The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton


The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton PAIDEIA SEMINAR Statements for Discussion Chapters 9 & 10 Outsiders Quiz KEY PART I: Reading comprehension Write the letter of the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton

The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
  • Statements for Discussion

Rules and Scoring
  • Each student will be given three tokens and will
    be expected to use them during the seminar.
  • You can use your token by raising your hand to
  • After you speak, get up and place your token in
    the basket.
  • You can only speak three times during the
  • You can disagree with a classmates opinion but
    must do so respectfully.

Points are given as follows
  • 2 points agreeing or disagreeing with the
    statement and explaining why.
  • 2 points adding details to classmates comment.
  • 2 points raising a question that is pertinent to
    the statement read by the moderator
  • 2 points answering a classmates posed question
  • 4 points giving specific examples from real life
    that relate to the statement.

Statement 1
  • Gangs are always bad news.

Statement Two
  • People in gangs always look to do bad things.

Statement Three
  • Poor people in poor neighborhoods are in gangs.

Statement Four
  • Wealthy kids dont join gangs.

Statement Five
  • Gang members always set out to hurt people who
    are not in their club.

Statement Six
  • Once you are in a gang, there is little hope for
    you to lead a normal life of not doing crime.

Statement Seven
  • People who are in gangs are usually not very
    intelligent and especially dont enjoy reading.

Statement Eight
  • If you are raised on the streets, you will join a
    gang and never experience true success in life.

Statement Nine
  • People in gangs do illegal drugs and drink

Statement Ten
  • People in gangs dont care about other people or
    themselves for that matter.

Statement Eleven
  • Once you are in a gang, it is impossible to break
    away and lead a normal life.

Chapters 1 2 Characterization
  • Dally Sodapop Steve
  • Ponyboy Two-Bit Darry
  • Directions Match each description with a
    character. Copy these notes!
  • ___a. hardworking head of the house
  • ___b. happy-go-lucky and handsome
  • ___c. smart but no common sense
  • ___d. toughest and meanest of the gang
  • ___e. Sodas best friend
  • ___f. pet of the gang
  • ___g. wisecracker and shoplifter

Continued. Copy the diagram on board in notebook
and plug in the names according to the letters.
Then answer the following questions .
  1. What does the triangle in the center of the
    diagram represent?
  2. Which character in the triangle seems the weakest
    link or the one most likely to desert the group?
    Explain your answer.
  3. What might the diamond surrounding the triangle
  4. Which character within the diamond seems the
    weakest link or the one most likely to desert the
    group? Explain your answer.
  5. Why do you think the triangle is placed inside
    the diamond?
  6. What link is there between characters c and b?
  7. Give two reasons why you might associate
    characters c and f.

Chapters 1 2 Idioms
  • The Outsiders is written in an informal style
    that imitates the everyday speech of the
    narrator, Ponyboy. The text is prepared with
    slang expressions and idioms that are typically
    found in spoken language.

Chapters 1 2 Idioms cont.
  • An idiom is like a coded message. It
    communicates a special meaning to those who know
    the code. Most English-speaking people know
    that when Dally describes Ponyboy as always
    having his nose in a book, he merely means Pony
    reads a lot.

Idioms continued
  • But imagine the confusion that such a phrase
    might cause a reader new to our culture. Without
    an understanding of our idioms, the phrase might
    lead that reader to believe Ponyboy has a strange
    habit indeed.

Idiom exercises Read each sentence. Then write
the idiom and its decoded meaning on the lines
  • Unlike Ponyboy, Soda never cracked a book or went
    to the movies.
  • After Sodas teasing remark, Darry stared at him
    a moment and then cracked a grin.
  • Two-Bit just couldnt keep his mouth shut and
    always had to get his two-bits worth in.
  • Ever since seeing Ponyboy with a switchblade, the
    girl had looked down on him.
  • Cherry smiled softly at Johnny, showing that she
    had sized him up right.

Idiom exercises continued
  • 6. Johnny worshipped the ground Dallas walked on.
  • 7. Two-Bit thinks that fist fighting blows off
    steam better than anything.
  • 8. Dally was just getting kicks by slashing the
    Shepard gangs tires.
  • 9. Two-Bit and Marcia were hitting it off just
    fine at the movies.
  • 10. If Sylvia flirted with Johnny, Steve
    threatened to beat the tar out of her.

  • A scene within a story that interrupts the
    sequence of events to relate events that occurred
    in the past.
  • The technique is used to create suspense in a
    story, or develop a character.
  • In movies and television, several camera
    techniques and special effects have evolved to
    alert the viewer that the action shown is from
    the past for example, the edges of the picture
    may be deliberately blurred, photography may be
    jarring or choppy, or unusual coloration or sepia
    tone, or monochrome when most of the story is in
    full color, may be used.

