Title: Discrete Trial Training
1Discrete Trial Training Pivotal Response
2Discrete Trial Training
Cue (opportunity to respond) Response/ Behavior Consequence Pause
DTT T provides instructional cue (prompting may be needed) Student Responds Teacher praises and give child a positive reinforcer There is a pause
EX Student indicates interest in chips Teacher says Give me a car Student gives car to teacher Teacher praises student and gives student a chip Student eats chip and teacher waits a few seconds before next cue
3Discrete Trial Training (DTT)
- Strategy based on ABA principles
- Breaking skills down into smaller components and
teaching those smaller sub-skills individually - Mass Trials and Repeated Practice
- Use of prompting when necessary
- Leaf, R., McEachin, J. (1999). A Work In
Progress. New York, New York DRL Books - Green, G., Luce, S., Maurice, C. (1996).
Behavioral Intervention for Young Children with
Autism A Manual for - Parents and Professionals. Austin,
Texas Pro-Ed. - Smith, T. (2001). Discrete Trial Training in the
Treatment of Autism. Focus on Autism and Other
Developmental - Disabilities, 16(2), 86-92.
- https//www.youtube.com/watch?vJPfErTUYNkY
4Discrete Trial
- Initial Instruction (Touch your nose)
- A prompt or cue given by the teacher to help the
child respond correctly (Teacher points to
childs nose) - A response given by the child (Child touches
nose) - An appropriate consequence (Nice job touching
your nose sticker) - Pause between consecutive trials (1-5 seconds
before next trial)
5Chained response skills vs discrete response
- Chained multi-step behaviors
- E.g. sweeping the floor, playing UNO, ordering
food - Discrete stand alone (e.g., naming people,
matching numbers to quantities, reading words) - It is sometimes hard to distinguish the
difference, depending on the learner
6Decide whether these objectives include chained
or discrete behaviors
- Following the use of the toilet, Marc will wash
his hands by completing 8 of 10 task steps
independently - When asked to circle a word (e.g., nap, mop, map)
that matches a picture on a worksheet, Marc will
correctly circle the word 75 of the worksheet
for two probes in a row - When given a slant board to hold his papers and a
template to limit the range of writing, Marc will
print all of the letters of the alphabet from a
model 100 of the time on two probes in a row. - During lunch time at school, Marc will complete
10 of the 12 steps independently get in line, go
to cafeteria.etc.and return to the classroom.
7Basic DT Strategies
- Correct Response
- What to do when the student gets it right
- DT Intro Procedures
- Introducing new items, concepts in a sequential
manner - Error Correction
- What to do when the student makes an error
- Reinforced Learning Trials
- What to do when the student makes several
errors - Delivery of Reinforcement
- Effective delivery of reinforcement
8Choose reinforcers you can easily control
- Toys can be difficult because of the tug of war
- Food- small pieces
- Videos/dvds? 2 min work 30 sec video
- List food/drinks, video/audio tapes, short
reinforcers that can be supported at a table
(e.g., bubbles, light up spinning top, duster to
tickle child), activities that include movement
(bouncing on a ball, pushing on a swing, rocking,
etc.) - Make sure student does not have unlimited access
to them (out of reach or in a bin)
9Pairing learning environment/ people with
- Want student to think of place they work and
people they work with as a good placewhere I
get good things. - How to pair reinforcement
- Associate self with reinforcer
- Reinforcers readily availablego to childgive
reinforcer without demand - If child does not take it, lay it next to child
and leave table - Work towards goal of having child take reinforcer
in presence - Pair your voice with item
- When deliver reinforcersay chipchip..here
Jimmy, a chip
10Pairing reinforcers
- 3. Place reinforcer on work tableshort distance
away from child and see if child will approach
you. - -once he begins approach, deliver reinforcer
without demanding anything - 4. Move items further from child
- -want child to get up from anywhere and go to
teacher - 5. Teacher to begin contact/interact with child
- -narrating whats on TV, tickle child, sing
songs - If problems with pairing reinforcers.
- Reassess the reinforcers you are using
11Easing in demands
- Low in beginning
- Begin work when child happily approaches work
area - Child sitting nicely for at least a few minutes
- Tolerates your voice and touches to arm and back
- 1. Start by asking the child to learn to sign for
reinforcer (far item) - 2. Thenimitating using toys, matching identical
objects, simple puzzles
12DT Scenario Correct Response
- Correct Response
- Reinforce Student
- In general
- 3 in a row correct?
- Then move on to next step following program plan.
