Citrus Postharvest Decays and their Control - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Citrus Postharvest Decays and their Control


Citrus Postharvest Decays and their Control – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Citrus Postharvest Decays and their Control

Citrus Post-harvest Decays and their Control
UF Course 5115C 2008
Citrus Post-harvest Decays
  • Post-harvest decays of citrus are those that
    developed during harvesting, transit, grading,
    packing, and transportation of citrus to market
    during storage and during the various handling
    operations required to move citrus fruit from
    packinghouses to retail stores and finally to the
  • Post-harvest decays actually continue to develop
    while the fruit are in possession of the consumer
    but are stored at room temperature or under
    refrigeration until the moment of actual
    consumption or use.

  • Economic Impact of Citrus Post-harvest Decays
  • Post-harvest decay is one of the most important
    factors affecting values and the marketing of
    fresh citrus.
  • The losses of fresh citrus by decay is more
    costly than those losses
  • incurred at pre-harvest stage because of the
    added costs for harvesting,
  • post-harvest handling, treatments, shipping and
  • The losses of fresh citrus due to post-harvest
    decay could be up to 100 depending on the
    post-harvest treatments and handling.
  • The control of post-harvest decays of citrus is
    vital to maintain fruit quality and shelf-life in
    a market.

Post-harvest Decays of Florida Citrus Fruit
  • The common post-harvest decays occurred on
    Florida citrus fruit Green mold, blue mold,
    stem-end rots (Diplodia stem-end rot, Phomopsis
    stem-end rot and Alternaria stem-end rot), sour
    rot, anthracnose, and brown rot.
  • Post-harvest decays can be separated into two
    categories based on the time of infection (1)
    decays manifested from latent infections include
    Diplodia stem-end rot, Phomopsis stem-end rot,
    anthracnose, and Alternaria stem-end rot and (2)
    decays manifested shortly after infections
    include green mold, blue mold, sour rot and brown
  • The types of decay and severity are dependent on
    the climate, varieties, grove practices and
    post-harvest handling.

Green Mold
  • Pathogen Penicillium digitatum (Pers.Fr) Sacc.
  • Infection and Symptoms It is identified by the
    mass of olive-green spores produced on infected
    fruit and their prolific production ensures that
    this fungus is found wherever fruit is present,
    including field, packinghouses, equipment,
    degreening and storage rooms, transit containers
    and in the marketplace. Infection takes place
    only through wounds where nutrients are available
    to stimulate spore germination and fruit decay
    begins at these infected injury sites. The early
    infection area appears as a soft watery spot. As
    the lesion progresses, white mycelia develop and
    these produce the green spores. The white
    mycelium develops into a broad zone surrounding
    this sporulating area. Within a few days the
    entire fruit can be covered with green spores.
    Spoilage of fruit, caused by the spread of spores
    from diseased fruit onto adjacent fruit, can
    occur within the shipping container, but green
    mold spores will only infect damaged fruit in
    packed cartons.

Blue Mold
  • Causal organism Penicillium italicum Wehmer.
  • Infection and symptoms P. italicum infects
    citrus fruit via injuries to cause blue mold.
    Blue mold is recognized by the mass of blue
    spores produced in decayed fruit. Initial lesions
    are similar to the lesions of green mold, but the
    spores are blue in color and are surrounded by a
    narrow band of white mycelium encompassed by
    water-soaked rind. Blue mold develops less
    rapidly than green mold under ambient conditions
    so that the green mold is often observed in mixed
    infections. Blue mold is more common in fruit
    held in cold storage for summer, and it can
    spread in packed cartons more readily than green
    mold. It occurs in all citrus-producing regions
    of the world, although it is not as prevalent as
    green mold under Florida conditions.

