PRESENTATION ON VALVES - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Identify gate, globe, needle, ball, butterfly, plug, and check valves, ... Bonnet. A bonnet basically acts as a cover ... Bonnet. Bonnet shall generally be of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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  • Explain the various ways in which valves control
    fluid flow in piping systems.
  • Identify gate, globe, needle, ball, butterfly,
    plug, and check valves,
  • Selection Criteria
  • Fertilizer Plant Experience

  • A valve is a device that regulates the flow of
    substances (either gases, fluidized solids,
    slurries, or liquids) by opening, closing, or
    partially obstructing various passageways.
  • Body
  • The majority of the valve consists of the valve
    body, including most of the exterior. The valve
    body is the vessel or casing that holds the fluid
    going through inside the valve. Valve bodies are
    most commonly made of various metals or plastics.
  • Ports
  • The body has two or more openings, often called
    the ports, through which the fluid can enter or
    leave the valve.
  • Discs and rotors
  • Inside the valve body, flow through the valve may
    be partly or fully blocked by an object called a
    disc. Although valve discs of some kinds of
    valves are traditionally disc-shaped, discs can
    come in various shapes. Although the valve body
    remains stationary within the fluid system, the
    disc in the valve is movable so it can control

  • Seat
  • The valve seat is the interior surface in the
    body which contacts or could contact the disc to
    form a seal which should be leak-tight,
    particularly when the valve is shut. If the disc
    moves linearly as the valve is controlled, the
    disc comes into contact with the seat when the
    valve is shut.
  • Stem
  • The stem is a rod or similar piece spanning the
    inside and the outside of the valve, transmitting
    motion to control the internal disc or rotor from
    outside the valve. Inside the valve, the rod is
    joined to or contacts the disc/rotor. Outside the
    valve the stem is attached to a handle or another
    controlling device.
  • Bonnet
  • A bonnet basically acts as a cover on the valve
    body. It is commonly semi-permanently screwed
    into the valve body.
  • Spring
  • Many valves have a spring for spring-loading, to
    normally shift the disc into some position by
    default but allow control to reposition the disc.
    Relief valves commonly use a spring to keep the
    valve shut, but allow excessive pressure to force
    the valve open against the spring-loading,

Flow thru a valve
Type of Valves
  • Ball valve, which is good for on/off control.
  • Butterfly valve, particularly in large pipes.
  • Check valve or Non-return valve, allows the fluid
    to pass in one direction only. Check valves are
    designed to restrict the flow to one direction. 
    If the flow reverses direction, the check valve
  • Diaphragm valve, a sanitary valve predominantly
    used in the pharmaceutical industry
  • A flow control valve maintains a constant flow
    rate through the valve.
  • Gate valve, mainly for on/off control.
  • Globe valve, which is good for regulating flow.
  • Hydraulic valve (diaphragm valve).
  • Needle valve for gently releasing high pressures.
  • Pilot valves regulate flow or pressure to other
  • Plug valve, for on/off control.
  • A pressure reducing valve (PRV), also called
    pressure regulator, reduces pressure to a preset
    level downstream of the valve.
  • Relief valves are used to regulate the operating
    pressure of incompressible flow. 
  • Safety valves are used to release excess
    pressure in gases or compressible fluids.

  • Equal Percentage  equal increments of valve
    travel produce an equal percentage in flow change
  • Equal Percentage (most commonly used valve
    control)a.  Used in processes where large
    changes in pressure drop are expectedb.  Used in
    processes where a small percentage of the total
    pressure drop is permitted by the valvec.  Used
    in temperature and pressure control loops

  • Linear  valve travel is directly proportional to
    the valve stoke
  • Lineara.  Used in liquid level or flow loopsb. 
    Used in systems where the pressure drop across
    the valve is expected to remain fairly constant
    (ie. steady state systems)

  •   Quick opening  large increase in flow with a
    small change in valve stroke
  •   Quick Openinga.  Used for frequent on-off
    serviceb.  Used for processes where "instantly"
    large flow is needed (ie. safety systems or
    cooling water systems)

Gate Valves Best Suited Control  Quick
Opening Recommended Uses1.  Fully open/closed,
non-throttling2.  Infrequent operationApplicat
ions  Oil, gas, air, slurries, heavy liquids,
steam, noncondensing gases, and corrosive
liquids Advantages                            
Disadvantages1.  High capacity
                      1.   Poor control2.  Tight
shutoff                         2.   Cavitate at
low pressure drops3.  Low cost
                              3.   Cannot be used
for throttling4.  Little resistance to
  • Best Suited Control 
  • Linear and Equal percentage
  • Recommended Uses1.  Throttling service/flow
    regulation2.  Frequent operation
  • Applications  Liquids, vapors, gases,
  • corrosive substances, slurries
  • Advantages                        
    Disadvantages1.  Efficient throttling
                  1.   High pressure drop2. 
    Accurate flow control        2.  More expensive
    than other valves3.  Available in multiple