Demonstration Correct Response
13Discrete Trial Training
Cue (opportunity to respond) Response/ Behavior Consequence Pause
DTT T provides instructional cue (prompting may be needed) Student Responds Teacher praises and give child a positive reinforcer There is a pause
Correct Responses- give student reinforcer In
general 3 in a row correct then move to next
step/ skill in program
14Data Collection
Skill 1 Ring Bell
15Data Collection
Skill 1 Ring Bell Notes 3 in a row move on
Skill 2 Ring Bell w/ Distractor (D)
16Data CollectionExample of Intro Procedures
Date Task Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Comments
4/7/13 Bell X or 1st item
Bell w/d
Car Y or 2nd item
Car w/d
Bell Presented in random rotation Day 1
Car Presented in random rotation Day 1
4/12/13 Bell Presented in random rotation Day 2
Car Presented in random rotation Day 2
Block Z or 3rd item
Block w/d
Block Presented in random rotation Day 1
Car, Bell Presented in random rotation Day 1
17(No Transcript)
18Rules/ Suggestions about the Distractor
- It is not overly distracting for the child
- It is never the correct response
- In the same classification (object or picture)
- Not an item you are currently teaching
- Arick et al., 2004
19DT Scenario Error CorrectionIf the student
makes an error
Demonstration Error Correction
20General Reinforcement Procedure
- For a correct response
- 11 tangible reward or token (Big R for this
student and 11 social praise. - For a prompted response
- 11 Social praise and (only if needed with this
student) 11 little reward (not big R) - Arick et al., 2004
21Data Collection
- correct response
- Ø incorrect/no response and then corrected
with a prompt - 0 incorrect/no response and not correct
even with a prompt
22Data Collection- Correct Responses
Skill 1 Ring Bell Notes 3 in a row move on
Skill 2 Ring Bell w/ Distractor (D)
23Data CollectionError Correction
Date Task Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Comments
4/7/13 Bell 0
- correct response
- O incorrect/no response and
then corrected with a prompt
- O incorrect/no response and not
- correct even with a prompt
24Data Collection- Incorrect Trial
Skill 1 Ring Bell Notes 3 in a row move on
Skill 2 Ring Bell w/ Distractor (D) 0
Student Makes Error
25Data Collection- Error Correction
Skill 1 Ring Bell Notes 3 in a row move on
Skill 2 Ring Bell w/ Distractor (D) Ø
Student Makes Error. Always provide a correction
procedure (/) after an error (0)
26Next Trial After Prompted Trial
Skill 1 Ring Bell Notes 3 in a row move on
Skill 2 Ring Bell w/ Distractor (D) Ø
After prompted trial, keep position of items the
27Reinforced Learning Trial (RLT) Procedure
- After 3 errors in a row
- Note change in prompt level on data sheet
- Reinforce with tangible and verbal reward
- Slowly fade back amount of assistance needed
after student gets 3/3 correct at current step
28Reinforced Learning Trials (RLT) Data Collection
Date Task Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Comments
4/7/13 Ring Bell w/D 0 0 0 3 error corrections- go to Reinforced Learning Trial (RLT)
Ring Bell w/D RLT- PP (Partial Physical Prompt)
Ring Bell w/D RLT TP (Touch Prompt )
Ring Bell w/D No Prompt- NP (No Prompt)
No Prompt (NP) Touch Prompt (TP) Partial Physical Prompt (PP) Full Physical Prompt (FP)
No prompt Touching lightly to initiate or change direction of the response Student does some part of the response independently. Not a full physical but more than a touch. Student requires physical prompting throughout the response
29Recommendations for DT Sessions
- Reinforce student sitting in chair
- Reinforce students hands in lap
- Present cue in timely manner
- Reinforce correct program response
- Reinforce frequently for sitting
- Reinforce frequently for hands in lap
- Arick et al., 2010
30Teaching Sitting in a Chair
- Find motivating reinforcers
- Reinforcers in view, ready to deliver
- Arrange environment for success
- Reinforce for a few seconds of side by side
sitting - Do not allow student to have access to the
reinforcer unless they are sitting in the chair. - Arick et al., 2010
31Ideas for decreasing crying tantrum behavior
- Find extremely motivating reinforcers
- Talk about the reinforcers
- End sessions with correct response sequence and
good behavior - Withdraw ignore tantrum behavior
- Present a simple trial when tantrum stops
- Redirect with a series of simple trials from an
easier program - Conduct an FBA
- Arick et al., 2010
32Teaching Sharing Waiting
- Allow time for student to enjoy the reinforcer
- Use my turn and hold out your hand
- May need physical prompt first
- Place reinforcer in plain view, start right away,
reinforce for correct response - A timer can help with sharing issues
- Use token reinforcement system to teach delayed
gratification - Arick et al., 2010
- Using DTT, Teach your partner to
- 1. Imitate an action using an item (e.g. ringing
a bell, writing a letter) X - 2. Identify Da Kine Y(teacher chooses what
Da Kine means) - Teacher
- Present X only until 3 consecutive responses
