Software Transactional Memory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Software Transactional Memory


Tentative writes, not propagated, unless commit. On abort, cache lines are dropped. Abort, Commit in single cache cycle. Hardware/Software Interface ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Software Transactional Memory

Software Transactional Memory
  • Robert T. Bauer

  • Background
  • Transactional Memory
  • Software Transactional Memory
  • Composable Transaction Memory (Haskell)
  • RCU vs. STM
  • Concluding remarks

  • What is a transaction?
  • Finite sequence of machine instructions executed
    by a single process, satisfying
  • Serializability Transaction appear to execute
    serially (steps of one transaction are not
    interleaved with steps of another). Committed
    transactions are observed by all processors in
    the same order.
  • Atomicity Each transaction makes a sequence of
    tentative changes to shared memory. Transaction
    ends with either
  • Commit changes are (instantly) available to all
  • Abort changes are discarded

Transactional Memory (TM)
  • Transactional Cache (small fully associative)
  • Tentative writes, not propagated, unless commit
  • On abort, cache lines are dropped
  • Abort, Commit in single cache cycle
  • Hardware/Software Interface
  • Load_Linked (LL) copies value of shared
    variable to local memory (e.g., ld.acquire)
  • Store_Conditional updates value of a shared
    variable only if no other processor modified that
    variable since it was loaded (using LL).

Kinds of TM
  • Non-blocking
  • Some process will complete an operation in a
    finite number of steps
  • Wait-free
  • Every process will complete an operation in a
    finite number of steps

Basic Idea of TM
  • Basic Idea of TM
  • Read pointer using load_linked
  • Copy version into new block and modify copy
  • Update pointer using store_conditional
  • If store_conditional fails, repeat starting with

Non-Blocking Implementation
  • However, implementation of TM differs slightly
    from the basic idea they copied the new block
    over the original data.
  • A process can observe an object in an
    inconsistent state
  • If one process is copying the data while the
    other is updating the data in place, the copying
    process may see an invalid object.
  • The store_conditional will fail, but the copying
    process may do something bad first.
  • Software consistency check
  • Modifying process increments check_0 before
    modifying and increments check_1 after modifying
  • Copying process reads check_1 before copying and
    then reads check_0

Wait-Free Implementation
  • Each process registers its transaction in an
  • The array is processed linearly (for i 0 )
  • Results of transaction are saved
  • A process detects the completion of its
    transaction before registering a new one

TM Issues
  • Size of LL/SC lock region limits applicability
  • On Alpha, max region is size of block
  • Large (size greater than lock region size)
    objects require a different approach Herlihy
    offers a block containing pointers.

TM Performance
  • Can perform better than Test-and-Test-and-Set
  • Lies within a factor of two best implementation
    of efficient spin-locks (using exponential
  • In general, though, at least an order of
    magnitude worse.
  • Adding hardware support (Transactional Cache)
    dramatically improves performance.

TM References
  • Herlihy, M. A Methodology for Implementing
    Highly Concurrent Data Objects, ACM Trans. on
    Programming Languages and Systems, 15(9)
    745-770, November 1993.
  • Herlihy, M. and Moss, J., Transactional Memory
    Architectural Support for Lock-Fee Data
    Structures, 20th Annual Symposium on Computer
    Architecture, pages 289-300, May 1993.

Software Transactional Memory
  • Based on implementing a k-word compare/swap using
    LL/SC instructions
  • Transactions access a pre-determined sequence of
    locations (static transaction)

Address Array
Old Values
LL(old) SC(old, mem)
LL(mem) SC(mem, new)
new F(old)
LL( j ) SC( j ,trans)
New Values
transaction data
STM Performance
  • STM shows relatively constant performance as the
    of processors increase.
  • Resource allocation test a few processes share
    a set of resources and from time to time a
    process tries to atomically allocate a subset of
    those resources -- STM very good at this
  • STM is generally worse than TM therefore worse
    than efficient lock-based implementations.

Not Obstruction Free STM
  • Previous STM versions didnt use locks because
    they wanted to guarantee progress
  • What if we use locks on non-distributed systems?
  • Revocable two-phase lock for writes lock all
    objects that it writes, dont release lock until
    transaction terminates. Deadlock detection then
    abort and transaction restart.
  • Optimistic concurrency control for reads reads
    log versions read when transaction commits, it
    verifies that these are still the current
    versions of the objects.

STM References
  • N. Shavit and D. Touitou, Software Transactional
    Memory, 1995.
  • R. Ennals, Software Transactional Memory Should
    Not Be Obstruction-Free, 2005

Composable Memory Transactions
  • Concurrent Haskell implementation of STM
  • Uniprocessor, not multiprocessor
  • Haskell threads suspended at safe points
  • Thread-local transaction log on heap tracks reads
    and writes
  • Commits check that the read variables havent
    changed and then updates the heap in place

Haskell Implementation
Tentative value value to be written on commit
Transaction Log
Old value value read when first accessed
Haskell Examples
// wait for multiple resource getR r i do v
lt- readTVar r if (v lt i
) then retry else
writeTVar r (v i) // get 2 units of one
resource, and 3 of another // more general than
and semantics atomic (do getR r1 2 getR r2
3) f x if x 0 then true else f(x-1) foo
atomic ( do x lt- readTVar v
y lt- readTVar v if f
(x y) then else)
Composable Memory Transactions References
  • T. Harris, S. Marlow, S.P. Jones, and Maurice
    Herlihy, Composable Memory Transactions, PPoPP
    05, June 15-17, 2005.

  • RCU basic idea to modify a copy of the data and
    then update a global pointer. Then, RCU must
    free the original data.
  • STM does the update in place.
  • Implementing RCU as a transaction is trivial, but
    it wont be RCU it will just be a transaction.
  • STM can be implemented using RCU
  • RCU is fast. STM is slow. STM performance is

Concludng Remarks
  • Haskell Paper really went towards pragmatics
  • Procedural Perspective
  • ..
  • ..
  • Begin Transaction
  • ..
  • ..
  • if() then Commit() Else Abort()
  • End Transaction
  • Contributions from Formal Methods community are
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