velocity
  • Channel size and shape.
  • Stream gradient.
  • Stream elevation.
  • Discharge of stream.

Along straight stretches of a stream channel, the
highest velocities of water are found in what
part of the stream?
  • Near the water surface in the center of the
  • Near the water surface along the stream banks.
  • Along the stream bottom in the center of the
  • Along the stream bottom near the stream banks.

The vertical drop of a stream channel over a
certain distance is called
  • Discharge.
  • Channel roughness.
  • Gradient.
  • Runoff.

A streams discharge
  • Decreases between its source and mouth.
  • Remains the same throughout its course.
  • Is greatest during times of drought.
  • Increases between its source and mouth.

Running water
  • One useful way to study a stream is to look at
    its profile.
  • Profile A cross-sectional view of a stream from
    its source, or headwaters, to its mouth the
    point where the river empties into another body
    of water.
  • The most obvious feature of a typical stream
    profile is a decreasing gradient or slope from
    its headwaters to its mouth.

Running water
If you were to examine the profile of a typical
stream, you would probably find that the gradient
  • Steepest near the mouth.
  • Steepest near the head.
  • About the same at both the head and mouth.
  • Gentler near the head.

Running water
  • While gradient decreases between a streams
    headwaters and mouth, discharge increases.
  • Discharge increases due to more and more
    tributaries entering the main channel.
  • Tributary A stream that empties into another
  • In humid regions, the groundwater supply adds
    even more water to the channel.
  • As the river moves downstream, its width, depth,
    and velocity increase with the increased volume
    of the water it carries.
  • The observed increase in the average velocity of
    the water downstream contradicts what people may
    think about mountain streams.
  • Although mountain streams may look violent and
    fast, its average velocity is often less than the
    average velocity of a river near its mouth.

In a typical stream, where the gradient is steep,
the discharge
  • Is small.
  • Is large.
  • Cannot be determined.
  • Is very large.

As stream discharge increases, which of the
following occurs?
  • Stream velocity, channel width, and depth all
  • Stream velocity, channel width, and depth all
  • Stream velocity increases, but channel width and
    depth both decrease.
  • Stream velocity decreases, but channel width and
    depth both increase.

Running water
  • Streams cant erode their channels endlessly, as
    there is a limit to how deep a stream can erode.
  • Base level is the lowest point to which a stream
    can erode its channel.
  • The level at which the mouth of a stream enters
    the ocean, a lake, or another stream.
  • There are two types of base level
  • Ultimate Base Level
  • Temporary Base Level

Running water
  • Ultimate Base Level
  • Ultimate base level is sea level because it is
    the lowest level that stream erosion can lower
    the land.
  • 2. Temporary Base Level
  • Includes lakes, resistant layers of rock, and
    main stream that act as base level for their
  • Ex When a stream enters a lake, its velocity
    quickly approaches zero, and thus its ability to
    erode ceases. However, because the outlet of the
    lake can cut downward and drain the lake, the
    lake is only a temporary obstacle to the streams
    ability to erode its channel.

Base level is
  • Any part of the stream that is below sea level.
  • The lowest point to which a stream can erode its
  • The source from which the stream flows.
  • The elevation of a streams largest tributary.

What is the ultimate base level of a stream?
  • A large lake.
  • The ocean.
  • A resistant layer of rock.
  • A larger stream.

Lowering a streams base level will cause the
stream to
  • Deposit sediment.
  • Meandor.
  • Change course.
  • Downcut.

Running water
  • A stream in a broad, flat-bottomed valley that is
    near its base level often develops a course with
    many bends called meanders.
  • If base level dropped or the land was uplifted
    the river, which is now considerably above base
    level, would have excess energy and would downcut
    its channel.
  • The result could be incised meanders a winding
    river in a steep, narrow valley.

Running water
The work of streams
  • Streams generally erode their channels lifting
    loose particles by abrasion, grinding, and by
    dissolving soluble material.
  • The stronger the current is, the more erosional
    power it has and the more effectively the water
    will pick up particles.
  • Sand and gravel carried in a stream can erode
    solid rock channels like sandpaper.
  • Ex Pebbles caught in swirling stream currents
    can act like cutting tools and bore circular
    potholes into the channel floor.
  • Streams transport sediment in three ways
  • In solution (dissolved load).
  • In suspension (suspended load).
  • Scooting or rolling along the bottom (bed load).

