Title: Un-Cooperative Congestion Control
1Un-Cooperative Congestion Control
- Kartikeya Chandrayana
- Prof. Shivkumar Kalyanaraman
- ECSE Dept., R.P.I.
- chandk_at_rpi.edu (http//www.rpi.edu/chandk)
- Review
- Motivation
- Previous Work
- Network Optimization
- Proposed Framework
- Results
3Present Internet
- Uses TCP.
- TCP Variants
- Tahoe (First Proposal)
- Reno, New-Reno Windows 95/98
- Sack Windows 2000
- Vegas
- Other variants possible.
- Routers Deploy FIFO queues to absorb bursts.
4Internet Dynamics
Search Game User searches for bandwidth with
some help from the network
5Feedback from Network
- Positive Feedback
- Acks
- Negative Feedback
- Implicit
- Drop Packets
- Explicit
- Mark Packets
- Set a bit in the packet.
- This bit is echoed in the Acks
- Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN)
- Slow Start
- Probe exponentially for bandwidth.
- Congestion Avoidance
- Send w packets in a round-trip time.
- If receive w acks then put w1 packets in next
RTT - If congestion put w/2 packets in next RTT.
7TCP Variants
TCP Friendliness Any rate control scheme gets
the same throughput as TCP under same operating
- Why ?
- TCP does not get beaten down by newer protocols
- Examples of TCP-Friendly Protocols
- SQRT Increase 1/sqrt(w) Decrease
sqrt(w) - IIAD Increase 1/w Decrease 1
Mathematical Definition x Rate w/RTT p loss
rate TCP Friendliness ? x ? 1/sqrt(p)
- Application needs changed.
- Different congestion control protocols.
- Real-Player, Windows Media, Quake, Half-Life etc.
- Some of these are constant rate protocols.
- Linux, FreeBSD Boxes came along.
- Make your own TCP.
- If receive w acks then put w5 packets in next
RTT - If congestion put 3w/4 packets in next RTT.
- Users can choose their rate control algo
- Rate Control Scheme ? rate allocation.
- Aggressive Rate Control ? More Rate
- Incentive for users to misbehave.
- But majority of users are responsible.
Assume (for now) the networks standard CC
scheme is TCP Any scheme which gets more rate
than TCP is uncooperative
- Selfish flows grab most of the bandwidth.
- One form of traffic volume based denial of
- service attack.
- Congestion Collapse
- Network has no control over equilibrium rate
- distributions.
- Unfair Sharing aggravated on a network of
- Drop-Tail queues
11Effect of Misbehavior
Long Flow Conformant (TCP Reno, U-1/x), Short
Flows Mis-Behaving (U-1/x0.5) Incr 1
packet/RTT Decr sqrt(w) on loss
Happened in NCSU !
Present Internet is a network of Drop Tail queues
12AQM Active Queue Management
- Drop Tail (FIFO) queues has limitations.
- Synchronization
- Queue is full
- Packets from all flows are dropped.
- All flows cut their rates by half simultaneously.
- For a long period link is not fully utilized.
- Pattern of simultaneous increase and decrease.
- AQM Drop some packets before queue gets full.
- Some flows get early congestion signal and cut
back. - Link tends to be fully utilized.
- Example Random Early Drop (RED)
- Selfish flows will probably have more packets
in the buffer - Probably they will cut their rates more often.
13AQM Effect of Misbehavior
Long Flow Conformant (TCP Reno, U-1/x), Short
Flows Mis-Behaving (U-1/x0.5)
RED Helps Though unfair sharing persists
14AQM Deployment
- RED was proposed in 1993
- Almost all routers have RED.
- But RED is not deployed !
- No one knows how to configure it.
- Providers dont like to drop packets.
- RED too has limitations !
- Lots of them
- Unfair sharing
- At High Loads RED is worse than Drop Tail !
Present Internet is just network of Drop Tail
queues !
Possibility of Volume based Denial of Service
15Related Work
Some Buffer Mgmt. Scheme
What is the right architectural response ?
16Detour Congestion Control-Optimization Frameworks
- Utility Functions
- Economics
- One function can capture a group of rate control
schemes. - TCP-Friendly schemes imply
- U(x) -1/x
x (Rate)
17Detour Congestion Control-Optimization Frameworks
- Users choose congestion control algorithm.
