Title: Optimizing Transit Operations in Vancouver, B.C.: TransLink
1Optimizing Transit Operations in Vancouver, B.C.
TransLinks Rapid Transit Model
11th National Transportation Planning
Applications Conference, May 7, 2007
Ian Fisher, TransLink Wolfgang Scherr, PTV
- The Context Rapid Transit in the Greater
Vancouver Area - Objectives of the Model
- The Model Structure
- The Supply Model
- The Demand Model
- Modelling Future Rapid Transit
- Application in a Fleet Requirement Study
- Methodology
- Volume/Capacity Analysis
- Results Fleet Requirements
- Conclusions and Future Directions
- References
4Greater Vancouver Region
- 21 cities in regional federation (GVRD)
- 2.1 million residents, 3 million by 2031
- 165.1 million transit rides (linked) in 2006
- 78 annual transit rides per resident
- Multicultural, diverse population
- Major gateway for sea, air and rail freight
- No urban freeways/motorways
- Prior to 1999 no regional transportation agency
5TransLink Mandate Integration of
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Public Transport
Transportation Demand Management
Regional Cycling
Roads Bridges
Vehicle Emissions Testing
6Multimodal Transit System
- Bus (includes trolleybus)
- B-Line bus rapid transit
- Community Shuttle minibus
7Multimodal Transit System
- SeaBus ferry
- West Coast Express commuter rail
8SkyTrain The Backbone
- Automated, driverless 49 km train system
(Bombardier) - 210 cars
- 2 Lines in split tail (Expo and Millennium)
- 210,000 passengers (unlinked boardings) per day
- 25 of transit boardings region-wide
- 10,500 passengers/hour peak load
- Peak headway 108 seconds (both lines combined)
9SkyTrain The Backbone
10Rail and Ferry Transit (Re)Development
North Vancouver
City Centre
New Westminster
11Needs for Model
- SkyTrain at or near capacity in peaks
- Operations are complex and constrained
- Millennium Line introduced a split-tail with
lower demand - Tight headways (108 s.)
- Variable train capacities
- Two car types
- 2-, 4-, 6-car trains, possibly 5-car in future
- Financial constraint on fleet size
- Need to review
- Splitting lines to make them independent
- Short-turns
- Variable train lengths
- Future lines will increase intermodal route
12Objectives of the Rapid Transit Model
- Operational model of the Rapid Transit Network
- Based on off-the-shelf technology (VISUM)
- In-house use of the model by TransLink
- Types of scenarios
- What If scenarios including variation of routes
and schedules, vehicle/train capacity,
decoupling, yard location - Network extensions (new rapid transit corridors)
- Types of analysis
- Vehicle/train use and fleet requirements
- Cost/benefit analysis
- Ridership/capacity analysis
- Create animations that are comprehensible to lay
13The Rapid Transit Model Network View
1424-Hour Time-Dynamic Supply and Demand
- Time-dynamic passenger volumes 2006, colour-coded
by v/c-ratio
15Supply Model - Characteristics
- Nodes and links (routable network graph)
- Stops (stations)
- Attached to nodes or to links
- One stop can include several physical stop
locations (multiple platforms in one station) - Transit lines
- One line can include many routes
- Several run-time-patterns per route (including
run, dwell, layover and recovery times) - Vehicle model
- Vehicle units and combinations (train types)
- Seated and standing capacity per train type
- Trains are assigned to schedule items or blocks
- Schedules
- Exact time of all departures (bus or train runs)
for each route - Operating day 500 AM through 300 AM
- Blocks
- Sets of individual schedule runs
- One block represents the work assignment for one
train for a single workday the total of all
blocks is generated by the blocking heuristic and
determines the total number of vehicles and
trains needed. - Master network (includes multiple scenarios)
16Supply Model - Schedules
17Supply Model 24-Hour Blocking Fleet Assignment
18Demand Model - Characteristics
- OD matrices for four times of day (AM, Mid, PM,
Eve) - Synthetic matrices derived from counts
- Departure time distributions
- Passenger flow model
- Timetable-based assignment
- Multi-path
- Time-dynamic
- Assignment outputs