The work of streams
  • Dissolved Load
  • Most of the dissolved load enters streams through
  • Some through dissolving rock along streams
  • The amount of material in stream is dependent
    upon the climate and geologic setting.
  • Usually expressed in parts per million (ppm).
  • Ex Some rivers have a dissolved load of 1000
  • Average for the worlds rivers is estimated at
    115 to 120 ppm.
  • Streams supply almost 4 billion metric tons of
    dissolved substances to the oceans each year.

The work of streams
  • 2. Suspended Load
  • Most streams carry the largest part of their load
    in suspension.
  • The visible cloud of sediment suspended in the
    water is the most obvious portion of a streams
  • They usually carry only sand, silt, and clay this
  • Streams also transport other materials during a
    flood because of increased water velocity.

The work of streams
The work of streams
  • 3. Bed Load
  • The part of a streams load of solid material
    that is made up of sediment too large to be
    carried in suspension.
  • Larger, coarser particles move along the bottom,
    or bed, of the stream channel.
  • The bed load only moves when the force of water
    is great enough to move the larger particles.

The work of streams
  • The ability of streams to carry a load is
    determined by two factors
  • The streams competence
  • The streams capacity.
  • Competence
  • Measures the largest particles it can transport.
  • Increases with velocity.
  • When the velocity doubles, the competence of a
    stream increases by a factor of 4.
  • 2. Capacity
  • The maximum load it can carry.
  • Directly related to discharge.
  • The greater the volume of water in a stream, the
    greater the capacity is for carrying sediment.

Most streams carry the largest part of their load
  • As dissolved material.
  • Along the streams bottom.
  • As bed load.
  • In suspension.

The suspended load of a stream
  • Is deposited before the bed load.
  • Consists primarily of highly soluble substances.
  • Moves along the bottom of the channel by rolling
    or sliding.
  • Usually consists of fine sand, silt, and
    clay-sized particles.

The capacity of a stream is directly related to
  • Velocity.
  • Discharge.
  • Gradient.
  • Meandering.

What is the measure of the largest particles a
stream can carry?
  • Competence.
  • Capacity.
  • Discharge.
  • Gradient.

The work of streams
  • Whenever a stream slows down, the situation
  • Velocity decreases competence decreases, and
    sediment begins to drop out (largest particles
  • Deposition occurs as streamflow drops below the
    critical settling velocity of a certain particle
    size. The sediment in that category begins to
    settle out.
  • Stream transport separates solid particles of
    various sizes, large to small.
  • This process is called sorting.
  • The sorted material deposited by a stream is
    called alluvium.
  • Many different depositional features are made of

The work of streams
  • Deltas
  • When a stream enters the relatively still waters
    of an ocean or lake, its velocity drops,
    resulting in the stream depositing its sediment
    which forms a delta.
  • Delta An accumulation of sediment formed where a
    stream enters a lake or ocean.
  • As a delta grows, the streams gradient lessens
    and the water slows down.
  • The channel becomes choked with sediment
    resulting in the river changing direction
    searching for a shorter route to base level.
  • The stream often divides into several smaller
    channels (distributaries), which act in the
    opposite way of tributaries.
  • Distributaries carry water away.

The work of streams
The work of streams
  • After many shifts, a delta may grow into a
    triangular shape (? Greek letter delta).
  • Not all deltas have this ideal shape.
  • Differences in the shapes of the shorelines and
    variations in the strength of waves and currents
    result in different shapes of the delta.

The work of streams
  • 2. Natural Levees
  • Some rivers occupy valleys with broad, flat
  • Successive floods over many years can build
    natural levees along them.
  • Natural Levee A landform that parallels some
  • Forms when a stream overflows its banks its
    velocity rapidly decreases and leaves coarse
    sediment deposits in strips that border the
  • As the water spreads out over the valley, less
    sediment is deposited.
  • This uneven distribution of material produces the
    gentle slope of a natural levee.

The work of streams
A depositional feature that forms where a stream
enters a lake or ocean is a (an)
  • Natural Levee.
  • Delta.
  • Meander.
  • Oxbow Lake.

A natural levee is
  • An erosional feature perpendicular to the stream
  • A depositional feature perpendicular to the
    stream channel.
  • An erosional feature parallel to the stream
  • A depositional feature parallel to the stream

In a stream channel, which of the following will
be deposited first?
  • The dissolved load.
  • Fine sand and silt.
  • Gravel-sized particles.
  • Clay-sized particles.

