Title: Spiritual Transformation
1Spiritual Transformation
From The Complete Book of Discipleship by Bill
Hull The Biblical Principles of Discipleship by
Alan Coppedge
2What is spiritual transformation?
- Trans (meta) to move something from one place
to another - Formation (morphe) to change
3Essential Elementsof Spiritual Transformation
Training and Pattern of Life
Holy Spirit
Circumstances Events
Hull, p 189
4Essential Disciplinesfor Spiritual
- Longstanding tradition in the Church
- Bible reading, scripture memory, prayer, worship,
evangelism, service, stewardship - Why practice the disciplines?
- Positive, preemptive function when engaged
appropriately - Develop habits of the heart
- Disciplines are tools
- Disciplines work indirectly and mysteriously
5Principles that Governthe Spiritual Disciplines
- Training Leads to Godliness
- Regeneration factory installs the desire to be
like Jesus - Greek root for train is gumnazo ( gymnasium)
- God opposes earning, but urges effort
- Dont go it alone
6Principles that Governthe Spiritual Disciplines
- Practice Creates the Trained State
- Why do we practice anything?
- Relationship between practice and spiritual
training - Tragedy of undisciplined disciples
- Maturity results from constant use
7Principles that Governthe Spiritual Disciplines
- Perseverance Makes Transformation a Reality
- Realizing full potential requires consistent
training - Spiritual disciplines can make holiness natural
- Paul tells us not to give up (Gal 69)
- Training is different than just trying
8Principles that Governthe Spiritual Disciplines
- Disciplines must be properly practiced
- Careful not to abuse disciplines, without
abandoning them - Perspective when viewed as means of grace
9Exercising the Seven Primary Spiritual Disciplines
- Time with the Word of God
- Scripture Memory
- Fellowship
- Giving
- Prayer
- Fasting
- Public Worship