Sour Rot
  • Causal organism Geotrichum citri-aurantii
    (Feraris) Butler.
  • Infection and symptoms It has been reported in
    most areas where citrus is grown occurring on all
    cultivars, but is particularly troublesome on
    fruit that is stored for long durations. The
    fungus only infects fruit through injuries and in
    particular deep injuries that involve the albedo
    tissue. Sour rot develops more frequently on
    mature to over-mature fruit with high peel
    moisture. The initial symptoms are water-soaked
    lesions, light to dark yellow and slightly
    raised, with the cuticle being more easily
    removed from the epidermis than lesions caused by
    green or blue mold. Decayed fruit tissue has a
    sour odor that attracts fruit flies and these can
    spread the fungus to other injured fruit during
    storage. The fungus is present in soil and can
    reach the fruit surface from wind-blown or
    splash-dispersed soil and by fruit-soil contact.
    Fruit on the lower portion of the citrus tree
    contains higher populations of the fungus and
    soil from the field or from diseased fruit can
    contaminate drenching equipment, soak tanks,
    pallet bins, washer brushes, belts and conveyors.
    Packed infected fruit allows the disease to
    spread to sound fruit in the container. The
    disease develops rapidly at warm temperatures,
    with an optimum at 27 oC.

Disease cycle of Sour Rot
G. citri-aurantii completes its life cycle in
Drencher, brushes, and belts, etc.
Wind, splash, and contact
Spores attach to fruit surfaces
Spores germinate and infect fruit via injuries
Sour rot developed
Diplodia Stem-end Rot
  • Causal organism Diplodia natalensis Pole-Evans
    (Syns. Lasiodiplodia theobromae (Pat) Griffon
    Maubl. and Botryodiplodia theobromae Pat
    teleomorph Botryosphaeria rhodina (Cooke) Arx).
  • Infection and symptoms D. natalensis is a
    saprophyte that completes its life cycle on
    deadwood of citrus trees in grove. Water
    transmits fungal spores from deadwood to the
    surfaces of immature fruit where the fungus
    colonizes dead tissue of the button (calyx and
    disk). These fungal colonizations remain latent
    and do not cause fruit decay before harvest.
    Infections develop after harvest especially under
    conditions of high temperature and relative
    humidity. The pathogen usually infects fruit from
    the button at the stem-end of the fruit. It
    proceeds through the core more quickly than the
    rind, leading to development of soft brown to
    black decay symptoms at both ends of the fruit.
    The pathogen usually develops unevenly in the
    rind, forming finger-like projections of black to
    brown discolorations at the lesion margin between
    the segments. Decay develops rapidly during and
    after excessive degreening and can be observed in
    fruit at the packinghouse. It is often observed
    at market arrival or shortly thereafter. This
    decay does not spread from infected fruit to
    healthy fruit in packed cartons. It is a serious
    post-harvest decay in humid subtropical and
    tropical areas.

Disease Cycle of Dipolodia Stem-end Rot
D. natalensis completes its life cycle and
produces spores on dead twigs on citrus trees.

Pre-harvest stage
Rain and overhead irrigation
Spores are deposited over fruit and under the
calyx of fruit
Ethylene and high temperature
Infection and decay development
Post-harvest stage
  • Phomopsis Stem-end Rot
  • Causal organism Phomopsis citri H. Fawc. Non
    Sacc. Traverso Spessa (teleomorph Diaporthe
    citri F. A. Wolf).
  • Infection and symptoms The fungus grows on tree
    deadwood, where it produces spores that spread by
    water to immature fruit during rainfall or
    irrigation. Infection of the young fruit
    produces small pustules. The fungus also becomes
    established in dead tissue of the button, where
    it lays dormant until harvest. As the button
    deteriorates during storage, the fungus grows
    from the surface into the base of the fruit
    through natural openings that occur in the
    abscission zone. Decay progresses evenly through
    the rind and core until the entire fruit is
    completely rotted, with no spread to adjacent
    fruit. This type of stem-end rot is dark to light
    brown in color and more prevalent in late-season
    non-degreened or cold storage fruit of all types.
    Ethylene degreening has no effect on Phomopsis
    stem-end rot. It is a serious post-harvest decay
    in humid subtropical and tropical areas.

  • Anthracnose
  • Causal organism Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
    (Penz.) Penz. Sacc.
  • Infection and symptoms C. gloeosporioides grows
    and sporulates in deadwood on the trees, with
    water transmitting spores to the immature fruit
    surface where the fungus forms infection
    structures known as appressoria. These
    appressoria remain latent and do not cause decay
    prior to harvest. The appressoria germinate and
    form infection hyphae when fruit is treated with
    ethylene during the degreening process.
    Anthracnose lesions are initially silvery gray
    and leathery, being similar in firmness and
    elevation to adjacent healthy rind tissue. The
    infected rind becomes brown to grayish black and
    softens as the rot progresses. Lesions vary in
    size and are irregular in shape. Pink spores may
    form on the lesion surface in humid environments.
    Decay may also develop on injured rind of any
    type of fruit, producing firm, sunken dry
  • Anthracnose only occurs in a few citrus growing
    regions (such as Florida) and is a major cause of
    decay in tangerines that are harvested early in
    the fall when long periods of degreening are
    required to enhance fruit appearance. It is a
    minor problem on other citrus varieties.