Occasionally, deposition causes the main channel
of a stream to divide into several smaller
channels called
  • Oxbow lakes.
  • Distributaries.
  • Meanders.
  • Deltas.

The work of streams
  • There are two different types of stream valleys
  • Narrow Valley
  • A narrow V-shaped valley shows that the streams
    primary work has been downcutting toward base
  • Prominent features are rapids and waterfalls,
    which occur where the stream profile drops

The work of streams
  • 2. Wide Valleys
  • Once a stream has cut its channel closer to base
    level, it starts widening.
  • The side-to-side cutting of a stream eventually
    produces a flat valley floor, or floodplain.
  • Streams that flow on floodplains move in
  • Most of the erosion occurs on the outside of the
    meander often called the cut bank where the
    velocity and turbulence are greatest.
  • The debris that is removed is then deposited
    downstream as point bars.
  • Point bars form in zones of decreased velocity on
    the insides of meanders.

The work of streams
  • Erosion is more effective on the downstream side
    of a meander because of the slope of the channel.
  • The bends gradually travel down the valley.
  • Sometimes the movement of a meander slows when it
    reaches a more resistant portion of the
    floodplain, which results in the next meander
    overtaking it.
  • The meander is narrowed, and eventually the
    meander is cutoff, and because of its shape, the
    abandoned bend is called an oxbow lake.

The work of streams
The flat portion of a valley floor adjacent to a
stream is called a
  • Floodplain
  • Meander
  • Divide
  • Tributary

The most prominent features of a narrow, V-shaped
valley, where the stream profile drops rapidly,
  • Meanders and Floodplains
  • Rapids and Waterfalls
  • Lakes and Ponds
  • Deltas and Natural Levees

A floodplain forms where a stream
  • Cuts downward rapidly.
  • Is far above its base level.
  • Carries no bed load.
  • Cuts mainly side to side.

Which of the following would least likely be
found in a wide valley?
  • Oxbow Lake
  • Meanders
  • Rapids
  • A Cutoff

What type of stream valley would form in a
mountainous region?
  • A wide, flat valley.
  • No valley would form.
  • The type of valley would depend on the stream
  • A narrow V-shaped valley.

The work of streams
  • A flood occurs when the discharge of a stream
    becomes so great that it exceeds the capacity of
    its channel and overtakes its banks.
  • Floods are the most common and most destructive
    of all natural geologic hazards.
  • Most floods are caused by rapid spring snow melt
    or storms that bring heavy rains over a large
  • Ex Mississippi River Valley, Summer of 1993.

The work of streams
The work of streams
  • Flash floods occur with little warning, and they
    can be deadly as walls of water sweep through
    river valleys.
  • Several factors influence flash floods
  • Rainfall intensity/duration.
  • Surface conditions.
  • Topography.
  • Human interference can worsen or even cause
  • Ex Failure of a dam or an artificial levee.
  • There are several flood control strategies
  • Artificial levees.
  • Flood control dams
  • Placing limits on floodplain development.

The work of streams
  • Artificial Levees
  • Artificial levees are earthen mounds built on the
    banks of a river.
  • They increase the volume of water a channel can
  • Because the stream cannot deposit material
    outside of its channel the bottom gradually
    builds up, thus it takes less water to overflow
    the levee.
  • They are not built to withstand periods of
    extreme flooding.

The work of streams
  • 2. Flood-Control Dam
  • Store floodwater and then let it out slowly.
  • Since the 1920s, thousands of dams have been
    built on nearly every major river in the U.S.
  • Dams are not built to last forever, as sediment
    builds up behind the dam, and stored water will
    gradually diminish.
  • Large dams also cause ecological damage to river

The work of streams
  • 3. Limiting Development
  • Many scientists and engineers advocate sound
    floodplain management instead of building
  • Minimizing development on floodplains allows them
    to absorb floodwaters with little harm to homes
    and businesses.

The work of streams
  • Every stream has a drainage basin.
  • A drainage basin is the land area that
    contributes water to a stream.
  • An imaginary line called a divide separates the
    drainage basins of one stream from another.
  • Divides range in scale from a ridge separating
    two small gullies on a hillside to a continental
    divide, which splits continents into enormous
    drainage basins.
  • The Mississippi River has the largest drainage
    basin in North America.
  • The river and its tributaries collect water from
    more than 3.2 million square kilometers of the

The work of streams
One major cause of floods is
  • Rapid spring snow melt.
  • A decrease in stream discharge.
  • Light rain over a large area.
  • Increased capacity of stream channels.

