2Definition of Curriculum
- All planned experiences which the learner may be
exposed to in order to achieve the learning goal. - The total way in which educational policy
decisions are put into practice. - The master plan which outlines the dimensions and
structure of the learning experience
- Chadwick and Legge (4 elements)
- 1. Aims and Objectives (principles, values,
policies, learner needs and wants) - 2. Design (allocation of resources, control of
content and methods) - 3. Implementation (support, communication,
publicity and use of resources) - 4. Evaluation (attainment, methods of
- Rogers (5 elements)
- 1. Philosophical Framework (overall goals)
- 2. Context (setting-facilities class climate)
- 3. Content (materials and sequencing)
- 4. Events (activities and sequencing)
- 5. Evaluation Process (monitor/feedback)
- Knox (5 steps/elements)
- Need assessment
- Establishing educational context
- Formulating objectives
- Organizing methods
- Evaluating attainment
64 fundamental questions in curriculum construction
- What educational purposes should an institution
seek to attain? - What educational experiences can be provided to
attain these purpose? - How can these educational experiences be
effectively organized? - How we determined whether these purposes are
being attained?
7What educational purposes should the learning
institution seek to attain?
- Sources of educational objectives learners
themselves, contemporary life, subject
specialists, philosophy of institution - Learners themselves needs and interest
- Contemporary life critical issues in life
- Subject specialists experts in the area
- Philosophy education and social values
8Importance of learners involvement in curriculum
- Concerns changing the life of learners
- The right to express their needs, wants and
preferences - Strategically ensure learners participation
- Politically influence existing power structure,
foster democracy and justice - Philosophically towards achieving goals
9Setting Objectives
- General purposes (aims) the social and
institutional goals of the programme - Programme objectives the educational or
operational outcomes toward which a total
programme will be directed for a prescribed
period of time - Learning objectives the specific behavioral
outcomes that a learner will be helped to seek in
a particular learning activity (eg. Tutorial
10Translating needs into programme objectives
through mutual planning
- 1. Organize the needs into a priority system
consensus in formulating priorities - 2. Screen the needs through selected filters
- Philosophy of institution (eg. Meet community
needs) - Feasibility (with regard to time, cost, staff
etc) - Allowing for flexibility (accomplish own need)
- Translate the screened needs into
- Programme objectives
- Learning objectives (knowledge, attitude and
11Selecting learning experiences
- Provide opportunity to practice
- Provide satisfaction upon practice
- Relevant to learners attainment and
predisposition - Expose to many experiences to attain obj.
- Expose to many experience that bring about
several outcomes
12How can learning experiences be evaluated
- Begin with the objective
- Identify the situation when learners are ready to
express the behaviour - Standardize the recording
- Use the results of the evaluation for
- Modify and improve curriculum
- Clarifying educational objectives
- Influence the learning process
14Framework for Learning
Adult learning theories provide
- a system of coherent, internally consistent and
interrelated concepts and ideas that help us to
understand how best to facilitate learning for
adults. - (Foley,1995 Knowles,1990 Merriam
- a focus on the personal and situational
characteristics of adult learners. - (Merriam Caffarella,1991248-265)
- principles that help educators to predict when
and how learning will take place and ...to...
arrange for its occurrence. (Merriam
Caffarella,1991249) - The principles help to highlight those
characteristics of post-compulsory learners that
should be taken into account when designing,
developing and implementing learning support
materials for adults students, including those
engaged in on-line learning.
15Characteristics of Adult Learners
- Autonomous and Self-Directed -- can assume
responsibility and leardership - Accumulation of Experiences/knowledge -- learner
as resource, connect to experience - Goal-oriented -- know what to achieve, develop
goals together - Practical oriented -- immediate need
- Expect respect-- accept/acknowledge
16Eight key principles of adult learning
1. Adults have a need to know why they need to
learn something before undertaking to learn it.
2. Adults have a disposition for self-directed
3. Adult learners have significant differences in
the quantity and quality of their experience.
4. Adults benefit from interaction with others
undertaking the same learning experience.
5. Adults expect differing perspectives and
backgrounds to be afforded equal legitimacy.
6.Adults are more ready to learn when the
learning event has direct relevance to their
real-life situations.
7. Adult learning is motivated and enhanced
through the processes of reflection.
8. Internal motivators are the most potent for
adult learners.
