Title: Image registration of satellite images
1IEEE conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern
RecognitionAnchorage, Alaska, June 24-26, 2008
Overview of image fusion techniques
Jan Flusser and B. Zitova
flusser, zitova_at_utia.cas.cz
Department of Image ProcessingInstitute of
Information Theory and AutomationPod vodarenskou
vezi 4, Prague 8, Czech Republic
many image analysis tasks are hard to solve from
a single image
traffic surveillance - can we read the license
combining different modalities
Courtesy of Z. Ambler et al.
combining different modalities
low-resolution video
7Empirical observation
8Image Fusion
solution to previous
input several images of the same scene
output one image of higher quality
- the quality - depends on the application area
9Basic fusion strategy
- acquisition of different images
- image-to-image registration
- image fusion
10Fusion categories
- multiview fusion
- multitemporal fusion
- multimodal fusion
- multisetting fusion
- multichannel deconvolution
- superresolution
11Multiview fusion
- images of the same modality, taken at the same
time but from different places - Goal to supply complementary information
- from different views
12Multiview fusion
B. Zitová and J. Flusser, Image registration
methods A survey, Image and Vision Computing,
21(11) 977-1000, 2003
13Multiview fusion
Courtesy of CMP, CVUT, Prague
S. Seitz et al. A Comparison and Evaluation of
Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction Algorithms, CVPR
2006, vol. 1, pages 519-526
14Multitemporal fusion
- images of the same scene, taken at different
times (usually of the same modality) - Goal detection of changes
- Method subtraction, false color synthesis
15digital subtraction angiography
Multitemporal fusion
Courtesy of Y. Bentoutou et al.
16Multitemporal fusion
The Last Judgement Mosaic
17Multitemporal fusion
The Last Judgement Mosaic change detection
R. Radke et al.Image change detection
algorithms a systematic survey, IEEE
Transactions on Image Processing, Vol.14, March
2005 pp. 294 - 307
18Multitemporal fusion
image synthesis images of a dynamic scene taken
at certain time
- Goal synthesis of intermediate images
- Method warping blending
19Multitemporal fusion
20Multimodal fusion
- images of the different modalities
- (PET, CT, visible, IR, UV, etc.)
- Goal to emhasize band-specific information
Methods - pixel averaging - fusion in
transform domains - object-level fusion
21Multimodal fusion
medical imaging pixel averaging
22Multimodal fusion
security application
Courtesy of R.Blum et al.
Multi-Sensor Image Fusion and Its Applications,
Eds Blum R., Liu Z., CRC Press, (2005)
23Multimodal fusion
fusion of images with different resolution
high spatial low spectral
low spatial high spectral
- Goal high spatial and spectral resolution
- Method replacing intensity in IHS
- replacing high frequencies
- replacing bands in WT
24Multimodal fusion
WT based
IWT -gt fused image
25Multimodal fusion
Courtesy of A.Garzelli
26Multisetting fusion
- high dynamic range images
- noisy images
- multifocus fusion
- different exposure
27Multisetting fusion
high dynamic range images
Courtesy of Image Fusion Systems Research
Yuan, L., Sun, J., Quan, L., and Shum, H.-Y.
2007. Image Deblurring with Blurred/Noisy Image
Pairs. In SIGGRAPH 2007
28Multisetting fusion
denoising via time averaging
before registration
after registration
Courtesy of J. Jan et al.
29Multifocus fusion
- the acquired image - divided into regions
- - every region is in focus in
- at least 1 channel
- Goal image everywhere in focus
- Method - identify the regions in focus
- - maximizing proper focus measure
- - combine them together
30Focus measures
- gray-level variance
- energy of gradient
- energy of Laplacian
- moments
- energy of high-pass bands of WT
31Multifocus fusion in wavelet domain
H. Li, B. S. K. Manjunath and S. Mitra,
"Multisensor Image Fusion Using the Wavelet
Transform," Proc. ICIP 94, Austin, Texas, Vol.
I, pp. 51-55, Nov 1994.
32Multifocus fusion in wavelet domain
images with different areas in focus
33Multifocus fusion in wavelet domain
34Multifocus fusion in wavelet domain
regularized decision map
max rule
35Multifocus fusion - microscopic data
36Multifocus fusion surface reconstruction
37Multifocus fusion surface reconstruction
38Multichannel deconvolution
Idea - input images are blurred by
convolution with different convolution
kernels - by fusion via deconvolution the
original scene can be estimated
39Acquisition model with blur
40MC Blind Deconvolution
- Energy minimization problem (well-posed)
41Regularization terms
42PSF Regularization
43Incorporating a between-image shift
44Alternating minimization (AM) of E
- - AM of E(u,gi) over u and gi
- Input - blurred images
- - estimation of the PSF size
Output - reconstructed image - the
45Simulated blurring
46Multiple blurred images
Blind Image Deconvolution Theory and
Application, Eds Campisi P., Egiazarian K., CRC
Press (2007)
47Multiple blurred images
The Poor Fisherman, Paul Gauguin, 1896
48Vibrating scene
49Out-of-focus camera
50Astronomical imaging
degraded images
- Image fusion is a very powerful tool for
- - improving image quality
- - recognizing objects
- - scene understanding
- whenever more images are available
- Wide variety of fusion methods
52Thank you!