Introduction to Spectrochemical Analysis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Spectrochemical Analysis


This energy will be lost by the sample, usually in the form of heat. Often the energy is lost by production of photons whose energy matches the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction to Spectrochemical Analysis

  • Introduction to Spectrochemical Analysis
  • One of the earliest means of characterizing
    matter was based on the observation of color
  • The explanation of the origin of color - and the
    way light interacts with matter - has given
    more information about the basic structure of
    matter than probably any other kind of experiment
  • The color of matter results from the absorption,
    luminescence and emission of light by by matter
  • Since a fundamental property of matter is how it
    interacts with light, it is a simple extension
    to see how the analysis of chemical species can
    be accomplished by the examination of how light
    interacts with matter
  • An important subdiscipline of analytical
    chemistry is spectrochemical analysis
  • Spectrochemical analysis can be defined as the
    use of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation
    in qualitative and quantitative analysis
  • A spectrum is a plot of some function of the
    frequency of electromagnetic radiation vs...
    the frequency of the radiation

Introduction to Spectrochemical Analysis A
spectrum is a plot of some function of the
frequency of electromagnetic radiation vs.. the
frequency of the radiation
  • Qualitative information is obtained from the
    shape of the spectrum
  • Quantitative information is obtained from the
    magnitude of f(n) a particular frequency

l n
  • Consider why these kinds of information can
    obtained from a spectrum
  • Electromagnetic radiation is made up of packets
    containing a fixed amount of energy
  • These energy packets can be absorbed by matter to
    cause transitions between states of matter
    having fixed energy differences equal to the
    energy of the light packets
  • Light packets can be produced when matter
    undergoes transitions from a higher energy state
    to a lower energy state
  • Different species have unique sets of energy
    levels producing unique absorption or emission
  • The spectrum becomes a map of the energy states
    of a sample of matter giving qualitative

  • Introduction to Spectrochemical Analysis
  • Consider why
  • Furthermore, the number of times each transition
    occurs per unit time is related to the
    transition probability for each transition which
    is both of qualitative and quantitative utility
  • f(n) can be related to the quantity of matter
    present in a sample
  • Examine a figure representing the various parts
    of the electromagnetic spectrum
  • Frequencies range from the audio - 10-3 Hz - to
    g-rays - 1022 Hz
  • Different frequency ranges cause different kinds
    of transitions in matter
  • Microwaves cause changes in rotational energy
    levels for molecules having permanent dipole
  • Infrared radiation causes changes in the
    vibrational states of molecules when the
    vibration causes a change in dipole moment
  • UV-Visible-Near IR cause transitions between the
    electronic states of molecules
  • X-rays cause the ionization of matter
  • g-rays involve nuclear energy transitions
  • When matter is placed in a magnetic field
  • Radio waves can cause nuclear spin transitions -
  • Microwaves can cause electron spin transitions -

  • Introduction to Spectrochemical Analysis
  • Examine a figure representing
  • Different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum
    make use of different kinds of instrumentation
    to produce and examine radiation
  • Defining terms for electromagnetic radiation
  • Wave Nature of Light
  • One viewpoint about light is that it has a wave
  • There is an oscillating electric field
    perpendicular to an oscillating magnetic field
  • Both fields oscillate perpendicular to the
    direction of travel
  • The wave travels through a vacuum at velocity c
    3.00 x 108 m/s
  • The wavelength, l,is the distance between two
    adjacent amplitude maxima
  • The frequency, n, of light is the number of
    oscillations the wave makes in 1 s.
  • nl c
  • The period is the time it takes a full
    wavelength to pass a given point in space

  • Introduction to Spectrochemical Analysis
  • Defining terms for electromagnetic radiation
  • The wavelength, l, is expressed in units
    appropriate to the region of the electromagnetic
    spectrum under examination
  • meters for radio waves
  • centimeters for microwaves
  • micrometers for infrared
  • nanometers for UV-Visible-Near Infrared
  • nanometers and picometers for x-ray
  • The frequency is usually expressed as
  • In the IR, frequency is usually expressed as
  • Spectral purity is the width of a band of
    electromagnetic radiation, usually measured as
    frequency or wavelength at the half- amplitude
  • The radiant power (P) of electromagnetic
    radiation is a measured quantity which is
    proportional to the square of the amplitude
  • This is the amount of energy transmitted by a
    beam of light per unit time