Flashback Example
  • Reread text page 15 second paragraph

  • Author's use of clues to hint at what might
    happen later in the story.
  • Writers use foreshadowing to build their readers'
    expectations and to create suspense.
  • It means that there is a high point coming up.
    For example "The rain clouds started to get
    darker and closer together." By reading and using
    that sentence, we know it will probably start

Chapters 2 3 Slang in The Outsiders
  • Slang is informal ways of referring to
    something. Slang is everywhere around us. Its in
    our everyday lives and in the books we read.
  • Directions Give modern slang and Standard
    English equivalents for the following slang
    expressions in The Outsiders.

  • Outsiders slang Modern slang Standard
  • dig (p.7) ________
    like enjoy
  • jump (p. 8) ________
  • beer blasts (p. 8) ________
  • hoods (p. 8) ________
  • slugged (10) ________
  • tuff (p. 15) ________
  • broad (p. 16) ________
  • swipe (p. 17) ________
  • savvy (p. 18) ________
  • the fuzz (p. 20) ________
  • boozed up (26) ________

Quiz for Chapters 1 2
  • Directions Write the words which go correctly in
    the blanks on a sheet of paper.
  • Word bank abiding, sagely, gingerly,
    unfathomable, roguishly, asset, rivalry,
    nonchalantly, incredulous, digested
  • Ponyboy rubbed his cheek ___ where the Socs had
    hit him.
  • Cherry gave Dally an ___ look when he had the
    nerve to sit down boldly beside her.
  • In a daze, Pony slowly ___ the fact that the
    running figures were part of his gang.
  • Along with fights and blondes, Two-Bit liked
    school for some ___ reason.
  • Newspaper editorials sometimes portrayed the Socs
    as an ___ to society and at other times a
  • Dally grinned ___ when he provoked the girls to
    anger by talking dirty.
  • When the girls invited Pony and Johnny to join
    them, Pony acted ___, trying to hide his
  • Steve commented ___ when you asked him about
    cars they were his specialty.
  • There were other gangs around Ponys part of
    town, but there was no gang ___ in the Southwest.
  • The Curtis boys were law-___ partly because they
    knew they would be separated if they were

Quiz Cont. Select the correct letter to best
complete statements about The Outsiders.
  • 1. Darry, Sodapop, and Ponyboy are a. cousins
    b. orphans c. Socs
  • 2. On his way home from the movies, Ponyboy a.
    finds Johnny beat up in a corner lot. b.
    gets jumped by some Socs. c. sees Dally
    slashing Shepards tires.
  • 3. The greaser help Ponyboy by a.
    chasing the Socs off b. rumbling with Tim
    Shepards gang c. lying to Darry
  • 4. Soda secretly tells Ponyboy that a.
    Dally is wanted for murder b. Darry is
    in poor health c. he (Soda) plans to marry
  • 5. Pony feels Darry a. wants Soda to leave home.
    b. longs to move to the country. c. does not
    care for him.
  • 6. At the drive-in movie, Dally a. spills his
    coke on Cherry Valance b. talks dirty to the
    Soc girls c. fights a Mexican hitchhiker.
  • 7. Ponyboy and Dally are shocked when Johnny a.
    tells Dally to leave the girls alone b. asks
    Cherry out to the rodeo c. pulls a knife on
  • 8. At the concession stand, Ponyboy tells Cherry
    about a. the two rules of Greasers b. his
    troubles with Darry c. what the Socs did to
  • 9. Ever since being attacked, Johnny has a.
    carried a six-inch blade. b. stayed close to
    Dally for protection c. tried to pick fights
    with the Socs.
  • 10. Cherry helps Pony to realize a. the gang
    is doing him more harm than good. b. Darry
    really cares for him. c. not all Socs or
    Greasers are alike.

Answers to Vocab. Section of Quiz
  1. Ponyboy rubbed his cheek gingerly where the Socs
    had hit him.
  2. Cherry gave Dally an incredulous look when he had
    the nerve to sit down boldly beside her.
  3. In a daze, Pony slowly digested the fact that the
    running figures were part of his gang.
  4. Along with fights and blondes, Two-Bit liked
    school for some unfathomable reason.
  5. Newspaper editorials sometimes portrayed the Socs
    as an asset to society and at other times a
  6. Dally grinned roguishly when he provoked the
    girls to anger by talking dirty.
  7. When the girls invited Pony and Johnny to join
    them, Pony acted nonchalantly, trying to hide his
  8. Steve commented sagely when you asked him about
    cars they were his specialty.
  9. There were other gangs around Ponys part of
    town, but there was no gang rivalry in the
  10. The Curtis boys were law-abiding partly because
    they knew they would be separated if they were

