Assertions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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May involve a finite time window. Ex. ... A traffic light must eventually become green if a car is waiting. Assertions in Verilog ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Assertions

  • An assertion is a statement about the designs
    intended behavior
  • Assertions can be written in a hardware
    description language (HDL)
  • Assertions can be written in a verification
    language (e, openvera, psl, etc)
  • Assertions are not native to verilog but can be
    converted to verilog
  • Open Verification Library, http//

VHDL assertion
Verilog assertion
always (a or b) begin if (a XOR b) begin
display(A,B must be inverted) finish
end end
ASSERT ((a 1) XOR (b 1)) REPORT A, B
must be inverted
Benefits of Assertions
  • Improved Observability
  • Internal variables and be observed with less
  • Reduce Debug Time
  • Errors can be detected close to when/where they
  • Easier to track down the source of a bug
  • Facilitates Design Integration
  • Assertions at module interface defined before
  • Interface assertions act as verifiable contracts
  • Facilitates Designers Understanding
  • The designer must fully understand his/her module
    to write assertions
  • Many inconsistencies are found in the process of
    writing assertions

Assertion Rules of Thumb
  • Create assertions for identified errors not
    detected by existing assertions
  • Attempt to make the assertion set complete
  • Give assertions good names (or good comments)
  • Need to understand the meaning of assertions to
    make a complete set
  • Provide a consistent way to disable assertions
  • Assertion evaluation is slow
  • Do not synthesize assertions
  • Assertions are usually for simulation, not
    silicon debug

Classes of Assertions/Properties
Safety Property
  • States that a property should be true at all
  • May involve a finite time window
  • Ex. 1 At a traffic intersection, no more than one
    light should be GREEN or YELLOW at a time.
  • Ex. 2 If a light is YELLOW at time T then it
    should be RED no later than time T3.

Liveness Property
  • States that a property must eventually become
    true, under a condition
  • No limit on time
  • In practice, there is usually a time limit
  • Ex. A traffic light must eventually become green
    if a car is waiting

Assertions in Verilog
  • We will use Open Verilog Library (OVL) since
    assertions are not native to Verilog
  • An assertion for a FIFO
  • pop input signal
  • cnt is the number of elements in the FIFO

assert_never no_underflow (clk, reset, (pop
  • Assertion name is no_underflow
  • clk and reset are the clock and reset signals
    (needed to indicate when to evaluate the
  • (pop cnt0) is the boolean which cannot
    evaluate to true

Temporal OVL Assertion
The ack signal must be asserted exactly three
clock cycles after the req signal is asserted
assert_next (0,3) my_req_ack (clk, reset, req,
  • Severity indicates what to do when assertion is
    violated (0stop sim)
  • Start_event is the event that triggers the
    monitoring of the test_expr
  • Test_expr is the expression which must be TRUE
    num_clks after the trigger

Assertions as Constraints on the State Space
  • The set of all net/variable values defines a
    system state
  • The cross product of all net/variable values
    defines the state space
  • Some of the state space is not feasible because
    some variable combinations cannot happen (two
    traffic lights green together)
  • An assertion is a constraint which partially
    defines the feasible state space

Assertions for the Traffic Light Controller
  • Traffic Light Controller
  • Two main variables, NS and EW
  • Each variable has 3 possible values, R, G, B
  • State space has 9 elements (3x3)
  • Select assertions to minimize intersection
  • A1 is not needed
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