Title: Visual Evoked Potentials
1Visual Evoked Potentials Visual Motor
Perception in Hearing Loss
- Esra Ozcebe 1 PhD, Erol Belgin 1 PhD,
- Meral Topçu2 MD, Ferhunde Öktem3 PhD,
- Bora Eldem4 MD, Seniz Özusta3 MS
- 1. Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine,
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, - Section of Audiology and Speech Pathology,
Ankara-Turkey - 2. Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine,
Department of Pediatrics Section of Pediatric
Neurology Ankara-Turkey - 3. Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine,
Department of Child Psychiatry Ankara-Turkey - 4. Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine,
Department of Ophthalmology Ankara-Turkey
2- Visual and auditory abilities are the first two
requirements, if one of these abilities is
damaged, it requires that healthy one play major
role in the individuals development and
3- For the children with hearing loss, the major
sense is vision as well as the auditory ability
left. - Through the general population, visual impairment
are encountered more frequently in hearing
impaired individuals, compared to people without
hearing loss. -
4Litareture Vision problems - children with
hearing loss
5- If hearing impaired person have significantly
vision problems, this problem can not be
explained only with refraction problems. - What about the rest of visual system?
- Visual attention
- Visual perception
- Visual processing
6- Impairment of one sensory system influences the
organization and functioning of the remaining
7- The perceptual deficit theory
- Deficit in one sensory system negatively affects
the development of the remaining systems - The perceptual compensation theory
- Impairment in one sensory system might cause
compensatory proficiency in other sensory systems - (Parasnis, 1983)
8Visual perception and visual attention in people
with HL
- Some studies have demonstrated
- Superior
- Parasnis, 1983, Stivalet et al. 1998
- Equivalent
- Tharpe, Ashmead, Rothpletz, 2002
- Poorer
- Quittner, Smith, Osberger, Mitchell, Katz,
1994 Rothpletz, Ashmead, Tharpe, 2003, Erden,
Otman Tunay, 2004 Yucel Derim 2008
9- Auditory deprivation from birth leads to
compensatory changes within the visual system
that enhance attentional processing of the
peripheral visual field. - Proksch Bavelier (2002)
10- Visual peripheral field
- Processing of peripheral distractors Deaf
- Visual central field
- Processing of central distractors Deaf
- Proksch Bavelier (2002)
- Sustained attention Deaf
- Parasnis et al. (2003)
11- The aim of the study was to investigate visual
evoked potentials visual motor perception in
children with severely-profoundly hearing loss
12Participants In study group was consisted of 23
prelingual children with severely-profoundly
hearing loss and control group was consisted of
age and sex matched 23 children with normal
Mean age of children for study group is 9 years 4
months Mean age of children for control group is
9 years 5 months
13The inclusion criteria-1
- -minimum 71dB ? (PTA) for auditory threshold of
both ears in the audiological evaluation of the
children for study group - - Normal hearing acuity was defined by passing a
pure tone audiometric screening test a 25 dB HL
ISO for 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 Hz bilaterally
for control group - Audiological examination was done for all
14The inclusion criteria-2
- No pathologic finding in the systemic and
neurological examination - Systemic and neurological examinations of the
children have been carried out in the section of
pediatric neurology. - Normal visual ability of both groups
- The presence of refraction defect has been
investigated in the department of ophthalmology.
15The inclusion criteria-3
- Normal intelligence quotient (performance IQ)
- Wechsler Intelligence Scale for children Revised
(WISC-R) performance section was used in order to
determine performance IQ - Similar SES
- All hearing impared children
- Attend the same deaf school
- Use TC
- Not amplified before 6 years old (auditory
- Procedures VEP
- For assessing the central visual function,
electrophysiological measurements named visual
evoked potentials (VEP) were used. - VEPs provide a sensitive indication of abnormal
conduction in the visual pathway. - Abnormalities in the amplitude and waveform of
the VEPs may also be caused by the loss of axons
in the pathway. - Walsh,Kane Butler, 2005
- Procedures VEP
- VEP (ST 10 Sensör Medelec ER 94/a VEP) test
applied while patient is in sit down position and
the test room was darkened during the test. - Children were made to sit 80 centimeters far from
the monitor with a total view angle of 16 degree,
50 minutes of the view angle of the squares to be
evoked and 80 percent of contrast ratio in black
and white squares was adjusted.
