Liver and the Heart By Dr' Farook Redwan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Liver and the Heart By Dr' Farook Redwan


ii- Endomyocardial fibrosis ( EMF) and restrictive cardiomyopathy ... 1- Endoscopy and injection sclerotherapy or band ligaion ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Liver and the Heart By Dr' Farook Redwan

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Liver and the HeartBy Dr. Farook Redwan
  • Prof. of cardiology Internal medicine
  • Mansoura Faculty of Medicine

As you cant live without your heart you cant
live without your liver
Heart in liver Disease
  • Heart involvement in liver diseases
  • This will include heart affection in the
    following conditions
  • A) Viral hepatitis
  • i- Acute .
  • Ii- chronic
  • (B) Schistosomal hepatic fibrosis
  • i- Schistosomal corpulmonale .
  • ii- Endomyocardial fibrosis ( EMF) and
    restrictive cardiomyopathy
  • iii- direct Schistosomal affection of the heart .
  • (C) Liver cirrhosis
  • i- cirrhotic ardio-myopathy and myocardial
  • ii- pulmonary hypertension
  • iii- Hepatopulmonary syndrome.
  • IV-Endocarditis and pericarditis .
  • V-diseases incidence of hypertension
    ,atherosclerosis and coronare artery disease.

Disorders that involve both liver and heart -
  • (D) Metabolic disorders
  • (i)- Haemoochromatosis
  • (ii)-Glycogen storage disease (type II,III,IV).
  • (iii)- Diabetes mellitus
  • (iv)- Mucopolysacharidosis .
  • (E) Toxic disorders -
  • i- Alcohol.
  • (F) Collagen diseases -
  • i- Rheumatiod arthritis
  • ii- systemic lupus erythematosis .
  • iii- Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome.
  • Iv- systemic vasculitis .

Disorders that involve both liver and heart -
  • (G) Infective disorders-
  • (1) Syphiylis
  • (2) Tuberculosis
  • (3) Hydatid diseas
  • (4) Trypanosomiasis
  • (5) Cystocercosis
  • (6) Fungal infections
  • (H) Haematologic disorders
  • (1) Anaemias especially hemolytic
  • (2) Leukemias and lymphomas.
  • (3) Disseminated itravascular coagulation .
  • (I) Others -
  • (1) Amyloidosis
  • (2) Sacoidosis .
  • (3) Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia

  • (J) Cardiovascular effects of some hepatic
    diagnostic and therapeutic interventions
  • 1- Endoscopy and injection sclerotherapy or band
  • 2- portosystemic shunt surgery and transjugular
    intrahepatic porto-systemic shunts and stents (
  • 3- paracentesis abdominals .
  • 4- hepatic transplantation
  • (K) Miscellaneous
  • 1- congenital heart disease with
  • Congenital hepatic fibrosis
  • (L)Direct pericardial involvement in
  • Liver absess
  • Liver maligancy

Heart The Liver
Ischemic Hepatitis ( Hypoxic Hepatitis or Acute
Hepatic Infraction)
Constrictive Percarditis
Viral Hepatitis
  • i-Acute Hepatitis
  • Palpitation dyspnea , chestpain ,hypotension and
    sinus bradycaerdia ).Dehan et al ., (1946) Adler
    Lyen ( 1947)
  • Fulminant hepatitis and acute hepatic failure
    were associated with many cardiac complications ,
    prolonged hypotension , pulmonary oedema adult
    respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) arrhythmias
    (AF,ventricuelar premature contraction) ECG
    abnormalities even sudden cardiac death
    (Bell,1971,Gorden. 1989).
  • Pericarditis with effusion was also reported
    after HBV infection (Adler et al ,1978).
  • Impairment of systolic L.V functions was observed
    in patients with acute HBV infection by use of
    STIS ,The degree of impairment was more in
    patients with anaemia or high serum bilirubin
    .Prolonged QTc interval QRS duration in the ECG
    was also observed in these patients
  • ii-Chronic Hepatitis -
  • Cardiac involvement in HBV associated vasculitis
    was reported by McMahon et al (1989) in 4 cases
    over 4 year follow up 2 with congestive heart
    failure 2 with pericarditis .

