Brewing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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dimethyl sulfide (DMS) (taste or aroma of sweet corn, cooked vegetables) ... fruity / estery (flavour and aroma of bananas, strawberries, apples, or other fruit) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Brewing

  • Lindsay Korth
  • Jacob Spizziri
  • Edward Schoenherr
  • Brenna Priest

What is brewing?
  • Brewing is the production of alcoholic beverages
    and alcohol fuel through chemical mixing
    processes of infusion, boiling and fermentation.
  • The term is generally used to describe beer
    production, however the fermentation processes
    are also used in the production of wine, mead,
    sake, and soy sauce

Why brewing?
  • Because everybody loves beer!
  • Beer is the largest alcohol segment nationwide,
    accounting for roughly 85 of all alcohol volume
    sold in the United States

  • The first archeological evidence of beer
    production comes from 6000 BC in ancient Babylon
  • Earliest known chemical evidence comes from
    organic residue from inside a pottery vessel
    dated 3500-3100 B.C. from the site of Godin Tepe
    in the Zagros Mountains of western Iran
  • Other records are shown in Ancient Egyptian
    hieroglyphics and Sumerian writings
  • Beer was known to Germanic and Celtic tribes in
    Europe as far back as 3000 BC
  • Its possible that beer-like beverages were
    independently developed throughout the world soon
    after a tribe or culture had domesticated cereal
  • Basis of beer came from loaves of specially made
  • Beer loaves made from richly yeasted dough,
    possibly with the addition of malt
  • Lightly baked, then resulting bread was crumbled
    and strained with water
  • Dates, extra yeast added, dissolved mixture was
    fermented in large vats

Modern Studies
  • Louis Pasteur, father of microbiology first to
    study beer production 1850s
  • Discovered that all fermented materials contained
  • Spoiled batches of beer occurred from bacterial
    contamination of the ferment, contamination could
    be prevented by heating wort to 55 degrees C
    before adding yeast
  • Pasteurization still used today
  • U.S. beer industry got its start in the 1840s and

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Whats to come..
  • 7 stages of the brewing process
  • Mashing
  • Wort separation
  • Boiling
  • Fermenting
  • Conditioning
  • Filtering
  • Packaging

  • Conducted over a period of time at various
    temperatures in order to activate the enzymes
    responsible for the acidulation of the mash
    (traditionally for lagers) and the reduction in
    proteins and carbohydrates
  • malt and adjunct particles swell, starches
    gelatinize, soluble materials dissolve, and
    enzymes actively convert the starches to
    fermentable sugars
  • end result is wort with a fixed gravity (OG), a
    set ratio of fermentable and non-fermentable
    sugars, and proteins (soluble and non soluble)
    that affect physical and biochemical changes
    during fermentation

Chemical changes
  • Acidification
  • responsible for reducing the initial mash pH for
    traditional decoction mashing of lager beers
  • Protein Degradation
  • Protease enzymes comprise the group of enzymes
    that reduce high-molecular-weight proteins to
    simpler amino-acid constituents by breaking the
    peptide bonds between proteins
  • Proteinase
  • responsible for degrading albumins already
    dissolved in the wort, along with insoluble
    globulins, into simpler medium-sized protein
  • Peptidase
  • responsible for degrading medium-sized proteins
    (peptones and polypeptides) into smaller proteins
    (peptides and amino acids).

Chemical Changes cont.
  • Starch degradation
  • conversion of starch molecules into fermentable
    sugars and unfermentable dextrins
  • Principle enzymes responsible for starch
  • 1. Alpha-amylase- very rapidly reduces insoluble
    and soluble starch by splitting complex starch
    molecules into many shorter chains that can be
    attacked by beta-amylase.
  • 2. Beta-amylase- more selective than
    alpha-amylase since it breaks off two sugars at a
    time from the starch chain.

(wort boiler)
Wort Separation
  • The Separation of the wort (liquid extract) from
    the solid materials (found in the mash).
  • Undissolved solid materials include large
    amounts of protein, poorly modified starch, fatty
    material, silicates, and tannins
  • Objectives of wort separation
  • Produce clear wort
  • Obtain good extract recovery
  • Operate within the acceptable cycle time

Wort Separation
  • Three different methods
  • Lauter Tun
  • Mash Tun or Filter
  • Strainmaster
  • Two stages of separation processes
  • Wort run-off
  • Extract is separated in an undiluted state from
    the spent grains.
  • Sparging
  • Extract remains with the grains and then rinsed
    off with hot water.