  • Best Suited Control
  • Quick opening, linearRecommended Uses
  • 1.  Fully open/closed, limited-throttling2. 
    Higher temperature fluids
  • Applications Most liquids, high temperatures,
  • Advantages                        
    Disadvantages1.  Low cost                       
        1.   Poor throttling
    characteristics2.  High capacity
                       2.   Prone to
    cavitation3.  Low leakage and maint.4.  Tight
    sealing with low torque 

  • Best Suited Control
  • Linear, Equal percentage
  • Recommended Uses  1.  Fully open/closed or
    throttling services2.  Frequent operation
  • Applications  Liquids, gases, slurries, liquids
    with suspended solids
  • Advantages                       
    Disadvantages1.  Low cost and maint.        1. 
    High torque required for control2.  High
  • 2.   Prone to cavitation at lower
    flows3.  Good flow control

  • Control valves
  • Sizing
  • Control valves shall be sized in compliance with
    standard ISA S75.01 using calculation methods
    given in the Masoneilan Handbook for Control
    Valve sizing ".
  • In general the Cv selected shall equal at least
    the maximum Cv calculated multiplied by 1.3.
  • Butterfly valves shall be sized for a maximum
    opening angle of 60 with the exception of those
    provided with a characterised disc, which shall
    be sized for a maximum opening angle of 90.
  • Normally the valves exclusively envisaged for
    shut-off service shall be line size.
    Alternatively, they could be sized as control
  • The fluid velocity at the valve outlet flange
    shall not exceed 6 m/sec for liquids whereas the
    velocity of gas or vapour shall not normally
    exceed 0.3 Mach under operating conditions.
  • In order to reduce the fluid velocity below such
    limits use can be made of widely-sized valves
    equipped with reduced trims.
  • Fluid velocity values could exceed the
    above-mentioned limits in the case of valves
    provided with a labyrinth plug, cage trim or
    angle body.

  • Choice of type
  • Without establishing rigid rules it is generally
    possible to assume that the following types of
    valves are used
  • Globe valves for most common applications
  • Butterfly valves if low pressure drops and high
    flow capacities are required
  • "Characterised-ball valves (e.g. V-ball" type)
    for fluids which entrain solids or which easily
  • Angle valves when high pressure drops on gas or
    erosive fluids
  • Three-way valves if the flow must be split into
    two fluid streams
  • Saunders valves for corrosive or dirty and muddy

  • Choice of body
  • Valves with bodies having nominal dimensions of 1
    1/4", 2 1/2" and 5 shall not be used.
  • In the case of lines with a diameter of up to 1"
    the valve size shall normally equal that of the
  • In the case of lines with a diameter larger than
    1 the valve size shall not be less than 1. -
  • The body material shall be chosen in compliance
    with materials required in the line specification
    and, in any case, shall be suitable for the
    process fluid.
  • Valves shall generally have flanged connections
    as per rating envisaged in the line specification
    with the exception of valves with a nominal
    diameter smaller than or equal to 1 1/2 which
    shall have a minimum rating of 300 ANSI.
  • Some types of valves such as characterised ball
    valves, butterfly valves or valves with an
    eccentric rotating plug shall be of the wafer
    type, i.e. suitable to be installed between
    pipeline flanges.
  • Self-actuating valves could have a nominal
    diameter smaller than 1 irrespective of the pipe

  • Trim selection
  • Control characteristic
  • In the case of globe valves or of valves equipped
    with an eccentric rotating plug the trim
    characteristic shall generally be chosen on the
    basis of the following criteria
  • quick opening for valves exclusively envisaged
    for shut-off service
  • equal percentage if the valve pressure drop at
    the maximum flow rate is less than about one
    third of the overall system pressure drop (valve
  • linear in all other cases.
  • In the case of butterfly valves, of valves with
    characterised ball (e.g. V-ball) and of angle
    valves the characteristic will depend on the type
    of valve as well as on the supplier selected.

