Title: Functional Analysis
1Functional Analysis
- Functional Analysis (Decomposition) helps with
- Breaking down complex processes
- Organizing main requirements
- Creating alternative solutions
- Making decisions explicit
- Expanding or contracting problem scope
- Facilitates teamwork
2Functional Decomposition
- Start with the most important function
- Identify the system boundary
- Show material, energy, and signals
Transport 8z of water between two cups
Water in Cup A
Water in Cup B
3Functional Decomposition
- Format of box contents
- Verb noun modifier
- Transfer water between cups
Electrical energy
Kinetic energy of air molecules
Convert wind energy to electricity
Air molecules
Air molecules
4Typical Functions
- Absorb Actuate Amplify Assemble
- Change Channel Clear Collect
- Conduct Control Convert Couple
- Direct Dissipate Drive Hold
- Increase Interrupt Join Lift
- Limit Locate Move Orient
- Position Protect Release Rectify
- Rotate Secure Shield Start/Stop
- Steer Store Supply Support
- Transform Translate Verify
5Functional Analysis
- Example A Personal coffee-maker
Ground Coffee
Make coffee
Coffee in mug
Cold Water
System Boundary
6Functional Analysis
Heat Water
Mix coffee water
Transport into mug
Filter Coffee
Used coffee
7Functional Analysis
Used coffee
Mechanical Energy
Mix coffee water
Filter Coffee
Transport into mug
Hold Water
Hot Water
Filter after mixing Keep coffee contained
Lifting pouring Gravity dripping
Water thru coffee Coffee thru water Free mixing
Small pot Coffee mug
8Functional Decomposition
De-shell nut
Un-cracked Nut
Hand energy
Vaporize shell Crush and sift Crack shell
9Functional Decomposition
Hand energy
Increase mechanical advantage
Un-cracked nut
Control stroke
Secure nut
Lever action Four-bar linkage Slider-crank
linkage Power screw Cam mechanism
Mechanical stop Limited motion
Chamber Friction Groove
10Functional DecompositionComputer Mouse
Allow easy sliding of the mouse
Convert user energy into screen position signal
Convert mouse movements into internal movements
Verify pick selection
Convert user energy into selection signal
Fit user hands ergonomically
Support users arm
Convert internal movements into electronic signal
Convert user arm or finger movements into pick
11Functional Decomposition
- Functional decomposition can proceed after some
decisions are made.
Water in A
Water in B
Trigger signal
12Functional Decomposition
- The choices regarding remove are
- Using no containers
- Using one container
- Using multiple containers
- Using pump action
- The team chooses one container, the Functional
decomposition proceeds - Fill container, Lift container, etc.