Answers to multiple-choice questions
  • . Darry, Sodapop, and Ponyboy are b.
  • 2. On his way home from the movies, Ponyboy
    b. gets jumped by some Socs.
  • 3. The greaser help Ponyboy by a.
    chasing the Socs off
  • 4. Soda secretly tells Ponyboy c. he (Soda)
    plans to marry Sandy
  • 5. Pony feels Darry c. does not care for him.
  • 6. At the drive-in movie, Dally b. talks
    dirty to the Soc girls
  • 7. Ponyboy and Dally are shocked when Johnny a.
    tells Dally to leave the girls alone
  • 8. At the concession stand, Ponyboy tells Cherry
    about c. what the Socs did to Johnny.
  • 9. Ever since being attacked, Johnny has a.
    carried a six-inch blade.
  • 10. Cherry helps Pony to realize c.
    not all Socs or Greasers are alike.

Setting and Mood Mini-Lesson
  • In chapter 4 of The Outsiders, Ponyboy remark
    that things seem to be happening too fast.
    Readers may tend to agree.
  • By tuning in to key elements such as setting and
    mood, reading can slow down the pace. Setting is
    the background of time and place against which
    the action. Mood is the emotional response a
    reader has to a scene. unfolds. Being aware of
    setting and mood can enrich your appreciation of
    the action and put events in perspective.

Setting and Mood Mini-Lesson Cont.
  • Choose words from the box to describe the mood of
    the scenes, or you can think of a different word.
    Explain how the setting contributes to the mood.
  • violent shocking uneasy tense
  • Revealing wild bitter reflective
    inspiring calm
  • disturbing frightening creepy
  • Event Socs threaten Pony and his friends and try
    to pick up the girls.
  • Setting ______________
  • Mood _______________
  • How does setting contribute to the mood?

Setting and Tone Mini-Lesson cont.
  • violent shocking uneasy tense
  • Revealing wild bitter reflective
    inspiring calm
  • disturbing frightening creepy
  • 2. Event Ponyboy and Johnny stargaze.
  • Setting _______________
  • b. Mood ________________
  • c. How does setting contribute to the mood?
  • 3. Event Darry Hits Pony
  • Setting _____________
  • Mood ______________
  • How does the setting contribute to the mood?

Setting and Tone Mini-Lesson Cont.
  • violent shocking uneasy tense
  • Revealing wild bitter reflective
    inspiring calm
  • disturbing frightening creepy
  • 4. Event Johnny kills Bob
  • Setting ___________
  • Tone _____________
  • How does the setting contribute to the mood?
  • 5. Event Pony and Johnny get a plan from Dally.
  • Setting ____________
  • Tone _____________
  • How does the setting contribute to the mood?

Setting and Tone Mini-Lesson Cont.
  • violent shocking uneasy tense
  • Revealing wild bitter reflective
    inspiring calm
  • disturbing frightening creepy
  • 6. Event Pony and Johnny board the train.
  • Setting _______
  • Mood ________
  • How does the setting contribute to the mood?
  • 7. Event Pony and Johnny jump off the train.
  • Setting _______
  • Mood ________
  • How does the setting contribute to the mood?
  • 8. Event Pony and Johnny enter their hideout.
  • Setting ________
  • Mood _________
  • How does the setting contribute to the mood?

Quiz for Chapters 3 4 Match
the cause to the effect.
  • Effect
  • 1. ___Dally directs the boys
    a. they need money, a gun and
    a plan.
  • to Windrixville because . . .
  • 2.___ Ponyboy says, It aint
    b. this may keep the boys from
  • fair because . . .
  • 3. ___ Two-Bit flips out his
    c. Darry hit Pony.
  • Switchblade because . . .
  • 4. ___Pony and Johnny seek
    d. he wants to ask for
  • out Dally because . . .
  • 5. ___Ponyboy hasnt been to
    e. there is a hideout there.
  • church lately because . . .
  • 6.___ Cherry agrees to ride home
    f. he wanted to buy Soda a horse.
  • with Bob because . . .
  • 7. ___Socs attack Pony and Johnny
    g. his friends behavior embarrassed him.
  • because . . .
  • 8. ___ Ponyboy saved his money
    h. he is threatened by the Socs
  • for a year because . . .
  • 9. Pony cries in front of Johnny because . .
    i. the greasers picked up Soc girls.
  • 10. Pony talks to a farmer because . . .
    J. the Socs have life easier than
    the Greasers.

