Unix Architecture - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Unix Architecture


Disk system management and ... The user system call is converted to a kernel service call ... systems administration, system reconfiguration, and file system ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Unix Architecture

Unix Architecture
  • Typical computer system consists of
  • Hardware
  • Operating system
  • Applications and utilities
  • Typical OS includes a user interface or command
  • Unix is somewhat unique in that the command
    interpreter is not integrated with the OS but is
    a separate program

Unix Architecture
Levels of Unix Software
  • Unix uses a layer approach of defining software
  • Layered approach is basis for Unix security
  • At the lowest level, the level closest to the
    hardware, are the basic hardware interface
  • Process scheduling
  • Memory management
  • Interrupt handling
  • Low level device control
  • Disk system management and data buffering
  • Process synchronization and inter-process
    communication (IPC)

Unix Functional Layer Model
Kernel Services Layer
  • The next level provides all the kernel services
  • Mapping between user requests and device driver
  • The user system call is converted to a kernel
    service call that actually performs the requested
  • Process creation and termination
  • I/O services
  • File/disk access services
  • Terminal handling services

System Call Interface Layer
  • The system call interface layer converts a
    process running in user mode to a protected
    kernel mode process
  • This allows the program to invoke protected
    kernel routines to perform system functions

User Process Layer
  • The uppermost layer consists of user processes
  • Shells
  • Unix commands
  • Utility programs
  • User application programs
  • User processes
  • Protected from from other users
  • Have no access to Unix kernel routines except
    through the system call interface
  • Cannot directly access kernel memory space

Kernel vs User Space
  • In addition to the software levels, Unix also
    features two "rings of protection" from
    inadvertent programming errors or malicious
    attacks that might damage other user's processes
    or the kernel's processes and data structures
  • The inner protected ring is known as kernel space
  • The outer ring is called user space

User Space
  • User space is the area in memory where user
    processes are run
  • This consists of memory starting above the kernel
    and includes the rest of available memory
  • This memory is protected the system prevents one
    user from interfering with another
  • Only kernel process can access a user process
  • A process operating in this memory region is said
    to be operating in user mode

Kernel Space
  • Kernel space is the region of memory where all
    kernel services are provided via kernel processes
  • Any process executing in kernel space is said to
    be executing in kernel mode
  • Kernel space is a privileged area the user has
    access to it only through the system call
  • A user does not have direct access to either all
    machine instructions or devices
  • A kernel process does have direct access to both

  • Also, a kernel process can modify the memory map,
    an operation frequently required to perform
    process scheduling
  • A user process becomes a kernel process when it
    executes a system call and starts executing
    kernel code

Data Flow Between Kernel and User Space
  • Since users and the kernel do not share memory
    address space, the mechanism for moving data
    between them is important
  • When a system call is executed, the arguments to
    the call and the corresponding kernel routine
    identification are passed from user space to
    kernel space
  • Kernel routine ID is usually passed either via a
    hardware machine register or via the stack
  • System call arguments are passed in the u area
    (user area) of the calling process

  • u area of a process (user structure and kernel
    stack) contains information about the process the
    kernel needs while the process is running
  • Open files, root, current directory, arguments
    to current system call, and process text, stack,
    and data segment sizes
  • A pointer to the process table entry containing
    information for scheduling such as priority
  • User file descriptor table and information about
    open files
  • Kernel stack for the process (empty when
    executing in user mode)
  • Remember, user cannot access kernel space but
    kernel space can access user space

Unix Command Interface and Commands
  • Unix command interface is a separate program
    referred to as the shell
  • The shell provides the user interface between the
    user and the kernel
  • Unix commands and utilities, like the shell, are
    also separate programs
  • They are part of a Unix distribution, and are
    considered part of Unix but not part of the

Unix System Services
  • Unix provides a number of system services such as
    systems administration, system reconfiguration,
    and file system maintenance
  • Other services include
  • Customization of system parameters
  • Rebuilding of kernel with user drivers
  • Creation and definition of user accounts
  • Set up and maintenance of access control
    parameters for files and peripherals
  • Most services are built into the kernel as system

Unix System Calls
  • System calls provide a programming interface that
    allows user programs to access kernel functions
  • There are a large number of system calls that
    perform functions to manage system resources such
    as memory, disk storage, and peripherals
  • System calls are defined in a run-time library
    that provides a mapping of the system call
    interface to the kernel routine(s) that perform
    the system functions
  • The shell also provides functionality equivalent
    to many of the system calls

System Usage Accounting Services
  • Unix provides some general accounting services
  • As each process terminates, an accounting record
    is made available describing the resources used
    by the process
  • Name of the process
  • Amount of user and system CPU time used
  • Elapsed (wall clock) time
  • Average amount of memory used
  • Number of disk I/O operations done
  • UID and GID of the process
  • Terminal from which the process was started

My Best Unix System Programming Book
W. Richard Stevens, 65.95
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