  • Trim for use under severe conditions
  • In the presence of liquids which, because of
    particular operating conditions, can give rise to
    cavitation phenomena, use shall be made of
    special trims (e.g. multi-drops cage trim) so as
    to avoid that similar phenomena may take place
    or, at least, to reduce their effect.
  • The maximum acceptable noise level permanently
    produced by control valves (measured at one metre
    downstream from the valve and one metre from the
    pipe) shall not exceed 85 dB (A).
  • In order to ensure that this limit is not
    exceeded when high pressure drops and large gas
    flow-rates are involve. use shall be made of
    special trims (e.g. labyrinth plugs) or to
    suitably designed valves (e.g. multi-step angle
  • Levels in excess of 85 dB (A) can be accepted in
    the case of noise of limited duration in
    accordance with provisions envisaged in OSHA

  • Construction and materials
  • With the exception of Saunders valves, the trim
    of valves shall be of AISI 316 unless the fluid
    and operating conditions require a more suitable
  • The plug, seat and stem guide posts shall be
    fully stellite coated in the following cases
  • when the process fluid is a liquid with suspended
  • in the presence of liquids which consistently
    vaporise in the valve body
  • if the pressure drop across the valve (at the
    maximum flow rate) exceeds or is equal to 10 bar
  • if the operating temperature exceeds 280 C.
  • The use of special materials recommended by the
    control valve manufacturer could be considered
    Instead of stellite -coating.

  • Bonnet
  • Bonnet shall generally be of standard execution.
    However, it shall be supplied as follows
  • extended if the fluid operating temperature is
    comprised between -40 and 0 C
  • finned if the operating temperature is above 230
  • extra-long if the operating temperature is below
    -40 C

  • Packing
  • The packing shall be of
  • Teflon if the fluid operating temperature is
    below 230 C
  • Graphite-asbestos if the operating temperature is
    above 230 C.
  • The use of special packing materials may be
    considered according to the control valve
    manufacturer recommendation.
  • Double packing will be used on toxic services (
    wet H2S, etc.).

  • Trim tightness
  • The control valve seat leakage class shall be
    established on the basis of ANSI B 16.104.
  • If the allowed seat leakage does not exceed class
    II double seat valves can be used.
  • Valve tightness corresponding to class III, IV or
    V will be achieved via a metal to metal
    single-seat trim.
  • If the seat leakage required is of class VI
    provision shall be made for a soft insert in the
    seat as long as the operating temperature is less
    than about 200 C and the pressure drop, with the
    valve closed, does not exceed 15 bar.
  • ESD valves shall be Class V metal to metal as
  • Special requirements could be met on the basis of
    past experience of qualified suppliers.

  • Stream flow action
  • In the case of valves for shut-off service only
    the process fluid action shall coincide with that
    of the valve when control air pressure fails.
  • In case of valves used for fluid throttling the
    following criteria shall generally apply
  • angle valves fluid action tending to close
  • valves with eccentric rotating plug the fluid
    action shall coincide with that of the valve in
    the case of control air outages
  • other types of valves (globe, ball, etc.) fluid
    action tending to open.
  • However, special considerations could impose a
    different fluid action

  • Hand-wheel and bypass assembly
  • Control valves shall be either supplied with a
    manual hand-wheel or envisaged with a bypass
    assembly. Shut-off valves shall be provided
    without bypass hand-wheel shall be provided only
    if demanded by operation needs.
  • Control valves sized 3" or less shall be provided
    with both isolating and bypass valves. Valves
    with body dimensions exceeding 3 shall normally
    be supplied with the hand-wheel.
  • Control valves exceeding 3 and installed on
    essential services (e.g. main lines for fuel,
    cooling water, etc.) or on corrosive, erosive or
    other special fluids shall be supplied with both
    isolating and bypass valves if so envisaged in
    the process diagrams.

  • Valves for emergency shutdown service (ESD)
  • Valves controlled by the emergency shutdown
    system (ESD) and used either for isolating or for
    depressurising the plant under emergency
    conditions shall be supplied in accordance with
    process requirements. These valves shall be
    fitted with actuators designed in such a way
    that, in the event of control air failure, they
    can drive the plant toward safe conditions even
    when the envisaged maximum pressure drop, caused
    by the process fluids, is applied to the valve
  • If there is no return spring (double acting
    actuators) provision shall be made for air
    accumulators with a storage capacity suitable for
    the execution of 2 strokes.
  • Each ESD valve shall be equipped with one
    proximity type limit switch for remote indication
    of the trip position.
  • ESD valves shall be provided with automatic
    pilots or solenoid valves for their remote
    control and with local facilities for manual
  • Solenoid valves in hazardous area will be
    explosion proof.