Vocabulary Quiz for Chapters 3 4
  • sophisticated defiance apprehensive
  • sheepish resigned premonition elite
    ember aloofness
  • Dallys savage ___ of the world could be seen in
    the way he tried to break laws.
  • What do you think its like inside a burning
    ___? Ponyboy asked as he stared at Johnnys
    glowing ember.
  • Ponyboy was usually ___ to Darrys scoldings,
    accepting them without protest or excuse.
  • Cherry described the Socs as ___ and cool, not
    crude and emotional like Greasers.
  • Ponyboy was ___ when he saw Buck drunk because he
    feared Dally would be in the same condition.
  • Pony felt ___ and sorry for insulting his best
  • The Socs considered themselves the cream of
    society, the ___.
  • As Pony climbed into the old church, he had a/an
    ___ that more trouble was yet to come.
  • Dallys ___ glance over his shoulder showed that
    he didnt think too highly of Bucks parties.
  • The Socs tried to appear cool and in control by
    hiding their true selves behind a wall of ___.

Quiz for Chapters 3 4
Answer key
  • Effect
  • 1. E Dally directs the boys
    a. they need money, a
    gun and a plan.
  • to Windrixville because . . .
  • 2. J Ponyboy says, It aint
    b. this may keep the
    boys from fighting.
  • fair because . . .
  • 3. H Two-Bit flips out his
    c. Darry hit Pony.
  • Switchblade because . . .
  • 4. A Pony and Johnny seek
    d. he wants to ask for
  • out Dally because . . .
  • 5. G Ponyboy hasnt been to
    e. there is a hideout
  • church lately because . . .
  • 6. B Cherry agrees to ride home
    f. he wanted to buy Soda a horse.
  • with Bob because . . .
  • 7. i Socs attack Pony and Johnny
    g. his friends behavior embarrassed
  • because . . .
  • 8. F Ponyboy saved his money
    h. he is threatened by the Socs
  • for a year because . . .
  • 9. C Pony cries in front of Johnny because .
    . i. the greasers picked up
    Soc girls.
  • 10. D Pony talks to a farmer because . . .
    J. the Socs have life easier
    than the Greasers.

Vocabulary Key for Chapters 3 4
  • sophisticated defiance apprehensive
  • sheepish resigned premonition elite
    ember aloofness
  • Dallys savage DEFIANCE of the world could be
    seen in the way he tried to break laws.
  • What do you think its like inside a burning
    EMBER ? Ponyboy asked as he stared at Johnnys
    glowing ember.
  • Ponyboy was usually RESIGNED to Darrys
    scoldings, accepting them without protest or
  • Cherry described the Socs as SOPHISTICATED and
    cool, not crude and emotional like Greasers.
  • Ponyboy was APPREHENSIVE when he saw Buck drunk
    because he feared Dally would be in the same
  • Pony felt SHEEPISH and sorry for insulting his
    best friend.
  • The Socs considered themselves the cream of
    society, the ELITE.
  • As Pony climbed into the old church, he had a/an
    PREMONITION that more trouble was yet to come.
  • Dallys CONTEMPTUOUS glance over his shoulder
    showed that he didnt think too highly of Bucks
  • The Socs tried to appear cool and in control by
    hiding their true selves behind a wall of

Quiz for Chapters 5 6
  • Match the cause to the effect.
  • 1. When Ponyboy awakens in the church where does
    he discover Johnny has gone?
  • A. outside to smoke B. to catch the next C.
    to get supplies D. to find Dally
  • 2. How do Johnny and Pony disguise themselves?
  • A. They alter their hair. B. They steal
  • C. They dress as rodeo clowns. D. They dress
    as girls.
  • 3. What are the three things Pony and Johnny do
    to pass time in the church?
  • A. watch sunrise, smoke, talk B. play
    football, pray, write a book.
  • C. draw cowboy cartoons, prepare pizza, etch
    gravestones D. snore, burp, and giggle
  • 4. Why does Dally drive the boys into town?
  • A. to turn themselves in to authorities B. to
    eat c. to buy cigarettes d. to catch the
  • 5. Why is Dally carrying an unloaded gun?
  • A. to scare the fuzz B. to scare off the Socs
    C. to impress Cherry D. to sell at pawn shop

Chapters 5 6 Quiz cont.
  • 6. What does Johnny say that shocks Dally?
  • A. that Pony will marry Cherry
  • B. that he (Dally) is no longer their friend
  • C. that they are going to turn themselves in
  • D. that they don't want to be in the gang anymore
  • 7. What does Dally fear will happen to Johnny if
    Johnny carries out his plans?
  • A. that he will put sentenced to the electric
  • B. that his parents would disown him
  • C. that he'll never regain his freedom
  • D. that he will become hard like Dally
  • 8. Why do Ponyboy and Johnny rush into the
    burning church?
  • A. they want to end their miserable lives
  • B. they want to become heroes
  • C. they think it will help them to get out of
    trouble with the fuzz
  • They want to rescue some trapped children

