Title: Building Teacher Capacity: An Architecture
1Building Teacher Capacity An Architecture for
Professional Learning and Practice
2- Building Teacher Capacity
- Architecture A Metaphor for Professional
Development - An Architecture for Professional Development
Messages and Meanings - The Role of School Leaders in Building Teacher
Capacity through Professional Development - Some Observations on Leadership, Professional
Learning, and - Capacity Building in Schools
3What might be other metaphors?
4Key Components/Considerations for Designing
Professional Development
- Educational Reform
- Teacher Capacity
- Leadership
- School Improvement
- Professional Work
- Professional Learning Communities
- Other Local Needs
5Strategies for Building Teacher Capacity
- Clear Job Descriptions
- High Expectations Communicated
- Training Education
- Coaching and Mentoring
- Written Performance Reviews
6- How else might we build teacher capacity?
7Building Teacher CapacityAn Architecture for
Professional Learning and Practice
8Architecture An Evocative Metaphor
- Rich Language And Images
- Suggestive Comparisons
- Unifying Concept
- Generative, Empowering Organic
9Professional development refers to learning
opportunities that engage educators creative
and reflective capacities in ways that
strengthen their practice.
10It Takes Place By
- Learning and example?
- Engagement an example?
- Improved Practice an example?
11Design Signature
Professional development is about
learning Professional development is
work Professional expertise is a journey, not a
credential Opportunities for professional
learning are unbounded Student learning,
professional development, and organizational
mission should be/are intimately
related Professional development is about people
not programs
12Workshops and Conferences
13Convenience Courses
Drive-in professional development
Super-size me!
14Collaborative Action Research Teams
15Professional Development that Addresses School
17Leaders And Learners The Weave Of Their Fabric
- They are
- Stewards
- Models
- Experts
- Instructional Leaders
18- Architect Creating Learning Spaces
- Alignment people, instruction,
- curriculum, resources
- Empowering Teachers
- Identify Individual/Collective Needs
- On-going Planning
- Teacher Talk- Dialogues
- Focus on Student Learning
19- Leader/Manager
- Communicator
- Supporter
- Manage resources
20- Evaluator
- Supervision, Assessment, and
- Evaluation
- Assessing Needs
- Balance- Student, School, Teacher
- Needs
- Inquiry-based Decision Making
- Vision-- shared purpose
- Reflective dialogue
- Trust respect
- Interdependency
- Collegiality
- Inquiry focused of learning
- Deep knowledge of teaching
- learning
22 An Ethical Architecture for Professional developm
23A Hippocratic Oath
- Do no harm.
- Do nothing to increase misery, injustice, or
inequity. - Do nothing to perpetuate ignorance, passivity,
forgetfulness, dispiritedness, or disbelief in
24Creating spaces for learning and leadership
25Professional Development As Work
- From
- An add on
- Individualized
- Activity/event centered
- Outside of work
- Outside Expertise
- Focus on changing the individual
- To
- Essential work
- Collaborative learning
- Linked to practice and student learning
- Embedded in dialy work
- Internal capacity for improvement
- Focus on the collective
- Shift inb structures from fragmented to
holistic, goal oriented - Shift in culture from lone ranger to mutual
trust from episodic to continuous from
disengaged to engaged
27Professional Development In Work
- Individual
- Collectively
- Collaboratively
- Formal and informal
- What are the challenges?
- What can be the components?
- Wha could be the metaphor for this?
28Professional Development Outsidfe of Work
- What are the possibilities?
- How do we harness outside PD for inside
targeted growth?
29Final observations on architecture, professional
learning, and leadership
- People and their humanity
- Ethics- an essential component
- First, do no harm
- Architecture as mobile, evolving structure
- Slow food movement
- Utilitas (function), Firmitas (structure),
- Venustas (beauty)
30What are you thinking?
- What goals, functions, and structures are you
thinking about using in your project and why? - A reference-Improving Schools From Within by
Roland Barth (1990)