Singlephoton Emission Computed Tomography SPECT - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Singlephoton Emission Computed Tomography SPECT


... high frequency components to produce high resolution in the ... we end up with a high resolution image mingled with an exaggerated amount of noise ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Singlephoton Emission Computed Tomography SPECT

Single-photon Emission Computed Tomography(SPECT)
  • Old Chapter 9, New Chapter 11

Single-photon Emission Computed Tomography
  • Also known as SPECT
  • Is a radionuclide imaging technique which
    produces a picture of the radionuclide
    distribution within a thin section of the patient

  • Advantages
  • Ability to show radionuclide distribution in any
    slice of the body-coronal, sagittal, transverse,
    or oblique plane
  • Great at detecting and accurately locating
    lesions in a complex anatomical structure
  • Yields a higher image contrast when compared with
    planar images because activities lying outside
    the plane of interest are reduced

Instrumentation-System Description
  • SPECT system consists of two basic components
  • A radiation detection device for measuring the
    radioactivity profiles at various angles around
    the patient
  • A computer for processing the projection profiles
    to form an image of the cross-section

Instrumentation-System Description
  • Conventional gamma camera on a gantry that
    rotates around the patient to obtain projection

Instrumentation-System Description
  • Most systems use the step and shoot technique, in
    which the camera moves in stepwise rotation
  • Image acquisition is done with the camera stopped
    at regular angular intervals around the patient

Instrumentation-System Description
  • About 30 minutes are required to acquire one
    complete set of projection data for
  • Why 30 minutes ???

Instrumentation-The Computer System
  • Triggers the gantry at regular time intervals to
    rotate for a precise angular increment
  • Must have a large CPU or buffer memory and ample
    disk storage
  • Most have an array processor, which are hardware
    devices designed to do only a limited variety of
    arithmetic operations on matrices and highly
    ordered array of numbers

Simple Backprojection Method
  • Take an image of a point source from different
    angles, divide each of these images into a number
    of strips and select the strip that passes
    through the image of the point source
  • Plot the number of counts in each pixel across
    the selected strip
  • This is a projection profile

Simple Backprojection Method
  • The number of counts at each point in the
    projection profile is called the ray-sum because
    it represents the total number of counts seen by
    the gamma camera along a line of view

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Simple Backprojection Method
  • Advantage-the ease with which we can construct a
    transverse tomogram without complicated
    mathematics or even a computer
  • Disadvantage- the starburst artifact in the
    reconstructed image

The Filtered BackProjection Method
  • Modify the original projection profiles with a
    number scheme to produce a projection profile
    with a negative lobe on each side of the peak.

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The Filtered BackProjection Method
  • Filtered backprojection method- a convolution of
    the projection profile with a spatial filter and
    the image reconstruction scheme

The Filtered BackProjection Method
  • The ideal reconstruction filter is the ramp
    filter with multimillion counts in each
    projection profile
  • Frequency Domain
  • Ramp filter-a straight line that starts from zero
    and goes up linearly with the spatial frequency

The Filtered BackProjection Method
  • Ramp filter-puts a low emphasis on the
    low-frequency components of the projection
    profile as compensation for redundant sampling of
    low-frequency data
  • Heavily weighs the high frequency components to
    produce high resolution in the reconstructed image

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The Filtered BackProjection Method
  • Nyquist frequency-the maximum frequency
    resolvable by the camera computer system
  • Imposing a range of frequencies to be included in
    the reconstruction is modifying the ramp filter
    with a window function

The Filtered BackProjection Method
  • If count statistics are low, the fraction of
    noise is high
  • The ramp filter amplifies high frequencies, so
    the noise is amplified
  • As result, we end up with a high resolution image
    mingled with an exaggerated amount of noise

The Filtered BackProjection Method
  • Noise can be reduced without introducing
    artifacts by modifying the ramp filter with a
    window function that keeps the ramp filter intact
    in the low-frequency region
  • Purpose of a window is to limit the
    reconstruction to data within a range of

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The Filtered BackProjection Method
  • Butterworth window
  • In the low frequency region the coeficients on it
    is equal to 1.0
  • At halfway up to the Nyquist frequency, the curve
    takes on a fractional value and descends rapidly
    before gradually rolling to zero at the Nyquist

The Filtered BackProjection Method
  • Butterworth window
  • When the ramp filter is modified by the
    coefficient of the Butterworth window at the
    corresponding frequency, the ramp remains
    unchanged in the low-frequency region because any
    number multiplied by one is still the same number.

