The Complexity of Damp Indoor Spaces - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Complexity of Damp Indoor Spaces


Water Intrusion fungi, bacteria and protozoa. Multiple Biocontaminants ... swelling, inhibiting oxidative phosphorylation and motility boar sperm cells. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Complexity of Damp Indoor Spaces

The Complexity of Damp Indoor Spaces
  • Jack D. Thrasher, Ph.D.
  • Sandra Crawley, M.ED., LADC
  • Michelle DeFazio, BSAT NTEF
  • 1

  • Water Intrusion fungi, bacteria and protozoa
  • Multiple Biocontaminants
  • Additive and Synergistic Effects
  • Increased Health Risks
  • 2

Additive and Synergistic Effects
  • It is apparent that additive and synergistic
    effects have been demonstrated in vitro and in
  • Vomitoxin and LPS increase apoptosis in lymphoid
    organs and proinflammatory cytokines in murine
  • Roridin A and LPS potentiates neurotoxicity in
    nasal airways of mice
  • Aflatoxin B1 and LPS synergistic toxicity to
    liver 3

References for Introduction and Public Health
  • Anderson et al (1997), Appl Environ Microbiol,
  • Peltola et al (2001a,b) Appl Environ Microbiol
    673260-75 4293-4304
  • Hirvonen et al (2005) Indoor Air
  • Rintala et al (2001) Lett Appl Microbiol
  • Fisk et al (2007) Indoor Air 17294-96.
  • Mudarri et al (2007 Indoor Air 17226-35.
  • Genuis SJ (2007) Eur J Intern Med 28516-23.
  • Bernstein, et al J Allergy Clin Immunol
    9158591. 4

References for Introduction Cont.
  • Islam Z et al (2002) Toxicol Appl Pharmacol
  • Islam Z et al (2007) Toxicol Sci 98525-41.
  • Islam Z, Pestka JJ (2006) Toxicol Appl Pharmacol
  • Luyendyk JP et al (2003, 2003). Toxicol Sci
    68220-5 72171-81
  • Baron CC, et al (2001) Hepatology 3344-73
  • 5

Toxicol Sci 98525-41.
Water Intrusion
  • Water Activity (Aw) Water Content
  • The ratio of vapor pressure exerted by water in
    the material to the vapor pressure of pure water
    at the same Temp. and Pressure
  • 6

  • Indicator molds
  • Bacteria- Gram () and (-)
  • Particulates Large Small (lt2 micron)
  • Mycotoxins
  • Exotoxins
  • 7
  • MVOCs
  • Enzymes (Allergens)
  • Hemolysin Siderophores
  • Galactomannans
  • 1-3 beta-Glucans
  • Endotoxins

Molds in Relation to Water Activity
  • This table summarizes the key water activity (aw)
    and molds that grow most readily as primary,
    secondary and tertiary colonizers (adapted from
    Nielsen, 2003 Gorny, 2004).
  • Primary colonizers (aw lt0.85) Alternaria citri,
    Aspergillus (Eurotium) amstelodomi, Aspergillus
    candid\us, glaucus, niger, penicilloides, repens,
    restrictus, versicolor Paedilomyces varlotti,
    Penicillium aurantiogriseum, brevicompactum,
    chrysogenum, commune, expansum, griseoflavum
    Wallemia sebi
  • Secondary colonizers (aw 85-90) Cladosporium
    cladosporoides, herbarum, sphaerosperumum Mucor
    circinelloides Rhizopus oryzae.
  • Tertiary colonizers (aw gt90) Alternaria
    alternata Aspergillus fumigatus Epicoccum
    species Exophiala species Fusarium moniforme
    Mucor plumbeus Phoma herbarum Phiaosphora
    species Trichoderma species Stachybotrys
    chartarum Ulocladium consortiale Rhodotorula
    species, Sporobolomyces species and Actinomyces
  • 8

Indicator Molds
  • Aspergillus fumigatus, versicolor, flavus, niger,
    sydowii, amstelodomi
  • Penicillium brevicompactum, chrysogenum,
  • Trichoderma sp.
  • Fusarium moniforme.
  • Epiccocum sp.
  • Stachybotrys chartarum (two chemotypes)
  • 9

Identification of Molds
  • PCR DNA to determine species
  • Viable air samples
  • Bulk samples
  • Wipe Samples
  • Wall Cavity Samples
  • Compare species indoors vs outdoors. If
    Aspergillus, Penicillium. Stachybotrys
    Actinomycete species are above outdoors -
    Contamination Exists
  • 10