Disease cycle of Anthracnose
C. gleoesporioides completes its life cycle on
dead twigs. The fungus produces acervuli with
spores on dead twigs
Pre-harvest stage
Rain and overhead irrigation
Spores on fruit surface develop to appressoria
Ethylene degreening
Appressoria germinate and infect fruit rind
Post-harvest stage
Decay occurs over fruit surface
Brown Rot
  • Causal organisms Phytophthora palmivora, P.
    citrophthora, P. nicotianae, P. hibernalis and/or
    P. syringae, occurs in several citrus-growing
    regions. In Florida, brown rot is caused by P.
    palmivora or P. nicotianae.
  • Infection and symptoms Brown rot occurs in both
    pre-harvest and post-harvest stages. Phytophthora
    species persist in the soil and are spread
    through rain splashes to fruit hanging on the
    lower canopy of the trees thereby infecting the
    fruit. Most infections develop on the tree within
    3 to 4 feet of the soil surface although they
    might be found in higher locations as a result of
    wind-driven rains. Initial infection shows as
    light discoloration on any area of the fruit
    surface. As the decay develops, the lesion
    becomes light brown, firm and leathery. Under
    humid conditions, decayed areas spread rapidly
    and white mycelia may form on infected areas.
    Fruit with brown rot has a characteristic rancid
    odor. Brown rot spreads in packed containers from
    infected to healthy fruit.

Alternaria Stem-end Rot (Black Rot)
  • Causal organism Alternaria alternata (Fr.Fr.)
  • Infection and symptoms The disease occurs
    primarily as a stem-end rot on fruit stored for a
    long time. The decay can develop at the stylar
    end of the fruit, particularly in Navel oranges
    and cause premature fruit drop. The pathogen
    grows on dead citrus tissue or other substrates
    and produces airborne conidia. Latent infections
    are established in the button or the stylar end
    of the fruit. The disease can develop further
    when the button becomes senescent, as in
    over-mature fruit and during long-term storage.
    It is an important problem in commercial storage
    of lemons in California. Alternaria black rot can
    also be a problem for the processing industry by
    contaminating the juice. Black rot occurs
    throughout all citrus growing regions, but is
    rarely abundant enough to cause economic losses
    in Florida.

Post-harvest Disease Control
  • The effective control of citrus post-harvest
    decays could maintain fruit quality, enhance
    fruit shelf life, reduce the losses, and increase
    growers returns.
  • Occurrence and severity of post-harvest decays
    depend on many factors including the growing
    regions, fruit varieties, tree conditions,
    cultural practices, pre-harvest treatments,
    harvesting methods and post-harvest handling
  • The control of one or more diseases by using a
    single treatment method is not always effective.
    More effective control could be achieved using
    an integrated approach to prevent, reduce, and/or
    eradicate pathogen infections and disease
    development during pre- and post-harvest stages.

Pre-harvest Control Practices
  • Cultural practices
  • Adequate fertilization, pest control, and
    reducing deadwood which results in lowering
    pathogen populations and disease pressure
    particularly those of C. gloeosporioides, D.
    natalensis and P. citri.
  • Pruning low-hanging branches can minimize the
    incidence of brown rot.
  • Brown rot can also be reduced by mowing and use
    of herbicides to reduce wetness, which is
    required for inoculum production of Phytophthora
  • Post-harvest green mold can be reduced by
    removing fallen fruit under citrus trees that
    might be infected with P. digitatum which can
    produce air-borne spores, contaminating fruit
    surfaces in the tree canopy.