- Ridership disaggregated for each line, route,
link, stop - Time dynamic over 24 hours currently down to
15-minute intervals
19Demand Model Calibration (1)
20Demand Model Calibration (2)
21Integrated Analysis of Supply and Demand
- Ridership and operations data are integrated in
the same data platform - V/C analysis through the entire network
- Interaction between Demand and Supply
- Ridership is elastic to changes in schedules
affecting transfer time - Ridership is elastic to changes in route
alignment affecting travel time and transfers
15-minute link capacities during 24 hours
15-minute link passenger volumes during 24 hours
22Ridership Forecast 2010 and 2021
- Future ridership shall combine
- Goodness of calibration obtained for 2006
- Forecast by regional travel demand model
- Regional travel demand model forecasts
- Include effects of demographic change and land
use - Include mode choice and shifts between automobile
and transit - Include demand elasticity on future network
extensions - Ridership formula for the Rapid Transit Model
23Forecast 2010 and 2021 (24-hour Operations)
Unlinked trips
Passenger km
Total Capacity km
Seat km
24Application SkyTrain Fleet Requirement Study
- Objective
- Maximize capacity on critical network segments
- Constraints
- Fleet (number and types of cars) and network
topology - Variables
- Route scheme
- Headway
- Train combinations
- Train assignment
- Methodology
- AM peak only
- Enumeration of alternatives in spreadsheets and
quick analysis - Detailed, integrated analysis in VISUM
- Several performance measures
25Fleet Study Variations of Route Schemes
3) Variations of 1 and 2 with a mix of long and
shorter route patterns
26Fleet Study Disaggregated V/C Ratios
- Scenario comparison with full time and space
detail - Good for
- Bottleneck screening
- Better understanding of bottleneck build-up
- Disadvantage
- Volatility of 15-minute capacity and 15-minute
v/c ratio - Un-precise measurement of v/c performance
- Difficult to communicate to decision makers
27Fleet Study Performance Measure V/C Ratio
- Aggregation over time and space
- Several network sections (each including multiple
stations) - Time aggregation one v/c result from 700 900
AM - Average 15-minute capacity, 700 900 AM
- Maximum 15-minute link volume, 700 900 AM
28Fleet Study Other Performance Measures
- Performance indicators 700-900 AM
- Operations Spare Rate, Train km,
- Ridership Transfers
- Volume/Capacity Relationship (focus)
- Aggregated statistics for the entire AM period
29Fleet Study Summary
- 2006
- The existing operations obtain the best possible
V/C ratios with the current fleet (150 Mark I
60 Mark II cars). - No operations scenario performed better than the
existing operations. - One scenario was found that would have equivalent
performance.(Millennium CO-VC and two Expo
routes WF-KG, WF-MT) - 2010/2021
- The planned fleet (150108 cars in 2010 , 248 in
2021) will relieve the capacity situation for the
projected ridership. Trains will remain full
during the peak. - Peak spreading could add additional relief in the
future not yet included in the model
30Current Status
- Calibration and pilot application finished in
February 2007 - The model is in use by TransLink staff
- Currently the model includes all rail modes in
the region - SkyTrain
- West Coast Express
- Canada Line
- Evergreen Line
- Applications
- Evaluation/optimization of operational scenarios
- Vehicle requirements
- Continuous maintenance (new survey data)
31Future Directions
- Increased network coverage
- B-Lines / Frequent Transit Network
- SeaBus
- Western extension in Broadway corridor
- Fleet facilities analysis
- SkyTrain yards
- Extension of the demand model to the entire
region - Streamlined interaction with regional travel
demand model - Modelling of all buses
- Fare/revenue model
32Thank You
For more information, please contact
Wolfgang Scherr PTV 302-654-4384wscherr_at_ptvameric
a.com www.ptvamerica.com
Ian FisherTransLink604-453-3058ian_fisher_at_trans
33Slide Storage (for QA)
34Supply Model Stops and Stations
- Stations are modeled in three layers
- Stop (abstract umbrella)
- Stop area (platform)
- Stop point (physical stop location)