Lauter Tun
  • Most widely-used wort separation vessel system in
    North America and Europe.
  • Tank with small holes in the bottom to hold back
    the large bits of grist and hulls.
  • The bed of grist (that settles on the bottom) is
    the actual filter.

Mash Filter
  • Sometimes preferred by large-volume brewers.
  • Plate-and-frame filter.
  • Empty frame, containing the mash, has capacity of
    approx. one hectoliter (100 L).
  • The plate contains the support structure for the
    filter cloth.
  • Arranged as frame, cloth, plate, cloth, and
    plates at end of each structure.
  • Cycle
  • Mash filter is flushed, then preheated with hot
  • Mash is pumped from mash mixer into the filter
    through the top channel, completely filling the
    filter frames.
  • Process takes about 20 to 30 minutes.

  • Most rarely used.
  • Patented by Anheuser Busch.
  • Separates wort by allowing it to flow into
    horizontal slotted tubes.
  • Filtration is carried out by the spent grain.
  • Recirculation continues until desired wort
    brightness is achieved.
  • Wort is then run to the kettle.

  • Following Wort Separation, clear wort must be
    conditioned by boiling in the kettle.
  • Stabilizes the wort and extracts the desirable
    components from the hops.
  • Ensures sterility preventing infections.
  • Biochemical changes occur during boiling
  • Kettle Additives
  • Wort Boiling Systems

(Boiling Wort Hop Pellets Cause the Greenish
Biochemical Changes
  • Sterilization
  • Wort entering the kettle contains microorganisms
    which can result in off-flavors and other
  • Yeast, molds, bacteria.
  • Enzyme Inactivation
  • Fixes the carbohydrate composition of the wort.
  • Inactivating residual enzymes responsible for
    carb and protein degradation that may have
    survived mass-off.

Biochemical Changes
  • Protein Precipitation
  • Occurs as the wort loses its turbidity during
    boiling, material breaks out of suspension and
    precipitates as proteins coagulate.
  • Necessary to decrease level of high molecular
    weight nitrogen in malt.
  • Isomerization
  • Major flavor contribution of hops in beer is
    bitterness from iso-alpha acids.
  • Insoluble alpha acid extracted from hops is
    converted to a more soluble iso-alpha acid.

Biochemical Changes
  • Color Development
  • Color of the wort becomes darker during boiling,
    caused by
  • Production of Melnoidins
  • Occurs when reducing sugars from carbs react with
    amino acids derived from proteins during mashing.
  • Oxidation of Polyphenols
  • Additional source of color formation derived from
    malt husks and hops.
  • Known as tannins.
  • Carmelization of Sugars
  • Chemical process that affects sugars subjected to
    200C .

Biochemical Changes
  • Dissipation of Volatile Constituents
  • Boiling drives off volatile wort compounds
  • Dimethyl, Sulfide, Aldehydes, and Hydrocarbon
    components of the hop oils.
  • Concentration of Wort
  • Concentrated by evaporation because water used in
    mashing produces wort lower in specific gravity
    than the target gravity.
  • Reduction in Wort pH
  • pH of the Wort decreases during mashing and
    boiling to reach a final pH between 5.2 and 5.3.

Kettle Additives
  • Hops
  • Timing
  • Metered out in portions throughout
  • the boil.
  • Finish Hopping
  • For hop flavor and aroma in beer hops are added
    very late in boil.
  • Rates
  • Determined by alpha-acid content, desired hop
    flavor and aroma, condition of hops, efficiency
    of hop extraction, brewing process, type of
    brewing water.

Kettle Additives
  • Copper Finings
  • Form of seaweed consisting of K-carrageenan
    (complex starchy polymer similar to polyphenols).
  • Has negative charge and is effective in
    precipitating positively-charged proteins from
    wort solution.
  • Dosage Rate
  • Ranges from 10 to 80 mg/L.
  • Differs due to variations in grist formulations,
    mashing systems, specific gravities of the wort.
  • Choice of Material
  • Range of physical forms and degrees of
    purification of copper fining products
  • Powders, tablets, granules, refined carrageenan,
    alkali-washed seaweed.