  • The association of chronic HCV hepatitis with
    polyarteries nodosa (PAN) has been suggested
    (cacoub et al ,1992, Deny et al., 1992 )(Carsonet
    al. , 1993).
  • High frequencey of HCV infection was found in
    patients with dilated cardiomyopathy(16.9) by
    Matsumori et al. ,1996).
  • Also high seropositivity for anti-HCV was
    detected in patients with hypertrophic
    cardiomyopathy (6of35 cases (17.6) HCV-RNA was
    detected in the myocardium in 3 patients (
    Matsumori et al. ,1995).

Evidence for association between hepatitis C
virus seropositivty and coronary artery disease
  • One of the most interesting developments in
    recent years has been the idea that infective
    agents may induce a pro-inflammatory effect and
    have a crucial role in atherothrombosis (Shah
    2001) .
  • This theory proposed that a mutation or a viral
    agent may represent events able to transform a
    single smooth muscle cell into the progenitor of
    a proliferative clone ,introducing the concept
    that the plaque may be considered a monoclonal
    benign neoplasm.

  • In particular ,very few data on the relation
    between hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and
    atherosclerosis are available .However ,very
    recent results indicate that seropositivity for
    HCV shows a positive association with carotid
    artery plaque and carotid intima-media thickening
    ,independent from other risk factors for
    atherosclerosis (Ishizaka et al.2003).

  • Vassalle et al (2004) suggesed that
    HCVserpoositivitiy might be considered in the
    clinical setting as one of the risk factors
    affecting the onset and development of CAD.
  • Fyurther studies are needed at this point to
    verify the potential additive effect of HCV
    infection with respect to the presence of other
    pathogens .This study might be relevant for
    adding new predicative and prognostic factors to
    the CAD multifactorial entity .

  • According to the Iron Disorders Institute ,the
    group at highest risk for HHC include
  • Males of Scotch-Irish,British ,Dutch ,German
    ,French,Spanish,Italian,( Norther western
    Eruopean ),or Mediterranean descent ,orwith a
    family history or premature death by heart attack
    ,liver disease ,diabetes ,arthritis ,importence
    ,neurological disorders or cancer .
  • Women who no longer have a period due to
    menopause ,premature discontinuation of period or
    an hysterectomy and who have the same ancestry
    and family history listed above .
  • Blood relative of this men and women .
  • Anyone homozygous for HFE gene mutations.

- Serum Iron- Serum transferrin- Serum ferritin
- Biopsy
  • There are two known important mutations in HFE ,
    named C282 Y and H63D.C282Y is the most important

Alcohlic CM and liver disease
Cirrhotic Cardiomyopathy
Definition -
  • A Cardiac dysfunction characterized by increased
    cardiac output and altered diastolic relaxation
    at rest associated with insufficient ventricular
    contractility under strain .

Baseline features
  • High rest cardiac output .
  • Abnormal diastolic relaxation as indicated by
    reduced E/A ratio and prolonged deceleration time
    at echocardiography .
  • Mild enlargement of left ventricular chambers and
    mild increase of wall thickness.
  • Prolonged Q-T interval .

Features Occurring under strain
  • Blunted increase of cardiac output with tilting
    or vasoconstriction (increased after-load )
  • Blunted increase of left ventricular ejection
    fraction (LVEF) with exercise or reduced LVEF
    after standing .
  • Blunted chronotropic response to isoproterenol .
  • Reduced aerobic exercise capacity .

  • The pathophysiological basis
  • The presence of a hyperdynamic circulation which
    overloads heart with an impaired cardiac
    contractility ( Moller et al ( 1995 ) and
    Bernardi et al ( 1995 )
  • Structural cardiac changes
  • Autonomic dysfunction
  • Conductance abnormalities .
  • Biochemical abnormalities
  • Receptor/postreceptor defects
  • Impaired beta adrenergic signal transduction ,
  • abnormal plasma membrane fluidity ,
  • altered ion channel function may be important (
    Ma et al ( 1996 ) and Zevecz et
    al ( 2000) .
  • over production of nitric Oxide (NO), increased
    bile acid ,TNF- a , Endotoxius , endotheln.

  • Biomarkers
  • Elevated cardiac Tropnin I
  • Increased BNP
  • Increased palsma aldostesone
  • Increased PRA
  • ECG
  • Q-T piolongation
  • Echo
  • Septal hypertrophy
  • decreased E/A ratio
  • Mild increase of LV chambers
  • Mild increase of wall thickness
  • Blunted increase of LVEF with exercise

  • Biopsy
  • Both macroscopic and microscopis changes have
    been described in cirrhotic hearts , thus septal
    hypertrophy has been described in a considerable
    number of cirrhotic patioents . Histological
    patchy fibrosis interstitiel oedema.