  • Introduction to Spectrochemical Analysis
  • Defining terms for electromagnetic radiation
  • Sometimes the amplitude is called intensity
  • Rigorously, intensity is defined as the radiant
    power from a point source per unit solid angle
    and has units of watt/sterradian
  • A beam of radiation can have intensity if it
    originates from a point source
  • Cannot talk about the intensity of a columnated
    beam of radiation which is the usual form of
    radiation used in spectroscopy
  • One classification of the kinds of interactions
    light has with matter
  • Absorption occurs if a beam of radiation is
    attenuated in radiant power if the photons in
    the beam have energies that match energy level
    differences of states in the matter
  • The mechanism of the interaction depends on the
    nature of the phenomenon responsible for the
  • The attenuation is related to the number of
    absorbing species and the photon flux

  • Introduction to Spectrochemical Analysis
  • One classification of the kinds of interactions
    light has with matter
  • Luminescence is the production of light by a
    sample of matter that as absorbed light
  • When the sample of matter absorbs light it is
    placed in a higher energy state
  • This energy will be lost by the sample, usually
    in the form of heat
  • Often the energy is lost by production of photons
    whose energy matches the difference in energy
    between the excited state and the lower state of
    involved in the transition
  • Fluorescence involves an electronic transition in
    which the electron spin is not changed
  • If the fluorescent photons have the same energy
    as the exciting photons the luminescence is
    called resonance fluorescence
  • Phosphorescence involves an electronic transition
    in which the spin multiplicity changes for the
  • Luminescence is isotropic whereas absorption is
  • Luminescence is useful for both qualitative and
    quantitative analysis

  • Introduction to Spectrochemical Analysis
  • One classification of the kinds of interactions
    light has with matter
  • Emission results in the production of light by a
    sample of matter that has been excited to a
    higher energy state by a means other than the
    absorption of light
  • The excitation can come from thermal or
    electrical sources or by particle collision
  • Atoms, Molecules or ions can be caused to emit
    electromagnetic radiation
  • The emitted radiation provides light sources for
    general lighting but also as sources of
    radiation for analytical chemistry
  • The light emitted by the sample is characteristic
    of the sample and so can be used to characterize
    the sample qualitatively and quantitatively

  • Introduction to Spectrochemical Analysis
  • One classification of the kinds of interactions
    light has with matter
  • Scattering of light does not involve the
    absorption of light by transitions between
    quantized energy states
  • Appears to be a randomization in the direction of
    the beam of radiation passing through a sample
    of matter
  • Rayleigh scattering involves scattering of light
    by particles small in dimensions compared to
    the wavelength of incident light
  • As the light beam passes near small particles an
    intense disturbance in the particle is caused by
    the oscillating electro-magnetic fields of the
  • If the particle is polarizable
  • The oscillating fields of the light can perturb
    the electron cloud of the particle causing a
    charge separation
  • The individual charges will oscillate as the
    fields of the radiation change polarity
  • The oscillating dipoles in the particle produce
    oscillating fields at the same frequency as the
  • The particle thus becomes a source of light which
    is isotropic
  • The intensity is
  • Explains why the sky is blue!

  • Introduction to Spectrochemical Analysis
  • One classification of the kinds of interactions
    light has with matter
  • Mie scattering involves particles that are large
    compared to the wavelength of incident
  • Only part of the particle is set into oscillation
  • Produces light having the same wavelength as the
    incident radiation
  • The scattered light has a non-uniform angular
    distribution in radiant power
  • The angular distribution of the scattered
    radiation can be used to obtain the size and
    shape of the particle causing the scattering
  • Mie scattering is important in turbidimetry and
  • Raman and Brillouin scattering produce a shift in
    the frequency of the scattered radiation
    relative to the frequency of the incident light
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