Effective Personal Branding and Skills - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Effective Personal Branding and Skills


Title: Branding Author: Tippie College of Business Last modified by: anna Created Date: 5/18/2006 3:51:20 PM Document presentation format: (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Effective Personal Branding and Skills

Effective Personal Branding and Skills
Competencies Required to be Successful in One's
Professional Career
  • Jonathan H. Westover, Ph.D.
  • Visiting Fulbright Scholar
  • Belarusian State University
  • School of Business and Management of Technology
    MBA Program
  • Assistant Professor of Management, Woodbury
    School of Business
  • Email jon.westover_at_gmail.com jonathan.westover_at_u
    vu.eduAbout Me about.me/jonathan.h.westover

Presentation Overview
  • What skills and competencies do you need?
  • What is personal branding?
  • Branding yourself
  • Why branding today?
  • Getting started 7 steps for building a brand
  • Branding yourself through your online presence

Top 10 Qualities Employers Seek in Job Candidates
Project Management Competencies
Project Management Skills
Top 16 Competencies
8 Core Beliefs of Extraordinary Bosses
  • Business is an ecosystem, not a battlefield.
  • A company is a community, not a machine.
  • Management is service, not control.
  • My employees are my peers, not my children.
  • Motivation comes from vision, not from fear.
  • Change equals growth, not pain.
  • Technology offers empowerment, not automation.
  • Work should be fun, not mere toil.
  • Source http//www.inc.com/geoffrey-james/8-core-b

What Do These Things Have In Common?
  • The golden arches, the Nike swoosh, and an apple
  • These are all examples of brands of McDonalds,
    Nike and Apple computers

People Can Brand Themselves Too
  • Branding is not just for products anymore
  • Use branding concepts for yourself.
  • In this program you will learn how to establish a
    career brand for yourself.

Branding Yourself
  • Helps to define who you are/what you are about
  • (or why an employer should hire you)
  • Branding yourself is a way of associating great
    value with a product (the product being you)
  • Branding yourself is not about getting an
    employer to choose you over your competition.
  • It is about getting the employer to see you as
    the only solution to their problem

Why Branding Today?
  • Trust is essential in the corporate world
  • People want to do business with and hire or
    promote people they know and feel good about
  • 2. There has been change in what a traditional
    career path looks like
  • People today change careers an average of 8 times
    during their lives
  • Branding can be consistent throughout the changes
    (ex. Hard work and creativity can flow through to
    different occupations)

  • 3. There is also a change in the way people
  • Electronic communication doesnt allow
    personality to show
  • (compared to face-to-face communication)
  • Your first interview might be over the phone or
    your first communication with a potential
    employer could be over e-mail.
  • This type of communication could make it
    difficult to express yourself.
  • 4. Branding makes you more memorable in the midst
    of the different type of communication.
  • If you can get an employer to associate positive
    traits with your application or communication,
    you will likely rise to the top of the applicant

Getting Started 7 Steps to Building your
Personal Brand
  1. Self-reflection
  2. Continuous Learning
  3. Prepare marketing strategy
  4. Build relationships
  5. Prepare marketing pieces
  6. Develop your pitch
  7. Follow up

Step 1 Self-reflection
  • Before you start, you need to know what youre
    beginning with.
  • Self-reflection will help you identify the tools
    you have and the areas you need to improve.
  • Identify and list past accomplishments and
    achievements create a master list of all the
    good things youve done.
  • This may include employment, internships,
    volunteer opportunities, leadership positions,
    civic involvement, or courses taken.
  • Dont sell yourself short, spend some time
    reflecting on all the activities, and
    achievements youve taken part in
  • Continue adding to the list each time you have a
    new experience

  • Identify areas in need of further development
  • Once youve created your list of accomplishments,
    you can look for areas in which youre lacking
  • Plan and focus on gaining new experiences
  • This can come from many different sources
    internships, volunteering, workshops, etc.
  • Next, identify what makes your product unique or
  • Whats your best asset? What are you noteworthy
    for? What do you contribute that you are most
    proud of?
  • Ask your parents, friends, etc. to find an answer
    to that question
  • Once you uncover your edge make sure you write
    it out and play it up as often as possible

Step 2 Continuous Learning
  • It is imperative that you regularly benchmark
    your skills against others and develop a plan to
    keep your skills on the cutting edge
  • Continuous learning is essential to build your
  • Add a Degree (majors/minors) or certificate
  • Attend conferences and workshops
  • Spend time spent with a mentor

Step 3 Prepare Marketing Strategy
  • Mission statements are the backbone of a company
  • By creating a personal mission statement, you
    will have direction for where you want your brand
    to go.
  • Mission statements are short, descriptive
    statements of the common objective and focus of
    the organization.
  • Keep your mission statement to no more than two
    or three sentences, or about 30 words.