Clinical Problems Therapeutics
  • CCM as a sub -clinical from of HF with no symptom
    at rest is not considered to need any special
    treatment .
  • Patients with non compensated liver cirrhosis are
    usually subjects with limited exercise capacity
    and are usually under -

  • (1) Salt restriction ( to prevent water and
    sodium retention ) leading to decreased LV
    preload .
  • (2) Peripheral vasodilatation (in the context of
    LCF ) decreases LV after -load and cardiac energy
  • (3) Pharmacological treatment usually received
    with non compensated liver cirrhosis includes
    drugs with a direct or indirect beneficial effect
    on the cardiovascular system

  • Frusemide contribits to decreased renal
    reabsoption of sodium and water , decreasing the
    total plasma volume .
  • Spironoloctone is considered to cause both .
  • (a) Inhibition of renin-angiotension
  • (b) Improvement in LV remodeling .

Wet Wise W W orDry Demented D D
  • - Beta Blockers
  • The use of BB ( propranolol ) in cirrhotic
    patients with portal hypertension and
    oesophegeal varices seems to have beneficial
    effect on B-adrenergic receptor density which is
    supposed to be down-regulated in cirrhosis

  • Nitrates
  • Combined with BB in portal hypertension have
  • Coronary VD effect .
  • Venodilatory effect with preload reduction

Cardiovascular effects of some hepatic diagnostic
and therapeutic interventions
Hepatic Transplantion
Liver Transplantation
  • constitutes a great physical stress for the
    cardiovascular system ,during both
    trans-operative and the postoperative period .
  • Fifty six ( 56 ) of patients in certain
    series exhibited acute pulm oedema during the
    early postoperative period
  • 7-21 of postoperative deaths were attributed to
    heart failure .

  • Postoperatively after-load augmentation due to
  • Progressive normdization of the hyperdynemic
  • Elevation of the peripheral resistance .
  • Elevation of the arterial BP.
  • Sampathkumar etal (1998) have described a
    reversible form of DCM during the early post
    transplanted period with clinical manifestations
    of prlm.och a Rosp.tale acute pulm-oedema
    respiratory failure..

Cardiovascular system alteration during the post
transplant period
  • (1)Navasa etal (1993) maintained that most of the
    humoral and hemodynaemic alterations in terminal
    stage liver disease are restored during the post
    transplant period .
  • (2) Henderson etal ( 1992) suggested a residuel
    state of hyperdynamic circulation in the
    transplanted patients.
  • (3)QT intervel prolongation is reversed during
    the posttransplant period as considered by
    Mochammad etal( 1996) and Gonzaleyz etal (1999).

Liver transplants as a treatment for
  • Interferon
  • Cardiotoxicity of interferon therapy in chronic
    HCV hepatitis had been reported in 3.2 of
    patients ( Teragawa et al., 1996) and include
    arrhythmias ,ischemic heart disease and
    cardiomyopathy .
  • Also , Sartori et al. 1996 reported decrease in
    LV ejection fraction with interferon therapy in
    chronic HCV hepatitis that return to pretreatment
    level after 3 months of the end of therapy .
  • Kadayifei et al.,(1997) found no significant
    cardiac adverse effect by clinical examination or
    cardiovascular test in patients with chronic
    active hepatitis treated with interferon and
    concluded that it can be used safely in chronic
    active hepatitis patients .

Sclerotherapy and band ligation
Abdominal paracentesis
Cardiovascular Drugs The liver
  • Myocardial dysfunction in patients with liver
    cirrhosis and serious hepatic failure is
    described by the term cirrhotic cardiomyopathy
  • Because of its mild , subclinical course this
    entity remains under estimated , since these
    patients usually exhibit a variety of more
    serious complications related to hepatic failure
    and portal hypertension .
  • Further research is needed to evaluate wheather
    this entity influences morbidity and mortality
    under certain circumstances that modify
    cardiovascular status , such as liver
    transplantation .
  • In the meantime , evaluation of pre-transplant
    cardiovascular function is deemed to be necessary

  • Dr. Ahmed Abdullah
  • Dr. Essam Mahfouz
  • Dr. Abdel-Hamid Rashaad and
  • Dr. Mohammad Khashaba

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