Urban Illumination: From the needs to the acceptance test - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Urban Illumination: From the needs to the acceptance test


for a 10m high street lamp vs z from 0 to 20m and vs n from 0 to 8 ... Could be candidate to the AFA black flag Label assessing their night sky quality, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Urban Illumination: From the needs to the acceptance test

Urban IlluminationFrom the needs to the
acceptance test
  • Thierry Midavaine
  • thimidav_at_club.fr
  • Association Française dAstronomie
  • www.afanet.com
  • Darksky 2008
  • August 22-23 Vienna Austria

Identify a process
  • We have a gap between the amateur astronomer
    community request and the elected town board
  • Could a mayor may ask for a professional
    photometric expertise on the illumination of a
    town ?
  • To who ?
  • We proposed a study to the French Optical
    Institute in 2006 on such a process, and a call
    for subscription to the AFA members.

the RFP process
  • The elected members of a town council are in
    charge of the call for proposal for any city
    equipment. Therefore, the urban illumination
    equipments are under there responsibility and it
    go through the following process
  • They issue a request for proposal (RFP), it
    gathers the requirements to meet the
  • Companies compete in answering to the RFP.
  • The best offer, meeting the Specifications and
    the most competitive is selected.
  • The selected company is notified through a
    granted contract. The contract precise acceptance
    conditions in agreement with the specifications
    the Acceptance Test.
  • The company manufactures the deliverables to the
  • The fullfilled Acceptance Test allows the final
    payment of balance.

Besoins de Nuits Issue a specification Define an
acceptance test
  • Therefore AFA is on the way to issue a
    Specification meeting the expressed Needs.
  • This Specification could be attached in the
    requirements of a call for proposal issued by a
  • This Specification have to be achievable, this
    implies two things
  • It could to be met
  • The deliverables could be checked by a quantified
    Acceptance Test.

The Specification
The Specification translates our Needs in
quantified requirements to be checked by the
Acceptance Test. Therefore we have to express
our Needs in simple sentences. They have to be
shared and understandable. This could become a
shared reference document in each country or even
merged and up dated by IDA at an international
level. It was the starting point of our study
settled during the RCE2006 conference at the Dark
Sky Protection Session.
The need Thierry Midavaine RCE Novembre 2006
What is my need What are the needs of my
relatives What are the needs of my
community What are the needs of our
society What are the needs of our planet
to quote the night quality and the
illumination quality ?
Expressing our Night Need
Nos enfants doivent pouvoir voir la Voie Lactée
par nuit claire et sans Lune dans la périphérie
de ma commune. Our Children are able to see the
Milky Way during clear night and without Moon
from the outskirts of my town Nous devons voir
des étoiles de magnitude 6 à 20 au dessus de
lhorizon dans toutes les directions. We are able
to see 6th magnitude stars at 20 above the
horizon at any azimuth.
Expressing our Urban Illumination Need
  • Les conditions déclairages en ville sont
    suffisants pour permettre aux piétons de voir
  • La chaussée
  • Les obstacles, les trous, le bord du trottoir,
    les marquages au sol, la nature du sol, les
    flaques deau
  • Les déjections canines
  • Reconnaître les visages des autres piétons
  • Le respect dune dimension historique peut être
    demandée par les concitoyens dans laspect des
  • The Illumination level in a town allows a
    pedestrian to see
  • The pavement
  • The obstacles, the holes, the limit of the
    footpath, the ground prints, the kind of ground,
  • The dungs of dog
  • The face of other pedestrians, and recognise them
  • The historical legacy looking of street lamps
    could be required

Besoins de Nuits Granting a Label
The Areas, Towns, Parks, meeting our expressed
needs could be granted by a Label like the Blue
Flag attesting the quality of sea water of French
resorts on the sea side. This qualification is
achieved with the process of the Acceptance Test.
If it is passed, a black flag Label could be
First Step
  • Input Assumptions
  • The town is defined by a size a . b, a map of the
    streets and areas to be illuminated
  • The minimum range d from the outskirts where the
    night will be measured.
  • Define the nice weather condition from the large
    visibility range.
  • People have an rated acuity at 10
  • Gathering the existing quantified photometric data