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CavitationIf the speed through the valve is high
enough, the pressure in the liquid may drop to a
level where the fluid may start bubble or flash.
The pressure recovers sufficiently and the
bubbles collapse upon themselves. Cavitation may
be noisy but is usually of low intensity and low
frequency. This situation is extremely
destructive and may wear out the trim and body
parts of the valve in short time.
Cavitation can be avoided by using more than one
control valve or more convenient - a multistage
control valve. "vena contracta" is much lower for
a single stage valve than a multi stage valve.
Depending on the pressure drop and the
temperature of the fluid its possible to avoid
cavitation conditions using more than one stage
in a valve
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  • Safety-Relief valve sizing
  • With the exception of safety valves for liquid
    thermal expansion, safety valves shall be sized
    in compliance with formulae and calculation
    methods given in API RP 520 and in accordance
    with local codes keeping into account all
    possible reasons of intervention.
  • Whenever possible and particularly when very high
    flow rates requiring the use of several spring
    loaded safety valves are involved or when the
    operating pressure is very close to the protected
    vessel design pressure, use shall be made of
    pilot-operated safety valves.
  • Dimensions of safety valves for liquid thermal
    expansion shall generally be 3/4 x 1" NPT.

  • Set pressure, overpressure, spring set pressure
  • The set pressure, which is defined as the valve
    opening pressure measured at the valve inlet,
    shall not exceed the design pressure of the
    protected equipment except in cases where the
    flow rate calculated is discharged by more than
    one safety device (safety valve or bursting
    disc). In the latter case, at least one safety
    device shall open at a pressure not exceeding the
    lowest design pressure among all the protected
    vessels the other device/s could open at a
    higher pressure without exceeding 105 of the
    previously mentioned lowest design pressure.
  • The overpressure, which is defined as the
    increase in pressure above the set pressure
    required for the valve to discharge the full flow
    rate - expressed as a percentage of the set
    pressure - shall not be
  • lower than 15 for valves which discharge liquids
  • higher than 10 for valves which discharge gas
    and vapour for any cause of intervention except
    for fire, in which case a set pressure not
    exceeding 21 shall be permitted.
  • The sum of the set pressure and overpressure
    shall not exceed 110 of the lowest design
    pressure of the protected equipment.
  • The spring set pressure (setting carried out on a
    test bench and under atmospheric back pressure)
    shall equal the set pressure if the valve
    discharges directly into the atmosphere or is
    fitted with balancing bellows in all other cases
    it shall equal the set pressure less the maximum
    back pressure (with the valve closed) except for
    pilot operated valves.

  • Construction, materials, accessories
  • The body material shall be chosen in compliance
    with what envisaged in the line specifications
    and shall be suitable for the process fluid.
  • Internals shall be of stainless steel unless the
    fluid and process conditions require a more
    suitable material.
  • Whenever possible, the same material shall be
    used for the balancing bellows.
  • The spring material shall be chosen according to
    the product discharge temperature.
  • The following shall generally be used
  • AISI 304 or AISI 316 for discharge temperatures
    between -240 C and -60 C
  • phosphatised carbon steel for discharge
    temperatures between -60 C and 230 C

  • phosphatised tungsten steel for discharge
    temperatures between 230 C and 538 C
  • for temperatures outside the above ranges the
    material shall be agreed upon with the
  • Connections shall generally be flanged the
    rating of the inlet connection shall be chosen
    according to the trip conditions and that of the
    outlet connection shall normally be rated ANSI
  • Valves sized 3/4" x 1" shall generally be
    provided with threaded connections ANSI B 1.20.1
  • Provision shall normally be made for balancing
    and sealing bellows in the following cases
  • when the process fluid contains lethal or toxic
  • when the variable back pressure exceeds the
    safety valve set pressure by 10
  • when the imposed back pressure (i.e. with the
    valve closed) is higher than the atmospheric
    pressure and the difference between the set
    pressure and normal operating pressure would,
    without the bellows, be less than 10 of the set
  • Alternatively, pilot operated valves can be used.
  • A lifting lever shall be provided when the
    process fluid is steam or air where required by
    the governing code.

Actuator, positioner and accessories
  • Actuator
  • All control valves without positioner shall
    generally be provided with a pneumatic actuator
    with a spring range of 0.2 1 bar.
  • Other spring ranges, in particular for shut-off
    valves, could be used either to meet operating
    requirements or to limit actual valve overall

  • Positioner
  • With the exception of the shut-off valves, to be
    provided without positioner, control valves shall
    be supplied with a pneumatic positioner in the
    following cases
  • when the valve is employed in split-range service
  • when the valve nominal diameter is larger than 1
  • when the bonnet is not standard
  • when the actuator signal differs from 0.2-1 bar
  • under laminar motion conditions (very viscous
    fluids, etc)
  • of consistent amounts of flashing liquids
  • when the valve pressure drop., at the maximum
    operating flowrate, exceeds 5 bar for single
    seated valves or 10 bar for double seated valves.
  • The positioner shall be supplied with a bypass
    and a set of pressure gauges. No bypass will be
    provided for valves in split-range service or
    when the input and output signal to from the
    positioner are different.
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