Title: NLP, Learning Styles
1NLP, Learning Styles Accelerated Learning
Phil Chambers
2Language is influenced buy the way you perceive
the worldand can be used to influence
others. Neuro-Linguistic Programming is the
study of how the interaction of your brain
(NEURO), your language (LINGUISTIC) and body
produces patterns of behaviour (PROGRAMMING).
3Richard Bandler
John Grinder
NLP was devised by Richard Bandler and John
Grinder in 1975 and is based on studying people
who displayed excellence in fields including
Professional Communication, Psychotherapy,
Hypnosis, Law and Education. Understanding the
influence of language on the brain allows you to
use it deliberately to communicate more
effectively. A vital skill in business
What are you aware of?Write down 10 things you
perceive. Reticular Activating System
perception filters.
5We all have a model of the world in our heads
6Our model is updated through our senses. We
each take in information through a natural
preferred combination of senses (called
Kinesthetic / Tactile
7Your own preferred modality
Answer the questions 4 - Closest to describing
you 3 - Next closest 2 - Next closest 1 - Least
descriptive of you
When learning something difficult use your
preferred sense. When something is easy try to
develop your weaker senses.
8Making Sense
If you match your language to the preferred sense
ofthe person youre taking to, then you
communicate more effectively. So how do you
find out their preferred sense?
9Ill see to it
- The words that they use.
Hand inhand
I follow your drift
Take a dim view of
I see what you mean.
See eye toeye
Get or gripswith
That ringsa bell
Loud and clear
Hang in there
Voiced anopinion
Get a handleon
To tell the truth
10Ill see to it
- The words that they use.
Hand inhand
I follow your drift
Take a dim view of
I see what you mean.
See eye toeye
Get or gripswith
That ringsa bell
Loud and clear
Hang in there
Voiced anopinion
Get a handleon
To tell the truth
11- The words that they use.
- Physiological clues.
Visual learners tend to sit up straight and make
eye contact, talk fast and have shallow
breathing high in the chest. Auditory learners
often softly repeat what has been said to
themselves and nod their heads as they listen.
They breathe more deeply and in a controlled way
from the diaphragm. Their tone, intonation and
speed of speech is also controlled. They tend to
use a rich vocabulary.
12Kinesthetic learners often slump down in their
seats or fidget and speak much more slowly. If
they are also tactile they will feel a need to
fiddle with their pen or papers whilst listening.
13- The words that they use.
- Physiological clues.
- The position of their eyes.
In pairs - Ask each other the questions on your
worksheets notice the position of you partner's
eyes as he/she is thinking.
14(No Transcript)
15(No Transcript)
16Take care - The clues are only reliable whenused
in combination. Dont rely on one alone.
17Building Rapport
When people are naturally in rapport with each
other they have the same posture, breathing,
etc. You can gain rapport rapidly by adopting
this state.
Body - posture, crossing legs, small changes
blinking. Head and Shoulders Voice -Tone,
speed, volume, intonation Words - Visual /
Auditory / Kinesthetic Facial Expressions Gestur
es - position of hands Breathing
19Take care - Do not mock or mimic in a
disrespectful way.
Indirect matching - matching one aspect of your
behaviour with another of theirs. e.g. Tempo of
your voice to match their breathing rate.
There are lots of different measures of
personality. DISC GEMS Myers-Briggs Enneagram Etc
Dr Susan Dellinger
Choose the shape that you think best represents
22If you know a persons personality type you can
make aninformed decision of how to communicate
with them. Give a square lots of data, detail
and documentation. With a triangle - Cut to the
- You can find out how someone represents the world
in their head by observing the words they use,
their physiology and the position of their eyes
when thinking. - If you match the behaviour of a person you can
gain rapportmore rapidly and hence connect
with them - Understanding a persons personality type allows
you togive them information in a way they are
most receptive to.