Title: Vaisakhi 1699
1Vaisakhi 1699
By Tom Sloane 9p
2Vaisakhi 1699 guru gobind Singh called out who
will die for there religion. One man stood up.
3Guru Gobind Singh took this man into his tent and
pretended to behead him but he only dipped his
sword in some sheeps blood.
4He walked back out to face the distraught crowd.
And he repeated his demands to the people who
will die for there religion.
5Five men stepped up these men were later named
the panj piaras. These Five men showed their
devotion to the religion and are now are thanked
by acting them out.
6 Amrit ceromony. The sikh way of entering a
person into the religion. This was also
introduced in vasakhi.
7The five ks were also introduced in vasakhi 1699.