Title: Aerothermal Propulsion
1Aerothermal Propulsion
- Lecture 1
- Course Overview and Thrust Equation
- Course Overview
- 1 law of Thermodynamics
- Fluid Equations
- Thrust equation
3First jet Aircraft Henri Coanda 1910
Henri Coanda 1885-1972
Discovered the Coanda effect the hard way
4Main Motivation 1944Worlds first operational
jet fighter
Woe unto you when your enemies can fly higher and
faster than you you will soon lose air
5Motivation Cont.
Loss of air superiority has dramatic consequences
on the ground
6Jet Propulsion
Jet aircraft , unlike propeller aircraft , were
developed primarily for military applications
7Aerothermal Propulsion
- Thermodynamics and Fluid Dynamics of Propulsion
- Thermal Physics of Combustion
- Basic Propulsion Engines (ramjets)
- Jet Turbines and Turbomachinery (low and slow)
- Scramjets (higher and faster)
- Rocket Engines ( where no human has gone before)
Talos long range antiaircraft missile
9Turbine Engines
Low and slow
Higher and Faster
11Rocket Engines
Higher and Faster Still
121st law of Thermodynamics
dE dQ PdV Changes in Energy consist of both
heat dQ addition and work PdV on surroundings
13Continuity Equation
l    Â
14Continuity Equation Cont.
which becomes as ? x ? 0.
l     Similar analysis can be done for the
fluxes across the other four faces to yield the
continuity equation, which can also be written
as .
16Force per unit volume without viscosity
17Energy Equation without viscosity
18Energy Equation cont.
20Enthalpy Cont.
21Enthalpy Importance
Energy release in an unconfined space
22Thrust From Force Equation
23Thrust From Force Equation
Air breathing engine
24Thrust From Force Equation
25Thrust Equation
Change in flow momentum
Change in pressure (Normally Pe Pa)