Efficacy and Mechanism of XuanXia on Opiate Addiction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Efficacy and Mechanism of XuanXia on Opiate Addiction


National Foundation for New Drug R & D, China ... Rhizome Gastrodiae, Radis Astragal, Cordyceps, Rhizoma Chuanxing, Radis Codonopsis, etc. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Efficacy and Mechanism of XuanXia on Opiate Addiction

Efficacy and Mechanism ofXuanXia on Opiate
  • National Foundation for New Drug R D, China
  • WHO Collaborating Research Center for
    Psychosocial Factors, Drug Abuse and Health,
  • Mental Health Institute, Hunan Medical
    University, China
  • National Institute on Drug Dependence, China
  • Fortune United Enterprises Ltd.
  • 1999.4

  • Introduction
  • TCM theory regarding drug addiction
  • Views of Western Medicine regarding drug
  • Modern TCM theory and mechanisms applied to use
    of XuanXia as a dietary supplement in
    detoxification and rehabilitation treatment of
    drug addiction
  • Mechanisms of XuanXia in relieving protracted
    (secondary) withdrawal symptoms and psychological
  • Pharmacological study of XuanXia
  • Toxicology of XuanXia
  • Clinical studies of XuanXia
  • Contents and ingredients of XuanXia safe levels
    of trace heavy metals no addictive substances
  • A prescriptive dosage of XuanXia

  • Illicit drug abuse has become a public health
    problem worldwide. Development of an effective
    agent for opiate addiction is a crucial mission
    of pharmacologists. Although many detoxification
    agents have become available, no established
    agent meets the preferred criteria of safety,
    efficacy, and freedom from post-treatment
    substance dependency. Moreover, there is no
    satisfactory agent for relieving and treating the
    protracted (secondary) withdrawal symptoms and
    psychological craving that cause relapse.

  • Under the guidance of the theory of Traditional
    Chinese Medicine(TCM), and working from Yang
    Jitais (a famous Chinese doctor 200 years ago)
    secret recipe, Chinese researchers have developed
    a pure herbal compound called XuanXia, which
    consists of twenty herbs. XuanXia has no
    narcotics, psychotropic agents, or any herb that
    can produce substance dependency. In comparison
    with established substitution agents, XuanXia is
    very effective as a dietary supplement in
    relieving acute and protracted withdrawal
    symptoms and psychological craving, with few and
    typically mild side effects, and with no
    post-treatment dependency on XuanXia. Moreover,
    there is no rebound after discontinuation of
    XuanXia treatment.

TCM Overview of Normal Human Physiology
Qi and Blood Five Zang- organs Six
Fu- organs Meridians
transforms into
The kidney is the origin of the congenital
Conge- nital Qi
The spleen provides the material basis of
the acquired constitution
TCMs Understanding of drug addiction
All channels boiling Qi-Blood quickly
flowing Zang-Fu organs pseudo-vigorous
Impairs spleen and kidney Damages vital essence
and Qi Causes insufficiency of congenital Qi
Deficiency in root and Excess in
superficiality Upward Floating of
Deficiency- Yang
Pungent and perfume Bitter and warm
Narcotic Ingested
Disorder of Qi-Blood Disharmony of
Zang-Fu Imbalance of Yin-Yang
Kidney fails to transform into vital
essence Spleen fails to nourish vital
essence Further damage to vital essence and Qi
Congenital Qi fails to rise
Narcotic Cut off
Withdrawal symptoms
Action Position of XuanXia
Deficiency in root and Excess in
superficiality Upward Floating of
Deficiency- Yang
Impairs spleen and kidney Damages vital essence
and Qi Causes insufficiency of congenital Qi
Pungent and perfume Bitter and warm
All channels boiling Qi-Blood quickly
flowing Zang-Fu organs pseudo-vigorous
Narcotic Ingested
Disorder of Qi-Blood Disharmony of
Zang-Fu Imbalance of Yin-Yang
Congenital Qi fails to rise
Kidney fails to transform into vital
essence Spleen fails to nourish vital
essence Further damage to vital essence and Qi
Narcotic Cut off
Modern Medicines Understandingof Drug Addiction
  • The exact mechanism of addiction is not yet fully
    understood. There are several hypotheses,
    including condition theory, enzyme induction
    hypothesis, receptor hypothesis, nerve and
    transmitter hypothesis, among others. Each
    hypothesis has its own bases, and is supported by
    certain experiments and clinical observations.