Chapters 5 6 Quiz cont.
  • 9. What hurt or injury do Pony, Dally, and Johnny
    suffer as a result of the fire?
  • A. Johnny dies, Dally breaks his neck, and Pony
    can't see anymore.
  • B. Pony is bruised, Dally's arm is badly burned,
    Johnny's back is severely broken
  • C. Dally breaks both legs, Pony is burned
    unrecognizably, and Johnny is bruised.
  • D. Johnny busts his head open, Dally is badly
    burned, and Pony breaks his back.
  • 10. What does Pony discover is Dally's secret
  • A. falling in love with a woman
  • B. losing another person he loves
  • C. to be put into prison for life
  • D. suffocation by smoke

Chapters 5 and 6 vocab. quiz
  • Match the words with their definitions.
  • 1. __ conviction a. color
  • 2. __ subside b.
    begging pleading
  • 3. __ doggedly c.
    emotionally uninvolved
  • 4. __ hue d. in
    a wishful way
  • 5. __ racking e. a
    crabby, pouting way
  • 6. __ wistfully f.
    determinedly stubbornly
  • 7. __ sullenly g. to
    die down or lower
  • 8. __ detached h. a firm
  • 9. __ elude i. to
    escape of ones grasp
  • 10. __ imploringly j. agonizing

Key for Chapters 5 6 Quiz
  • 1. When Ponyboy awakens in the church where does
    he discover Johnny has gone?
  • C. to get supplies
  • 2. How do Johnny and Pony disguise themselves?
  • A. They alter their hair
  • 3. What are the three things Pony and Johnny do
    to pass time in the church?
  • watch sunrise, smoke,
  • 4. Why does Dally drive the boys into town?
  • B. to eat
  • 5. Why is Dally carrying an unloaded gun?
  • B. to scare off the Socs

6. What does Johnny say that shocks Dally? C.
that they are going to turn themselves in 7.
What does Dally fear will happen to Johnny if
Johnny carries out his plans? D. that he will
become hard like Dally 8. Why do Johnny and
Pony enter the burning church? D. They want to
rescue some trapped children
9. What hurt or injury do Pony, Dally, and Johnny
suffer as a result of the fire? B. Pony is
bruised, Dally's arm is badly burned, Johnny's
back is severely broken 10. What does Pony
discover is Dally's secret fear? B. losing
another person he loves
Match the words with their definitions. 1. H
conviction a. color 2. G
subside b. begging
pleading 3. F doggedly c.
emotionally uninvolved 4. A hue
d. in a wishful way 5. J
racking e. a crabby,
pouting way 6. D wistfully
f. determinedly stubbornly 7. E sullenly
g. to die down or lower 8.
C detached h. a firm
belief 9. i elude
i. to escape of ones grasp 10. B imploringly
j. agonizing
Figurative LanguageChapters 5 6
  • Similes Uses the words like or as to
    compare things.
  • Example Life is like a box of chocolates, you
    never know what your going to get.
  • Metaphors Compares two things but does not use
    like or as.
  • Example A cloud is a cotton ball in the sky.

Simile/Metaphor Circle S for simile or M for
  • Dally grinned wolfishly S M
  • The cinders sting like ants S M
  • 3. Pony sees a ribbon of highway S M
  • 4. The water is like liquid ice S M
  • Explosions from the fire sound like gunfire S M
  • Pony fears he will drown in the smoke S M
  • Dallys word is law S M
  • The horizon was a thin golden line S M
  • As in waves, memories rushed over Pony S M

Literary Term Allusion
  • Allusion is a reference to a well-known person,
    event, place, literary work, or work of art.
  • Allusions allow the writer to express complex
    ideas without spelling them out.
  • Understanding what a literary work is saying
    often depends on recognizing its allusions and
    the meaning they suggest.

Allusions in the Outsiders
  • A chessy cat is alluded to on Page 27 (last
    paragraph), describing the character of Two-Bit.
  • I looked fearfully over my shoulder and there
    was Two-Bit, grinning like a Chessy cat, Glory,
    Two-Bit, scare us to death!
  • Can you guess what famous literary work or
    character Outsiders author, S.E. Hinton, is

Allusions in the Outsiders
S.E. Hinton is alluding to Lewis Carrolls
character of the Cheshire cat in Alice in
Wonderland. "To grin like a Cheshire Cat" was a
common phrase in Carroll's day. It constantly
grins and can disappear and reappear whenever it
likes. Sometimes it disappears and leaves its
grin behind. The laid-back and funny character of
Two-Bit is compared to Lewis Carrolls cat in
Alice in Wonderland.
Allusion in the Outsiders
  • S.E. Hinton alludes to southern gentlemen who are
    chivalrous and honorable and valiant. She
    compares Dally and Johnny to southern gentleman.
  • Can you remember which work of literature was
    alluded to in reference to southern gentlemen?

Allusion in Outsiders
  • Gone with the Wind is a novel
  • by Margaret Mitchell that was
  • made into a very famous
  • screenplay in 1939, featuring
  • the well-known characters of
  • Rhett Butler and Scarlett OHara.
  • The setting is the last days of
  • the Civil War when the southern
  • gentleman was literally a dying breed.