Particulates Indoor Air
  • Two Groups of Particulates
  • Spores and Hyphae at 2 microns and up.
  • Fragments lt2 microns.
  • 11

Fine Particulates
  • Gorny (2004) Filamentous microorganisms and their
    fragments in the Indoor Air A review. Ann
    Agric Environ Med 11185-97.
  • Gorny et al (2002) Fungal Fragments as Indoor Air
    Biocontaminants. Appl Environ Microbiol 3522-31.
  • Gorny et al (2003) Release of Streptomyces albus
    propagules from contaminated surfaces. Environ
    Res 9135-33.
  • 12

Summary of Gornys Work
  • Particulates lt 2 microns are aerosolized as
    fragments from mycelia and spores.
  • 320 times more concentrated than spores.
  • Low Air velocity and vibration cause the release
    of these fragments.
  • The vibrations of 1-20 hertz with 1 hertz most
    effective normal human activity.
  • Fragments contain allergens, enzymes, glucans,
    galactomannans, mycotoxins, etc.
  • 13

Fine Particulates and Trichothecenes
  • Brasel, et al (2005) Detection of airborne
    Stachybotrys chartarum macrocyclic trichothecene
    mycotoxins in the indoor environments. Appl
    Environ Microbiol 717376-88.
  • Brasel, et al (2005) Detection of airborne
    Stachybotrys chartarum macrocyclic trichothecene
    mycotoxins on particulates smaller than conidia.
    Appl Environ Microbiol 71114-22.
  • Brasel, et al (2004) Detection of trichothecene
    mycotoxins in sera from individuals in
    Stachybotrys chartarum indoor environments. Arch
    Environ Health 59317-23.
  • Gottschalk C, et al (2008) Detection of
    Satratoxin G and H in indoor air from a
    water-damaged building. Mycopathologia
  • Van Emon, et al (200) ELISA measurement of
    stachylysin in serum to quantify human exposure
    to the indoor mold Stachybotrys chartarum. J
    Occup Environ Med 45682-91 14

Summary of Brasel and Van Emon Papers
  • Homes contaminated with Stachybotrys and multiple
    health complaints. Tested for Trichothecenes in
    contaminated vs non-contaminated buildings and
  • Multistage filtration 5.0, 1.2 O.4 microns,
  • Buildings contained from lt10 to gt1,300 ug/m3.
    Difference between experimental and control
    building, p lt0.001
  • Sera testes n 44 (contaminated n 26
    (uncontaminated). GC/MS. The exposed had
    significantly higher concentrations in sera vs
    controls (p lt0.05gt0.001)
  • Stachylysin sera of rat pup with nasal
    installation and 5 adult males in a contaminated
    environment. Stachylysin averaged 371 mg/ml of
  • 15

Indoor Mycotoxins Cont.
  • Smoragiewicz, et al (1993) Trichothecene
    mycotoxins in the dust of ventilation systems in
    office buildings. Int Arch Occup Environ Health
  • Engelhart, et al (2002) Occurrence of toxigenic
    Aspergillus versicolor isolates and
    sterigmatocystin in carpet dust from a damp
    building. Appl Environ Microbiol 683886-90.
  • Chapin-Kadouch et al (2006)Mycotoins
    identification in moldy dwellings. J Appl Toxicol
  • Bloom et al (2007) Mass spectrometry-based
    strategy for direct detection and quantification
    of some mycotoxins produced by Stachybotrys
    chartarum and Aspergillus spp in indoor
    environments. Appl Environ Microbiol 734211-17.

Ergosterol and Respiratory Illness
  • Park et al (2008) Hydrophilic fungi and
    ergosterol associated with respiratory Illness.
    Environ Health Perspec 11645-50.
  • n 200 with 123 respiratory disease asthma
  • Asthma was significantly associated with
    presence of hydrophilic and Ergosterol.
  • Ergosterol is a sterol found in fungal walls.
  • 17

Aspergillosis and Gliotoxin
  • Lewis et al (2005) Frequency and species
    distribution of gliotoxin producing Aspergillus
    isolates recovered from patients at a
    tertiary-care cancer center. J Clin Microbiol
  • Lewis et al (2005) Detection of gliotoxin in
    experimental and human aspergillosis. Infect
    Immunity 73635-7.
  • Gliotoxin was produced by isolates fumigatus
    (93) niger (75), terreus (25) flavus (4).
  • 2. Mice Lungs (m 3,975 ng/g Sera (M
    36.9 ng/ml)
  • Human Sera 2 of 11 patients without confirmed
    I.A. In Confirmed I.A. patients 4 of 5 (range
    166 to 785 ng/ml).
  • 18