correct. - Present X with a Distractor until 3
consecutive responses correct. - Present Y only until 3 consecutive correct
responses - Present Y with a Distractor until 3 consecutive
correct responses - Present X Y (randomly present until 3
consecutive correct for each X Y)
- Student
- Do not get every trial correct,
- but do get 3 correct eventually so that Teacher
can move on to presenting the other skills. - Take turns choosing a different action and a
different meaning for Da Kine
35Pivotal Response Training
- Behavioral intervention that teaches
- expressive language
- spontaneous language
- play and social skills
- Follows ABA format
- Cue, Response, Consequence, Pause
36Pivotal Response Training
- Increases generalization of language concepts and
play skills. - Creates teachable moments in context
- Engages student using highly motivating toys and
materials that are carefully selected
37Advantages of Using PRT
- Students less likely to become stimulus or cue
dependent - Increases motivation / decreases frustration
- Increases generalization and maintenance of
intervention gains - Teachable moments throughout school and home
- Naturalistic approach
- Student chooses activity
- Activity IS the reinforcer
- Can be used by parents/teachers/peers/sib-lings
- Interaction strategy that can be implemented
38Example of PRT Session(expressive language
Cue Response Consequence Pause
Child reaches for toy car. Teacher holds car and says car. Student says ca Teacher gives child car and lets him push the car down the track as a reward for requesting Child continues playing with, while the teacher observes and prepares for the next cue.
39Example of PRT Session(play and social
interaction lesson)
Cue Response Consequence Pause
Child reaches for car on the track, child wants to spin wheels. Teacher holds car and says Do this. Child imitates the teachers action and pushes car. Teacher lets child hold the car and spin the wheels as a reward for responding. Child continues to play with car, while teacher observes and prepares for next cue.
- Control is shared
- Child chooses toy or activity
- Turn-taking
- Cue is Clear and Related to the chosen activity
- Cue clear and uninterrupted
- Child must attend to the cue
- Maintenance skills are interspersed
- Tasks that student IS capable of doing with
success - 50 of cues elicited are maintenance skills
- Reponses are verbal or non-verbal
- Expressive language (say something)
- Physical action (do something)
- Response is related to the activity
- Must have something to do with the chosen
- Reinforcement is clear
- Reinforcement is immediate
- Child clearly receives reinforcement
- Reinforcement only follows an appropriate
response - Reinforce attempts
- Any response judged appropriate within the
context of the activity should be reinforced - Reinforcement is direct
- Reinforcer is a natural consequence to the
behavior being rewarded
- Child is observed and evaluated
- Observe
- Level of motivation with toy or activity
- Behavior- engaged, continued interests
- Level of language and play skills displayed
- Targeting appropriate language
- Targeting appropriate play
- Whats the next step?
- Model next step/skill for language and play
44Preparing for your PRT Session
- Schedule PRT time
- Identify at least one 15-20 minute rotation per
day - Train staff to do PRT throughout the day
- Create an appropriate space
- Make an area using partitions/shelves
- Sit so you are face-to-face with student, in
chairs with table (or on floor if needed) -
45Preparing for your PRT Session
- Pre-Plan Activities
- Provide wide selection of motivating activities
and toys - Place toys out of reach
- Large tub/bin with lid
- Work with other specialists to consider all needs
of student - Consider sensory-based activities/items to teach
student to request appropriately to meet their
46Work on Behavior Throughout the Session
- If Grabbing Objects/toys
- Avoid by teaching hands down and reinforce
teaching my turn and block/withold to encourage
verbal language - If Throwing Objects/toys
- Avoid by teaching do this and show the student
what TO DO teach them to say no ______ for
rejecting an object (have other reinforcing items
to choose from) - If Crying/Screaming
- Avoid by having highly reinforcing items
ignoring behavior if possible waiting till quite
then reinforce ending session on a positive
(maybe start with shorter session) - Arick et al., 2010
47Work on Behavior throughout the session
- If aggressive (e.g., pinching, hitting)
- Teach hands down and reinforce ignore
behavior provide frequent reinforcement for
appropriate behaviors (hands down, my turn) - Lack of appropriate responding
- Secure students attention before presenting cue
present a clear cue have highly motivating items
and market the items! - Arick et al., 2010
48Practice.take turns playing the role of student
and teacher
- Teacher Your goal is to teach
- Turn taking My turnYour turn.
- Student to say the preferred item they are
playing with in order to get it back.