Allusion in the Outsiders
  • S.E. Hinton also alludes to the character of
    Pip from Charles Dickens Great Expectations.
    Pip is the main character and protagonist in
    this novel set in 1800s in England. Pip is an
    orphan just like Darry, Soda, and Ponyboy Curtis.
    Outsiders author chose her allusions with a

  • Character of Pip

Allusion in the Outsiders
  • Perhaps the finest example of allusion is when
    Ponyboy recites the poem Nothing Gold Can Stay
    by Robert Frost. During this scene he says the
    poem for Johnny at their church hideout.

Allusion in the Outsiders
  • Nothing Gold Can Stay
  • Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue
    to hold. Her early leaf's a flower But only so
    an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden
    sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day.
    Nothing gold can stay.
  • By Robert Frost
  • Analyze How does this poem relate to the theme
    of the Outsiders?

  • Symbols are objects and actions in the story
    that represent different ideas and feelings.
  • For example, a Greasers leather jacket might
    symbolize his armor and protection against the

Symbolism Directions
  • Write what the item symbolizes.
  • Cut hair 10. the rumble
  • Mickey Mouse (horse) 11. hope
  • Abandoned church 12. Bobs rings
  • Unloaded gun
  • Gold
  • Blue mustang
  • Switchblade
  • Greasy hair
  • Fire in the church

Symbol Key
  • 1. Cut Hair
  • A. loss of identity
  • B. Pony says that his hair labled him as a
    greaser-it was a greaser trademark. All his
    friends remark how changed Pony seems with his
    hair cut and bleached.
  • 2. Mickey Mouse (horse)
  • A. unfulfilled dreams
  • B. The one thing that Soda wanted in the world
    was a horse. This desire was fueled by his close
    relationship with Mickey Mouse, but his parents
    could never afford to buy him a horse.

Symbol Key
  • 3. Abandoned Church
  • A. lost hope
  • B. Pony and Johnny have plainly lost hope in the
    world when they seek escape from an act that was
    committed in self-defense.
  • 4. Unloaded Gun
  • A. Powerlessness
  • B. Dally is powerless to fight off the pursuing
    police just as he is powerless to escape his fate
    in life as a hood.

Symbol Key
  • 5. Gold
  • A. youth
  • B. Johnny defines the "gold" of Frost's poem as
    "when you're a kid" or youth.
  • 6. Blue Mustang
  • 7. Switchblade
  • 8. Greasy Hair

Symbol Key
  • 9. Burning Church
  • A. cleansing purification
  • B. The rescue of the children from the burning
    church has a cleansing effect on Pony and Johnny,
    whose lives-stained with the blood of murder-are
    now redeemed.
  • 10. Rumble
  • A. Social Clash
  • B. The Socs and the greasers represent different
    social classes-the rich and the poor-fighting
    against one another.

Chapters 9 10 Outsiders QuizPART I Reading
comprehension Write the letter of the correct
  1. ___ Ponyboy questions why he should be proud of
    his A) reputation as a greaser B) book
    learning and good grades C) refusal to cry even
    when he is deeply hurt.
  2. ___ Darry worries about Pony taking part in the
    rumble because A) weapons will be used B) Pony
    looks unhealthy and tense C) the Socs that Pony
    is an accomplice to Bobs murder
  3. ___ Pony decides that the only good reason for
    fighting is to A) make Johnny feel proud of the
    greasers B) defend himself from others C)
    teach the Socs a lesson
  4. ___ One difference between the Shepard gang and
    Ponys buddies is that Shepards group A)
    has no grudges against the Socs B) never uses
    weapons in fights C) has a leader and are
  5. ___ During the rumble, Pony A) knifes a Soc
    B) pulls off one of Darrys attackers C) is
    kicked in the head by a Soc

Chapters 9 10 Outsiders QuizPART I Reading
comprehension Write the letter of the correct
response. Continued
  • 6. ___ In chapter 9, two suspenseful situations
    are concluded when A) Dally kills a Soc and is
    arrested for murder B) Pony refuses to fight and
    the Curtis boys are split up C) the greasers win
    the rumble and Johnny dies
  • 7. ___ After leaving the hospital, Ponyboy A)
    convinces himself that Johnny isnt dead B)
    warns the police that Dally is dangerous C)
    tell Darry he loves him
  • 8. ___ Dallas phones for help because he A)
    needs a hideout B) knifed a Soc C) wants to
    turn himself in
  • 9. ___ Dally is shot by the police because he A)
    is mistaken for a robber B) bluffs the police
    with a gun C. threatens Johnnys doctor
  • 10.___ Pony is worried that while he was in his
    delirium he A) told where Randy was hiding B)
    asked Soda about Sandy C) didn t ask for Darry

