Chapter 10: Strengthening Mechanisms - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 10: Strengthening Mechanisms


Chapter 10: Strengthening Mechanisms – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 10: Strengthening Mechanisms

Chapter 10 Strengthening Mechanisms
How do we increase strength? e.g.,
Strain-hardening, grain-boundary and solute
hardening, and solid-solution strengthening.
How can heating change strength and other
properties? e.g., recrystallization and grain
Strengthening Mechanisms
  • Increase Grain Boundaries
  • barriers to slip/dislocation motion.
  • Solid-Solution Strengthening
  • pinning (opposing stress fields) or impeding
  • dislocation motion (obstacles).
  • Work-hardening (or Cold-Working)
  • Increased dislocation density, more interactions
    interactions (increased stress fields and

Plastic Deformation to Fracture Engineering is
in between
Stress-strain and microscopic factors can be used
to engineer materials.
Work-hardening Mechanisms in Metals (mostly)
  • Relaxation times in molecular processes in gases
    and most liquids are so short that they are
    almost always in a state of well-defined
  • Consequently, structure of a gas or liquid does
    not depend on history.
  • In contrast, relaxation times for some of the
    significant atomic processes in crystals are so
    long that a state of equilibrium is rarely, if
    ever, achieved.
  • For this reason, metals show the generally
    desirable characteristic of work-hardening with
    strain, or strain-hardening.
  • Various work-hardening effects
  • dislocation interaction
  • solute hardening (dislocation-solute)
  • precipitation and dispersion hardening
  • grain boundary hardening
  • Hardening by plastic deformation (rolling,
    drawing, etc.) is one of the most important
    methods of strengthening metals, for example.

Mechanism Cold-Working (CW)
Room temperature deformation. Forming
operations change the cross sectional area
Adapted from Fig. 11.7, Callister 6e.
Critical Resolved Shear Stress vs Dislocation
  • tensile test single xtal oriented so that
    different values (cos? sin ?)max are generated in
    most -favored slip system.
  • Measure ?ys are different. But, ?ys/m are

CRSS increases with dislocation density higher
Anisotropy in ?YS
Can be induced by rolling a polycrystalline
-before rolling
-after rolling
Adapted from Fig. 7.11, Callister 6e.
rolling direction
235 mm
-anisotropic since rolling affects grain
orientation and shape.
-isotropic grains are spherical randomly
Dislocations during Cold-Working
Mo - single crystal
Dislocations entangle with one another during
cold working, so motion is inhibited.
Results of Cold-Working
Dislocation density (rd) goes up Carefully
prepared sample rd 103 mm/mm3 Heavily
deformed sample rd 1010 mm/mm3
Ways of measuring dislocation density
Micrograph adapted from Fig. 7.0, Callister 6e.
Yield stress increases as rd increases
Dislocation-Dislocation Trapping
Dislocation have stress fields associated with
them. This traps (or inhibits motion of) other
Effect of Cold-Working
Yield strength (?YS ) increases. Tensile
strength (TS) increases. Ductility (EL or
AR) decreases.
2nd drawn
1st drawn
Undrawn wire
Adapted from Fig. 7.18, Callister 6e.
Cold-Working Analysis
What is the tensile strength ductility
after cold working?
Stress-Strain vs. Temperature
Results for polycrystalline iron
Adapted from Fig. 6.14, Callister 6e.
sy and TS decrease with increasing test
temperature. EL increases with increasing
test temperature. Why? Vacancies help
dislocations past obstacles.
Effect of Heating after CW
1 hour heating at Tanneal reduces TS and
increases EL. Effects of cold work are
3 Annealing stages
Adapted from Fig. 7.20, Callister 6e.
Annihilation reduces dislocation density.
Scenario 1
diffusion (T dependent) plus dislocations
annihilating (density dependent).
Recovery by Edge Climb Process
Dislocations can avoid obstacles.
Scenario 2 -- Dislocation is block by obstacle
(precipitate or another dislocation). -- Edge
moves to another slip plane by vacancy-assisted
climb, which is temperature-dependent process. --
Climbed dislocation can now move on parallel slip
plane and annihilate, like in scenario 1. (Also
important for creep process.)
Inclusion, Precipitate.
t ?t1
t ?t2
Screws Can Avoid Obstacles by Cross-Slip
Screw dislocations cannot CLIMB like edges.
Dir. of screw motion
Line of screw dislocation
  • Not T-dependent like Climb, as there is no
  • Screw segments stays always on 111 planes, but
    avoid the obstacle.
  • Edges successively must move from one plane to
    another by vacancy diffusion.

