Interferometric Synthetic-Aperture Radar (InSAR) Basics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Interferometric Synthetic-Aperture Radar (InSAR) Basics


Title: Interferometric Synthetic-Aperture Radar (InSAR) Basics Author: CReSIS Last modified by: CReSIS Created Date: 9/8/2006 3:46:30 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Interferometric Synthetic-Aperture Radar (InSAR) Basics

Interferometric Synthetic-Aperture Radar (InSAR)
  • SAR limitations
  • Interferometry
  • SAR interferometry (InSAR)
  • Single-pass InSAR
  • Multipass InSAR
  • InSAR geometry
  • InSAR processing steps
  • Phase unwrapping
  • Phase decorrelation
  • Baseline decorrelation
  • Temporal decorrelation
  • Rotational decorrelation
  • Phase noise
  • Persistent scatterers

SAR limitations
SAR limitations
  • All signals are mapped onto reference plane
  • This leads to foreshortening and layover

Shadow, layover, and foreshortening distortion
SEASAT Synthetic Aperture RadarLaunched June
28, 1978Died October 10, 1978orbit 800 kmf
1.3 GHz PTX 1 kW? 33.8 ?s B 19 MHz? 23 ?
3? PRF 1464 to 1647 Hzant 10.7 m x 2.2 m ?x
18 to 23 m ?y 23 m
Figure 5-4. Example of radar image layover.
Seasat image of the Alaska Range showing the top
of a mountain imaged onto the glacier at its foot
(center). Shadows are also present on many of the
backslopes of these steep mountains. Illumination
is from the top from Ford et al., 1989.
SAR limitations foreshortening
  • Foreshortening -? lt ? lt ? (? is local slope).
  • Dilates or compresses the resolution cell (pixel)
    on the ground with respect to the planar case.

SAR limitations layover
  • Layover ? ? ? (? is the local slope)
  • Causes an inversion of the image geometry. Peaks
    of hills or mountains with a steep slope commute
    with their bases in the slant range resulting in
    severe image distortion.

SAR limitations shadow
  • Shadow ? ? ? - ?/2 (? is the local slope)
  • A region without any backscattered signal. This
    effect can extend over other areas regardless of
    the slope of those areas.

Foreshortening and geocoding
  • interferometryThe use of interference phenomena
    for purposes of measurement.
  • In radar, one use of interferometric techniques
    is to determine the angle of arrival of a wave by
    comparing the phases of the signals received at
    separate antennas or at separate points on the
    same antenna.

SAR interferometry how does it work?
Interferometric SAR
Single antenna SAR
SAR interferometry how is it done?
B is the interferometric baseline
Single pass or Simultaneous baseline Two radars
acquire data from different vantage points at
the same time
Repeat pass or Repeat track Two radars acquire
data from different vantage points at different
Single-pass interferometry
Single-pass interferometry. Two antennas offset
by known baseline.
Interferometric SAR geometry
  • The key to InSAR is to collect complex SAR data
    from slightly offset perspectives, the separation
    between these two observation points is termed
    the baseline, B.
  • This baseline introduces for each point in the
    scene a slight range difference that results in a
    phase shift that can be used to determine the
    scatterers elevation.
  • From trigonometry (law of cosines)
  • Furthermore for R B
  • Note that B amplifies ?R
  • For scatterers in the reference plane ? is known
    (? ?o), otherwise ? is unknown
  • Finding ?R enables determination of ? and z(x)

Law of cosines
Interferometric SAR radar phase
  • Radar phases
  • Since ? is measured, ?R can be determined
  • Example
  • Let ? 10 cm (f 3 GHz)measure ? to ?/100
    (3.6º)equivalent to 0.1 mm or 0.3 ps resolution

Multipass baseline Transmit and receive on
antenna A1Transmit and receive on antenna A2
Interferometric SAR radar phase
  • For single-pass InSAR where transmission is on
    antenna A1 and reception uses both A1 and A2
  • And

Simultaneous baseline Transmit on antenna
A1Receive on both A1 and A2
Radar interferometry geometry
  • From geometry we know
  • but ? is undetermined if the scatterer is not on
    the reference plane.
  • To determine ? we use
  • where a 1 for single-pass and a 2 for
  • So that

Radar interferometry geometry
  • From
  • we find
  • and
  • where a 1 for single-passa 2 for
    multipassa 2 for single-pass, ping-pong mode
  • Precise estimates of z(x) require accurate
    knowledge of B, ?, and ? as well as R and h