PART II Vocabulary Use a word from the wordbank
to best complete each analogy
  • Underprivileged contract stupor taut
  • leery delirious ruefully stricken
  • 11.sophisticated rude loose ___________
  • 12. hue color daze ______________
  • 13.doggedly persistently sorrowfully
  • 14. jet white trusting ____________
  • 15. unfathomable unknowable raving _____
  • 16. aghast shocked dressed ______
  • 17. contemptuous sneering troubled ______
  • 18. rivalry cooperation rebellion ___
  • 19. sheepish embarrassed needy ________
  • 20. subside increase expand ______

Chapters 9 10 Outsiders Quiz KEYPART I
Reading comprehension Write the letter of the
correct response.
  1. _A__ Ponyboy questions why he should be proud of
    his A) reputation as a greaser B) book
    learning and good grades C) refusal to cry even
    when he is deeply hurt.
  2. _B__ Darry worries about Pony taking part in the
    rumble because A) weapons will be used B) Pony
    looks unhealthy and tense C) the Socs that Pony
    is an accomplice to Bobs murder
  3. _B__ Pony decides that the only good reason for
    fighting is to A) make Johnny feel proud of the
    greasers B) defend himself from others C)
    teach the Socs a lesson
  4. _C__ One difference between the Shepard gang and
    Ponys buddies is that Shepards group A)
    has no grudges against the Socs B) never uses
    weapons in fights C) has a leader and are
  5. _C__ During the rumble, Pony A) knifes a Soc
    B) pulls off one of Darrys attackers C) is
    kicked in the head by a Soc

Chapters 9 10 Outsiders Quiz KEY PART I
Reading comprehension Write the letter of the
correct response. Continued
  • 6. _C__ In chapter 9, two suspenseful situations
    are concluded when A) Dally kills a Soc and is
    arrested for murder B) Pony refuses to fight and
    the Curtis boys are split up C) the greasers win
    the rumble and Johnny dies
  • 7. _A__ After leaving the hospital, Ponyboy A)
    convinces himself that Johnny isnt dead B)
    warns the police that Dally is dangerous C)
    tell Darry he loves him
  • 8. _A__ Dallas phones for help because he A)
    needs a hideout B) knifed a Soc C) wants to
    turn himself in
  • 9. _B__ Dally is shot by the police because he A)
    is mistaken for a robber B) bluffs the police
    with a gun C. threatens Johnnys doctor
  • 10._C__ Pony is worried that while he was in his
    delirium he A) told where Randy was hiding B)
    asked Soda about Sandy C) didn t ask for Darry

PART II Vocabulary KEYUse a word from the
wordbank to best complete each analogy
  • Underprivileged contract stupor taut
  • leery delirious ruefully stricken
  • 11.sophisticated rude loose
  • 12. hue color daze __stupor____________
  • 13.doggedly persistently sorrowfully
  • 14. jet white trusting __leery__________
  • 15. unfathomable unknowable raving
  • 16. aghast shocked dressed __clad____
  • 17. contemptuous sneering troubled
  • 18. rivalry cooperation rebellion
  • 19. sheepish embarrassed needy
  • 20. subside increase expand __contract____

Point of View in the Outsiders
  • Point of view is the _____ a writer uses to
    present a story. In The Outsiders, events are
    told by _____. When a story is told by a
    character in his or her own ____, the author is
    using _____ person point-of-view.

Point of View in The Outsiders
  • Using first person does ______ the author
    because the _____ and observations of only one
    character can be introduced. Some ____ might be
    more clearly and fully explained if the author
    chose a different _______. For example, the
    rescue from the burning church might have been
    described more clearly by a ___________ or

Point of View in The Outsiders
  • A reporter usually adopts the _______ - person
  • point of view. This means the reporter tells only
    what is _______ and does not offer any
  • ______ or reveal characters _____ thoughts.

Theme in The Outsiders
  • Hinton develops a number of themes in The
    Outsiders. Theme is the message of the novel.
    Through themes, an author makes a major
    conclusion about life, or at least leaves
    important questions for the reader to think about.

Theme in The Outsiders
  • Several of the major themes and events In
    The Outsiders are listed below.
  • Idealism is a valuable gift.
  • Adapting to life may mean sacrificing your
    humanity and getting tough.
  • Appearance can be an important reflection of
    social status.
  • Often life isnt fair.
  • Trying to conform to the customs and rules of a
    group can create problems for the individual.
  • The deepest love is often hidden.
  • Maturing means becoming sensitive to others as
  • A hero is not measured by image but by deeds.