Pre-harvest Control Practices--continued
  • Pre-harvest application of chemicals
  • Thiophanate-methyl (Topsin-M) is an only
    fungicide registered (EPA Section 18) on citrus
    for post-harvest decay control when applied prior
    to harvest. It is effective for post-harvest mold
    and stem-end rot control.
  • Control of brown rot can be achieved through
    pre-harvest applications of copper and/or
  • The growth regulator 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic
    acid (2,4-D) used to control fruit drop also
    effectively reduce stem-end rot and black rot by
    sustaining juvenility of the tissues.

Pre-harvest Control Practices--continued
  • Harvesting practices
  • Harvesting is a major source of fruit injuries,
    which provide infection channels and nutrients
    for pathogens, especially for Penicillium species
    and G. citri-aurantii. Care must be taken to
    minimize fruit damage during harvesting. Fruit
    should not be allowed to come in contact with the
    soil since soil particles cause abrasive injuries
    during fruit handling and harbor pathogen
  • Harvest time should be delayed for several days
    after irrigation or heavy rains to reduce decay
    and peel injuries.
  • Spot picking for better natural color or
    delaying harvest to allow better color break and
    development will shorten the degreening time, and
    reduce the incidence of these diseases.

Post-harvest Control Practices--continued
  • Post-harvest drenching
  • Drenching fruit with fungicides is a common and
    effective practice in Florida to control
    post-harvest decay especially green mold and
    Diplodia stem-end rot. It usually precedes
    degreening and when the fruit cannot be packed
    within 24 hrs of harvest.
  • Thiabendazole (TBZ) and imazalil are commonly
    used in the drench treatment, as both are
    effective for the control of stem-end rot and
    Penicillium decays, but have no activity against
    sour rot. Chlorine is added to TBZ drench
    suspension to control G. citri-aurantii,
    Phytophthora spp. and TBZ-resistant strains of
    Penicillium spp. Recommended concentrations of
    TBZ and free chlorine are 1,000 ppm and 50 ppm,
    respectively. The optimum pH range of the drench
    with chlorine is 6.5-7.5. Chlorine cannot be
    added to imazalil drench since they are not
    compatible. However, a heated imazalil drench is
    used in some packinghouses in Florida it works
    well since heat can enhance the efficacy of
    imazalil and it has some sanitizing activity
    against sour rot and molds.

Post-harvest Control Practices
  • Degreening management
  • In tropical and subtropical areas such as
    Florida, early season fruit is often subjected to
    ethylene degreening treatment to reveal the
    orange and yellow pigments. This practice can
    significantly enhance the development of Diplodia
    stem-end rot and anthracnose.
  • Excessive degreening can significantly enhance
    decays such as Diplodia stem-end rot and
    anthracnose. The concentration of ethylene and
    duration of degreening treatment are positively
    correlated with the decay incidence and severity.
    If degreening treatment is necessary, fruit
    should be degreened with less than 5 ppm ethylene
    and for the shortest duration possible.

Post-harvest Control Practices--continued
  • Soaking, washing and grading
  • - Cleaning fruit and removing surface dirt,
    which harbors microbes and post-harvest
    pathogens, is important in minimizing
    post-harvest decay and is usually achieved though
    spraying sanitizers such as chlorine in water or
    soaking fruit in water to which sanitizers or
    soda ash have been added. Immersion of lemons in
    3 sodium carbonate at 35oC for 30 seconds is a
    common commercial practice for control of molds
    in California packinghouses. Ozone is also used
    in dump tanks to disinfect fruit in some
  • - Washing is usually accomplished over brush
    beds with the aid of variety of approved cleaners
    or soaps. In Florida packinghouses, the fungicide
    sodium o-phenylphenate (SOPP, which is the only
    registered post-harvest fungicide having some
    activity against sour rot, is often applied with
    soap foam for decay and canker control. Washing
    is followed by a potable water rinse to remove
    soap and residues followed by air drying and
  • - Grading is to remove defective fruit to avoid
    poor arrivals at market. USDA inspection in
    Florida packinghouses for canker is presently
    required for canker free fruit shipping.

