Title: Pathology of Viral Hepatitis
1Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you
want to test a man's character, give him
power  Abraham Lincoln
2Pathology of Hepatitis
Dr. Venkatesh M. Shashidhar. Associate Professor
of Pathology Fiji School of Medicine
3Normal Liver
4- 1.5 kg, wedge shape
- 4 lobes, Right, left, Caudate, Quadrate.
- Double blood supply
- Hepatic arteries
- Portal Venous blood
- Acini / Portal triad.
- Lobules central. V
5Normal Liver - Infant
6CT Scan Normal Abdomen
7Structure of Liver Lobule
8(No Transcript)
9(No Transcript)
10Normal Liver - Microscopy
11Liver Functions
- Metabolism Carbohydrate, Fat Protein
- Secretory bile - Bile acids, salts pigments
- Excretory Bilirubin, drugs, toxins
- Synthesis Albumin, coagulation factors
- Storage Vitamins, carbohydrates etc.
- Detoxification toxins, ammonia, etc.
12Hepatic Injury
- The liver is vulnerable to a variety of toxic,
metabolic, infectious, circulatory, and
neoplastic insults, both primary and secondary - The liver has a limited number of responses to
an infinite number of insults inflammation,
degeneration, necrosis, fibrosis, cirrhosis.
- Hepatitis Inflammation of Liver
- Hepatocyte Necrosis liver func jaundice.
- Viral, Alcohol, immune, Drugs Toxins
- Biliary obstruction gall stones.
- Acute, Chronic Fulminant - types
- Viral Hepatitis
- Specific Heptitis A, B, C, D, E, other
- Systemic - CMV, EBV, other.
14Pattern of Viral Hepatitis
- Carrier state / Asymptomatic phase
- Acute hepatitis
- Chronic Hepatitis
- Chronic Persistent Hepatitis (CPH)
- Chronic Active Hepatitis (CAH)
- Fulminant hepatitis
- Cirrhosis
- Hepatocellular Carcinoma
15Acute Hepatitis
- Cell Swelling and hydropic/fatty change
- Portal inflammation and Cholestasis
- Necrosis
- Piecemeal, Bridging, panacinar Apoptosis.
- Inflammation lymphocytes, Macrophages
- Ground glass hepatocytes HBV
- Mild fatty change HCV
16Pattern of Liver Damage
- Zonal Toxin/Hypoxia
- Bridging Viral severe
- Interface Immune
- Apoptotic - Viral
17Chronic Hepatitis
- Persistent Active types. CPH/CAH
- Lymphoid aggregates
- Periportal fibrosis
- Necrosis with fibrosis bridging fibrosis.
- Cirrhosis regenerating nodules.
18Acute - Hepatitis - Chronic
19Acute viral Hepatitis
20Liver Biopsy - CAH
21Acute viral Hepatitis
22Acute viral Hepatitis C
23Liver Biopsy CPH
24Chronic Active viral Hepatitis
25Bridging Fibrosis
26Fulminant Hepatitis
- Hepatic failure with in 2-3 weeks.
- Reactivation of chronic or acute hepatitis
- Massive necrosis, shrinkage, wrinkled
- Collapsed reticulin network
- Only portal tracts visible
- Little or massive inflammation time
- More than a week regenerative activity
- Complete recovery or - cirrhosis.
27Liver Biopsy Cirrhosis
28Liver Biopsy Cirrhosis
29Viral Hepatitis Microbiology
30Alcoholic Liver Injury
31Alcoholic Liver Injury
- Ethyl alcohol Common cause of acute/Chronic
liver disease - Alcoholic Liver disease - Patterns
- Fatty change,
- Acute hepatitis (Mallory Hyalin)
- Chronic hepatitis with Portal fibrosis
- Cirrhosis, Chronic Liver failure
- All reversible except cirrhosis stage.
32Alcoholic Liver Injury Pathogenesis
- Acetaldehyde metabolite hepatotoxic
- Diversion of metabolism to alcohol
- Fat storage fatty change. Cell swelling..
- Rupture ?Fat necrosis ? severe inflammation ?
fibrosis. - Alcohol stimulates collagen synthesis
- Inflammation, Portal bridging fibrosis
- Micronodular cirrhosis.
33Alcoholic Liver Damage
34Alcoholic Fatty Liver
35Alcoholic Fatty Liver
36Alcoholic Fatty Liver
37Micronodular cirrhosis
38Liver Function Tests
- Direct Bilirubin
- Conjugated
- Soluble in H2O
- 0-20 in plasma
- Indirect Bilirubin
- Unconjugated
- Insoluble in H2O
- 80-100 in plasma
40Three Categories of Jaundice
41Liver Function Tests
- Synthesis ?
- Total protein albumin on low side PT abnormal
- Obstruction ?
- Alk Phos Bilirubin are up
- Hepatocyte Direct Injury
- ALT AST are DRAMATICALLY increased.
- Alk Phos moderately increased.
42Case 2
- 47 yrF presents with Acute abdominal pain.
Initially intermittant, but now is constant
increasing in intensity. - PE Abdominal tenderness, No organomegaly. Mild
Scleral icterus - Labs ALT 50 (N 8-33 U/L)
- AST 62 (N 4-36 U/L)
- Alk Phos 1800 (N 20-130 u/L)
- Bilirubin 2.9 (N 0.1-1.2 mg/dL)
- T Protein 6.8 (N 6.0-7.8 g/dL)
- Albumin 3.5 (N 3.2-4.5 g/dl)
- PT 12 sec (N 11-14.7 sec )
43Case 2
- Synthesis? (Total protein, albumin PT normal.)
is OK - Obstruction Bilirubin Clearance ? (Alk Phos is
- Hepatocyte Direct Injury ALT AST are up a
bit, but not dramatically. - THE PRIMARY PROCESS IS OBSTRUCTIVE !!!
- Could be
- common bile duct obstruction pancreatic cancer
(esp. in head of pancreas)
44Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live
long enough to make them all yourself!