Title: Medication Administration
1Medication Administration
Adapted from a presentation by Division for
Perinatal, Early Childhood, and Special Health
Needs Massachusetts Department of Public
Health 2009
2606 CMR 7.11(1 3) EEC Standards Regarding
- Please review the regulations before completing
this training - The regulations can be downloaded at
- http//www.eec.state.ma.us/kr_regulations_main.asp
3Rationale for Training
- Benefits of Medicines
- Cure infection
- Prevent chronic disease
- Ease pain and suffering
- Risks from Medicines
- Injury
- Illness
- More than 700,000 emergency department visits
4Young Children At Risk
- Children lt5 years old 98,000 emergency visits
per year - Children find and eat or drink medicines
- Correct dosing is critical
5Get Ready
- Prepare the environment
- Take your time
- Be cautious
- Eliminate distractions
6Wash Your Hands!
- Wash your hands before and after administering
medication to an individual child.
7EEC Regulations
- Medication administration requires
- Plan/policy for administration
- Written physicians instructions
- Written parental consent
- Documentation
- Proper/safe storage and disposal
8EEC Regulations
- Medication must be administered in accordance
with physicians orders.
9Medication Plan Initial Steps
Before giving any medication
- Obtain written order (Rx) from health care
practitioner - Obtain written consent from parent
- Verify that child has taken this medication before
Note Written order from health care
practitioner is not required for non-prescription
(over-the-counter) medications in family child
care homes.
10New Training Regulations
- Every person who administers medication must be
trained, and must demonstrate competence.
11Training Requirements
- 5 Rights of medication administration
- Recognizing side effects/adverse reactions
12The 5 Rights of Medication Administration
- Right Medication
- Right Child
- Right Time
- Right Dose
- Right Route
13Right Child ?
- Compare the label to the parent permission form
- Check ID with another educator
- Verify with a picture
- Ask the child (if appropriate)
14Right Medication?
- labeled original bottle
- Check the label three times
- When removing
- When pouring
- When returning
15Right Dose?
Give the exact amount ordered.
- Use a standardized measuring device.
16Right Time?
17Right Route?
- chewed or swallowed (mouth)
- inhaled (nose or mouth)
- dropped (ears or eyes)
- applied/topical (skin)
- Permission form
- Medication log
- For each child
- For each medication
- Signature or initials of
- person administering
- each dose
- Spills or refusals
- reactions or side effects
20Common Adverse Reactions
- Difficulty Breathing
- Rash
- Drowsiness and/or confusion
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Headache
- Muscle Weakness
- Severe stomach cramps
- and diarrhea
21Medication Storage
- Maintain a secure area inaccessible to children.
- Store medication separately from food and toxic
materials. - Controlled substances must be locked.
- Rescue Meds must be immediately available!
22Refrigerated Storage
- Read label for instructions.
- Refrigerate when necessary.
- Keep a separate refrigerator, or a separate
(inaccessible) container within refrigerator.
23Disposal of Unused Medication
- Return directly to parent
- Discard as recommended by the DPH Drug Control
Program (617-753-8100 )
24Thank you for your attention to this training.
To check your understanding of the information
presented, please answer the questions that
251. According to EEC regulations, who must be
trained to give medication to children?
- Parents
- Program Administrator
- All educators
- Any educator who will give medication.
262. What are the Five Rights of medication
- Right hand, right child, right staff, right
medication, right route - Right child, right staff, right medication, right
color, right time - Right staff, right medication, right route, right
time, right dose - Right child, right medication, right dose, right
time, right route
27When should you check the label on the medication?
- When you take the medication out of the cabinet
- When you pour the medication out of the bottle
- When you put the medication back in the cabinet
- All of the above
28Who needs to know about possible side effects
/adverse reactions of medication?
- Parents
- Educators who give medications
- The Licensee
- The children
- All educators in a child care program
295. Which of the following are signs of adverse
reaction to medication?
- Difficulty Breathing
- Rash
- Drowsiness
- Nausea or vomiting
- Headache
- All of the above
306. When must medication administration be
- Immediately after each dose is given
- Once a day
- When the medication is finished
- All of the above
317. Which of the following circumstances must be
- Whenever a medication is given
- Whenever a medication is forgotten
- Whenever the wrong dose is given
- Whenever a medication is spilled
- Whenever a child refuses to take his/her
medication - All of the above
328. What should you do with unused medication?
- Flush it down the toilet
- Return it to the parent
- Throw it in the trash
- Save it for another child who might need it
339. How do you know you are giving the right
amount of medication?
- Check the label and use a standard measuring
device - Check the label and use a kitchen spoon to
measure - Determine the childs height and weight and
estimate - Mix it up in applesauce and hope the child eats
it all
3410. What should you do if you make a medication
- Document the error in the childs medication log.
- Monitor and observe the child. Do not leave the
child alone. - Complete an incident report.
- Notify the parent.
- Notify EEC, if hospitalization results or the
wrong medication is given. - All of the above.