Interferometric SAR processing geometry
SAR Interferometry
  • InSAR provides additional information via phase
  • This additional information enables a variety of
    new capabilities
  • Topography measurement
  • Vertical surface displacement (uplift or
  • Lateral surface displacement (velocity)
  • Change detection (via phase decorrelation)

SAR Interferometry
  • Multi-pass interferometry
  • Two pass
  • Two scenes, one interferogram? topography,
    change detection? surface velocity (along-track
    interferometry temporal baseline)
  • Three pass
  • Three scenes, two interferograms? topography,
    change detection, surface deformation

Differential interferometry how does it work?
  • Three-pass repeat track
  • Two different baselines
  • Same incidence angle
  • Same absolute range
  • Parallel ray approximation used to detect
  • If the surface did not change between
    observations, then

Interferometric SAR processing
  • Production of interferometric SAR images and data
    sets involves multiple processes.
  • Independent SAR data sets must be collected
  • Complex SAR images are produced
  • SAR images must be registered with one another
  • Interferometric phase information extracted
  • Coherence is analyzed
  • Phase is unwrapped (removes modulo-2? ambiguity)
  • Phase is interpolated
  • Phase is converted into height
  • Interferometric image is geocoded
  • To produce surface velocity or displacement maps,
    successive pairs of InSAR images are processed to
    separate elevation effects from displacements.

InSAR processing steps
Phase history and magnitude image
Phase image
Illustrated InSAR processes (1 of 3)
Illustrated InSAR processes (2 of 3)
Illustrated InSAR processes (3 of 3)
Phase coherence
  • Lack of coherence caused by decorrelation
  • Baseline decorrelation
  • Sufficient change in incidence angle results in
    scatterer interference (fading effect)
  • Temporal decorrelation
  • Motion of scatterers between observations
    produces random phase
  • Windblown vegetation
  • Continual change of water surface
  • Precipitation effects
  • Atmospheric or ionospheric variations
  • Manmade effects
  • Rotational decorrelation
  • Data collected from nonparallel paths
  • Phase unwrapping to obtain absolute phase
    requires reference point

SAR Interferometry
  • The radar does not measure the path length
    directly, rather it measures the interferometric
    phase difference, ?, that is related to the path
    length difference, ?R
  • The measured phase will vary across the radar
    swath width even for a surface without relief
    (i.e., a flat surface or smooth Earth)
  • ? increases as the sine of ?
  • If ?o is the incidence angle in the absence of
    relief and z is the elevation of a pixel at the
    same Ro, then the change in incidence angle
    induced by the relief is

SAR Interferometry
  • It follows that
  • phase due to phase due to smooth Earth relief
  • Removing the phase component due to the smooth
    Earth yields a flattened interferogram

SAR Interferometry
Ambiguity height
  • The interferometric ambiguity height, e, which is
    the elevation for which the flattened
    interferogram changes by one cycle, is
  • The ambiguity height is like the sensitivity of
    the InSAR to relief.
  • From this relationship we know
  • A large baseline B improves the InSARs
    sensitivity to height variations.
  • However since the radar measures interferometric
    phase in a modulo 2? manner, to obtain a
    continuous relief profile over the whole scene
    the interferometric phase must be unwrapped.
  • To unambiguously unwrap the phase, the
    interferometric phase must be adequately sampled.
  • This sampling occurs at each pixel, thus if the
    interferometric phase changes by 2? or more
    across one pixel a random phase pattern results
    making unwrapping difficult if not impossible.
  • The problem is aggravated for positive terrain
    slopes (sloping toward radar)

Phase unwrapping
  • Formerly phase unwrapping was an active research
    area, now Matlab has a built-in function
    (unwrap.m) that does this reliably for most cases.

Baseline decorrelation
  • To illustrate this consider two adjacent pixels
    in the range dimension pixel 1 pixel 2 on
    a surface with slope ?.
  • The interferometric phase for these two pixels is
  • For small ?r (small slant range pixel spacing)
  • and from geometry we know
  • so that

Baseline decorrelation
  • Limiting ?? to 2? results in a critical baseline,
    Bc such that if B gt Bc the interferometric phases
    will be hopelessly unwrappable.
  • This phenomenon is know as baseline
  • B? denotes the perpendicular component of
    baseline B
  • where a 1 for single-passa 2 for
    multipassa 2 for ping-pong mode
  • i.e., Tx(A1)Rx(A1 , A2) Tx(A2)Rx(A1, A2)

Perpendicular Baseline
  • Perpendicular Baseline, B?