One traditional flood control method has been to
attempt to keep the streams flow within its
channel by creating
  • Meanders.
  • Artificial Cutoffs.
  • Artificial Levees.
  • Flood Control Dams.

Limiting development on floodplains is effective
because it
  • Allows floodplains to absorb floodwaterrs with
    little harm to structures.
  • Eliminates wide stream meanders.
  • Is more expensive to build structures on flat
  • Helps keep floodwaters within stream channels.

A drainage basin is
  • The channel of a stream.
  • The land covered by floodwaters.
  • The land area that contributes water to a stream.
  • All stream that flow directly into an ocean.

What are the boundaries called that separate
streams in adjacent drainage basins?
  • Mountain ranges.
  • Divides.
  • Valleys.
  • Levees.

Water beneath the surface
  • Underground water in wells and springs provides
    water for cities, crops, livestock, and industry.
  • In the U.S., it is the drinking water for more
    than 50 of the population.
  • It also provides 40 of the irrigation water and
    more than 25 of industrys needs.
  • The amount of water that seeps or soaks into the
    ground depends on the steepness of slopes, the
    nature of surface materials, the intensity of
    rainfall, and the type and amount of vegetation.

Water beneath the surface
Water beneath the surface
  • Some of the water that soaks into the ground does
    not travel far as molecular attractions hold it
    in place as a surface film on soil particles.
  • This near surface zone is called the belt of soil
  • Roots, voids left by decayed roots, and animal
    and worm burrows criss-cross this zone and help
    rainwater seep into the soil.
  • Much of the water in soil seeps downward until it
    reaches the zone of saturation.
  • Zone of saturation the area where water fills
    all of the open spaces in sediment and rock
  • The upper limit of the zone of saturation is the
    water table.
  • The area above the water table where the soil,
    sediment, and rocks are not saturated is the zone
    of aeration.
  • Water can only be pumped from the zone of

Water beneath the surface
Water beneath the surface
  • The flow and storage of groundwater vary
    depending on the subsurface material.
  • The amount of groundwater than can be stored
    depends on porosity.
  • Porosity The percentage of the total volume of
    rock or sediment that consists of pore spaces.
  • Rock or sediment may be very porous and still
    block waters movement.
  • The permeability of a material is its ability to
    release a fluid.
  • Groundwater moves by twisting and turning through
    interconnected small openings.
  • The groundwater moves more slowly when the pore
    spaces are smaller.
  • Example Clay has high porosity, but is
    impermeable because its spaces are so small that
    water cant move through them.

Water beneath the surface
Water beneath the surface
  • Impermeable layers that get in the way or prevent
    water movement are aquitards.
  • Permeable rock layers or sediments that transmit
    groundwater freely are aquifers.
  • Aquifers are the source of well water.
  • Aquifers usually consist of rocks, sand, and
    gravel with a lot of air spaces in which water
    can accumulate.
  • Aquifers continuously receive water that
    percolates down from the surface, but this
    process is very slow.
  • It may take millions of years for a large aquifer
    to form.
  • The area of land from which the groundwater
    originates is called its recharge zone.

Water beneath the surface
  • The Ogallala Aquifer is the largest underground
    water source in the United States.
  • It holds about 4 quadrillion liters of water,
    which is enough to fill Lake Huron (one of the
    five Great Lakes).
  • But water from the Ogallala is being removed 10
    to 40 times faster than it is being replenished.
  • Most of the water is withdrawn to irrigate crops.

Groundwater is found underground in the zone of
  • Aeration.
  • Soil.
  • Saturation.
  • Sediment.

Permeable rock layers or sediments that transmit
groundwater freely are called
  • Aquifers.
  • Aquitards.
  • Caverns.
  • Springs.

The percentage of the total volume of rock or
sediment that consists of pore spaces is called
  • Permeability.
  • An aquifer.
  • The zone of saturation.
  • Porosity.

Which of the following is a measure of a
materials ability to transmit fluids through
interconnected pore spaces?
  • Capacity.
  • Competence.
  • Permeability.
  • Porosity.