Kettle Additives
  • Acids
  • Tannic Acid
  • Reduces hop-bittering utilization.
  • Reduces color reactions.
  • Improves wort clarity through enhancement of hot
    break formation.
  • Lactic Acid
  • Lowers pH of the wort.
  • Produced in propagation tanks.

Kettle Additives
  • Calcium Sulfate or Calcium Chloride
  • Lowers pH of wort during boiling by 0.10.2
  • Syrups and Sugars
  • Dry or liquid form
  • wort extenders
  • Increases extract without added investment in
    brewhouse vessels.
  • Flavorings
  • Fruits, spices, herbs.
  • During or after boil.

Wort Boiling Systems
  • Direct-Fired Kettles
  • Made by copper
  • Inefficient
  • Improperly transfers heat into the wort
  • Scorches the wort
  • Restricted by volume of wort that can be boiled
    at once
  • Kettles with External Heating Jackets
  • Very common
  • Symmetrically arranged around the vessel OR
  • Jackets may be placed asymmetrically for rolling

Wort Boiling Systems
  • Kettles with Internal Heating Systems
  • Allows for more efficient heat transfer and
    larger kettles for boiling larger volumes of
  • Heaters are located in center of kettle for
    turbulent boil.
  • Wort is heated by flowing upwards through heating
    unit into a venturi tube.
  • Emerges above level of the wort striking a
    deflector plate.
  • Kettles with External Wort Boilers
  • Boiler is outside of kettle (called calandria)
    through which wort is pumped.
  • Most common is tube and shell heat exchanger.
  • Provides large surface area for vapor bubbles to
  • Provides excellent volitization.

  • The Brewer's Handbook, (2008). Apex Publishers.
    Retrieved March 4, 2009, from The Brewer's
    Handbook Web site http//
  • Brewing. (2/24/2009). In Wikipedia Web.
    Retrieved 3/1/09, from http//
  • (2008). Brewing Beer. Retrieved March 4, 2009,
    from Web site

  • Fermentation is the process by which enzymes
    produced by yeasts convert the glucose in the
    wort into carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol
  • Giving beer both its alcohol content and
  • To start the process the wort is cooled and sent
    to the fermentation tank
  • Depending on what type of beer is being brewed
    and what type of yeast is being used the
    temperature must be kept at a certain temperature
    during this process
  • Ale 20C(68F)
  • Lager 9C(48F)
  • Once in the fermentation tank the brewer selects
    and adds a type of yeast. Depending upon which
    type is selected a different fermentation process
    will be used and a different beverage will
  • The fermentation process typically takes from
    10-20 days.

Fermentation (cont.)
  • There are three types of fermentation Top,
    Bottom, and Spontaneous Fermentation
  • Fermentation is broken up into three stages
  • Lagtime
  • Primary
  • Secondary.

  • Certain yeasts can only breakdown sugars up to a
    certain percentage of alcohol. Beer yeasts
    about 5, Wine about 12
  • The yeast its self goes through two processes
    Aerobic and Anaerobic
  • The reaction of yeast with the wort produces a
    variety of flavor compounds which are crucial to
    the taste of beer
  • acetaldehyde (green apple aroma)
  • diacetyl (taste or aroma of buttery,
  • dimethyl sulfide (DMS) (taste or aroma of sweet
    corn, cooked vegetables)
  • clove (spicy character reminiscent of cloves)
  • fruity / estery (flavour and aroma of bananas,
    strawberries, apples, or other fruit)
  • C6H12O6 --------------gt 2C2H5OH 2CO2

Yeast (cont.)
  • During this part of the process the wort is
    exposed to oxygen
  • This is the initial rapid process in which the
    yeast doubles its colony size every four hours

  • During this process there is no oxygen present in
    the mixture
  • As a result of a lack of oxygen the yeast focuses
    on converting sugar to alcohol rather that
    increasing the number of yeast cells

