Title: PILES
- there are two categories of piles according to
the method of installation
- A. Driven Piles
- timber, steel, precast concrete, piles formed by
driving tubes or shells and then casting concrete - driven piles cause displacement and disturbance
of adjacent soil - Driving can be done by repeatedly raising and
dropping a weight on the pile head or anvil or in
favourable conditions vibration can be used
2Driven Piles
Craig, 6th Ed.
a) timber or precast reinforced concrete, b)
steel H pile, c) precast concrete shell pile, d)
concrete pile cast as driven tube withdrawn (slip
3- B. Shaft Construction
- soil removed by boring or drilling to form a
shaft - concrete cast in a casing or without casing
depends on soil conditions - tip can be expanded by underreaming
- no disturbance to surrounding soil
4Shaft Construction
Craig, 6th Ed.
e) bored pile (cast in-situ), f) underreamed
bored pile (cast in-situ)
5Qf Base Resistance Shaft Resistance
Ultimate Load, Qf
area of shaft x frictional resistance of shaft
area of pile tip x pressure at tip
Qf qfAb fsAs
where qf ultimate bearing capacity of soil at
base tip of pile Ab cross-sectional area
of pile at base tip fs skin friction
between pile and soil As surface area of
pile shaft
6For Sands
(300N for non-plastic silts)
(use for bored piles)
(use for bored piles and H piles)
where N N-Value of soil at pile tip Db
length of pile (embedment) B diameter
(width) of pile average N-Value over
length of pile shaft
7For Clays
where cu undrained shear strength of clay at
base tip of pile Nc Skemptons value of
Nc for average undrained shear
strength of undisturbed clay over the pile
length a adhesion factor (0.3 1.0)
depends on type of clay, installation method
and pile material
8Negative Skin Friction
- a pile can be pulled down
- a) if the fill surrounding the pile is settling
- b) if fill is placed over a clay layer and
causes - it to consolidate
9Pile Groups
- piles are rarely placed in isolation
- it is much more common to place an array of
piles and place a pile cap over top -
10Pile Group Criteria
- piles in a pile group are assumed to have all the
same dimensions and properties - in order to act as a pile group the spacing
between piles should be between 2B and 4B where B
is the diameter of the piles -
11Pile Group Shaft Area
- for a single pile, As is the perimeter of the
pile multiplied by its length - for a pile group, As is the perimeter of the pile
group multiplied by the length
8s pB
12Pile Group Tip Area
- for a single pile, Ab is the area of the pile tip
- for a pile group, Ab is the area of the entire
space enclosed by pile group perimeter
13Pile Group Efficiency
- If the ultimate load of a pile group of n piles
is Qfgroup and the ultimate load of a single pile
of the same dimensions as those in the pile
group has an ultimate load, Qfpile, then the pile
group efficiency, EPG is the average ultimate
load per pile of the pile group divided by the
single pile ultimate load