Water beneath the surface
  • A spring forms whenever the water table
    intersects the ground surface.
  • Spring a flow of groundwater that emerges
    naturally at the ground surface.
  • Springs form when an aquitard blocks downward
    movement of groundwater and forces it to move
  • A hot spring is 6C to 9C warmer than the mean
    annual air temperature where the spring occurs.
  • Temperatures usually rise with an increase of
    depth at an average of 2C per 100 meters.
  • There are more than 1000 hot springs in the U.S.
  • More than 95 of the hot springs in the U.S. are
    in the West.
  • The source of heat for most hot springs is
    cooling igneous rock.
  • In some places, hot acidic water mixes with
    minerals from adjacent rock to form thick,
    bubbling mineral springs called mudpots.

Water beneath the surface
Water beneath the surface
  • A geyser is an intermittent hot spring or
    fountain in which a column of water shoots up
    with great force at various intervals.
  • Geysers often shoot up columns of water 30 to 60
  • After the jet of water stops, a column of steam
    rushes out usually with a thundering roar.
  • Ex Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park,
    which erupts about once each hour.

Water beneath the surface
Water beneath the surface
  • Geysers occur where extensive underground
    chambers exist within hot igneous rocks.
  • As relatively cool groundwater enters the
    chambers, the surrounding rock heats it.
  • The weight of the overlying water creates great
    pressure at the bottom of the chamber.
  • This pressure prevents water from boiling at the
    normal surface temperature of 100C.
  • As the heat makes the water expand, it forces
    some of the water out at the surface which
    reduces the pressure in the chamber and boiling
  • Some of the water deep within the chamber then
    turns to steam and makes the geyser erupt.
  • After the eruption, the cycle begins again.

Springs form where
  • There is no water table.
  • Flooding makes stream overflow their banks.
  • Groundwater sinks in the soil.
  • The water table intersects the ground surface.

When groundwater enters underground fractures or
caverns in hot igneous rocks, where it is heated
to boiling temperatures, what feature can form?
  • Spring
  • Geyser
  • Aquitard
  • Sinkhole

Water beneath the surface
  • A well is a hole bored into the zone of
  • Irrigation for agriculture is by far the single
    greatest use of well water in the U.S.
  • More than 65 of groundwater used annually.
  • The level of the water table can change
    considerably during a year.
  • Ex Dry season and wet seasons.
  • To ensure a continuous water supply, a well must
    penetrate far below the water table because the
    water table around the well drops whenever a
    substantial amount of water is withdrawn.
  • This effect is called drawdown, and it decreases
    with an increase in distance from the well.
  • The result of drawdown is a cone of depression in
    the water table.

Water beneath the surface
Water beneath the surface
Water beneath the surface
  • Water must be pumped out of most wells, but a in
    a few wells, water rises on its own to the
  • This type of well is known as an artesian well.
  • Artesian Well Any formation in which groundwater
    rises on its own under pressure.
  • For this to occur, two conditions must exist.
  • Water must be in an aquifer that is tilted so
    that one end is exposed at the surface.
  • There must be aquitards both above and below the
    aquifer to stop the water from escaping.
  • The pressure created by the weight of the water
    above forces the water to rise when a well taps
    the aquifer.

Water beneath the surface
Water beneath the surface
  • As with many valuable natural resources,
    groundwater is being threatened at an increasing
  • Overuse and contamination threatens groundwater
    supplies in some areas.
  • In some areas the amount of water available to
    recharge an aquifer is much les than the amount
    being withdrawn.
  • Even if pumping were to stop now, it would take
    thousands of years for the groundwater to be
    fully replenished.
  • Also, the ground may sink when water is pumped
    from wells faster than natural processes can
    replace it.
  • As the water is withdrawn, the ground subsides
    because the weight of the overburden packs
    relatively loose sediment grains more tightly
  • Ex San Joaquin Valley of California.

Water beneath the surface
Water beneath the surface
  • Common sources of groundwater pollution are
    sewage from septic tanks, farm wastes, and
    inadequate or broken sewers.
  • If sewage water that is contaminated with
    bacteria enters the groundwater system, it may
    become purified through natural processes.
  • The harmful bacteria can be mechanically filtered
    by the sediment though which it passes
    (sandstone), destroyed by chemical oxidation,
    and/or assimilated by other organisms.
  • For purification to occur, the aquifer must be of
    the correct composition.

