Title: The Iroquois Creation Story
1The Iroquois Creation Story Background Migra
tion of Asians to the Americas in four waves,
beginning ca. 30,000 BC
2The Iroquois Creation Story An anonymous
biography of the hunter-gatherer Tuscarorans, who
gathered vegetation for animals, and attempted
the enclosure or domestication of animals
3 Genre Earth-diver creation myth (emanation,
4- Setting
- Age of Creation (Age of Transition, Historical
Age) - Three-level universe (upper world, lower world,
5- Characters are stereotypical, static
- Major Good Mind, Bad Mind (Culture Heroes who
are godlike in action, but not in birth) - Minor Sky Woman, Muskrat, turtle
6Point of view Third person-omniscient
7Tone mysterious (before the births)
threatening (Bad Minds actions) hopeful (Good
Minds actions)
8Imagery sight (dark/light), feel
(water/land) Symbol Mother (life, containing
good and evil)
9Theme The great battle between good and evil
that took place at creation is repeated daily in
your life.