Title: Purdue University CS
1Purdue UniversityCSE Program
- Computational Science and Engineering
Interdisciplinary Graduate Program
- CSE Program
- CSE Administration
- CSE Curriculum
- CSE Home departments/faculty
- CSE Student data
- CSE Seminar Series, 01-02
- CSE Awards, summary and details of 01 02
- CSE-GAANN program
- CSE Funding
- Future Plans
4Program History
- Founded in the fall of 1995 by John Rice and
Elias Houstis as an interdisciplinary graduate
specialization program. - CSE was opened to graduate students admitted to
a home department but interested in performing
research with a computational science and
engineering specialization. - CSE is offered at both the MS and Ph.D. level
Computational Engineering for students in home
departments of the schools of engineering and
Computational Science for students in home
departments of the other schools.
5 CSE Funding
- The Source of funding for CSE administration is
from Purdue University. - In 2001, the Academic Reinvestment Program of
Purdue awarded a recurring grant of 50,000 per
year to the proposal titled Computational
Science and Engineering Educational Program
submitted by the CSE program.
- CSE Program Director
- Tom Downar (NE), Since Spring 2002
- Elias N. Houstis (CS), 1995 to fall 2001
- CSE Program Coordinator
- Jyoti Mathur (CS)
- CSE Graduate Committee
- One CSE faculty member, called the CSE
representative, from each active home department
is member of the graduate committee.
7Home Departments/Faculty
- 16 departments from 5 Schools participate in
CSE - Schools of Engineering
- AAE(4), ECE(12), ME(3), NE(3)
- School of Science
- BIOL(8), CHEM(5), CS(13), EAS(5), MATH(8),
PHYS(4), STAT(4) - School of Agriculture
- AgE(1), FS(2)
- School Liberal Arts
- PSYCH(1)
- School of Pharmacy
- IPPH(1), MCMP(1)
- Course load 1/3 course load from computing
2/3 course load from masters or doctoral degrees
in home departments. - For students with home department as CS or ECE,
the 1/3 course load should be from outside
department application area. - The courses in computing are chosen from the list
of Core courses and the list of Relevant Courses.
These lists prepared by the CSE graduate
committee. - CSE students attend and give talks in the weekly
CSE Seminar Series - Upon successful completion of CSE program, the
CSE is listed as a specialization on the
students transcript
10CSE 501Introduction to Computational Science
- This is the introductory course of the
Computational Science and Engineering Program. - The objective of this course is to familiarize
students from various disciplines in the science
of problem solving. - This includes basic computational tools (Matlab,
Mathematica, PSEs), computational kernels of
important problems, and core techniques for
solving the problems. - It emphasizes computer simulations as an an
important design tool, the role of high
performance computing in large scale simulations,
and the "Grand Challenge problems.
11CSE 501Introduction to Computational Science
- Year Taught Students Professor
- Fall 95 18 Sajiva Weerawarana
- Fall 96 9 Ananth Grama
- Fall 97 10 John Rice
- Spring 99 11 John Rice
- Fall 01 27 Elisha Sacks
- Fall 02 - Ananth Grama
12Core Courses
- Computational Mathematics
- CS 514 - Numerical Analysis Iterative methods
- CS 515 - Numerical Analysis of Linear Systems
- ME 581 - Numerical Methods.
- High Performance Computing
- CS 525 - Parallel Computing
- EE 563 - Programming Parallel Machines
- Intelligent Computing
- CS 572 - Heuristic Problem Solving Design
- EE 570 - Programming Techniques for Artificial
Intelligence - Scientific Visualization
- CS 530 - Introduction To Scientific Visualization
- EE 628 - Computer Graphic Simulation and
Visualization - Computational Optimization
- CS 520 - Computational Methods in Analysis.