  • Mission Statements
  • End your statement with qualifying words and
    phrases to describe your mission.
  • Example My personal career mission is to
    inspire and equip students to reach their
    maximum potential."
  • "My personal career mission is . . . "
  • Following are some examples
  • "My personal career mission is to become a
    world-class aeronautical engineer in the
    commercial aviation industry."
  • "My personal career mission is to gain experience
    in the public accounting field toward earning my
    CPA designation."
  • "My personal career mission is to master the
    leading software development tools and gain
    greater understanding of e-business application

  • Mission Statements
  • Your personal mission statement should be tightly
    focused toward the first three to five years of
    your career.
  • You can give specifics about the job type and/or
    industry, as appropriate.
  • This personal career mission statement will form
    the foundation of your career focus.
  • A mental concept of your personal career mission
    statement is not enough. You should write it down
    and put it where you can see it every day.

  • Create a personal vision statement
  • Your vision statement takes your mission
    statement a bit further by mentioning HOW you
    will complete what you intend to
  • (as stated in your mission)
  • Make sure you mention specific tactics you will
    practice or methods you will use.

  • Create a personal marketing plan
  • Be visible to enhance your profile
  • Volunteer
  • Be involved
  • Talk about your mission and your
  • Everything you do and choose not to do, can
    communicate the value of your brand
  • E-mails you send
  • How you conduct yourself in meetings
  • Words you say
  • How you dress
  • Conversations you have
  • Etc.

Step 4 Build Relationships
  • network is defined as group of people who
    exchange information, contacts, and experience
    for professional or social purposes.  (The Oxford
  • Networking tips
  • Word of mouth is powerful what are people saying
    about you?
  • Keep in good contact with your network
  • Always make sure your network knows of any recent
  • Dont forget about potential networking circles
    friends, faculty, programs you are a part of,
    family, organizations
  • Search out new professional associations or
    online communities to add to your network
  • Find opportunities to weave your personal
    mission/vision statements into conversation with
    your network

Step 5 Prepare Marketing Pieces
  • Your promotional pieces should include
  • Cover Letter
  • Resume
  • Personal References
  • Consider how you will incorporate your
    mission/vision into your promotional pieces
  • Consider how you will distribute these pieces
  • Job search engines
  • Distribute to family and friends
  • Directly apply to an organization

Step 6 Develop your pitch
  • A formal interview is your opportunity to pitch
    your personal brand
  • Tips
  • Practice makes perfect (take advantage of the
    Mock Interview program)
  • Dress appropriately and professionally
  • Prepare (research the company and reflect on your
    skills and abilities)
  • Dont be too modest (youre selling your product
    and you dont want to sell yourself short)
  • Consider how you will incorporate your personal
    mission/vision statements into the conversation
  • Your pitch can also occur in informal settings
  • Conversations, e-mails, presentations, etc.

Step 7 Follow up
  • Good follow-up communication will assist in
    creating a positive association with your brand
  • Return employers calls immediately
    (establishes trust)
  • Respond to all requests (shows responsibility)
  • Write a thank you note after interview
    (associates courtesy with your work)
  • Write acceptance/decline letter upon accepting a
  • Keep in touch with your network

Professional Web Space
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About.me Webpage
Personal YouTube Channel
Peer Index
  • Jonathan H. Westover, Ph.D.
  • Visiting Fulbright Scholar
  • Belarusian State University
  • School of Business and Management of Technology
    MBA Program
  • Assistant Professor of Management, Woodbury
    School of Business
  • Email jon.westover_at_gmail.com jonathan.westover_at_u
    vu.eduAbout Me about.me/jonathan.h.westover
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