Power System Protection and Transient Stability - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Power System Protection and Transient Stability


ECE 476 POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS Lecture 23 Power System Protection and Transient Stability Professor Tom Overbye Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Power System Protection and Transient Stability

  • Lecture 23
  • Power System Protection and Transient Stability
  • Professor Tom Overbye
  • Department of Electrical andComputer Engineering

  • Design Project 2 and HW 10 are due today.
  • Be reading Chapter 10 and 13
  • Including CH 10 article about zone 3 relays, CH
    13 DSA and blackout articles
  • HW 11 is not turned in but should be done before
    final. HW 11 is 13.1, 13.7, 13.8, 13.18, and SP1
  • Final is Wednesday Dec 12 from 130 to 430pm in
    EL 269 (note room change). Final is
    comprehensive. One new note sheet, and your two
    old note sheets are allowed

Other Types of Relays
  • In addition to providing fault protection, relays
    are used to protect the system against
    operational problems as well
  • Being automatic devices, relays can respond much
    quicker than a human operator and therefore have
    an advantage when time is of the essence
  • Other common types of relays include
  • under-frequency for load e.g., 10 of system
    load must be shed if system frequency falls to
    59.3 Hz
  • over-frequency on generators
  • under-voltage on loads (less common)

Sequence of Events Recording
  • During major system disturbances numerous relays
    at a number of substations may operate
  • Event reconstruction requires time
    synchronization between substations to figure out
    the sequence of events
  • Most utilities now have sequence of events
    recording that provide time synchronization of at
    least 1 microsecond

Use of GPS for Fault Location
  • Since power system lines may span hundreds of
    miles, a key difficulty in power system
    restoration is determining the location of the
  • One newer technique is the use of the global
    positioning system (GPS).
  • GPS can provide time synchronization of about 1
  • Since the traveling electromagnetic waves
    propagate at about the speed of light (300m per
    microsecond), the fault location can be found by
    comparing arrival times of the waves at each

SEL 351S Fault Demonstration
  • SEL standards for Schweitzer Engineering
    Laboratories, a major relay manufacturer located
    in Pullman, Washington. Other manufacturers
    include GE, ABB, Cooper Power Systems, Basler
    Electric, Siemens
  • Relays are designed to act quickly to make or
    break contact with another circuit when activated
  • Protection relays detect and isolate faults on
    transmission and distribution lines by
    calculating operating conditions and tripping
    circuit breakers when a fault is found

Relay Overview
  • Current transformers (CTs) are used to step down
    and monitor very large AC currents.
  • Potential transformers (PTs) do the same for AC
  • The relay analyzes the signal once it is in the
    0-5A range.

Relay Overview
  • Historically, relays were electromagnetic devices
  • Now relays are becoming more microprocessor based
  • Increased ability to communicate with other
    relays before operating
  • Capable of having more than one function

Relay Functions
  • There are many functions categorized by ANSI
  • Instantaneous overcurrent relays operate
    immediately when a specific current level is
  • Time-overcurrent relays operate at a time which
    is inversely proportional to the operating current

Time-Overcurrent Settings
U3 (Very Inverse) Curve
Demonstration Overview
  • Receives voltage and current values from the
    SEL-5401 via serial port
  • Outputs low level analog signals are sent to the
    SEL 351S
  • Acts as a circuit breaker
  • Sense inputs detect if relay has tripped the
  • Output contacts tell relay the breaker status

Demonstration Overview SEL 351S
  • Bypass relays input transformers
  • Receives voltages and currents from AMS
  • Time-overcurrent element picks up for the
    three-phase fault
  • Relay tells breaker to trip
  • Breaker trips
  • Breaker stays open unless reclosing is enabled or
    until it is told to close

  • Prefault State (Breaker Closed)

  • Fault State

  • Post-Fault (Breaker Open)

  • References
  • 1 Instruction Manual, SEL-351S Relay, Meter,
    Control, Fault Locator, Schweitzer Engineering
    Laboratories, Inc., 2007.
  • 2 Instruction Manual, SEL-RTS Relay Test
    System, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories,
    Inc., 1997,

Power System Transient Stability
  • In order to operate as an interconnected system
    all of the generators (and other synchronous
    machines) must remain in synchronism with one
  • synchronism requires that (for two pole machines)
    the rotors turn at exactly the same speed
  • Loss of synchronism results in a condition in
    which no net power can be transferred between the
  • A system is said to be transiently unstable if
    following a disturbance one or more of the
    generators lose synchronism

Generator Transient Stability Models
  • In order to study the transient response of a
    power system we need to develop models for the
    generator valid during the transient time frame
    of several seconds following a system disturbance
  • We need to develop both electrical and mechanical
    models for the generators

Example of Transient Behavior
Generator Electrical Model
  • The simplest generator model, known as the
    classical model, treats the generator as a
    voltage source behind the direct-axis transient
    reactance the voltage magnitude is fixed, but
    its angle changes according to the mechanical

Generator Mechanical Model
Generator Mechanical Block Diagram
Generator Mechanical Model, contd
Generator Mechanical Model, contd
Generator Mechanical Model, contd
Generator Swing Equation
Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB)
  • To understand the transient stability problem
    well first consider the case of a single machine
    (generator) connected to a power system bus with
    a fixed voltage magnitude and angle (known as an
    infinite bus) through a transmission line with
    impedance jXL

SMIB, contd
SMIB Equilibrium Points
Transient Stability Analysis
  • For transient stability analysis we need to
    consider three systems
  • Prefault - before the fault occurs the system is
    assumed to be at an equilibrium point
  • Faulted - the fault changes the system equations,
    moving the system away from its equilibrium point
  • Postfault - after fault is cleared the system
    hopefully returns to a new operating point

Transient Stability Solution Methods
  • There are two methods for solving the transient
    stability problem
  • Numerical integration
  • this is by far the most common technique,
    particularly for large systems during the fault
    and after the fault the power system differential
    equations are solved using numerical methods
  • Direct or energy methods for a two bus system
    this method is known as the equal area criteria
  • mostly used to provide an intuitive insight into
    the transient stability problem

SMIB Example
  • Assume a generator is supplying power to an
    infinite bus through two parallel transmission
    lines. Then a balanced three phase fault occurs
    at the terminal of one of the lines. The fault
    is cleared by the opening of this lines circuit

SMIB Example, contd
Simplified prefault system
SMIB Example, Faulted System
During the fault the system changes
The equivalent system during the fault is then
During this fault no power can be
transferred from the generator to the system
SMIB Example, Post Fault System
After the fault the system again changes
The equivalent system after the fault is then
SMIB Example, Dynamics
Transient Stability Solution Methods
  • There are two methods for solving the transient
    stability problem
  • Numerical integration
  • this is by far the most common technique,
    particularly for large systems during the fault
    and after the fault the power system differential
    equations are solved using numerical methods
  • Direct or energy methods for a two bus system
    this method is known as the equal area criteria
  • mostly used to provide an intuitive insight into
    the transient stability problem
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