Physiological Actions ofEndogenous Opioid
1. DA system (dopaminergic central nervous
system) 2. NA system (noradrenalin
nor-adrenergic system) 3. 5-HT system (serotonergi
c system heart, brain, bloodvessels, liver) 4.
Ach system (acetyl choline cholinergic
system) 5. GABA system 6. H--Y system 7.
Thyroid system 8. Ca2passage system (blood
vessel caliber heart rate myocardial
compliance) 9. AC-cAMP system (intracellular
messenger) 10.G-protein system
Endogenous opioid peptides
Opiate receptors
1. NA system 2. DA system 3. 5-HT system 4. Ach
system 5. GABA system 6. H--Y system 7.
Thyroid system 8. Ca2passage system 9. AC-cAMP
system 10.G-protein system
Opiate receptors
Endogenous opioid
New Balance
Exogenous opiate

1.NA system 2.DA system 3.5-HT system 4.Ach
system 5.GABA system 6.H--Y system
7.Thyroid system 8.Ca2passage system 9.AC-cAMP
system 10.G-protein system
Opiate receptors
Endogenous opioid
Exogenous opiate
Cut Endogenous opioid off Exogenous

New TCM Hypothesis Regarding XuanXias Action in
Treatment of Opiate Addiction
  • The essential actions of Chinese medicine are
    explained as two-way effects and a
    self-adjustment model. Two-way effects means
    most medical herbs contain ingredients with
    two-way remedial effects that are opposite to one
    another. Self-adjustment means the body has
    the functional capability of self-adjusting,
    self-balancing, and self-maintaining. According
    to this model, the effectiveness of a medical
    herb is determined by the condition of the
    treated organism. When the condition of the
    organism is very active, the herbs stimulation
    of the organism is weakened, but the repression
    of the herbs effects is stimulated. Conversely,
    when the condition of the organism is repressed,
    the action of the medical herb is strengthened.

  • Based upon the aforementioned rule, XuanXia
    contains several herbs with two-way effects.
    XuanXia, used as a dietary supplement in
    detoxification and rehabilitation of opiate
    addiction, is very effective in restoring the
    endogenous opioid and monoamine systems directly
    or indirectly to their baseline condition and
    function. In consequence, all systems and
    systemic functions regain a healthy new balance,
    withdrawal symptoms and craving are relieved, and
    body resistance is improved.

The Mechanism of XuanXia in Relieving Protracted
Withdrawal Symptoms and Psychological Craving
Persistent Up-Regulation of Opiate and Dopamine
ReceptorsMulti-System Imbalances(Continued
Underlying Dependency Drug-Seeking Behavior
Psychosocial Maladjustment Deficiency of vital
After detoxification
Damaged OrganismDeficiency of both Spleen and
Kidney Cardiovascular, Renal, and Immune
AnxietyInsomniaPhysical painIndigestion
Protracted Withdrawal Symptoms
PsychopathiaSocial MaladjustmentAlteration of
ValuesRisk-Taking Behavior
Taking narcoticBrief comfort/relief
Psychological craving
Mechanism of XuanXiain Opiate Detoxification
1.NA system 2.DA system 3.5-HT system 4.Ach
system 5.GABA system 6.H--Y system
7.Thyroid system 8.Ca2passage system 9.AC-cAMP
system 10.G-protein system

New Health Balance
Opiate Receptors

Endogenous Opioid
Reduced withdrawal symptoms and craving
Efficacy of XuanXia in AlleviatingAcute
Withdrawal Symptoms inMorphine-Dependent Rats
Mental Health Institute, Beijing Medical
  • A. Normal control group
  • B. Non-treatment group
  • C. Clonidine group
  • D. High-dosage XuanXia gr.
  • E. Medium-dosage XuanXia gr.
  • F. Low-dosage XuanXia gr.