CREEP Processes
CREEP deformation of a material placed
in-service at elevated temperatures and exposed
to static stress, such as turbine rotors under
centrifugal stress or high-P steam lines
Primary or transient creep ??/?t decreases with
time indicating increase in strain-hardening. Sec
ondary (steady-state) creep ??/?t continually
decreasing indicating increase in
strain-hardening. ??/?t is a constant indicating
a balance between strain-hardening and
recovery. Rupture lifetime, tR Is dominant
design consideration for, e.g., turbine blades
and rocket motor nozzles.
Recovery some stored strain energy is relieved
by dislocation motion due to enhanced atomic
diffusion at elevated temperature (e.g., reduced
disl. density and formation of tilt boundaries).
Ex thermally-activated secondary creep process
Secondary (steady-state) creep ??/?t continually
decreasing indicating increase in
strain-hardening. ??/?t is a constant indicating
a balance between strain-hardening and recovery.
At high-T obstacles are avoided by dislocations
climb, a vacancy-assisted process, and stress is
relieved. Note this mechanism does not explain
annihilation and multiplication of dislocation
such that dislocation density is
constant. Possible mechanism emission-climb/annih
ilate-new-emission, see text.
Recovery some stored strain energy is relieved
by dislocation motion due to enhanced atomic
diffusion at elevated temperature (e.g., reduced
disl. density and formation of tilt boundaries).
Grain-Boundary and Deformations
Plastic deformation, recovery and
  • The dislocation array formed by plastic
    deformation is dependent on
  • crystal structure
  • test temperature
  • strain
  • strain-rate
  • crystal features
  • As is now clear, hardening of crystals during
    plastic deformation is due to increase in
    dislocation density and the mutual interaction
    between disls.
  • Work done by external load is dissipated as
    HEAT, but a small portion is retained in
    materials as stored energy (e.g., increased
    dislocation density).
  • Energy remains stored provided that the T is low
    enough for atoms to be immobile T lt 0.3 Tmelt.
  • Stored energy reduced if disls arrange
    themselves into low-angle (lt 50) G.B. (called
    polygonization), or into tangles.
  • Rearrangement involves glide and climb and
    requires thermal assist.

Mechanism reduce grain size
Adapted from Fig. 7.12, Callister 6e. (Fig. 7.12
is from A Textbook of Materials Technology, by
Van Vlack, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle
River, NJ.)
Grain boundaries are barriers to
slip. Barrier "strength" increases
with misorientation. Smaller grain
size more barriers to slip.
Hall-Petch Equation
From Ian Robertson, UIUC
Example Grain-Size Strengthening
70wtCu-30wtZn brass alloy
Fig. 4.11(c), Callister 6e.
Adapted from Fig. 7.13, Callister 6e.
Bicrystals and Compatibility
Each bicrystal must have six strain components 3
tensile and 3 shear ?ii, (tensile) and ?ij
(shear) with i1,3 and j1,3. To have
compatibility of strains at interface (grain
boundary) must have ?11A ?11B , ?33A ?33B
, and ?13A ?13B . Because one grain has a
larger value of cos ? cos ? smaller Schmidt
factor (1/m), the above constraints restrict the
deformation of this more favorably oriented grain
and result in a higher YS (greater work-hardening
response) of the bicrystal.
For poly-xtals, more restrictive constraint are
required than those above. While each grain has 3
tensile and 3 shear components, plastic
deformation has volume constraint, or ?11 ?22
?330. Thus, 5 independent slip systems are
needed in vicinity of g.b. to have compatibility!
Grain-Boundary Strengthening and Cracking
  • Dislocation-G.B. Interactions
  • G.B. impede motion of dislocations along entire
    length of disl. Line.
  • Expect G.B. to be more efficient at pinning than
    dislocation obstacles.
  • See discussion in text!
  • Stress to activate dislocation motion for a given
    grain increases with number of dislocations
    pile-up at the GB due to stress concentration.