Butterworth Filter
  • Is the composite filter
  • The noise is eliminated, but the spatial
    resolution is reduced

Optimal Reconstruction Filter
  • A function of the count statistics
  • The higher the count statistics, then more high
    frequencies can be included in the reconstruction
  • Start the reconstruction with a high cut-off
    frequency if too fuzzy and grainy, drop the
    cut-off frequency to produce a smoother image
  • If over smoothed, raise the cutoff frequency and
    try again

Physical Factors Affecting te Quality of SPECT
  • During acquisition we need to endure the accuracy
    of the gantry positioning and to optimize the
    angular and linear sampling frequencies for the
    type of clinical studies.
  • Additional corrections
  • Attenuation
  • Scatter
  • Collimator resolution with depth
  • Poor counting statistics
  • Operational characteristics of the
    camera-computer system

Linear Sampling Criteria
  • Linear sample - the same as the linear dimension
    of the image matrix (number of pixels in a row
    across the matrix, 64X64, 64 linear samples).
  • The number of counts recorded in each pixel is
    called the ray-sum of the linear sample
  • A plot of the number of counts in each pixel
    along the row is called the projection profile

Linear Sampling Criteria
  • Nyquist sampling theorem- states that the maximum
    spatial frequency that we can observe is only
    half of the sampling frequency that we use to
    acquire the image
  • If we take two measurements in each centimeter,
    the Nyquist sampling theorem says that the
    smallest lesion we can observe is one centimeter.

Nyquist Sampling Theorem
  • The smallest lesion we can observe is one
    centimeter. Lesions smaller than one centimeter
    may not only be unresolvable due to inadequate
    sampling, but may introduce artifacts known as
  • Sampling frequency, f, is equal to the n number
    of pixels in the row divided by the diameter, D,
    of the filed of view
  • F n/D

Nyquist Sampling Theorem
  • 40 cm field of view
  • 64 X 64 matrix
  • F 64/40 cm or 1.6 cycles per centimeter, space
    interval between samples is 0.625 cm
  • Nyquist can only see 0.8 cycles per centimeter
    or a sample spacing of 1.25 cm

Nyquist Sampling Theorem
  • The spatial resolution of the gamma camera
    ultimately determines the maximum observable
    spatial frequency in the image
  • The matrix size should be consistent with the
    spatial resolution of the gamma camera
  • Compromise to keep statistical noise, acquisition
    time and computation time reasonable

Angular Sampling Criteria
  • Number of angular samples is a compromise between
    the count density needed in each projection to
    keep image noise at an acceptable level and
    patient motion.
  • 2 10 degree samples
  • 180 360 degrees
  • 30 minutes

Angular Sampling Criteria
  • 2 degrees tend to be fuzzy because of limited
  • Greater than 10 degrees cause streak artifacts
  • 6 degrees tend to give best compromise between
    statistical noise and streak artifacts

Photon Attenuation Correction
  • As the photons travel from their origin toward
    the camera, some are scattered away from the
    camera and some are absorbed by the intervening
    body tissues.
  • The ray-sum is not linearly proportional to the
    quantity of radionuclide along the ray
  • Hot rim artifact at boundaries

Photon Attenuation Correction
  • There are three approaches to correct this
  • Incorporate a photon attenuation correction
    factor directly in the reconstruction algorithm
  • Correct the projection data for attenuation prior
    to reconstruction, by acquiring data through 360
    degree and use geometric mean to calculate
  • Apply a correction factor to each pixel in the
    reconstructed image