Bacteria Gram Negative and Positive Examples
Gorny Dukiewicz, 2002 Bouillard et al, 2004.
  • Gram Negative
  • Enterobacteriaceae
  • Pseudomonas sp.
  • Proteus sp.
  • Actinobacter sp.
  • Alcaligenes faecalis
  • (aerobes and anaerobes)
  • 19
  • Gram Positive
  • Micrococcus sp.
  • Bacillus sp
  • Streptococcus sp
  • Enterococcus sp.
  • Mycobacteria Streptomyces sp, Nocardia sp.,
    Mycobacterium sp.

Endotoxins - Indoor
  • Chew et al (2006) Mold and endotoxin levels in
    the aftermath of hurricane Katrina A pilot
    project of homes in New Orleans. Environ Health
    Perspec 1142883-9
  • Rao et al (2007) Characterization of airborne
    molds, endotoxins, and glucans in the homes of
    New Orleans after hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
    Appl Environ Microbiol 731630-4
  • Gorny, Dutkiewcz (2002) Bacterial and fungal
    aerosols in indoor environment in Central and
    Easter European countries. Ann Agric environ
    Med. 917-23
  • Gorny (2004) Filamentous microorganisms and their
    fragments in the Indoor Air A review. Ann
    Agric Environ Med 11185-97
  • 20

Endotoxins Indoor Air
  • 1. Inhaled LPS are associated with inflammation
    of the lungs involving TNF-alpha, and activation
    of C3.
  • 2. There is complicated interaction between TLR4
    receptors and CD14 polymorphism CD14-CC and
    CD14-TT including carrier proteins M88 and TRAM
  • 3. IgE interactions are not the norm. IL4, IL5,
    eosinophils and neutrophils are involved and
    difficult to control.
  • CC phenotypes react to low concentrations, while
    TT carriers react to higher concentrations of
    endotoxins Wheeze not Asthma
  • 21

CD14 and TLR4 - Endotoxins
  • Martinez (2007) CD14, endotoxin and asthma. Proc
    Amer Thoracic Soc. 4a221-5
  • Martinez (2007) Gene-environment interactions in
    asthma. Proc Amer Thoracic Soc 426-31.
  • Simpson et al (2006) Endotoxin exposure, CD14,
    and allergic diseases. Am J Respir Crit Care Med
  • Sackesen et al (2005) The effect of polymorphism
    at the CD14 promoter and the TLR4 gene on asthma
    phenotypes in Turkish children with asthma.
    Allergy 601482-92.
  • 22

  • Streptomyces Up to 13 different species
  • Nocardia, at least two species
  • Mycobacterium Several different species.
  • 23

Streptomyces and ToxicityThree Key Papers
  • Huttunen et al (2004) Synergistic interaction in
    simultaneous exposure to Streptomyces
    californicus and Stachybotrys chartarum. Environ
    Health Perspec 112659-65.
  • Andersson et al (1998) Mitochondrial poison by
    Streptomyces griseus strains isolated from an
    indoor environment is Valinomycin. Appl Environ
    Microbiol 124763-73
  • Jussila, et al (2003) Systemic immune responses
    in mice after repeated exposure of lungs to
    spores of Streptomyces californicus. Clin Diag
    Lab Immunol 1030-7
  • 24

Summary of Streptomyces Papers
  • Synergistic action occurs with trichothecenes and
    S. californicus with respect to IL-4, TNF-alpha
    in vitro.
  • Vanlinomycin caused mitochondrial swelling,
    inhibiting oxidative phosphorylation and motility
    boar sperm cells.
  • Spores of S. californicus cause inflammation in
    the lungs and systemic immunotoxicity in the
    spleen and other lymphoid organs.
  • 25

Toxic Nocardia
  • Peltola et al (2004) Isolation of toxigenic
    Nocardia strains from indoor environments and
    description of two new Nocardiopsis species, N.
    exhalans sp. nov. and N. umisdischolae sp. nov.
    Appl Environ Microbiol 674293-304.
  • Methanol soluble toxin that depleted ATP sperm
  • 2. Destruction of Cell membrane of sperm
  • 3. The toxic properties suggests good survival
    in the indoor environment. 26