Hall-Petch relation
For infinite grain, YS is intrinsic value of
single crystal slip. For finite and decreasing
grain size, YS increases.
Grain-Boundary Strengthening and Cracking
Cracking may originate at the intersection of
slip plane with G.B., if ?crack lt
?disl. Response of G.B. will be affected by test
conditions, i.e. environment and distribution of
solutes at G.B.
Ni-24Al 1-3 intergranular Ni-24Al-0.5B
35-54 trans-granular Ni-24Al-0.5B H
mixed-mode fracture
Movement of Dislocation via Thermal Activation
  • Divide stress required for deformation into
    Thermal and Shear (T-indep.) components, i.e. ?Th
    and ?G, where ?G is the stress to move
  • Without barrier from long-ragen stress fields
    from other dislocations.
  • Relative important of ?Th and ?G can be studied
    by determining T and/or strain-rate dependence of
    flow-stress (YS).
  • Stage I ?Th /?G 1 gives easy glide.
  • Stage II ?Th /?G lt 1 gives strain-rate
    increases (linear hardening).
  • With applied ?, extra force is required to free
    dislocations Fx (? ?G )b L
  • U0 ?0d Fx dx
  • If Fx is not big enough, slip cannot occur!
  • e.g. Peierls-Nabarro barrier is example.

Stage II Work-hardening with Hard Obstacles
Stage II ?disl higher, much dislocation-dislocati
on interaction Strain-hardening high (hard
obstacles Lomer-Cottrell locks, jogs) For hard
obstacles ?max Gb/L, therefore, ?max
?Gb?? assuming all dislocations represent
obstacles L2?disl constant (Homework)
Intrinsic Strength ?0 of material having low
dislocation density so that dislocation
interactions are inconsequential. For bcc, ?
0.4, whereas for fcc, ? 0.2.
3 Main Stages of Work-hardening
Stage I ?disl low, little disl-disl
interaction Strain-hardening low (soft obstacles,
2 disls same type and slip system) Stage II
?disl higher, much dislocation-dislocation
interaction Strain-hardening high (hard
obstacles Lormer-Cottrell locks, jogs) Stage
III Re-arrangement processes Load -gt heat
stored energy (say, in dislocation).
(thermally-assisted tilt and grain boundary)
See Disl. Interactions Last lectures
Critical Resolved Shear Stress versus Temperature
  • For T lt 0.7 Tmelt, ?CRSS ?a ?,
  • with athermal and thermal dependent
  • Athermal arises from dislocation-dislocation
    interaction (stress fields).
  • Thermal arises from Peierls stress involving
    impurities, kinks and jogs.
  • Small impurities are more mobile at intermediate
    T and can catch up to dislocations, repinning,
    etc. Impurity atoms increase CRSS.