  • Juillet 2002, Ciel et Espace issued the map
    merging Cinzano output on a IGN french map
  • Cartographie du rapport de luminosité
    artificielle/naturelle du ciel au zénith (perte
    en magnitude)
  • lt 10 noir (lt 0,10 magnitude)
  • lt 33 bleu (lt 0,31 magnitude)
  • lt 100 vert (lt 0,75 magnitude)
  • lt 300 jaune (lt 1,5 magnitudes)
  • lt 900 orange (lt 2,5 magnitudes)
  • lt 2700 rouge (lt 3,6 magnitudes)
  • gt 2700 blanc (gt 3,6 magnitudes)
  • A chaque magnitude perdue, le nombre
    détoiles/dobjets visibles est divisé par 4
  • Ile de France
  • Vallée du Rhône
  • Alpes
  • Atlantique
  • Centre
  • Massif Central
  • Provence
  • Cote d'Azur

IGN-CielEspace Cinzano-Elvidge Falchi
Opto Services - AFA study
  • 1st study Modelisation
  • We want to establish the light pollution
    consequences from street lamps from a town on
    this sky luminance and determine the max level
    threshold meeting our needs.
  • The report is available on www.afanet.fr
  • Pierre-Louis Giscard, Julien Lozi, Jean-Louis
    Meyzonnette, Thierry Lepine, Thierry Midavaine

Geometrical model
Diffusion laws
Street lamp model
Cette puissance est ajustable en fonction du
modèle du lampadaire. En effet, les différents
types de lampadaires ne rayonnent pas de la même
manière au dessus de lhorizon. Dans ce modèle,
plus la puissance n est grande, plus le
lampadaire est  bafflé . Pour un lampadaire
boule, on a n 0.
Flux ratio illuminating the sky vs n
Ground illumination Elamp/Ftot (m-2) for a 10m
high street lamp vs z from 0 to 20m and vs n from
0 to 8
Direct contribution from the street lamp and
ground reflected diffusion to the sky
illumination (n4)
En bleu la contribution directe du lampadaire, en
vert la contribution de ce qui est réémis par le
sol, et en rouge la somme des deux.
Sky zenith luminance, vs h atmospheric
thickness, vs range d from 5 (bottom) to 15km
Therefore the zenith sky background luminance for
a 1 lm street light, according to the range d, is

Log10 sky luminance vs angular elevation on the
source azimuth at d10km range.
Exemples of sky background mapsSur les
graphiques ci-dessous, léchelle des teintes est
logarithmique, i.e. -9 correspond à 10-9 cd.m-2.
Nous rappelons quil sagit dune représentation
plane dune demi sphère, lazimut (axe des
abscisses) variant de -180 à 180 et
linclinaison (axe des ordonnées) de 0 à
90.Exemple de calcul  pour un flux de 10000
lumens à 10 km.
A bowl street light (n 0) 
Puissance de 10 de cd/m2
  • Exemple de calcul  pour un flux de 10000 lumens
    à 10 km, pour 
  • Un lampadaire boule (n 0) 

Angle zénithal
Angle azimutal
A classical street light (n 4) 
  • Un lampadaire classique (n 4) 

A baffled street light (n 10) 
  • Un lampadaire plus optimisé (n 10) 

Variation en fonction de la distance
dobservation  source de 10000 lumens, n 4
d 5 km
d 10 km
d 15 km
Cas de deux sources polluantes de même puissance,
une à d 10 km et ß 30, et lautre à d 15
km et ß -15
Star visibility
Facteur de transmission atmosphérique en fonction
de la hauteur
Éclairement au sol pour des étoiles de magnitudes
entre 5 et 7, et pour des angles entre 20 et 90
(de bas en haut, avec un pas de 10).
Soit pour une étoile de magnitude 6 à 20 E
5,61 10-9lux
Luminance de la Voie Lactéeen fonction de la
hauteur dans le ciel
Éclairement seuil détectable en fonction de la
luminance du fond de ciel
Assemblée générale de lAFA
Dossier  Pollution Lumineuse 
  • Traduction des besoins exprimés par lAFA

