Title: Standards Based Instruction
1Standards Based Instruction
2Standards- what are they?
- Standards are about
performance. - Content standards.
- Performance standards.
- The Blue Book.
- On the web.- http//www.eed.state.ak.us/standards/
- GLEs- Grade level Expectations. (PSGLE)
- High school graduation qualifying exam. Highest
level of state required standards. - District standards- Essential skills that
students need to be successful. Local control.
3Standards Defined
- Content Standards- broad statements of what
students should know and be able to do. - Example A student should understand
mathematical facts, concepts, principles, and
theories. - Performance Standards, PSGLE- Grade Level
Expectations define what all students should
know and be able to do at the end of a given
grade level. Measurable statements. - Example The student demonstrates conceptual
understanding of whole numbers to one thousand by
reading, writing, ordering, or counting modeling
(base ten blocks) or identifying place value
positions to thousands using appropriate
representations of ordinal or cardinal numbers
4Standards Defined- Alaska
- Content Standards- broad statements of what
students should know and be able to do. - Example A student should understand
mathematical facts, concepts, principles, and
theories. - Performance Standards, PSGLE- Grade Level
Expectations define what all students should
know and be able to do at the end of a given
grade level. Measurable statements. - Example The student demonstrates conceptual
understanding of whole numbers to one thousand by
reading, writing, ordering, or counting modeling
(base ten blocks) or identifying place value
positions to thousands using appropriate
representations of ordinal or cardinal numbers
5Standards Defined
- National Association of School Boards
- Standards Subject matter benchmarks of what
students should know and be able to do. - Standards establish the criteria for students
academic achievement and drive what students
learn in the classroom. - Standards-based instruction
- Teaching and curriculum directed towards clearly
defined standards in each subject and grade
6Standards Based Instruction
- Traditional- content based
- Exact knowledge dissemination within a
predetermined timeframe - Discrete skills with few connections
- Standards Referenced
- Looks like traditional, but refers to standards
- Standards Based
- Success based on performance
- Integration within and between disciplines,
connectedness - Teaching and curriculum directed towards clearly
defined standards in each subject and grade level.
7Standards Based vs. Referenced
- Standards Referenced Instruction
- The same as traditional with standards instead of
objectives. - Little or no change in instructional activities
or school structure. - Focus is the school structure.
- Standards Based Instruction
- Causes change.
- Instruction
- Assessment
- Focus is on student achievement.
8 Traditional vs.
Standards-Driven Instruction Success based on
Calendar-Driven Instruction School structured by
calendar, e.g., age grouping, scheduling, etc.
Expanded opportunities Teaching time determined
by learning and curriculum needs
Constrained Opportunities Limited instructional
strategies, physical environment, time
Culminating achievement culminating achievement
at the end of a learning cycle
Cumulative achievement Work on discrete skills
in predetermined time frames
Cooperative Learning Cooperative environment
with self-directed challenges
Competitive Learning Individual environment with
Criterion Evaluation Based on set standards of
Comparative Evaluation Based on relative
performance of other students
Instructional Coaching Finding instructional
tools to enable students to demonstrate
standards, give appropriate time
Curriculum Coverage Exact knowledge
dissemination within a predetermined timeframe
Connected Content Integration within and between
disciplines, connectedness
Segmented Content Discrete skills with few
Design Down Focus on culminating performances
Curriculum Design Focus on segmented coverage
9 Traditional vs.
- Key terms and values
- Curriculum- learning which is planned and guided
by the school - Scope and Sequence- pieces and calendars
- Program based teaching- from the textbook
- Focus is the school structure.
- Standards Based Instruction
- Causes change.
- Instruction
- Assessment
- Focus is on student achievement.
10Standards Based Instruction
- Emancipate- 1. To free from oppression, bondage,
or authority. 2. To free from restraint. - Evolutionary- 1. A gradual process in which
something changes into a significantly different,
especially more complex or more sophisticated
form. - Revolutionary- 2. An momentous change in any
situation. 3. A sudden political overthrow
brought about from within a given system.