- EE 580 - Optimization Methods for Systems and
Control - MA 521 - Introduction to Optimization Problems
- IE 535 - Linear Programming Optimization
13Seminar Series 01-02
Speaker Title of Talk
Peter Dimitrov Minev, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Alberta , Canada (Fall 01) Finite Element Algorithms for Multiphase Flow
Philippe Flajolet, INRIA Rocquencourt Brigitte Vallee, Universite de Caen, France (Fall 01) Continued Fractions, Comparison Algorithms, and Structure Constants
Ping Wang, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology (Fall 01) Parallel Implementation of Large-scale 3D Thermal Convection Software
John N. Shadid, Computational Science Department, Sandia National Laboratories (Fall 01) Stabilized FE Simulations of Reacting Flows Solution Algorithms and Applications
Tayfun E. Tezduya, Mechanical Engineering, Rice University. Houston, Texas (Spring 02) Finite Element Interface-Tracking and Interface Capturing Techniques for Flows with Moving Boundaries and Interfaces
Karthik Ramani, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University (Spring 02) CADDAC Multi-Client Collaborative Shape Design System With Server based Geometry Kernel
Sabre Kais, Department of Chemistry, Purdue University (Spring 02) Finite Size Scaling for Quantum Critical Phenomena
Zahari Zlatev, National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark (Spring 02) Using Partitioning in the Numerical Treatment of ODE Systems with applications in Atmospheric Modeling
14Seminar Series 01-02continued
Speaker Title of talk
Narayan R. Aluru, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (Spring 02) Tiny Machines and Large Computations
Kannan Nandha (graduate student) School of ME, Purdue University (Spring 02) Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Flows in Jets and Channels
Chris J. Bailey-Kellogg, Department of Computer Sciences, Purdue University (Spring 02) Using Physical Properties for Mining in Data-Scarce Domains
Sanjay E. Sarma, Department of Mechanical Engineering, M.I.T. (Spring 02) On Cutting-Paths Geometric Theory and Planning Techniques
Joao Cangussu (graduate student) Department of CS, Purdue University (Spring 02) A State Variable Approach for Feedback Software Process Control
Robert Falgout, Center for Applied Scientific Computing, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Spring 02) New Advances in Algebraic Multigrid
Budi Wijaya Chandra (graduate student), School of AAE, Purdue University (Spring 02) New Tools for On-Orbit Liquid Propellant Slosh Prediction
15Student AwardsSummary (1995-2002)
1995-1996 Special Initiative Research Grant (SIRG-PRF) 2/ Purdue Research Foundation
1996-1997 SIRG-PRF 2/ Purdue
1997-1998 SIRG-PRF 2/ Purdue
1998-1999 SIRG-PRF 2/ Purdue
1999-2000 SIRG-PRF 2/ Purdue
2000-2001 2000-2001 SIRG-PRF Interdisciplinary Fellowship 2/ Purdue 2/ Purdue
2001-2002 2001-2002 2001-2004 SIRG-PRF Lynn-PRF GAANN 2/ Purdue 4/ Purdue 4/ DOEducation2/ Purdue
2002-2003 Ross-PRF 3/ Purdue
16Student Awards(2001-02)
- 2001-02/ LYNN-PRF
- Yunlin Xu/NE Real Time Nuclear Reactor Simulation
- Kannan Nandha /ME Lattice-Boltzmann simulations
Of Engine Flows On Parallel Computers - Bong-sun Lee /ECE Computational Model For color
Constancy - Budhi Chandra/AAE Numerical Methods For On-Orbit
Liquid Propellant Slosh Models - 2001-02/ SIRG-PRF
- Zoltan Gecse/ PHYS Computational Electronic
Structure of Anti Ferromagnatic (Bio) Molecules - Jun Gan/NE Matrix Free Newton-Krylov Methods for
Solving Coupled Thermal-Hydraulics / Neutronics
Reactor Equations - 2001-04/ CSE-GAANN (DOE)
- Tomaz Kozlowski/NE (starting Fall 2001) Adaptive
Neutron Transport Methods For Nuclear Reactor
Transient Analysis - Charles Wright/AAE (starting Spring 2002)
Development of Low-Noise Jet Aircraft Engines
17Student Awards(2002-03)
- 2002-03/ ROSS-PRF
- Xiaojuan Ren/ECE
- Network Computing Software using PUNCH
- Zhaoping Zhong/NE
- The Numerical Nuclear Reactor for High Fidelity
Integrated Simulation of Neutron and
Thermal-Hydraulic Phenomena - Haiping Huang/AAE
- Efficient Parallel Computing Methods for
Rotorcraft Aerodynamics - 2002-05/ CSE-GAANN (DOE)
- Mark Ward/MATH-CS (starting fall 2002)
- Troy Johnson/ECE (starting spring 2003)
18CSE GAANN Program
- What is GAANN?
- Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need
- The areas of national need include Biology,
Chemistry, Computer and Information Science,
Engineering, Geological Science, Mathematics, and
Physics. - Sponsor of GAANN Department of Education (DOE).
- Title Interdisciplinary Fellowship Program for
Computational Science and Engineering - PI T.J. Downar (NE)
- Co-PIs R. Eigenmann (ECE), A. Lyrintziz (AAE),
S. King (EAS), J. Mathur (CSE) - Period 1 August 2001 31 July 2004
- Number of Fellowships from DOE 4
- Number of matching Fellowships from Purdue 2
19CSE Future Plans
- Expand CSE 501 to two semesters
- Create more CSE scholarship/fellowship offerings
- Recruit more schools/departments into CSE
- Cultivate relation with CRI
- Joint colloquium/workshop/short course offerings
- CSE Student participation in CRI research
- Explore undergraduate CSE program
- Other Ideas?