Eclairement dune étoile de magnitude 6 à 20
Etoile de magnitude 6 à 20, luminance maximum du
Luminance typique dun bon ciel et luminance
maximum tolérable issue de la pollution
Assemblée générale de lAFA
Dossier  Pollution Lumineuse 
  • Traduction des besoins exprimés par lAFA

Luminance du ciel pour observer la voie lactée
Travail sur une mire de Foucault pour estimer la
luminance dun fond de ciel
AFA 2007-2008 member card(proposed by Thierry
Midavaine, Eric Piednoel, Patrick Duchemin)
This card is a shared tool between all the AFA
members. This gray chart may probe the linearity
and the fidelity of complete image process from
the image acquisition to the final display.
Beyond, it allows to judge the illumination
level down town, and to estimate the ground
albedo and the reflected illumination toward the
La carte de membre AFA 2007(proposée par Thierry
Midavaine, Eric Piednoel, Patrick Duchemin)
Les densités et entre parenthèses léquivalence
en de laplat.
2nd study 2008
  • This study is done by a team in the FIE (Filière
    Innovation Entreprise of the French Optical
    Institute) Guillaume Maucort, Damien Mayneris,
    Nicolas Ferachoglou
  • The purpose is to build the business case of a
    new company Project Pollux.
  • Proposer un service aux municipalités
    doptimisation de léclairage public
  • Gestion du parc
  • Assurer un bel éclairement
  • Assurer une protection du ciel nocturne
  • Recenser les besoins en éclairage et le
    rapprocher de la norme Européenne
  • Proposer une évolution de léclairage et chiffrer
    limpact économique sur les 2 cas pilotes.
  • Vichères (X00 Habitants 17 lampadaires)
  • Mortagne au Perche (Y000 Habitants, Z

Parc Naturel Régional du Perche
  • Protocole avec le Parc du Perche dans le cadre du
    Programme à trois ans Aténée
  • Il entreprend en partenariat avec lADEME des
    actions en faveur de lefficacité énergétique et
    de léclairage public.
  • Sélections de deux communes pilotes dans le Parc
    Régional du Perche
  • Vichères 300 habitants, la commune éteint ses
    lumières le soir et supprime les éclairages de
    Noël. Plan papier repères de Lambert
  • Mortagne au Perche 5000 habitants qui doit
    renouveler son éclairage prochainement.

Summer 2008 status
  • We are on the way to issue the second report it
    includes the photometric measurement performed at
    Vichere and the contribution to a multi-source
    simulation software. It introduces the basis of
    our future Acceptance Test.
  • From the outputs of the studies, I am writing the
    Specification V0. It gathered our quantified
    requirements with their respective justification.

Document breakdown structure
Night Need
Urban Illumination Need
Black Flag Label
Acceptance Test
RFP, contract and delivery
2008-2009 scheduled activities
  • The AFA steering comitee (23/06/08) decided for
    the coming year
  • To support a small town in a pilot process of a
    request for proposal to up-date the street lamp
    network to validate the V0 specification.
  • To write the illumination plan chapter to propose
    to the town board as local decree.

Tomorrow towns
  • Are able to order a professionnal photometric
    expertise on the street lamp network and have the
    quantified level of light pollution,
  • Could get a forecast of the night sky quality if
    they up date the street lamp network meeting the
    AFA specification.
  • Could write a local decree defining and planning
    the light illumination rules.
  • Could issue a request for proposal relying on
    the AFA Specification and order the Acceptance
    Test to a professional expert.
  • Could be candidate to the AFA black flag Label
    assessing their night sky quality,
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