Title: Varicella zoster virus in pregnancy
1Varicella zoster virus in pregnancy
- Mike McKendrick
- Department of Infection and Tropical Medicine
- Royal Hallamshire Hospital
- Sheffield, UK
- Hon. Professor
- Department of Genomic Medicine
- University of Sheffield
2VZV in pregnancy
- Chickenpox
- Consequences to mother
- Consequences to child
- Intervention post exposure
- Prevention - Intervention pre exposure
- Herpes zoster
3VZV infection effects to mother
- Primary infection
- Typical chickenpox in adult
- Complications
- Usually none
- Pneumonitis most common complication
- secondary bacterial infection
- (encephalitis)
- Reactivation
- Typical herpes zoster in adult
4Is risk severe chickenpox increased in pregnancy?
- Confidential enquiry into maternal deaths UK
- 1985-1987 4 deaths
- 1988-1990 3 deaths
- All in second half pregnancy - ? immunotolerance
- Nathwani et al J Infection 199836S59-71
- No maternal deaths reported in last two reports
- Maternal varicella five times more likely to be
fatal than non pregnant women
Drug and Therapeutic Bulletin 2005 4369-72 - Review of adult deaths in VZV concluded no
increase due to pregnancy
Miller et al Reviews in Med Micro
19934222-230 - 5 years in Sheffield 19 cases - no severe
complications - McKendrick et al J Infection 20075564-67
5VZV infection in pregnant woman
- Conclusion
- No definite evidence that varicella more likely
to be fatal in pregnant women than in the non
pregnant adult
6Herpes zoster in pregnancy
- No evidence to indicate increased severity in
pregnancy. - Theoretical risk if uterine dermatomes D10 to L1
are involved no reports.
7Primary infection in pregnancy effects on
foetus (and baby)
- No infection
- Infection
- Serological only
- Clinical
- minor varicella lesions
- Major - Foetal varicella syndrome
- Neonatal varicella (if delivery lt5 days after
maternal rash) - Infant herpes zoster
8Foetal varicella syndrome
- Involves
- Single organ eg eye or skin
- Skin, neural system and GIT, GU tract, eyes,
muscles and other organs - Multiple lesions and malformations may lead to
fetal death - Due to reactivation of latent virus in neural or
other tissue in utero - Identification of non productive latency like VZV
in non neuronal cell types demonstrated in
aborted 12 week foetus Nikkels et al JID
9Transmission to foetus
- Prospective study UK and Germany
- 1739 cases up to 36 weeks gestation
- 1373 varicella
- 366 zoster
- Detailed follow up of outcome
- Enders et al Lancet 1994 343 1548-1551
10Transmission to foetus
- 9 cases fetopathy
- 2 at lt13 weeks risk 0.4 (95 CI0.05-1.5)
- 7 at 13-20 weeks risk 2 (95CI 0.8-4.1)
- 0 at gt 20 weeks
- 10 cases infant herpes zoster (probable
underreporting) - 13-24 weeks risk 0.8
- 25-36 weeks risk 1.7
- Enders et al Lancet 1994 343 1548-1551
11Is FVS underdiagnosed? probably not.
- 347 pregnancies with varicella
- 140 first trimester
- 1 case foetal death 9 wks after infection
- 1 case foetal hydrops 12 weeks after infection
- 122 second trimester
- 100 third trimester
- One case FVS (maternal infection at wk 24) with
typical skin scars and left retinal macular
lesion. - all babies actively followed up to 30 months to
detect abnormalities of eyes, hearing and
physical and developmental features - Harger et al Obstet Gynecol 2002100260-5
12Gestational age and risk of FVS
- Risk probably continues up to 28 weeks based on
evidence from 9 cohort studies. Additionally 4
further case reports of FVS after 20 weeks
identified from 1979 to 2005. - Drug and Therapeutic Bulletin 20054394-5
13Maternal management post exposure to chickenpox
- Check VZV immunity
- Consider
- Prevention of chickenpox VZIG
- However in Sheffield, 50/87 (60) women with
chickenpox contact did not seek advice from GP or
hospital in timeframe to facilitate intervention.