Post-harvest Control Practices--continued
  • Fungicide applications on packingline
  • Fungicide application It is one of the most
    important steps for successful control of
    post-harvest decay. Imazalil and TBZ are used in
    an aqueous suspension before waxing or in the
    water emulsion wax to control stem-end rot, green
    and blue molds effectively. In Florida,
    recommended rates for these two fungicides are
    1,000 ppm for aqueous application and 2,000 ppm
    for wax application, but a range of rates (500 to
    3,000 ppm) is used depending on the packinghouses
    and the citrus producing regions. The higher
    rates of the fungicides used in wax are due to
    the reduced efficacy of fungicide-wax
    combinations. Imazalil has good activity for
    control of Penicillium sporulation, and has some
    activity for control of Alternaria stem-end rot.
  • Guazatine It has good activity for sour rot
    control and has been used in South Africa and
    Australia, but is not registered in the USA.
    2,4-D at 100 to 500 ppm, can be added to the wax
    to delay senescence of the button leading to a
    reduced Alternaria stem-end rot.
  • New fungicides Three new fungicides,
    classified as reduced risk compounds,
    pyrimethanil, fludioxonil and azoxystrobin have
    been or are being registered by the EPA for
    post-harvest decay control. Studies indicate that
    they have good activity against green mold and
    stem-end rot. New fungicides provide useful tools
    for managing the resistance problem of pathogens
    to commercially available postharvest fungicides.

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Post-harvest Control Practices--continued
  • Storage and shipping
  • Refrigerated storage and shipping of citrus
    fruit is an effective measure for decay control,
    maintenance of fruit quality and extension of
    shelf life. Diplodia stem-end rot and sour rot
    are significantly suppressed by storage at 4oC.
    Florida grapefruit shipped overseas is maintained
    at approximately 10oC during transit. Appropriate
    temperatures of storage for citrus fruit depend
    on many factors including variety, susceptibility
    to chilling injury and production region.
    Recommended storage temperatures for Florida
    citrus fruit is 10-15oC for grapefruit, 10oC for
    lemons and limes, 4oC for tangerines and 0-2oC
    for oranges.

Post-harvest Control Practices--continued
  • Packinghouse sanitation
  • - Maintaining a regular sanitation program in
    the packinghouse is vital for reducing citrus
    fruit decay as it lowers the level of inoculum of
    major decay organisms such as green and blue
    molds, sour rot and brown rot. Packinghouse
    sanitation is an important component of the
    overall strategy to minimize decay, reduce losses
    and fungicide resistance.
  • - Numerous sanitizers are approved for use on
    fruit and/or packinghouse equipment and chlorine
    is by far the most commonly used. Peracetic acid
    is a new sanitizer approved for fruit and
    equipment sanitization. Quaternary ammonium
    compounds are commonly used to sanitize equipment
    and harvesting containers. Although these
    compounds are not approved for direct use on
    fruit, their regular application in the
    packinghouse contribute to lowering the inoculum
    levels and reducing post-harvest decay.
    Formaldehyde at 1 to 3 is used to fumigate
    packinghouse storage rooms and is effective in
    eradicating spores of green and blue molds as
    well as mycelia of the sour rot causing fungus.

Integrated System for Citrus Postharvest Decay
  • Good cultural practices in groves
  • Pre-harvest fungicide application
  • Drench fruit with fungicides and sanitizers
  • Minimize ethylene degreening treatment
  • Wash fruit with sanitizers and cleaners
  • Fungicide application of fruit on packingline
  • Low temperature shipping and storage
  • Packinghouse sanitation
  • Minimize fruit injury during harvesting and
    post-harvest handling

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Selected References
  • Brown, G. E., and Miller, W. R. (1999).
    Maintaining fruit health after harvest. Pages
    175-192 in Citrus Healthy Management, L. W.
    Timmer and L. W. Duncan, (eds.), APS Press, St.
    Paul, MN, USA.
  • Eckert, W. J. Brown, G. E. (1986). Post-harvest
    citrus disease and their control. Pages 315-353
    in Fresh Citrus Fruits. W. F. Wardowski, S. Nagy
    and W. Grierson, (eds.), Van Nostrand Reinhold
    Company, NY, USA.
  • Ismail, M., and Zhang, J. 2004. Post-harvest
    citrus diseases and their control. Outlooks Pest
    Manag. 1529-35.
  • Ritenour, M. A., Zhang, J. Wardowski, W. F., and
    Brown, G. E. 2003. Postharvest decay control
    recommendations for Florida citrus fruit. Florida
    Cooperative Extension Service, University of
    Florida. CIR 359-A (Revised)1-6.
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