Top Fermentation
  • Top fermentation occurs at higher temperatures
  • This causes a faster fermentation period
  • The result is beers with a more fruity and
  • The quantity of yeast used is less than is used
    in bottom fermentation
  • The yeast stays at the surface throughout the
    fermentation process
  • These beers are typically darker
  • Porter
  • Stout
  • Ale

Bottom Fermentation
  • Beers made with Bottom Fermentation are the most
  • Pale beers
  • Blonde beers
  • Low alcohol concentration
  • Neutral taste
  • Yeasts are typically added at lower temperatures
  • Once the fermentation is complete the temperature
    of the of the beer is lowered to 0 degrees
  • At this temperature the yeasts settle down to the
    bottom of the fermentation tank and the beer is
    siphoned off

Spontaneous Fermentation
  • Typically used in certain Belgian specialty beers
  • In this process the beer is fermented again in
    rooms at the temperature of 16C without adding
    any yeast
  • Only microorganisms floating in the air touch the
    beer during this natural fermentation

Lag Phase
  • The lag Phase is the time period that refers to
    3-15 hours after the yeast is added to the wort
  • Yeast begins the process of acclimating to its
    environment and absorbing oxygen
  • During this process is when the yeast reproduce,
    providing a sufficient amount of yeast cells to
    complete fermentation

Exponential Growth Phase
  • This phase refers to a 1-4 day time period after
    the yeast begins to come out of the lag phase
  • At this point the yeast begins to consume the
    sugars present in the wort
  • CO2 begins to be produced leaving a layer of foam
    on the surface of the wort
  • During this phase yeast cells will be reproduced
    rapidly and ethyl alcohol and flavor compounds
    will be produced

Exponential Growth (cont.)
  • Sugars in the wort are consumed in a certain
  • Glucose, is consumed first in that it is the
    simplest of the sugars.
  • Makes up aprox. 14
  • Maltose
  • Makes up aprox. 59 of wort sugars
  • Gives beer its characteristic flavors
  • Maltotriose
  • The most complex sugar, aprox. 27
  • Fermentation typically stops at this point
  • Many yeasts are unable to ferment this sugar

Stationary or Conditioning Phase
  • 3-10 days on the tail end of fermentation
  • At this point yeast grown slows down
  • When beer enters this stage it is referred to as
    green beer because the balance of flavor in the
    beer is not acceptable
  • During this period the beer matures
  • Yeast reabsorbs the diacytyl produced during
  • Hydrogen Sulfide gas leaves the beer
  • The beer is then siphoned or pumped into another
    holding tank leaving the yeast and other solids
  • After this process is complete the beer is cooled

  • Filtering is a process that further stabilizes
    the flavor of the beer
  • Not all beers are filtered
  • Several different methods of filtration
  • Diatomaceous earth
  • Naturally occurring chalk-like porous rock
  • Cloth filters

Beer filtration process
  • The filtration process stabilizes the beers
    flavor, and gives it a desirable appearance.
  • Filtering starts by removing unwanted matter from
    beer such as, hops, grain and yeast particles.
  • the two most common forms of filtration are the
    use of screens or kieselguhr (a chalk-like rock
    crumbled into fine powder)
  • Not all beer is filtered. Some brewers do not
    filter their beer to add flavor and body to their

  • Screens come in a variety of porosity levels.
    Brewers choose different levels of porosity
    depending on how clear they want their beer.
  • Screens are often layered to trap bigger
    particles first, and then collect smaller
    particles as the beer moves thru the filter.
  • Screen filters are easy to use, but require
    frequent cleaning.

  • Kieselguhr is a fine chalk like powder, that is
    naturally porous and abrasive.
  • Beer is pored thru a layer of this powder as it
    acts as a filter media.
  • Kieselguhr is a much more complicated process of
    filtration, but can filter higher quantities of
    beer and does not require as frequent cleaning.

Filtration ratings
  • the three normally used filtration ratings for
    brewing are rough, fine and sterile.
  • Rough filtration leaves some cloudiness in the
    beer, but is noticeably clearer than unfiltered
  • Fine filtration eliminates all cloudiness from
    the beer, giving it a clear appearance.
  • Sterile is as the name implies, and removes
    almost all microorganisms from the beer.

  • The finished beer product is then packaged and
  • Bottles
  • Kegs, metal or wooden
  • Cans

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