Water beneath the surface
Water beneath the surface
  • Other sources of contamination include
    fertilizers, pesticides, highway salt, and
    chemicals/industrial materials.
  • In coastal areas, heavy use of groundwater can
    deplete aquifers, causing underground saltwater
    to enter the wells.
  • Once the source of contamination has been
    identified and eliminated, the most common
    practice is to abandon the water supply.
  • This allows pollutants to flush out gradually.
  • To speed up the process, engineers can pump out
    and treat the polluted water, which then allows
    the aquifer to replenish itself with fresh water.
  • Prevention is the most effective solution to
    groundwater contamination.
  • Some substance in water are natural (ex calcium
    and iron) which make some water hard.
  • Hard water forms scum with soap instead of suds.
    It can also deposit residue that clogs pipes. It
    is generally not a health risk.

Water beneath the surface
Water beneath the surface
Which of the following is not a major source of
groundwater pollution?
  • Sewage.
  • Compost.
  • Pesticides.
  • Industrial chemicals.

Any formation in which groundwater rises on its
own under pressure is a (an)
  • Aquifer.
  • Artesian Well.
  • Cone of Depression.
  • Hot Spring.

The depression often produced in the water table,
when water is pumped out of a well, is called
  • A perched water table.
  • An aquitard.
  • The aquifer cone.
  • The cone of depression.

Groundwater contaminated by sewage from a
ruptured septic tank can sometimes be naturally
purified by flowing for a relatively short
distance through a
  • Sandstone aquifer.
  • Fractured limestone aquifer.
  • Cavernous limestone aquifer.
  • Spring where the water table intersects the
    ground surface.

Water beneath the surface
  • The most spectacular results of groundwaters
    ability to erode rock are limestone caverns.
  • A cavern is a naturally formed underground
  • Formed when water is slightly acidic (carbonic
    acid), which erodes limestone easily.
  • There are thousands of caverns in the U.S.
  • Ex Carlsbad Caverns in southeastern New Mexico.

Water beneath the surface
  • Erosion forms most caverns at or below the water
    table in the zone of saturation.
  • The features that produce the greatest curiosity
    for most cavern visitors are depositional stone
  • They form from seemingly endless dripping of
    water over great spans of time.
  • The calcium carbonate left behind produces
    limestone we call travertine.
  • These cave deposits are commonly called

Water beneath the surface
  • The most familiar dripstone features are
  • Stalactites are icicle-like stone pendants that
    hang from the ceiling of a cavern.
  • Formed from the calcite left behind as the water
    drops fall.

Water beneath the surface
  • Stalagmites are formations that develop on the
    floor of a cavern and reach up toward the
  • Formed when water falls from the ceiling and
    splatters over the surface of the floor, leaving
    behind calcite.
  • They are usually more massive and more rounded on
    their upper ends than stalactites.

A cavern is an underground chamber formed by
  • Erosion
  • Deposition
  • Evaporation
  • Runoff

Which of the following statements is true about
  • They hang from the ceiling of a cavern.
  • They grow up from the floor of a cavern.
  • They are the same as stalagmites.
  • They either hang from the ceiling or grow up from
    the floor of a cavern.

Caverns most commonly form in what type of
  • Granite
  • Sandstone
  • Limestone
  • Shale

What does groundwater naturally contain that
allows it to dissolve limestone and form caverns?
  • Hydrochloric acid
  • Sulfur acid
  • Carbonic acid
  • Nitric acid

Water beneath the surface
  • Many areas of the world have landscapes that have
    been shaped largely by the dissolving power of
  • These areas are said to have Karst Topography.
  • Karst landscapes occur in many regions underlain
    by limestone.
  • Karst regions usually show a lack of surface
    drainage (streams).
  • If there is a stream, they are usually short.
  • Karst areas typically have irregular terrain,
    with many depressions called sinkholes.
  • Sinkhole A depression produced in a region where
    groundwater has removed soluble rock.
  • Sinkholes form in one of two ways
  • Develop over many years without any physical
    disturbance to the rock.
  • Shallow and gentle slopes.
  • 2. Form suddenly when the roof of a cavern
  • Steep-sided and deep.

Water beneath the surface
Which type of rock usually underlies a karst
  • Limestone.
  • Granite.
  • Basalt.
  • Shale.

Sinkholes can form when
  • Rainwater containing carbon dioxide dissolves
    underground rock.
  • Minerals dripping from a cavern ceiling form
    stone pendants.
  • Streams drop sediment as they enter lakes.
  • The water table rises due to flooding.

Which of the following is associated with areas
of karst topography?
  • Sinkholes
  • Sinking streams
  • Caverns
  • All of the above

Which of these landforms is not common in an area
of karst topography?
  • Sinkholes.
  • Caverns.
  • Stalagmites.
  • Surface drainage systems.
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