Parallel-ray assumption Orthogonal baseline
component, B?, is key parameter used in InSAR
analysis B? B cos(? - ?)
Baseline decorrelation
  • While Bc represents the theoretical maximum
    baseline that will avoid decorrelation,
    experiments show that a more conservative
    baseline should be used.

  • The degree of coherence between the two complex
    SAR images, s1 and s2, is defined as the
    cross-correlation coefficient, ?, or simply the
  • where
  • s2 is the complex conjugate of s2
  • E is ensemble averaging
  • (incoherent) 0 lt ? lt 1 (coherent)
  • ? is a quality indicator of the interferometric
    phase,for precise information extraction, a high
    value is required.

Decorrelation effects
  • Factors contributing to decorrelation include
  • Spatial baseline
  • Inadequate spatial phase sampling (a.k.a.
    baseline decorrelation)
  • Fading effects
  • Rotation
  • Non-parallel data-collection trajectories
  • Fading effects
  • Temporal baseline
  • Physical change in propagation path and/or
    scatterer between observations
  • Noise
  • Thermal noise
  • Quantization effects
  • Processing imperfections
  • Misregistration
  • Uncompensated range migration
  • Phase artifacts

Noise effects
  • Random noise (thermal, external, or otherwise)
    contributes to interferometric phase
  • Analysis goes as follows
  • Consider two complex SAR signals, s1 and s2, each
    of which is modeled as
  • where c is a correlated part common to the signal
    from both antennas and the thermal noise
    components are n1 and n2.
  • The correlation coefficient due to noise, ?N, of
    s1 and s2 is

Noise effects
  • Since the noise and signal components are
    uncorrelated, we get
  • Recall that the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is
    c2/n2 yields
  • For an SNR of ?, the expected correlation due to
    noise is 1
  • For an SNR of 10 (10 dB), ?N 0.91
  • For an SNR of 4.5 (6.5 dB), the ?N 0.81

Noise effects
  • Noise also increases the uncertainty in the phase
    measurement, i.e., the standard deviation of the
    phase, ??

Noise effects
Note that the slope ? ? as ? ? 1
A 6.5 dB SNR yields a 50? standard deviation and
a correlation of about 0.8
Noise with another decorrelation factor
  • Now consider two complex SAR signals, s1 and s2,
    each of which is modeled as
  • where c is a correlated part common to the signal
    from both antennas, di is the uncorrelated part
    due to spatial baseline decorrelation (exclusive
    of noise), and the thermal noise component is ni.
  • The correlation of s1 and s2 for an infinite SNR

Noise with another decorrelation factor
  • Now re-introducing noise we get
  • and since SNR is (c2 d2 )/n2

Decorrelation and phase
  • The decorrelation effects from the various causes
    compound, i.e.,
  • where
  • ?scene denotes long-term scene coherence
  • ?N represents decorrelation due to noise
  • ?H includes system decorrelation sources
    including baseline decorrelation,
    misregistration, etc.
  • The probability density function (pdf) reveals
    some statistical characteristics of the
    interferometric phase.
  • For strong correlations (? ? 1) the phase
    difference is very small and only a few outliers

Bamler, R. and D. Just, Phase statistics and
decorrelation in SAR interferograms, IGARSS 93,
Toyko, pp. 980-984, 1993.
Spatial baseline decorrelation
Rotational decorrelation
Complete decorrelation results after rotation of
2.8? at L-band and 0.7 ? at C-band.
Temporal decorrelation
Complete decorrelation results after rms motion
of ?/3
? 0.5 yields reasonably reliable topographic
Fading effects
Increasing the number of looks reduces the phase
standard deviation, especially for N gt 8
Uncompensated range migration effects
Misregistration effects
Residual misregistration of 1/8 resolution cell
leads to a 42?-standard deviation for a 10-dB
SNR and a 23?-standard deviation for an SNR of ?.
  • Misregistration leads to increased phase
    variance, not a phase offset (bias).
  • SAR imaging geometry variations contribute to
  • Removing geometric distortion and shifts is
    called coregistration or registration.
  • A two-part process for achieving acceptable
    registration involves a coarse or rough
    registration followed by a fine or precise
    registration process.
  • The goal is to register the two complex SAR
    images to within 1/8 of a pixel.

Rough registration
  • In the rough registration process reference
    points (pass points) are identified in both
  • Transformations are determined that will align
    the pass points in both images.
  • The transformation and resampling is applied to
    one of the images so that the two images are
    registered at the pixel level.