Naloxone Challenge Test
No withdrawal symptoms were induced
Morphine-dependent Monkey
Challenge Test
The Composition of XuanXiaAnd Its Actions
  • Composition
  • Rhizome Corydalis, Rhizome Corydalis
    Decumbentis, Fructose Vschisandrace, Rhizome
    Gastrodiae, Radis Astragal, Cordyceps, Rhizoma
    Chuanxing, Radis Codonopsis, etc.
  • Actions
  • Relief of withdrawal symptoms and craving in
    detoxification and rehabilitation from opiate
  • Strengthening of the bodys resistance

Pharmacological Actions of Some of XuanXias
  • Actions on the central nervous system
  • Actions on the neuroendocrine system
  • Actions on the cardiovascular system
  • Actions on the digestive system
  • Actions on the immune system
  • Improvement of the organisms adaptive capability

The Actions of XuanXia Within theCentral Nervous
Pain relief

Corydalis B
Sedation and sleep induction

Schisandrin C
Neuroendocrinic regulation

Corydalis B and Its Molecular Structure (one of
the active ingredients in XuanXia)
Corydalis B
C12H25NO4 335.42
Relationship Between the Chemical Structure of
Corydalis B and Its Pharmacological Actions
  • Researchers have compared Corydalis Bs five
    types and 38 analogs. The research results
    showed that the integrity of Corydalis Bs
    molecular structure plays an important role in
    its pharmacological actions. The methoxies in 9
    and 10 position have specificity they are
    active radicals. The saturation of the third
    loop is the key to the pharmacological action.
    Based on the connection between different
    chemical structures and their curative effects,
    tetrahydroprotoberberine has been found to have
    tranquilizing effects. This suggests new paths
    for the development of new medicines for mental

  • The actions of Corydalis B are different
    depending on its different isomers. Levorotation
    has been shown to ease pain and tranquilize.
    High doses can induce tremor in monkeys. Both
    levorotation and dextrorotation can raise the
    seizure threshold to challenge with strychnine
    (strychnine is a known pro-convulsant) --
    reducing the convulsive action of strychnine.

Pharmacological Actions of Corydalis B
  • Central nervous system actions
  • Pain alleviation
  • Sedation and sleep induction
  • Anti-convulsant action
  • Neuro-transmitter regulation in brain
  • Neuroendocrine system actions
  • Regulation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
  • Regulation of hypothalamic-pituitary- gonadal
  • Regulation of hypothalamic-pituitary- thyroid

Pharmacological Action of Rhizome Corydalis
Total Alkalid
  • Cardiovascular effects
  • Dilation of coronary arteries
  • Increase in coronary blood flow
  • Decrease in blood pressure and peripheral
    vascular resistance
  • Anti-arrhythmic effect
  • Digestive effects
  • Anti-ulcerative effect
  • Inhibition of gastric secretion
  • Regulation of gastric and intestinal mobility

Comparison Between Corydalis Bs Actions and
Morphines Actions On the Central Nervous System
------------------------------ Corydalis
B Morphine ---------------------------------------
----------------------------------------- Active
Receptor Position extensive
specific Selectivity weak powerful
Analgesic effect weak powerful Sedation
powerful less powerful Duration of
action long short Mechanism blocks
DA morphine - receptor in brain receptors ---
One of the Active Ingredients in
XuanXia, Tetramethylpyrazime and Its Molecular
Pharmacological Actionsof Tetramethylpyrazime
  • Actions on the cardiovascular system
  • Dilation of coronary arteries
  • Increase in coronary blood flow
  • Decrease in myocardial oxygen consumption
  • Reduction in peripheral vascular resistance
  • Actions on the blood/brain barrier (BBB)
  • Increase in cerebral blood flow
  • Decrease in brain tissue damage

Mechanism of Tetramethylpyrazime Acceleration
of Endogenous Opioid Peptide Excretion Enhanced
permeability of BBB versus other alterations in
Increase in cerebral blood flow Reduction in
brain damage
Blood/Brain Barrier

Improved recovery of brain cell function
? Improved production ofendogenous opioid
Actions of XuanXia On the Neuroendocrine System