McKendrick et al J Infection
20075564-67 - Antiviral during incubation period not in any
guidelines - Treatment of chickenpox with antiviral
- Counselling of mother and close foetal monitoring
14Maternal management non immune mother post
- Biological product
- Must be given early
- modest protection against infection and/or severe
disease - Aim to protect mother from chickenpox
- ? Reduce FVS no definite evidence
- no cases in 97 women receiving VZIG but not
sufficient power to reach significance. - Enders et al Lancet 1994 343 1548-1551
- documented case of FVS despite VZIG
- VZIG expensive
- UK Health Protection Agency
- Annual cost c. 1million (2 million)
- 75-80 use in pregnant women
- Miller E, Health Protection Agency personal
15Management - antivirals
- Aciclovir
- Valaciclovir
- Famciclovir
16Antivirals - UK
- British National Formulary
- Aciclovir not known to be harmful
manufacturers advise use only when potential
benefit outweighs risk - Valaciclovir see aciclovir
- Famciclovir see aciclovir
17Antivirals second and third trimesters- IHMF
- The use of oral aciclovir (800 mg five times
daily) for pregnant women who contract varicella
in their second or third trimester is
recommended. It is important to note that this
recommendation is based on anecdotal evidence,
and that patients should be advised that
antiviral drugs are not licensed for use during
pregnancy. - The roles of valaciclovir and famciclovir for
the treatment of varicella infection in the
pregnant woman remain to be evaluated in clinical
trials - IHMF - management of varicella in
immunocompetent host
18Antivirals - IHMF first trimester
- It is recommended that further investigation be
conducted to assess whether pregnant women who
contract varicella during the first trimester of
pregnancy should be administered intravenous
aciclovir (10 mg/kg every 8 hours). There is
currently no evidence that this treatment results
in fetal malformations (Research need
recommendation) - IHMF - management of varicella in
immunocompetent host
19International aciclovir pregnancy registry
- 1234 pregnancies with 1246 outcomes
- Birth defects with first trimester exposure 19
out of 256 (3.2 95CI, 2.0-5.0) - Conclusion
- The observed rates and types of birth defects
for pregnancies exposed to aciclovir did not
differ significantly from those in the general
population - Stone et al. Birth Defects Research (Part A),
Clinical and Molecular Teratology 2004
70 201-207
20Changing epidemiology
- Increase adults at risk
- Upward trend in adult chickenpox in last 20 years
in UK (E Miller et al 1993) and USA (Gary GC et
al 1990) - Adult seropositivity
- Western countries c 90
- London Tower Hamlets
- British women 93
- Bangladeshi women 86
- Talukder et al Epidemiol Infect
2007 april 10 1-10 Epub - 54 in Pakistan Akram et al SE Asian J Trop
Med Pub Health 200031646-649 - 56 in Sri Lanka Liyanage et al Indian J
Med Sci 200761128-134 - 81 in Italy Alfonsi et al
Vaccine 2007 256086-8 - Increased population movement will increase
numbers at risk in Western countries
21What is impact of childhood varicella
immunisation against chickenpox in pregnancy?
- Less chickenpox in children should reduce cases
in pregnancy - Majority had no identifiable exposure - European
study Enders et al Lancet 1994 343
1548-1551 - 58 (11/19) in Sheffield acquired infection from
child at home McKendrick et al J
Infection 20075564-67 - CDC (USA) and Centre for Infection (UK) have no
data available on epidemiology of varicella in
22Cost effectiveness of antenatal screening and
post partum vaccination of susceptibles Pinot de
Moira A et al Vaccine 2006241298-1307
- UK versus Bangladeshi women
- Assumptions
- VZIG 54 protection (100 v severe dis. or
death) - Vaccine efficacy in adults (2 doses) 75
- Cost of congenital varicella syndrome - 420K
- Model
- A) -Serological screening only if no history
chickenpox - B) -Serological screening all
23Cost effectiveness of antenatal screening and
post partum vaccination of susceptibles Pinot de
Moira A et al Vaccine 2006241298-1307
- A verbal and selective screening - savings
- UK women - 149,000 per 100,000 screened
- Bangladeshi - 257,000 per 100,000 screened
- B universal screening cost to NHS
- UK women gt1million per 100,000 screened
- Bangladeshi 780,000 per 100,000 screened
24Immunisation strategies post partum
- Will fail to protect chickenpox in first
pregnancy - Five year retrospective review of chickenpox in
pregnancy in Sheffield - Five of nineteen women (26) had chickenpox in
first pregnancy - McKendrick et al J Infection 20075564-67
25Immunisation strategies post partum
- Can live vaccine be used post partum?
- Immunisation not generally recommended by
manufacturers ACIP post partum immunisation for
non immune including breast feeding mothers
second dose at 6-8 weeks - ACIP no contraindication to breast feeding
- Virus not present in breast milk and no
transmission to babies - study at gt6 weeks post partum
- Bohlke K et al Obs and Gynae 2003102970-7
- Manufacturers - avoid pregnancy for 3 months
after dose ACIP avoid pregnancy for 1 month
after dose
26Vaccine strategies prepartum
- Protective for the individual
- Selective
- Unreliable
- Probably inequitable as a policy
27Vaccine strategies - childhood
- Universal immunisation in childhood as per USA
- generation before immunised reach child bearing
age - Duration of immunity
- ? Booster doses, ? Frequency
- Effects of childhood immunisation on maternal
28Vaccine strategies
- Adolescent
- Introduction of papilloma virus vaccine will
facilitate health intervention at this age. - Selective immunisation only for those with no
history of chickenpox would reduce costs though
the wild virus will still circulate and pose risk
to non immune adults. - ? Might be used in countries with no childhood
immunisation and/or in conjunction with childhood
- Chickenpox may be serious for pregnant woman and
foetus - Increasing numbers of seronegative women could
result in increase in chickenpox in pregnancy in
some countries - Strategies for immunisation to protect pregnant
women from chickenpox needs careful
consideration. - Vaccine strategy should aim to protect all non
immune adults and not just women of child bearing
age in view of severity of infection in adults.