Title: Oxy/fuel gas welding and cutting equipment.
1Safety Presentation
- Oxy/fuel gas welding and cutting equipment.
3(No Transcript)
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5Combustion Theory
- 1. Pressure
- 2. Flammability
- 3. Toxicity
- 4. Oxygen Compatibility
- 5. Oxygen Deficiency / Enrichment
- 6. Weight Size
7 Hazards
- . Damage reduces cylinder safe working pressure.
- falling over
- corrosion
- bumps, impacts
- Excessive heat increases pressure in cylinder
past safe working pressure. - Prevention
- Pressure safety devices in cylinder
- Care when using, transporting storing
- Oxygen Compatibility
- material that will react with oxygen
- oil, dust, grit
- Safeguards
- never use oil grease on cylinders
- never use cylinders with dirty valves
- Oxygen Deficiency/Enrichment
- Enrichment - oxygen release
- Deficiency - oxygen replaced by asphyxiants
- Safeguards
- Adequate risk assessment
- Never clean clothes with oxygen
- -- Never hang coats or clothing on cylinders
9Oxygen cylinder
High Pressure Cylinder 20,000 kpa or
higher Hollow, Seamless Steel Construction Do Not
Abuse Cylinder Never Use For Other Than Intended
Use Report Any Damage to Supplier
10Using Oxygen
- Open valves slowly
- Keep clean from grease or oil
- Do not use teflon thread tape
- Use in upright position
- Keep cylinder secured properly
- Beware of high pressure
11Acetylene Cylinder
- Low Pressure 1724 kpa _at_ 21.1o C
- Thin Walls, Welded And Easily Damaged
- Do Not Abuse Can explode if damaged
- Never Use A Damaged Cylinder
- Report Damages To Supplier
- Do Not Attempt To Repair Leaks
- Move Leaking Cylinder Outside If Permitted
- Must be stored and transported in upright
12Acetylene Fires
- Most Fires Start In Valve Area Check for Leaks
- Fusible Metal Plugs Melt At 100o C
- Flames 5 x 3
- Very Difficult To Extinguish
- Evacuate Area
- Call Fire Department
13Using Acetylene
- Flammable Keep Away From Sources of Ignition or
Heat - Shock Sensitive May Decompose Violently
- Limited Withdrawal Rate 1/7th Rule
- Asphyxiation
- 150 KPA Maximum Use Pressure
- Do Not Use Copper Piping
14Liquid Petroleum Gas LPG
- Propane, Propylene Mapp, Etc.
- Liquid Under Pressure
- Heavier Than Air
- Not Shock Sensitive
- Can Be Used Up To Full Cylinder Pressure
- Liquid expands 270 times in volume when released
to atmosphere
15LPG Cylinder
- Hollow Welded Thin Wall Cylinder
- Vapor Space Above Liquid
- Use Only While Standing Up
- Low Pressure Less Than 500 PSIG, 3400 kpa
- Has Fast Acting Valve
- Open ½ to 1 Full Turn
- Valve Safety Relieves and Resets
- Never Use A Damaged Cylinder
- Oxygen
- Acetylene
- Argon
- Nitrogen
- CO2
- Hydrogen
High Pressure Dial Gauge Low Pressure Dial
Gauge Body Bonnet Adjustment Knob Heavy Duty
Adjusting Spring Diaphragm Encapsulated Seat
Assembly Inlet Spigot Inlet Filter Outlet
- Regulators are a pressure vessel
- Fitted with high and low pressure gauges
- Reduce high pressure to a useable low pressure
- Are fitted with safety devices
- Are colour coded
- Must be marked with Aust Standards AS4267
- Must have maximum working pressure
- Are designed for specific gases
- Are colour coded----Blue---Oxygen
- Red----Acetylene
- OrangeLPG
- Must comply with Aust Standards AS1335
- Maximum length is 15 meters
- Maximum working pressure is 1200 kpa
- Are sized to suit flow requirements of equipment
being used
20Attachments mixers
21Safety Devices
- Are the basic safety device
- Prevents flash back accidents caused by reverse
flow - -Flashbacks can cause the most serious
accidents - Check valves can fail because of dirt or other
contamination - -Keep equipment clean
- -Check them periodically
22Check Valves
23Flashback Arrestors
- Flashback arrestors are the ultimate safety
device - Prevent flashback travelling back to fuel or
oxygen source - Come in different sizes to suit flow requirements
of equipment being used - NB A flashback arrestor does not stop a
flashback from occurring , they only stop it
travelling back to the fuel source
24What is a flashback ?