Temperature Variation of Yield-Strength in
Temperature variation of YS in polycrystals
parallels that of CRSS in single-crystals. BCC
metals, e.g., V, have intrinsically higher YS
than that of FCC metals, e.g., Cu. YS is more
temperature sensitive in BCC metals than FCC ones.
High YS of MgO is related to strong
polar-covalently bonds, and explains why MgO is
stronger than ionically bonds NaCl, even though
they have the same crystal structure.
New crystals are formed that (1) have a
small dislocation density (2) are small and
(3) consume cold-worked crystals.
0.6 mm
0.6 mm
Adapted from Fig. 7.19 (a),(b), Callister 6e.
33 cold worked brass
New crystals nucleate after 3 sec. at 580C.
Further Recrystallization
All cold-worked crystals are consumed.
0.6 mm
0.6 mm
Adapted from Fig. 7.19 (c),(d), Callister 6e.
After 8 seconds
After 4 seconds
Grain Growth
At longer times, larger grains consume smaller
ones. Why? Grain boundary area (thus energy)
0.6 mm
0.6 mm
Adapted from Fig. 7.19 (d),(e), Callister 6e.
(Fig. 7.19 (d),(e) are courtesy of J.E. Burke,
General Electric Company.)
After 8 s, 580C
After 15 min, 580C
coefficient dependent on material and T.
Empirical Relation
exponent typ. 2
elapsed time
grain diam. at time t.
Mechanism - solid solutions
Impurity atoms distort the lattice generate
stress. Stress can produce a barrier to
dislocation motion.
Larger substitutional impurity
Smaller substitutional impurity
Impurity generates local shear at A and B that
opposes dislocation.
Impurity generates local shear at C and D that
opposes dislocation.
Ex solid solution strengthening in Cu
Tensile strength yield strength increase
w/wt Ni.
Adapted from Fig. 7.14 (a) and (b), Callister 6e.
Empirical relation
Alloying increases sy and TS.
Solid-Solution Strengthening Size- and Modulus-
Cu modulus effect
Tetragonal distortion for Cu
R. Flescher, Acta Metall. 11, 203 (1963)
e.g. Tetragonal distortion ?TET ?Gb(?c/b)
?G ?c In local-force model, spacing between
solute is L b/?(2c) due to solute atoms in the
2 planes immediately adjacent to slip plane
giving 2(c/b2) atoms/area.
Mechanism precipitation strengthening
Hard precipitates are difficult to shear.
Ex Ceramics in metals (SiC in Iron or Aluminum).
Particle Cutting
For particle, surface areas is created and
Stacking Faults For chemically ordered particle,
also creates APBs.
Meyers and Chawla, Mechanical Metallurgy
Particle Hardening bowing versus cutting
If the particle is harder than matrix,
dislocation can avoid cutting by bowing around
particle, or traversing around particle at
interphase boundary (a complex process).
Harder to cut stiffer, larger particles. Easy to
bow around stiffer, larger particles. Crossover
Particle Strengthening
Effects Particle size and volume fraction.
Strain accommodation for a non-deforming particle
by shear loops and bypassing (edge and screws).
Shear loop
Edge I loop V
Screw I V loop
Leave behind atoms
Particle Hardening coherent, incoherent, and
  • Small particles of second phase (1-10) resist
    dislocation penetration, especially more so than
    single solute particles.
  • Degree of strengthening depends on size, volume
    fraction, shape, nature of boundary (coherency

interphase boundaries that is incoherent, which
has no coherency strains.
Intermediate interphase boundaries coherency
strain are relieved by edge dislocation (not
quite1-1 match)
Particle Hardening coherent, incoherent,
Stress fields from coherent solute particle
coherency hardening
Dislocations cutting particle modulus hardening
As dislocation cuts particle and goes halfway
Particle Hardening chemical, ordering
For particle, surface areas is created and
Stacking Faults For chemically ordered particle,
also creates APBs.
Precipitation Strengthening Application
Internal wing structure on Boeing 767
Adapted from Fig. 11.0, Callister 5e.
Aluminum is strengthened with precipitates
formed by alloying.
Adapted from Fig. 11.24, Callister 6e.
Precipitation Strengthening Application
Aluminum is strengthened by ordered metastable
Al3Li precipitates formed by alloying.
Precipitation Hardening Alloys
Cu and temperature of quench and anneal
determines microstructure. Subsequent heat
treatment will affect type of particles, e.g.
coherent and incoherent. Anneal too long and
particles will try to remove coherency strain by
going incoherent. GP I (GP II) coherent,
chemically disordered (ordered). ? is
incoherent particle of Al2Cu.
Similar to L12 Al3Li, but different structure
Temperature Aged Precipitation Hardening Alloys
Strength drops if aged to long into ? is
incoherent particle of Al2Cu
Strong, stop here
GP I (GP II) coherent, chemically disordered
(ordered) particles. ? is incoherent particle of
Controlling Microstructures Controls Strengthening
fcc Fe
Eutectoid formation of bcc Fe (ferrite, soft)
Fe3C (cementite, hard) like pearl under
Cool and warm-work
Recall Fe-C Snoek effect and tetragonal
Martensite bct Fe w/C interstitials
Mechanical properties reflect hardness of phases
and inhibiting of dislocation motion
Summary of Mechanisms
  • Increase Grain Boundaries barriers to
    dislocation motion.
  • Solid-Solution/Precipitation Strengthening
    impedes disl. motion.
  • Work-hardening (or Cold-Working) Increase disl.
  • T-Dependent Recovery and Recrystallization
    oppose these. Heating can reduce dislocation
    density and increase grain size.
  • Controlling microstructure, particle phases and
    stiffness, ageing, etc., impacts mechanical
  • Each effect has specific functional dependence
    on disl. density, solute concentration, modulus
    difference, grain size, annealing time, etc.
    Do you know and understand them? Can you explain?
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