?.Rise of Modern Japan (1867 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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?.Rise of Modern Japan (1867


. Rise of Modern Japan (1867 1912) Ch. 7, Sec. 3 Mikado Emperor s house which is the oldest family line in Japan continuing for over 2650 years. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ?.Rise of Modern Japan (1867

?. Rise of Modern Japan(1867 1912)
Ch. 7, Sec. 3
  • MikadoEmperors house which is the oldest family
    line in Japan continuing for over 2650 years.
  • Bushi classMilitary affairs and is 7 of
    population of Japan.Shogun Top of the Bushi
    class.Daimyo Governs local district general's
    aid.Samurai Military man a Shogun or a
    Daimyo.Ninja Takes charge of spying or
    assassination to the Lord, sometimes for
    money.Sumotori Sportsman who performs sumo
    wrestling. Ronin No master fights as a
  • Kuge classTraditional roles and occupies 6 of
    the population.
  • Dajodaijin Highest grade of Kuge class. Has a
    deep relation with the Mikado family.Soryo A
    Buddhistic priest.Kizoku The patron of culture
    and living in Kyoto.Geisha A talented and
    beautiful lady. Kabuki Actor and superstar.
  • Panpii classCommon people over 80 of
  • GaijinForeigner. Alien. Barbarian.

Japans class structure has strict social
positions. A persons status is based on
heredity and can not be moved.
Tea is the national beverage of Japan, and
formal ceremony is observed when it is served to
special guests.
The kimono, the traditional Japanese garment worn
by women and men, is a wrap-around, wide-sleeved
robe bound with a colorful sash called an obi.
The obi, richly embroidered and sometimes as long
as ten feet, is tied in a variety of ways to
show its owner's status. This woman wears her
obi at the front, the prescribed
turn-of-the-century style for married women.
Today, most Japanese wear Western-style clothing
and the kimono is seen only on festive
Daimyo a Japanese feudal lord who commanded a
private army of samurai.Tokugawa Shogunate a
dynasty of shoguns (military rank historical
title in Japan equivalent to a general) that
ruled a unified Japan from 1603 1867.
Samurai - term for the military nobility in
pre-industrial Japan. The word 'samurai' is
derived from the archaic Japanese verb 'samorau',
changed to 'saburau' , meaning 'to serve' a
samurai is the servant of a warlord.
Japanese samurai in armor, 1860s.
(No Transcript)
  • A. Commodore Matthew Perry (1853) - arrived in
    Edo Bay (now Tokyo) with 4 steamships and a

Commodore Matthew Perry actor Matthew Perry
Commodore Matthew Perry
Matthew Perry, a.k.a. Chandler
Separated at birth ???
Commodore Perrys ship, by a Japanese artist.
First Landing of Americans in Japan, July 14,
to bring a singular and isolated people into
the family of civilized nations. - Commodore
Perry, 1859.
  • B. Letter from U.S. President Fillmore
    requesting the opening of ports for trade and
    better treatment of shipwrecked sailors.

U.S. President Millard Fillmore and Japanese
Emperor Komei
  • C. Treaty of Kanagawa (1854) Japan agreed to
    return U.S. sailors and opened 2 ports to Western

  • The Japanese considered Westerners barbarians.
    Westerners considered the Japanese uncivilized.
    Though not an industrial country, the Japanese
    society was complex. The Japanese lived under
    rules that governed every aspect of their lives
    according to a person's inherited status. Each
    level of the class system held a different
    responsibility and importance for the Japanese

This photograph was taken on the Washington
Navy Yard when the first official delegation from
Japan visited the United States in 1860.
D. Emperor Mutsuhito (1867-1912)
Inaugurates the Meiji (enlightened)
Mutsuhito was a symbol of the new era.
Meiji Restoration (1867)
  • The Tokugawa Shogun is deposed after Japanese
    nationalists become angry for the shogun allowing
    foreigners into the country.
  • The Emperor Mutsuhito is restored to power at 15
    years old and rules for 45 years.

  • E. Meiji Restoration (1867) Era when Japanese
    govt modernized its political, economic, and
    social structures.

This color print is a depiction of Ginza Street
in Tokyo in the Meiji Period, bustling with
horse-drawn street car an carriage traffic. The
age of vehicle traffic arrived in Japan
  • 1. Meiji constitution (1889) (modeled after
  • a) Democratic in form, but
    authoritarian in practice.
  • b) Land reforms and
  • c) Strengthened military.
  • d) Womens rights, education,
    abolished privileges of aristocracy.

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The Westernization of Japan
  • The Meiji Emperor, shown here with his family,
  • adopted western ways in an attempt to modernize
  • Here he appears in a traditional western style
  • family portrait with his wife, not a
  • and son all are wearing western style clothing.

Europeans in Japan the adoption of western
style of dress.
Growth of Japanese Imperialism
  • As Japan became industrialized, it sought to
    expand its territory.
  • Has limited land, few resources many people.
  • The Sino-Japanese War, 1894-95 between China and
    Japan over Korea.

  • F. Copied how Westerners used colonies to get raw
    materials, have cheap labor, provide markets.

  • G. Port Arthur (China) Japanese surprise
    attack naval base (1904).

During the 19th century, Russia had been
continually trying to expand its eastern
frontiers at the expense of a weakened Chinese
Empire. However, Japan, which was rapidly
transforming itself from a backward feudal state
into a modern industrial power, also began to
make demands on China. A clash between Russia
and Japan became inevitable when both countries
attempted to expand their influence in Manchuria
and Korea. In February 1904, without warning,
the Japanese navy attacked the Russian fleet at
Port Arthur, a Chinese seaport which had been
leased to Russia as a naval base.
A history of surprise attacks Japan launched
a surprise attack against Port Arthur in 1904.
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  • In groups of 2-3,
  • answer the
  • following
  • 1. Why was
  • Korea appealing
  • to Japan?
  • 2. What
  • geographic factors
  • influenced Japans
  • expansion?

Map on pp. 401.
  • Divide into groups of 2-3 people each group
    comes up with 8 different items that influenced
    Japanese culture.
  • Center circle Western Influence on Japan
    during the Meiji period. Eight outer circles.
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