Title: AWOL
Another Way Of Living so that people can see who
they really are in Christ
2It is the 2nd largest global media conglomerate,
MTV is their pearl.
Rubert Murbock has media holdings in the U.S.,
Canada, Europe, Australia,
Latin America
and Asia
German media conglomerate has interests in 600
companies in 53 countries.
95 of influence, image identity
It's the 3rd largest global media conglomerate.
2000 revenues topped 25 billion.
This is the largest and number one music video
game company in the world, with roughly 22 of
the 2000 global market.
The largest media merger in history.
In 2001 revenues topped
165 billion
companies in computers, phones,
television and handheld
wireless devices.
Made its name with electronics, but it now has
more than 1,000 subsidaries worldwide.
3Who imagines the world for the young and tells
them the stories? How is that world imagined and
what is that story?
The Culture and sub-cultures are deciding who
youth are T.V., Music, Films We have to show
them the culture of Jesus!
43 Deadly Is that make our false I
Influence Image Identity
5Who has the greatest influence on your life?
From U.S. law to peers From consumerism to
what you eat.
We want to fit comfortably into the culture
often unknowingly we become of the world.
How do we bring glory to God in this world?
6Most influential social institutions for young
people 60s 80s 00s Families Friends M
edia Schools Families Friends Friends
Media Families Church School School Why
the drastic change?
3 deadly Is Influence, Imagine /or identity,
7What is the image you want to uphold?
From gothic to successful business man. From
cool to geek
We want to be someone else besides the Sons
Daughters of our Father in Heaven.
How do we become who God wants us to be?
8How is your image of these things
T.V. show Be most like Church God Jes
us Analogy of
God Beauty Power Love
9T.V. show Greys Anatomy, The Unit Be most like
Any Sports women, William Wallace
Church Good but quick to judge, 2
faces God watch over you- safe- trustworthy
always there, comfort, Jesus
loving but stands up no matter what
outcast, loner, no respect Analogy of
God family, family Beauty grandmother, joy- no
worry Power ability to control others,
domineering Love feeling that completes you
can tell what
you are thinking
Love is about the self.
Is power about being lofty and higher than other,
Like the tower of Babel
Like The Tower Of Babel
Lofty letter reaching for heaven
God is who the I makes Him
An element that raises above all others.
11I I
Goal of Youth Ministry cross out the I
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13 THE ARSENAL Television 16 to 17 hrs a week
14,000 sexual innuendos 38 a day 22,000
violent scenes a year Internet 3 hrs a day
90 of teens have viewed pornography online
300,000 adult websites Music 25 radio
segments contain sexual content 42 of top
selling CDs contain sexual content
Advertising 17 billion dollars spent to
grosses 128 billion dollars targeting teens,
without any regard to moral decay of a
- Hard and perverted music- making love, morality,
authority, have reverse effects. - Depressing music- making us feel blue.
- Media T.V. shows- making identities, and truth
the opposite of what the Bible tells us. - American Dream- making erroneous causes,
purpose, and plans that are opposite of Gods
kingdom. Even worse making Christianity lukewarm
all together. -
15 RESULT OF ARSENAL Explosion of sex lust-
making Love of self, rather than sacrificial
love. Distress and broken families (52 end in
divorce)- making authority, Lordship, Truth
watered down. Also, parents are searching for
other things rather doing the greatest calling
there is. 83 of youth believe that truth is
relative- making the search for self more
important than the search for Truth or God.
Corporate America who spends 17 billion in
advertising will pocket 128 billion from
targeting teens without any regard to the
moral decay of a generation Society that strives
for an American Dream rather than the
kingdom of God
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20We believe in the media before we would in the
Word of God.
21We are letting the World and companies sell a
lifestyle instead of giving our youth the True
lifestyle of Jesus Christ.
22Good news
For indeed the kingdom of God is from within-
Lk 1720 He who is in you is greater than he
who is in the world- 1 John
23Group Discussion 3 minutes
1. Why are they hurting? 2. As leaders, in
our hearts what are we afraid of?
24Why are we called to this generation?