11Rigor/Relevance Framework
Evaluation 6
Synthesis 5
Analysis 4
Application 3
Comprehension 2
Awareness 1
1 Knowledge in one discipline
2 Apply knowledge in one discipline
5 Apply knowledge to real-world unpredictable
4 Apply knowledge to real-world predictable
3 Apply knowledge across disciplines
McNulty- 2005
12Rigor/Relevance Framework
Teacher/Student Roles
Student Think
Student Think Work
Teacher Work
Student Work
McNulty- 2005
13Standards and Curriculum
- No single image of curriculum is ideal or
appropriate for deciding what should be taught in
school. - Questions of which curriculum and which textbook
to use are trivial unless posed within the
framework of the lives of children. If children
in their routinely difficult circumstances are
lost, they are lost no matter what curriculum
decisions have been made or what curriculum has
been planned. In today's complex society,
awareness of our children's life conditions,
needs, hopes, and desires is essential before we
begin to deliberate about what they should be
taught. - J. Dziuban M. Kysilka (1996, pp. 188192.).
14Standards and change
Expected change curve
Reality is- it gets worse before it gets better
Fullen 1990
15Standards and change
Given a choice between changing and proving that
it is not necessary to change, most people get
busy on the proof.
J.K. Galbraith
- Change is non-linear and often unpredictable.
- There is no such thing as problem-free change!
- Key for Board to understand.
16Standards Based Instruction- NWABSD
- Changes instructional practice
- Balanced Instructional Model
- Direct, practical application, simulation,
real-life - Differentiated instruction
- Creating instructional units that allow multiple
levels and avenues of acquiring content. - Assessment is the key.
- Changes assessment practices
- Authentic assessments- performance
- Assessments used to plan instruction
17Standards Base Assessment
- Assessments drive instruction
- Measuring achievement and planning instruction
- Skills assessments
- Traditional work sheet tests
- Records content mastery
- Performance Assessments
- Indicate ability to do the skill
- Student can apply the content
18Standards Based Instruction
- What does it look like?
- What does it do?
- What is the future?
19Standards Based Instruction
- What does it look like?
- Selawik Fish Camp
- Kivalina
- Noatak
20Selawik Culturally Responsive Schools- What are
Schools that believe a firm grounding in the
heritage, language and culture indigenous to a
particular place is a fundamental
prerequisite for the development of
culturally-healthy students and communities
21Standards Based Instruction
- What does it do?
- Authentic Programs
- Community Action Plans
- Borrowed from the North Slope
22Standards Based Instruction
- What does it do?
- Standards form the foundation for a school
districts learning system. - National School Boards Association
23Standards Based- So what?
- The characteristics of high quality learning
environments are universal - Physical and psychological safety
- Appropriate structure
- Supportive relationships
- Opportunities to belong
- Positive social norms
- Support for efficacy and mattering
- Opportunities for challenge skill-building
- Integration of family, school and community
- National Research Council, 2002
24Standards Based- So what?
Attributes of Good Schools and Classrooms
- Seven Attributes of High Achieving Schools
- Common focus
- High expectations
- Personalized
- Respect and responsibility
- Time to collaborate
- Performance based
- Technology as a tool
- Essential Components of Learning
- In-depth learning
- performance assessment
- active inquiry
Student Achievement
McNulty- 2005
25Standards Based- how?
- What the Board does
- Approves standards
- Ensures that curriculum aligns with standards
- Policy to support standards
- Periodic review of standards
- Jargon free standards
- Ensures community support
- Provides resources
- Ensures instructional programs are evaluated
- What the Superintendent does
- Recommends standards, leads discussion recommends
changes - Makes staffing and resource allocation decisions
based on standards - Recommends policy
- Provides data
- Develops communication plan
- Advocates for standards publicly
- Makes recommendations for budget, resources,
materials based on data. - Collects data on progress and reviews with board.
Team Work!
- National School Boards Association
26Standards Based Instruction
- What is the future?
- Verification of knowledge?
- Freedom?
- Objects of Change vs. Agents of Change?
27Standards Based Instruction
- OTE- Onward Towards Excellence
- Strategic Plan
- QSM-Quality Schools Model
- RISC- Reinventing Schools Collation
- Guided Learning- our model
- Continuous Improvement- a journey
- Vision- educating our children to lead
successful lives.
28Standards Based Instruction
- New Board Member questions?
- How do we define student achievement?
- Are there differences in community, Board,
school, vision of student achievement? - Does our school board have a shared definition of
what an educated student or student achievement? - How well does our school program meet our
definition? - Does our school system set standards, acquire
classroom resources, and judge progress on our
vision? - To what extent is our vision ignored or
compromised by the realities of operating
29Standards Based Instruction
- Standards Subject matter benchmarks of what
students should know and be able to do. - Standards establish the criteria for students
academic achievement and drive what students
learn in the classroom.