Hypothalamus ? Pituitary ? Gonad
Hypothalamus ? Pituitary ? Adrenal
Hypothalamus ? Pituitary ? Thymus
Radix Morindae Officialis
Actions of XuanXia On the Cardiovascular System
  • Dilation of coronary arteries
  • Increase in myocardial blood flow
  • Increase in myocardial contraction
  • Decrease in myocardial oxygen (MVO2) consumption
  • Anti-arrhythmic effect


Angelic acid
  • Decrease in peripheral vascular resistance
  • Improved microcirculation
  • Reduction in blood pressure

Tetramethylpy- razime
Actions of XuanXia On the Digestive System
Anti-ulcerative effects

Polysaccharide of Radix Codonopsis glycyrrhizic ac
id, etc.
Inhibition ofgastric secretion

Regulation of gastricand intestinal motility
Actions of XuanXia On the Immune System
Weight of immune system organs
Polysaccharide of Herba Epimedii

Polysaccharide of Cordyceps
Humoral immunity

Polysacharide of Radix Angelicae Sinensis
Cellular immunity

Polysaccharide of Ganoderma
Mononuclear phagocyte

Natural killer T lymphocytes
XuanXias Support of an Organisms Adaptive

Tolerance tooxygen deficit


Polysaccharide of Cordyceps
Tolerance of high or low temperature


The Toxicology of XuanXia
  • Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Hunan, China

Toxicity Tests On XuanXia
  • Acute toxicity test
  • The highest tolerance dose tested was
    600g/kg/day of XuanXia (equal to 150 times the
    clinical dose for
  • XuanXia). The test found no toxicity or
    side effects in the XuanXia test subjects.
  • Long-term toxicity test
  • XuanXia was infused into rats stomachs at the
    dose of 200g/kg/day (equal to 50 times the
    clinical dose for
  • XuanXia), for 30 days. No toxicities or
    side effects were observed in the test-subject
    rats. Routine blood examinations and
    pathological examinations of liver, kidney,
    heart, stomach, spleen, adrenal gland, pancreas,
    ovum, testis, and lung in the test-subject rats
    were normal.

Clinical Research
  • Mental Health Institute, Hunan Medical University
  • WHO Collaborating Research Center for
    Psychosocial Factors, Drug Abuse and Health

A Comparative Study of the Effect of XuanXia
onWithdrawal Symptoms and Craving for Heroin
  • Objectives
  • To evaluate XuanXias efficacy as a dietary
    supplement in relieving withdrawal symptoms and
    craving in detoxification and rehabilitation from
    heroin addiction.
  • To determine side effects of XuanXia in using it
    as a dietary supplement in detoxification and
    rehabilitation from heroin addiction.
  • Method
  • Forty-two heroin addicts were randomly assigned
    to two groups for detoxification and
    rehabilitation a XuanXia group (21 cases) and a
    buprenorphine group (21 cases).
  • All patients in the two groups received relapse
    prevention counseling in the 2- week inpatient