- Choose a Utility Function.
- TCP U(x) -1/x
- CC Scheme ? Utility function
- Every user maximizes his own utility function.
- Distributed optimization.
- Network communicates price (loss, mark, delay) to
users. - Users use this price to update their rate.
18Idea Managing Non-Conformance Work in the
Utility Function Space
- Key Design Objectives
- Deployment Ease
- Retain existing link price update rules.
- ? No changes in the core.
- Retain existing users rate updation rules.
- ? Allows users to chose rate control protocol.
- Should work with either drop or marking based
network. - Should work on a network of Drop Tail queues.
19How? By Penalty Function Transformation
Map users utility function to some (or range of)
objective utility function Us ? Uobj , Uobj ?
U1 , U2
- User s is described by
- xs Rate, Us Utility function, q end-to-end
price - xs Us'-1(q)
- If source was using Uobj then rate would be xs
Uobj'-1(q) - Communicate to user the price qnew qnew Us'
(Uobj'-1(q)) - Now users update algorithm looks like
- xs Us'-1(qnew)
- ? xs Uobj'-1(q)
- ? Appears as if user is maximizing Uobj !
20Idea Remap _at_ the Edge, Not in AQM
Edge Routers
Core Routers
Core Network
(No Changes)
Decouple Management of Non-Conformant Flows from
AQM Design
22What do we need to make it work ?
- Need to identify misbehaving flows.
- Smart Sampling in Netflow, Sample Hold etc
- Estimate loss/mark rate
- Currently using EWMA, WALI methods of TFRC
- Estimate utility function
- Currently using Least Squares, Recursive LS
- Needs only estimates of sending and loss rates
- Scalability
- Keep state about only mis-behaving flows
- CBR/UDP flows
- Need to drop (Marking does not work)
23Re-Marker Design
- Implemented it in Network Simulator
- Estimation of loss rate
- Estimation of throughput
- Get utility function estimate
- Compute the Re-Marking function
- Appropriately Mark/Drop packets.
- Can also Mark Acks
- Different Algorithm for CBR flows.
24Results Single Bottleneck
Conformance TCP-Friendliness 2 Flows Conformant
(TCP Reno, U-1/x), Mis-Behaving (U-1/x0.5)
Drop Tail
ECN Enabled
- Packet Drop Based Network.
- Drop packets from mis-behaving flows at the
- edge of the network.
- Marking Based Network.
- Re-mark packets from mis-behaving
- flows at the edge of the network.
25Results Multi-Bottleneck (Drop Tail)
Conformance TCP-Friendliness Long Flow
Conformant (TCP Reno, U-1/x), Short Flows
Mis-Behaving (U-1/x0.5)
With Re-Mapping
Without Re-Mapping
Framework prevents volume based denial of service
26Results Multi-Bottleneck (RED)
Conformance TCP-Friendliness Long Flow
Conformant (TCP Reno, U-1/x), Short Flows
Mis-Behaving (U-1/x0.5)
Without Re-Mapping
With Re-Mapping
Framework improves fair sharing of network
27Results Multi-Bottleneck in an ECN Enabled
Conformance TCP-Friendliness Long Flow
Conformant (TCP Reno, U-1/x), Short Flows
Mis-Behaving (U-1/x0.5)
28More Results
- Background Traffic
- Web (http) Traffic
- Single/Multi Bottleneck scenarios
- Cross Traffic
- Reverse path congestion
- Especially important with RED
- Multi-Bottleneck scenarios
- Comparison with other AQM schemes
- Differentiated Services
- On a network of Drop Tail queues Mis-Behaving
flows can force Traffic Volume based denial of
service attack. - RED can prevent it though not unfair sharing.
- Edge-based transformation of price can handle
misbehaving flows - No changes in the core
- No need to add penalty box functions in the
context of AQM schemes (eg CHoKe ) - Decouple mgmt of non-conformant flows from AQM
Design. - Works with packet drop or packet marking (ECN)
- Independent of buffer management algorithm.
- Limitation Path Asymmetry
- Different Exit and Entry routers
- For more details see
- http//networks.ecse.rpi.edu/kartikc/nccc.ps
- Or email chandk_at_rpi.edu