Photon Attenuation Correction
  • Reconstruction algorithm using reconstructed
    transmission image and attenuation coefficients
  • 153-Gd, 133-Ba, 137-Cs

Compton-Scattered Photons
  • Low energy photons lose only a small fraction of
    their energy as a result of small-angle scatter
  • Consequently, much of these small-angle scattered
    photons are able to pass through the pulse-height
    analyzer and get included in the projection
  • Degrades image resolution

Compton-Scattered Photons
  • Because scattered photons increase the number of
    counts recorded in the ray-sum, the observed rate
    of a point source does not drop off as rapidly
    with depth in the tissue as predicted by the
    exponential attenuation equation

Compton-Scattered Photons
  • Eliminate those unwelcomed counts form getting
    recorded in the ray-sum,-2 methods
  • 1. Use an asymmetric energy window that is
    shifted toward the high energy end of the
  • 2. Subtract from the projection image an image of
    the scattered-photon distribution using a window
    in the Compton region of the spectrum

Non-Circular Detector Motion
  • Each projected ray on a gamma camera is defined
    by the field of view of channels in the
  • The field of view of a collimator channel
    diverges as the distance from the face of the
    collimator increases

Non-Circular Detector Motion
  • The structures deep inside the body are not as
    well resolved as those near the body surface
  • If the camera follows a circular orbit around the
    patient, the patients position if first adjusted
    so that the axis of rotation coincide with the
    midline of the body

Non-Circular Detector Motion
  • The radius of rotation (the distance of the
    camera from the axis of rotation) is adjusted to
    clear the patients shoulders or hips
  • Elliptical orbit- to continuously adjust the
    detectors radius of rotation to minimize
    patient-to-detector distance.

Non-Circular Detector Motion
Non-Circular Detector Motion
  • Axis of rotation must remain fixed at one
    position inside the body
  • The face of the collimator must be perpendicular
    to the radius of rotation at all angular
  • Each angular increment of the detector must be

Image Noise
  • The major source of image noise is the limited
    number of counts in a reconstructed image.
  • Patients undergoing SPECT scans are routinely
    given a dose of 30 - 50 higher than that for a
    planar imaging

Quality Assurance of the SPECT System
  • Camera Field Uniformity
  • Center of Rotation
  • Pixel Size
  • Orthogonality and Centering

Camera Field Uniformity
  • 1 nonuniformity can be amplified as much as 20
    nonuniformity near the axis of rotation in
    reconstructed images
  • Correction matrix matirx of multiplication
    factors to modify the number of counts in
    corresponding pixels
  • Uniform flood source with less than 1 variation
    in activity 57-Co
  • 64 X64 30 million counts
  • 128 X 128 120 million counts

Center of Rotation
  • The center of rotation in the projection image
    can be derived from two images of a point source,
    each taken 180 degrees apart.
  • The center of rotation is located at the pixel
    halfway between the two pixels occupied by the
    point source image in the opposing views
  • 30 pairs of images are acquired to calculate the
    center of rotation.

Pixel Size
  • Accurate calibration of the pixel size is
    necessary for photon attenuation correction and
    for measurement of organ or lesion volume.
  • The dimensions of a pixel can be easily measured
    by taken an image of two point sources located at
    a known distance apart

Pixel Size
  • Once an image of the two point or line sources
    has been acquired, the pixel location of each
    source in the computer image is identified from
    the activity profile.
  • Pixel dimension is calculated by dividing the
    separation distance between the two point sources
    by the number of pixels between the two peaks in
    the activity profile of the image

Orthogonality and Centering
  • By adjusting the offset control of the x and y
    positional signals from the camera, the axes of
    the image matrix can be calibrated to intersect
    at the exact midpoint
  • Can be done using five Co57 sources
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