17Design implications from the Key principles of
Design implications from the key principles of
Adults have a need to know why they need to learn
something before undertaking to learn it.
Inform the learner(s) of the need to know.
18Design implications from the Key principles of
Design implications from the key principles of
Adults have a disposition for self-directed
Include an orientation to self-directed learning
approaches and tactics at the beginning of the
educational activity or program.
19Design implications from the Key principles of
Design implications from the key principles of
Adult learners have significant differences in
the quantity and quality of their experience.
Provide a wide range of options for
individualised approaches and strategies.
20Design implications from the Key principles of
Design implications from the key principles of
Adults benefit from interaction with others
undertaking the same learning experience.
Emphasise experiential learning over knowledge
transmission techniques, and emphasise
peer-helping techniques.
21Design implications from the Key principles of
Design implications from the key principles of
Adults expect differing perspectives and
backgrounds to be afforded equal legitimacy.
Emphasise the value and utility of the learners
experience when undertaking the learning process.
22Design implications from the Key principles of
Design implications from the key principles of
Adults are more ready to learn when the
learning event has direct relevance to their
real-life situations.
Make it clear at the outset of a learning
experience what its relevance is to the learners
life tasks or problems.
23Design implications from the Key principles of
Design implications from the key principles of
Adult learning is motivated and enhanced through
the processes of reflection.
Reflective opportunities and challenges should be
an integral design feature of learning materials
for adult learners.
24Design implications from the Key principles of
Design Implications from the Key Principles of
Internal motivators are the most potent for
adult learners.
Integrate strategies and activities that will
enhance internal motivators to learn, such as
ensuring that the learner is exposed to success
and positive feedback during the learning event.
25General instructional framework for procedural
knowledge and skills development
(As is the basis of most Training Packages)
Breaking instructions into chunks
Testing what is done in each chunk for
Snowballing (integrating knowledge/skill so that
the student can to the tasks not just the
26How can learning experiences be organized?
- Continuity reiteration of content elements
- Sequence progressive development of
understanding/skills/attitude - Integration application beyond discipline
27Facilitating Adults Learning learning system
- Clear attainable objective
- Motivation
- Appropriate learning task
- Reinforcement feedback
- Sequential practice
- Transfer of learning
- Feedback in transfer situation
28Techniques/Tools/Strategiesfor providing
- Lecture
- Question-answer session
- Field trips
- Printed materials
- Result Demonstration
- Some perimeters for effective lecture
- not more gt 30 mins.
- 4 to 5 major points
- enhance with visuals
- simple language
- allow time for note taking and questioning
- believe in what you are saying
29Techniques/Tools/Strategiesfor In-depth
- Forum (several guests, lecture followed by
question and answer) - Buzz group following a lecture
- Group discussion
- Simulation game
- Role playing
- Group project
- Seminar
- Simulated TV Show
- Dialogue
- Searching for assumptions
- Debate
30Techniques/Tools/Strategiesfor Skill Training
- Interactive computer
- Skill demonstration
- Hands-on with supervision
- Internship
- Case study
31Techniques/Tools/Strategiesfor Offering Multiple
- Panel
- Guest speaker
- Drawing
- 3-D Creation
32Techniques/Tools/Strategiesfor developing Group
- Group workshop
- Brainstorming
- Delphi technique
33Techniques/Tools/Strategiesfor Individual
Problem solving
- Study group
- Individual conference
- Self-confidence building
34Considerations for Selecting Techniques/Tools/Str
- Objective/purpose of the class
- Characteristics of the learners
- The subject matter
- Characteristics of techniques, tools or
Strategies - Learning situation
- Preferred Techniques/Tools/Strategies
35Considerations for selecting techniques/tools/stra
- Objective/purpose
- In-depth understanding (role playing, debate)
- Learners characteristics
- Intuitive learner (buzz group, study group)
- Sequential learner (interactive computer, printed
- Practical learner (case study, internship)
- Subject matter
- Wood work (skill dev.)
- Environment (multiple perspectives)
- Learning situation (location, duration, group
36Methods and Resources
- Self-study
- Lectures
- Discussion/seminar
- Visual symbols
- Audio visual
- Tell and Show
- Exercises
- Case Studies
- Dramatic experiences
- Projects
- Computer
- Software
- Screens
- TV
- Text books
- Overhead projectors
- Flip Charts
- White boards
- Slide projector