- Procedures VEP
- Stimulus was applied as to make two variations in
a second. Wave length potentials of 1-100Hz were
recorded by the computer. - Each of the eyes was tested separately by closing
the other one. - Stimulation was periodically repeated at 128 and
its multiples and the average of the responses
were taken.
- Procedures VEP
- According to the 10- 20 international application
system, reference electrode was placed on the
frontal region and the recorder electrode was
placed on the occipital region. The neutral
electrode was placed randomly some where on the
- Procedures VEP
- In the assessment of the VEP wave, P100 value
marked as P1 that is the first positive wave was
taken as a basis and recorded as latency. - The normal distribution range of P1 value for
this age group, (10710milisecends) is determined
by the help of the measurements previously made
on a great number of healthy children.
- Procedure VEP
- The values that have been found above this limit
(10710milisecends) assumed as pathologic. - Additionally difference of latency between left
and right eyes, which exceeds 5 milliseconds, is
accepted to be pathologic.
- Procedures Bender-Gestalt Test
- Bender Gestalt visual motor perception test in
order to evaluate visual motor perception. - Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test can be defined
as a psychological assessment instrument used in
the evaluation of visual-motor functioning and
visual perception skills in both children and
adults. - Test scores are used in the possible organic
brain damage identification and the maturation
degree of the nervous system.
- Procedures Bender-Gestalt Test
- The Bender Gestalt Test is an individually
conducted pencil and paper test - Nine geometric figures are drawn in black.
- Examinee saw these figures one at a time then,
the examinee was asked to copy the figure on a
blank sheet of paper. - Total error scores were compared with normative
- Procedures Bender-Gestalt Test
- These scoring items classified into four groups
- Distortion
- Rotation
- Perseveration
- Integration
- Items are scored on their presence or absence.
The total score is the number of items judged to
be a defined error.
Results of the study revealed that VEP findings
were found to be pathological in the 26 of the
children severely-profoundly hearing loss.
(Fishers Exact Chi Square Test).
26Latency (msn) N1 79.20 78.00 P1
98.40 99.60 N2 132 134 Amplitude
(mv) N1-N2 -9.80 -11.40 P1-P2 14.40 15.80
Latency (msn) N1 76.80 76.80 P1 127
127 N2 226 229 Amplitude (mv) N1-N2
-30.60 -34.40 P1-P2 33.00 34.40
27Total number of error in Bender-Gestalt Test for
study and control group
Total numbers of error were analysed with
Levenes t test for independent groups.
Pathologic Bender-Gestalt
- The results of our study revealed that 60.8 of
hearing impaired children has abnormal
Bender-Gestalt findings (Pearson Chi Square Test)
- The cases with abnormal VEP recordings and the
cases with pathological Bender-Gestalt finding
compared for assessing if there is a relationship
between these two tests.
- There is no statistically significant relation
between two groups (Fishers Exact Chi Square
Test, p0.34) - However five of six cases with pathological VEP
recordings had also pathological Bender-Gestalt
finding (83.3).
- Visual evoked potentials and Bender- Gestalt
findings were found abnormal in study group. - Results of the study support the perceptual
defiency theory
There are contradictory results reported in the
34DISCUSSION Abnormal VEP findings
- There is evidence from animal and human studies
to suggest at least some level of cross-modal
reorganization from one sensory modality when
another modality is deprived of input - Armstrong et al., 2002 Lee et al., 2001
35DISCUSSION Abnormal VEP findings
- Prominent activity in the temporal cortex in
response to visual stimuli, specifically in the
auditory cortical regions. - Finney et al. (2001)
36DISCUSSION Abnormal VEP findings
- VEP study with deaf adults
- deaf poor readers have abnormal VEP
- Neurobiological evidence that developmental
dyslexia exists within the deaf population and is
associated with the same underlying magnocellular
system deficit. - Samar, Parasnis Berent (2002)
37DISCUSSION Visual-motor perception studies
Our results are consistent with the previously
published data
- Detailed investigation techniques should be
performed in children with HL - VEP, may provide further information about
underlying pathological conditions such as
developmental dyslexia - Visual-motor perceptions and skills related
with other areas should be evaluated in detail
- Approppriate targets should be set for the
educational programs - Educational programs concerning the other areas
where child requires further support, in addition
to hearing and speech-language therapy, should be
- Esra Özcebe PhD
- eozcebe_at_gmail.com
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