India Review - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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India Review


India Review Mr. Halter/Ms. Bernal The Sepoy Mutiny in India, the Boxer Rebellion in China, and the Islamic Revolution in Iran were similar in that they – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: India Review

India Review
  • Mr. Halter/Ms. Bernal

The Sepoy Mutiny in India, the Boxer Rebellion in
China, and the Islamic Revolution in Iran were
similar in that they
  1. restored power to the hereditary monarchies 
  2. attempted to reject the traditional cultures in
    these countries 
  3. resisted foreign influence in these countries 
  4. reestablished the power of religious leaders 

In India, the Caste system determined a persons
occupation, personal associations, and marriage
partner. This situation shows that the Caste
  1. has helped eliminate ethnic and religious
  2. has promoted social mobility within Indian
  3. has been stronger in urban areas that in rural
  4. has been a way of life as well as an element of

Throughout the 1800s, an increased need for both
raw materials and new markets for manufactured
goods led various European nations to pursue
policies of
  1. imperialism 
  2. socialism 
  3. isolationism 
  4. communism 

One result of British colonialism in India was
that India
  1. adopted a parliamentary system of government 
  2. developed religious unity 
  3. supported Western foreign policies in the United
  4. created programs to increase its population

Which has been a major goal of both the Zionists
and the Palestinian Arabs in the Middle East?
  1. To unite the Middle East under their religion
  2. To improve their relations with the Soviet Union
  3. To become leaders in the world economy
  4. To have their own independent country

Mohandas Gandhi is best known for his
  1. use of passive resistance to achieve Indian
  2. desire to establish and Islamic nations 
  3. opposition to Hindus holding political office 
  4. encouragement of violence to end British rule 

Many people in Southeast Asia hope for the timely
arrival of the summer monsoons each year because
  1. floods are the only way to water their
  2. daily temperatures often reach 100 degrees
  3. little rain has fallen for many months 
  4. oases provide water for nomadic herders 

When the Indian subcontinent became independent
of Great Britain, the subcontinent was
partitioned because of
  1. Religious differences between the Hindus and
  2. Unresolved territorial claims of local princes
  3. Ethnic problems between Punjabis and Bengalis
  4. Economic conflicts between rural and urban

In addition to providing water for Indian
agriculture, the Ganges River remains important
to India because it is
  1. the only source of Indian hydroelectric power 
  2. a sacred river for the Hindu population 
  3. the birthplace of Hindu culture 
  4. an unofficial boundary between the Hindus and

One similarity between the Five Pillars of Islam
and the Ten Commandments is that both
  1. support a belief in reincarnation 
  2. promote learning as a means to salvation 
  3. encourage the use of statues to symbolize God 
  4. provide a guide to proper ethical and moral

The Koran, jihad, and the hegira are most closely
associated with the practice of
  1. Islam 
  2. Judaism 
  3. Shinto 
  4. Buddhism 

During the 18th and 19th centuries, Europeans
improved roads and bridges and built railroads in
their colonies primarily to
  1. provide jobs for the colonists 
  2. obtain raw materials needed for
  3. impress the colonists with their technological
  4. help missionaries spread Christianity 

When I go to the office, I put on my shirt and I
take off my caste when I come home, I take off
my shirt and I put on my caste.What is the
main idea of this quotation?
  1. the caste system continues to influence Indian
  2. the caste system has been reflected by most
  3. successful urban workers in India belong the same
  4. the Indian government officially supports the
    Caste system 

The Eightfold Path, the Four Noble Truths, and
the concept of nirvana are associated with the
religion of
  1.  Islam 
  2. Jainism 
  3. Shinto 
  4. Buddhism 

A country is not merely a geographic territory.
A country is also the idea given birth by the
geographic territory. A country is a sense of
love that unites, as one, all the sons and
daughters of that geographic territory--World
History A Story of ProgressThis quotation
supports the idea of
  1. totalitarian rule 
  2. absolute monarchy 
  3. mercantilism 
  4. nationalism 

Which statement was true of the caste system in
traditional India?
  1. Members of different castes often intermarried
  2. Caste membership determined a persons occupation
  3. The highest caste was composed of untouchables
  4. The caste system had little effect on daily
    village life.

In traditional India, the caste system and the
Hindu beliefs in Karma and dharma most directly
resulted in
  1. The establishment of a set of rules for each
    individual in the society.
  2. The rapid industrialization of the economy.
  3. A strong emphasis on the acquistion of wealth
  4. A strong belief in the importance of education.

The partition of the Indian subcontinent in 1947
was primarily caused by
  1. Chinas desire to expand its territory
  2. The Soviet Unions effort to divide and conquer
    South Asia
  3. Muslim fear of Hindu domination
  4. Gandhis insistence on establishing a Hindu nation

The homespun movement and the Salt March
promoted by Mohandas Ghandi in India are examples
of his philosophy regarding change, called
  1. Industrialization
  2. Isolationism
  3. Nonalignment
  4. Nonviolent protest

Which accomplishments are associated with the
Gupta Empire?
  1. Adoption of democracy and construction of the
  2. Defeat of the Roman Empire and adoption of
  3. Establishment of Pax Mongolia and founding of a
    Chinese Dynasty
  4. Use of Sanskrit language and development of the
    concept of zero

Which belief is shared by Hindus and Buddhists?
  1. Everyone should have the same social status.
  2. People should pray five times a day.
  3. The soul can be reincarnated.
  4. Material wealth is a sign of the blessing of the

Which action was most opposed by Mohandas Gandhi?
  1. Using violence to obtain independence
  2. Boycotting foreign businesses
  3. Engaging in protest marches
  4. Supporting the development of native industries

The best example of nationalism is
  1. The people of India demanding independence from
    Great Britain
  2. A medieval lord raising an army to protect his
  3. The peacekeeping forces of the United Nations
    patrolling in Lebanon
  4. Spain deciding to join the North Atlantic Treaty
    Organization (NATO)

In India, the traditional role of women has
changed during the 20th century primarily because
of the
  1. Impact of increased urbanization
  2. Effects of religious persecution
  3. Use of passive resistance
  4. Growth of political unrest
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