Title: Landfills
- Discussion 24
- Soils and Environmental Quality
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5Options for Controlling Municipal Solid Waste
- Recyling
- Incineration
- Composting and landspreading
- Landfills
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8What is a Secure Landfill?
- A carefully engineered depression in the ground
or build on top of the ground into which waste
are put, i.e., a bathtub in the ground - Composition
- A bottom liner
- A leachate collection system
- A cover
- A compatible hydrogeologic setting
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10Example of a Landfill
11Landfill Dropoff
12Some Basic Facts Re Landfills
- In the USA 55 of the MSW (after recyling) is
disposed in a landfill - The USA has 3091 active landfills over 10,000
old municipal landfills
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15Environmental Concerns Re Landfills
- Toxic leachates may contaminate surface-
ground-water - Release of noxious/combustible gases
- Accumulation of hazardous and low-level
radioactive wastes - Noise and visual pollution
- Others birds near airports
16Table 1. Concentration Ranges for Components of
Municipal Landfill Leachate
17Composition of Bottom Liners
- Clay smectitic clays 1 m thick optimum may
crack or become degraded by chemicals - Composite plastic (flexible membrane liners,
FMLs) and compacted/clayey soil leakage common - Plastic (HDPE) 100-mil (0.1 inch) synthetic
18HDPE Landfill Liner
19Clogging of Leachate Collection Systems
- Silt or clay in lt10 yr
- Growth of microorganisms in pipes
- Chemical reactions and precipitates in pipes
- Weakening of pipes from chemical attack by acids,
solvents, etc.
20Landfill Leachate Leakage
21Landfill Leachate Collection System
22Landfill Leachate Treatment
23Problems with Landfill Covers
- Erosion of topsoil, exposing MSW cells
- Roots from cover plants may penetrate MSW cells
- Ditto burrowing animals
- Sunlight may dry out clay cap, causing cracks
- Subsidence may cause cracks in cover
- Rubber tires may float upward
- Human activities of many kinds
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LANDFILL GAS TABLE 1 Typical Constituents Found
in Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Gas Component
(dry volume basis) Methane
0.1-1.0 Sulfides, disulfides,
mercaptans,etc. 0-0.2Hydrogen
0-0.2Carbon Monoxide
0-0.2Trace Constituents
0.01-0.6 Exact percentage
distribution will vary with the age of the
26TABLE 2 Typical Concentrations of Some Trace
Compounds Found in Landfill Gas Component
Concentration (pbV, parts per billion by
volume) Toluene
5,244Vinyl Chloride
Ethyl Ketone 3
hylene 2
2,057 SOURCE G. Tchobanoglous,
H. Theisen and S. Vigil, "Integrated Solid Waste
Management, Engineering Principles and Management
Issues," McGraw-Hill, New York, 1993. Shown here
as reproduced in J.Wilcos, Ph.D., and W.Clister,
"Waiting is Over Landfills Have Clean Air Act
Rules," Solid Waste Technologies, March/April
1996. Provided by Dan Knapp of Urban Ore,
Berkley, California
27Case Study The Refuse Hideaway Landfill of
Middleton, WI
- The 23-acre Refuse Hideaway Landfill site was
licensed by WDNR in 1974 - Landfill received municipal, commercial, and
industrial wastes until 1988 when it was closed
by court order - Closure included a clay and soil cap and seeding
a vegetation cover - It was determined that soils, groundwater, and
private wells were contaminated with VOCs, which
constitute a health risk - In 1989 the owner of the landfill declared
bankrupcy - In 1991 methane gas and leachate collection
systems were initiated the landfill cap was
repaired - In October 1992 the area was declared an EPA
Superfund site - In 1995 a comprehensive cleanup plan included
groundwater extraction and treatment to contain
the contaminant plume
28For More Information
- http//www.zerowasteamerica.org/Landfills.htm
- http//people.howstuffworks.com/landfill7.htm
- http//gfredlee.com/lf-conta.htm