Mycobacterium Non-Tuberculin
  • Torvinen et al (2000) Mycobacteria and fungi in
    moisture-damaged building materials. Appl Environ
    Microbiol 726822-4
  • Jussila et al (2002) Mycobacterium terrae
    isolated form indoor air of a moisture-damaged
    building induces biphasic inflammatory response
    in mouse lungs. Environ Health Perspec
  • Falkinham (2003) Mycobacterial aerosols and
    respiratory disease. CDC. Emerging Diseases.
    9(No. 7) July 2003.
  • American Thoracic Society. (1997) Diagnosis and
    treatment causes by nontuberculous mycobacteria.
    Respir Crit Care Med 256S1-S55. 27

Concerns of Nontuberculin Mycobacteria
  • Torvinen Nontuberculin mycobacteria are present
    in water-damaged building materials.
  • American Thoracic Society Nontuberculin
    Mycobacterium infections are on the increase
    worldwide. The cause is unknown.
  • Falkinham Mycobacterium terrae, immunogenum and
    avium have been implicated in outbreaks of
    Hypersensitivity pneumonitis.
  • Jussila et al Two phase inflammatory response
    to M. terrae.
  • A. Initial response lasts 6 hours to 3 days- TNF
    alpha IL-6 and neutrophils and increased LDH.
  • B, Second Phase last up 7-28 days increase
    production of TNF-alpha and Nitric Oxide
    synthase, mononuclear cells infiltration and
    increased LDH.
  • 28

  • In Cleveland, Ohio, pulmonary hemosiderosis was
    initially blamed on S. chartarum, Stachylysin and
    a siderophore produced by S. chartarum.
  • Vesper and Vesper recently published data on
    hemolysins produced by Aspergillus, Penicillium
    and other molds isolated from the Cleveland
    Homes. Advances Appl. Microbiol, V 55.
  • A. 12 species of Aspergillus
  • B. 11 species of Penicillium.
  • C. Others Emericella, Memnoniella,
    Trichoderma species
  • 29

Other Irritants and Toxins
  • 1,3-Beta glucans
  • Galactomannans
  • MVOCs
  • Time does not allow us to go into full details
    of these contaminants.
  • 30

Olfactory Tract and Mycotoxins
  • Larrson, Tjaive (2000) Intranasal instillation of
    Aflatoxin B1 in rats Bioactivation in the nasal
    mucosa and neuronal transport to the olfactory
    bulb. Toxicol Sci 55383-91.
  • Islam et al (2006) Satratoxin G from the black
    mold Stachybotrys chartarum evokes olfactory
    sensory neuron loss and inflammation in the
    murine nose and brain. Environ Health Perspec
  • Islam et al (2007) Neurotoxicity and inflammation
    in the nasal airways of mice exposed to the
    macrocyclic trichothecene mycotoxin roridin a
    kinetics and potentiation by bacterial
    polysaccharide coexposure. Toxicol Sci 98526-41
  • Shwe TTT et al (2008) Changes in neurotransmitter
    levels and proinflammatory cytokine mRNA
    expressions in the mice olfactory bulb following
    nanoparticle exposure. Toxicol Appl Pharm
  • 31

Air Pollution and Olfactory Tract- Humans
  • Calderon-Garciduenas (2004) Brain inflammation
    and Alzheimers-like pathology in individuals
    exposed to severe air pollution. Toxicol Pathol
  • Calderon-Garciduenas (2008) Long-term air
    pollution exposure is associated with
    neuroinflammation, innate immune response,
    disruption of the blood-brain barrier, ultrafine
    particulate deposition and accumulation of
    amyloid beta-42 and alpha-synuclein in children
    and young adults. Toxicol Pathol 36289-320.
  • Calderon-Garciduenas et al (In press) Air
    pollution cognitive deficits and brain
    abnormalities a pilot study with children and
    dogs. Brain and Cognition
  • 32

  • As we have seen here today, the indoor
    environment resulting from microbial growth in
    response to water intrusion is very complex
    involving molds, bacteria and their by-products.
  • The interactions of the by-products are complex
    and probably include synergism
  • The biocontaminants of the indoor environment
    should be systematically tested for mold species,
    bacterial species as well as mycotoxins.
  • Air, bulk, wipe and wall cavity samples with
    PCR-DNA analysis of mold and bacterial species
  • 33
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