- A flashback occurs when a mixture of oxygen
fuel gas is ignited upstream of tip - An oxygen and acetylene flashback travels at 13.1
meters per second - 80 of flashbacks are caused by human error
- Causes can be , wrong gas pressures , incorrect
purging , blocked or wrong tip , wrong sized hose
or flash arrestor.
25Whats inside a flashback arrestor ?
26Where do I fit flash arrestors ?
- As close to the mixing point as possible
- Minimum protection at hand piece only
- Maximum protection at hand piece and regulator
- Be care full , over protection can restrict flow
, and actually cause a flash back - Check the gas flow requirements of the equipment
before selecting the arrestors
27What should I see on an arrestor ?
- Brand and type
- Flow directional arrow
- Date installed or last tested
- Australian Standards AS4603
- Year of manufacture
- Maximum working pressure
28Leak Testing Procedure
- Turn off hand piece.
- Turn on cylinder valve.
- Adjust regulator to normal working pressure and
pressurize hose. - Note working pressure.
- Turn off cylinder valve.
- If pressure drops obviously over two minutes then
there is a leak. - If the leak is not obvious, find it using
Nuprosnoop (not soapy water as it may contain
oily residue).
29Cutting Torches
30Welding Flame Types
- Carburizing Flame
- Neutral Flame
- Oxidizing Flame
31Lighting Equal Pressure LPG Torches
- Open Torch Valves 1/8 to ¼ Turn
- Ignite Fuel Gas With Approved Igniter and Adjust
Flame - Introduce Oxygen And Adjust To The Desired Flame
- It is Permissible To Light The Flame With Both
Gases Flowing , sometimes necessary - Adjusting For large or Heating Tips , increase
fuel then oxy in successive steps
32Lighting An Oxy/Acetylene Torch
- Slightly Open Acetylene Valve And Light With An
Approved Device - Root Flame and Clear Smoke
- Open Oxygen Valve And Set Flame To Neutral
- Sharp, Defined Inner Cone
- Never Light Torch With Both Oxygen And Acetylene
33Lighting Low Pressure Injector Torches
- It is permissible to light torch with both gases
flowing. - Use special purge sequence to clear system of
mixed gases. - Open fuel gas valve ½ to ¾ turn.
- Open oxygen valve slightly 1/8 to 1/4 turn.
- Adjust to desired flame.
- Adjusting for large or heating tips , increase
fuel then oxy in successive steps.
34Turning Off An Oxy/Acetylene Torch
- Proper Sequence Checks Integrity of Torch Valves
- Close Oxygen Valve First
- Close Acetylene Valve Second
- If Acetylene Valve is Leaking a Small Flame Will
Continue Burning - If Oxygen Valve is Leaking, Torch Will Pop as
Acetylene Valve Is Closed - If Either Valve Is Leaking, Repair Before Further
35Turning Off Alternate Fuel Torches
- Close Fuel Gas Valve First
- Close Oxygen Valve Second
- This Sequence Can Prevent The Operator From Being
Burned - If Fuel Pressure is Great Enough - Check Valves
At Initial Light Up By Turning Oxygen Off First
36Shutting Down An Oxy/Fuel Torch
- Overnight Or For An Extended Period of Time
- Turn Off Torch
- Close Cylinder Valves
- Open Then Close Each Torch Valve Independently To
Bleed Pressure - Back Regulator Adjusting Screw Out Until Loose
- Store Hose and Equipment In a Clean Area Away
From Potential Damage