Open Heart Surgery Its all about the Heart
God does not care about what you do, rather than
why you did it. This is the true form of
repentance. Our knowledge, our thinking, our
fear, our bondage, and who and what we worship.
25 10 Things You Need To
Know About Youth
261. Be a great and loving WE voice
Help them hear things that most never
hear. Well done I am proud of you you
did great Edify, encourage, be the voice of
togetherness, love, faith.
272. Stewardship of Influence
You are either a positive,
or null influence.
you spread the gospel
by your
For most youth you are the only Bible they will
ever read.
283. Social Formative Conditionings
The Culture and sub-cultures are deciding who
youth are T.V., Music, Films, influences,
images, etc. If you do not know the power of
Satan, then you will not know why you need the
power of Jesus.
they are reversible only through the efforts of a
community of people proposing in a loving way and
a different set of values.
i.e.- world works together, Gods people should
be stronger!
294. Teach Gods Word outside of norm class
Lecturing will not help, and writing or reading
will only avail a little in their land of plenty.
Only tasting and seeing the light of the gospel
of the glory of Christ will do.
305. Learn Postmodernism vs. modernism.
Want to know why youth think differently, have
different values, and need to be approached
differently, learn the force behind it.
31There is shifts in the way people perceive the
world, thinks, associate, and live. It is best
describe by modernism and postmodernism.
Issues Modernism Postmodernism Thought on
No room for abundance Age of
(you are blessed with what you get) (if
you dont like there is plenty) Work Blessed
to have it Always get another job
(depression era) (age of
abundance) Jesus Historical Jesus
Life-transforming Jesus Pastor
CEO Coach Learning Oral Visual
32 Issues Modernism Postmodernism Attendance
at church Every time the doors open When it is
convenient Sharing 9 out of 10 give info 1 out
of 10 give info Applicable Go by stories,
empirical evidence practical experiences
Attitude of church nickel, noses, budget
experience more Presidents advice
save, hold on to buy, go on vacations
during war Move/Location work, family friends,
newness Identified Family tribes
33 Issues Modernism Postmodernism Basis of
Boundaries formed Boundaries shaped by
Community by Doctrine Ethical / mission
Formation Gospel Eternal
Salvation Present Reign of God in this
World Theology Systematic / Propositional Narra
tive / Missional Saved or Not Doctrine /
Morals Experience / Heart Doctrine-
has built the church for 500 yrs. Doctrinal does
not work- missionally, and functionally 7 of 10
reject there own theology. Do ask, dont tell ?
not enough safe space
34Let a frog jump into boiling water he will jump
back out. Let a frog jump into water and
then turn up the temperature, the frog will set
there until
Problem with this movement and change
Modern- Hold/ fix Postmodern-
bring Truth has become relative. X no
fear of authority X No mentors, and
discipleship X No work ethic
X Always finding the easy way out.
X Dogma does no good w/ powers
X System will gain allegiance. X
X Doctrinal /
Theology X Community
35The future doesnt lie in methodology, or Dogma
(though methods will matter.) It lies in
dialogue And generative Friendship.
366. Help them make a difference
Its easy to live in a bubble and think the rest
of the world lives like we do. When we go about
our daily lives we forget the rest of the
community and world.
377. Reward, Count, Grow, Train
Youth have no challenges, no rewards of goodness,
no expectations, and no adventure when it comes
to their LORD no wonder they are bored with the
concept of God.
388. Tackle the Hot Issues
The church has been silent to long, and has let
the world give our youth identity, images, and
influence. Hosea 46 (NIV) says, My people
are destroyed from lack of knowledge.
399. Redefine Love
I love tacos and I love my mother. 3 types of
love. Americans use love over 85 different ways.
Bottom Line Who we are in God and who we are
commanded to love.
4010. Creativity is Power
This is one of the most powerful weapons you have
against coolness. This is also how you can get
youth to caught on fire for the LORD.
41Jesus didnt offer the world a
new belief system. He
offered the world a
new heart. A new heart for God,
a new heart for yourself,
a new heart for truth,
a new heart for life,
a new heart for others.
42Jesus didnt offer us just to be saved. Jesus
offered us Gods plan of salvation which tells us
who we are, the purpose of us, and why it is
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