Rough registration
  • Spline interpolation is used to resample the
    image to provide the pixel-level registration.

Precise registration
  • Following rough registration, a precise
    registration process is used to achieve the
    desired 1/8 pixel registration.
  • Again reference (pass) points are selected.

Precise registration
  • An image segment from the master image is
    selected and in the same location in the slave
    image a slightly smaller image segment is
  • These image segments undergo 81 interpolation
    (to achieve a 1/8 pixel registration).
  • A search for the proper two-dimensional shift is
    conducted using the correlation coefficient as
    the measure of goodness.
  • Results from this search process are applied to
    the overall image.

Precise registration
Geometric correction
Geometric correction
  • The steep slope, as seen in the slant range axis,
    appears to have a negative slope. This
    phenomenon is used as a layover indicator.
  • The areas affected by layover are identified and
    undergo additional processing to remove the
    associated geometric distortion.

Geometric correction
  • The pixels affected by layover can then be
    resorted to correct for the geometric distortion
    resulting from the layover effect.
  • Uncorrected residual height (elevation) errors
    will prevent complete removal of layover effects.

Geometric correction
  • In regions of shadow, the low SNR results in
    large phase errors and, consequently, large
    height errors.
  • Height errors must be detected and corrected to
    produce valuable elevation maps.

Geometric correction
Geometric correction
Temporal decorrelation and persistent scatterers
  • Material taken from Ferretti, Prati, and Rocca,
    Permanent scatterers in SAR interferometry,
    IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote
    Sensing, 39(1), pp. 8-20, 2001.
  • Multipass SAR interferometry involves phase
    comparison of SAR images gathered at different
    times with slightly different look angles.
  • Multipass InSAR enables production of digital
    elevation maps (DEMs) with meter accuracy as well
    as terrain deformations with millimetric
  • Factors limiting the usefulness of multipass
    InSAR include
  • temporal decorrelation
  • geometric decorrelation
  • atmospheric inhomogeneities
  • Without these difficulties, very long term
    temporal baseline interferometric analyses would
    be possible revealing subtle trends.

Temporal decorrelation and persistent scatterers
  • Temporal decorrelation
  • Scenes containing elements whose electromagnetic
    response (scattering) changes over time render
    multipass InSAR infeasible. Vegetated areas are
    prime examples.
  • Geometric decorrelation
  • Scenes containing scatterers whose scattering
    varies with incidence angle limits the number of
    image pairs suitable for interferometric
  • Atmospheric inhomogeneity
  • Atmospheric heterogeneity superimposes on each
    complex SAR image an atmospheric phase screen
    (APS) that compromises interferometric precision.

Temporal decorrelation and persistent scatterers
  • Conventional InSAR processing relies on the
    correlation coefficient ? as a quality indicator
    of the interferometric phase.
  • These decorrelation factors all degrade the
    overall scene correlation.
  • However, studies have found that scenes
    frequently contain permanent or persistent
    scatterers (PS) that maintain phase coherence
    over long time intervals.
  • Often times the dimensions of the PS are smaller
    than the SARs spatial resolution. This feature
    enables the use of spatial baseline lengths
    greater than the critcal baseline.
  • Pixels containing PSs submeter DEM accuracy and
    millimetric terrain motion (in the line of sight
    direction) can be detected.

Temporal decorrelation and persistent scatterers
  • The availability of multiple persistent
    scatterers widely distributed over the scene
    enables estimation of the atmospheric phase
    screen (APS)
  • With an estimate of the APS, these effects can be
    removed enabling production of reliable elevation
    and velocity measurements.
  • A network of persistent scatterers in a scene has
    been likened to a natural GPS network useful
    for monitoring sliding areas, urban subsidence,
    seismic faults, and volcanoes.

Persistent scatterer
  • What makes a good persistent scatterer ?
  • Scatterers with a large RCS and a large
    scattering beamwidth.
  • For example, naturally occuring dihedrals and
  • These can often be found in urban areas and rocky

Temporal decorrelation and persistent scatterers
  • Taken from Warren, Sowter, and Bigley, A
    DEM-free approach to persistent point scatterer
    interferometry, FIG Symposium, 2006.

Temporal decorrelation and persistent scatterers
  • Atmospheric phase screen estimated from analysis
    of two complex SAR images separated over a 425
    day period.

Temporal decorrelation and persistent scatterers
Temporal decorrelation and persistent scatterers
Temporal decorrelation and persistent scatterers
Temporal decorrelation and persistent scatterers
Temporal decorrelation and persistent scatterers
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