Withdrawal Symptoms
Psychological Craving
Clinical Trial of XuanXia in Heroin
Detoxification Treatment
National Institute on Drug Dependence Beijing
Medical University
Required criteria for development of
new TCM for opiate detoxification 1. New TCM
compound must be non-narcotic without any
ingredient with dependence-producing
properties 2. The individual herbs composed in
the compound should accord with TCM
theory 3. It should be effective for
detoxification and without severe adverse
drug reactions 4. Its pharmaceutical quality
should be stable and controllable.
Method a multi-center, double blind and double
dummy controlled clinical trial and open trial of
XuanXia Total of 404 cases (male 305, female 99)
of heroin addicts with range of ages 18-48 years
old were included. 201 cases were in controlled
trial group (100 cases with XuanXia, 70 cases
with lofexidine as a positive control and 31
cases with placebo as a negative control), 203
cases were in open trial group with XuanXia.
Table1. The effective rates() of
treatment ________________________________________
___________________ Controlled trial
Controlled trial Open trial Day of
Treatment XuanXia Lofexidine
XuanXia Placebo XuanXia
(n69) (n70)
(n31) (n31)
(n203) __________________________________________
___________________________ 3-4
31.88 24.29 25.81
6.45 15.27 5-7
69.57 55.71 58.06
9.68 63.05 8
86.96 91.43
74.19 12.90 78.82
9 97.10 94.29
74.19 12.90 87.19
10 100.00 98.57
83.87 19.35
91.63 ____________________________________________
_________________________ Plt0.05 Plt0.01
Total scores of withdrawal syndromes
before and during treatment.
Day of medication Plt0.01
Total scores of withdrawal syndromes before and
during treatment.
Day of medication
Scores of craving before and during
treatment. Day of
Scores of craving before and during
treatment. Day of
Scores of anxiety before and during
treatment. Day of Medication
Scores of insomnia before and during
Treatment Day of medication
Scores of ostealgia and myalgia before and
during treatment Day of medication
Scores of lacrimation before and during
treatment. Day of medication
Scores of diarrhea and abdominal pain and
diarrhea. Day of
medication Plt0.05
Contents of XuanXia Safe Levels of Trace Heavy
Metals No Additive Substances
Beijing Medical University
  • Heavy metals
  • Traces of thirteen kinds of heavy metals such as
    Hg,Sn,Se,Li, etc. can be detected in XuanXia.
    All levels of the heavy metals in XuanXia meet
    health standards for safe use.
  • Addictive substances
  • No narcotics or other addictive herbs or other
    substances are present in XuanXia.

Future Research Planned on XuanXia
  • Exploration of XuanXias biological mechanisms in
    detoxification and rehabilitation treatment of
    opiate addiction
  • Identification of the active ingredients in the
    formula of XuanXia and monomers for relieving
    withdrawal symptoms and psychological craving
  • Identification of the active ingredients from
    various Chinese medicinal materials development
    of a chemical database related to XuanXia
  • Intensification of research and development on
    the applications of fundamental theories of
    modern Chinese herbal medicine to treatment of
    alcohol and drug addiction

Comparison Between XuanXia and Traditional
Therapy for Relief from Opiate Addiction
Agent Course
Result XuanXia (pure natural
7-10 days Safe, no pain,
Relief of withdrawal plant without
consciousness symptoms
and any opiate) tolerant
psychological craving

improved physical recovery Substitution
therapy (narcotic 7 days
Safe, no pain, No
relief of psychological substitution drug)
the rate of taking
craving substitute drug-
drug again is higher dependence or
relapse after stopping
treatment Hibernation therapy (sedative-hypnotic
) Additional Dangerous
No relief of withdrawal
symptoms and
psychological craving
frequent relapse
Use of XuanXia
  • Indication
  • Symptoms of withdrawal from opiate
    addiction,e.g. nausea or vomiting, muscle-ache,
    lacrimation or rhinorrhea, pupillary dilation,
    piloerection, sweating, diarrhea, yawning, fever,
    insomnia, etc.
  • Psychological craving after quitting use of
  • Physical weakness associated with drug abuse
  • Dosage/use
  • The dosage schedule should be determined
    individually and adapted to the patients drug
    use history and treatment responses, and should
    consider the concentration of XuanXia in the
    capsules to be used.
  • Day 1 - Day 5 6 pills/6 hours
  • Day 6 - Day10 4 pills/8 hours
  • Take XuanXia at least 5 hours prior to symptoms
    of withdrawal occur.

  • Characteristics of XuanXia
  • Safe
  • Effective
  • Results in no substance-dependency
  • Convenient Can be administered on an outpatient
  • Precautions
  • Use under supervision of physician for pregnant
    women or patients with history of serious heart
    disease or high blood pressure.
  • Increase nourishment and avoid raw, cold, or
    acidic food.
  • Drink honey-water before taking each dose of
    XuanXia to increase efficacy and reduce
  • Insomnia, restlessness, and anxiety may be
    experienced in such cases, mild tranquilizers
    are recommended under supervision of physician.
  • For rehabilitation (maintaining abstinence and
    further reducing psychological craving), it is
    recommended that patients should continue to take
    a half-dosage of XuanXia for another 20 days
    following 10-day detoxification treatment.
    Dosage 3 times each day, 3 pills each time,
    depending on individual patients drug use
    history, treatment response, and concentration of
    XuanXia capsules used.
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