Theme Directions Read the next 15 statements and
decide which theme goes with each one. Your
teacher will scroll back to the themes from the
first page.
Themes in The Outsiders
  • __1. The Curtis boys lose their parents at an
    early age.
  • __2. Cherry dislikes herself for raving about a
    beer blast when she doesnt enjoy it.
  • __3. Johnny plead with Pony to stay gold.
  • __4. Pony recognizes that the dying Dally really
    does resemble the Southern gentlemen of Gone with
    the Wind.
  • __5. Dally, who spent three years on the wild
    side of New York, is the toughest and meanest of
    the gang.
  • __6. Ponyboy protests that the Socs have all the

Themes in The Outsiders
  • __ 7. Pony breaks a bottle and threatens the
  • __8. Pony can better cope with Bobs death once
    he sees the cocky, scared boy behind Bobs Soc
  • __ 9. Reporters make it seem that the rescue of
    the kids from the fire by juvenile delinquents
    is astonishing.
  • __ 10. Two-Bit is deeply concerned that Ponyboy
    will get hardened and bitter.
  • __11. Dally advises Ponyboy to wise up and get
    tough so nothing can touch him.

Themes in The Outsiders
  • 12. __ Pony finally sees how much Dally cared for
    Johnny when Dally throws his life away after
    Johnny dies.
  • 13. __ Pony is shocked to see Darry cry when they
    are reunited at the hospital.
  • 14. __ Randy despairs when he decides he wont
    join the rumble because he knows the Socs will
    despise him.
  • 15.__ Ponyboy hates to have his greaser hairstyle

Quiz for The Outsiders Chapter 11 12
Quiz for Outsiders 1112
  • Match the characters name with the action(s)
    associated with character. Some characters will
    have more than one answer choice.
  • Ponyboy Darry Johnny Soda
  • 1. _PB__ suddenly sees that poverty blinds
    many boys to beauty in the world.
  • 2. __PB___ sees Bob Sheldons picture in
    yearbook and imagines what Bob is like.
  • 3. __J___writes that he considers his death
  • 4. _PB____ confides to a Soc that he is
    worried that his family might be split up
  • 5. __R___says that Pony is in no way
    responsible for Bobs death
  • 6.__D___ asks Randy to leave the Curtis boys
  • 7.__PB___ thinks that Johnny is still alive
  • 8. __S____acts strangely after asking for the
  • 9. __PB____ will write the semester theme
    paperThe Outsiders
  • 10. __S___ dashes out of house when brothers
    start arguing

Quiz for Outsiders 1112
  • Match the characters name with the action(s)
    associated with character. Some characters will
    have more than one answer choice.
  • Ponyboy Darry Johnny Soda
  • 11.__J___ urges Pony to retain an appreciation
    of beauty and goodness and to share this with
  • 12. __PB___ picks up broken glass from a bottle
  • 13. _PB____ finds a note written by his friend
    in the book Gone with the Wind
  • 14. __S_____ learns that he is not the father of
    Sandys baby
  • 15. __PB_____ has grades in school that have

Quiz for Outsiders 1112
  • Match the vocabulary word to its meaning.
  • 16. _J__ veered a.
    huge widespread
  • 17. __i_ liable b.
    cleared of charges
  • 18. _f__ idolized c.
    drawing away or back
  • 19. __e_ vacuum d.
    pretrial session before a judge
  • 20. _c__ flinching e.
  • 21. _g__ guardian f.
    adored worshipped
  • 22. _h__ welled g.
  • 23. __a_ vast h.
    gushed up
  • 24. _b_ acquitted i.
  • 25. __d_ hearing j. to
    turn or change direction

Quiz for Outsiders 1112
Setting symbolism theme
flashback foreshadowing Mood simile met
aphor idiom allusion
  • Direction For each of the following, assign a
    literary term from the above wordbank.
  • 26. _allusion__ The rest of us waited with
    mounting tension. I was reminded of one of Jack
    Londons booksyou know, where the wolf pack
    waits in silence.
  • 27. _idiom__ Two-Bit thinks that fist fighting
    blows off steam.
  • 28. _metaphor__ Dallys word is law.
  • 29. _symbolism__ It seemed funny to me Pony)
    that the sunset she Cherry she saw from her
    patio and the same one I saw from the back steps
    was the same one . . . We saw the same sunset.
  • 30. _theme__ Trying to follow the customs and
    rules of a group can create problems for an

Setting symbolism theme
flashback foreshadowingMood simile met
aphor idiom allusion
  • 31. _mood__ This is the emotional response that a
    reader has from a scene.
  • 32. _flashback__ Steve dropped a hymn book with
    a bang accidentally. Everyone in the place turned
    to look at us, and Johnny and I nearly crawled
    under the pews. And then Two-Bit waved at them. I
    hadnt been to church since.
  • 33. _simile__ Being in a burning cinder is
    like being in a red hell.
  • 34. _foreshadow___ Things gotta get better, I
    figured. They couldnt get worse. I was wrong.
  • 35. _setting__ This is the time and place of the
    action in a story.
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